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大快活集团(00052) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-30 09:25
Financial Performance - Revenue for the six months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by 0.3% to HKD 1.5535 billion (2023: HKD 1.5580 billion)[4] - Gross profit margin declined to 7.5% (2023: 9.4%)[4] - Profit attributable to equity shareholders for the period was HKD 15.52 million (2023: HKD 36.32 million)[4] - Basic earnings per share were 11.98 HK cents (2023: 28.03 HK cents)[4] - Profit for the period was HKD 36,317,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024[39] - Pre-tax profit for the six months ended September 30, 2024, was HKD 17,774,000, compared to HKD 43,409,000 in the same period last year[42] - Net profit for the period was HKD 15,521 thousand, with total comprehensive income of HKD 14,930 thousand[56] - Pre-tax profit from the Hong Kong restaurant segment was HKD 31,422 thousand, with a valuation gain on investment properties of HKD 1,270 thousand[68] - Basic earnings per share for the six months ended September 30, 2024, were HK$15,521,000, compared to HK$36,317,000 in the same period in 2023, based on 129,553,000 weighted average shares[78] - Revenue from food and beverage sales for the six months ended September 30, 2024, was HK$1,550,241,000, slightly down from HK$1,555,581,000 in the same period in 2023[87] - The company's total revenue for the six months ended September 30, 2024, was HK$1,553,451,000, compared to HK$1,558,003,000 in the same period in 2023[87] - The annualized average return on equity was 4.8%, down from 7.6% in the previous year[188] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets minus current liabilities stood at HKD 1.3225 billion (2023: HKD 1.3895 billion)[24] - The company's net asset value was HKD 637.3 million (2023: HKD 660.4 million)[24] - Non-current assets increased to HKD 1,479,064,000 as of September 30, 2024, compared to HKD 1,451,413,000 on March 31, 2024[35] - Current assets decreased to HKD 771,126,000 as of September 30, 2024, from HKD 796,398,000 on March 31, 2024[35] - Net current liabilities increased to HKD (156,565,000) as of September 30, 2024, compared to HKD (61,945,000) on March 31, 2024[37] - Total equity decreased to HKD 637,300,000 as of September 30, 2024, from HKD 660,405,000 on March 31, 2024[53] - The group's total current assets were HKD 771,126 thousand, and total current liabilities were HKD 927,691 thousand, resulting in a net current liability of HKD 156,565 thousand[58] - The company's total assets amounted to HKD 2.2502 billion as of September 30, 2024, with a net current liability of HKD 156.6 million[186] - The company's inventory as of September 30, 2024, was HK$57,964,000, up from HK$52,651,000 as of March 31, 2024[104] - The company's accounts payable and accrued expenses as of September 30, 2024, were HK$456,905,000, up from HK$412,200,000 as of March 31, 2024[108] - The company's deferred tax assets and liabilities as of September 30, 2024, included a temporary difference of HK$209,000, compared to HK$792,000 in the same period in 2023[92] - The net book value of properties pledged as collateral for bank standby credit facilities was HK$671,000 as of September 30, 2024 (compared to HK$721,000 as of March 31, 2024)[118] - Accounts receivable (net of impairment) decreased to HK$9,384,000 as of September 30, 2024, from HK$20,460,000 as of March 31, 2024[121] - The maximum liability under the bank standby credit facilities guaranteed by the company was HK$87,185,000 as of September 30, 2024 (compared to HK$87,702,000 as of March 31, 2024)[136] - The group's right-of-use assets and lease liabilities increased to HK$11,375,000 and HK$11,492,000 respectively as of September 30, 2024[160] - The group confirmed right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of HK$3,340,000 and HK$5,001,000 respectively as of September 30, 2024[140] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Cash and cash equivalents decreased to HKD 349,873,000 as of September 30, 2024, from HKD 483,150,000 on September 30, 2023[40] - Operating cash flow generated was HKD 308,269,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024[40] - The company's bank deposits and cash equivalents stood at HKD 595,792,000 as of September 30, 2024[42] - The company expects future cash flows from operations to strengthen its financial position over the next 12 months[42] - Operating activities generated a net cash inflow of HKD 306,636 thousand, while investment activities used a net cash outflow of HKD 259,045 thousand[57] - Cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2024, were HK$349,873,000, down from HK$538,322,000 as of March 31, 2024[107] - The company's net cash generated from operating activities was HKD 306.6 million[187] - The company has no bank loans and a capital gearing ratio of 0.0%[187] Dividends and Shareholder Information - The company declared an interim dividend of 5.0 HK cents per share, totaling HKD 6,478 thousand, compared to 11.0 HK cents per share in the previous year[76] - The final dividend per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, is HK$0.30 (compared to HK$0.40 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023), totaling HK$38,866,000 (compared to HK$51,821,000 in the previous year)[115] - Luo Kaiyang holds 57,544,384 shares, representing 44.42% of the total issued shares as of September 30, 2024[200] - Luo Huicheng holds 56,475,384 shares, representing 43.59% of the total issued shares as of September 30, 2024[200] - Li Biqi holds 702,000 shares, representing 0.54% of the total issued shares as of September 30, 2024[200] Operational Highlights - The company launched a soft meal program targeting the elderly and individuals with swallowing difficulties, which has significant growth potential and generated media value exceeding HKD 6 million[5] - The company is focusing on the high-growth potential evening market and expanding its "value-for-money" product offerings to cater to cost-conscious customers[1] - The company expects growth opportunities from the trend of downward adjustment in dining consumption due to economic pressures[6] - The company has strengthened its community engagement by setting up mobile swallowing assessment stations in its restaurants, providing professional speech therapy consultations[5] - The group introduced new high-value dinner menu items and expanded popular dishes, driving customer traffic and average spending[147] - The "Eat Well GYM" promotion campaign was expanded with new sponsorships and KOL collaborations to enhance brand awareness[148] - The number of registered members on the Fairwood App exceeded 920,000, becoming a key promotional tool[149] - The group launched a soft meal plan in October 2024, targeting the elderly and individuals with chewing and swallowing difficulties[169] - The company's "Happy Elderly Card" membership exceeded 530,000 by the end of the period[170] - The company operates 149 Fast Food outlets and 10 specialty restaurants in Hong Kong, including the newly launched Italian restaurant "Ombra"[170] - The company's specialty restaurants, including "ASAP," "一碗肉燥," and "一葉小廚," performed steadily during the period[170] - The company's new soft meal program is expected to have significant development potential in the future[172] Employee and Compensation - Total number of employees decreased to 5,600 as of September 30, 2024, from 5,700 as of March 31, 2024[196] - The company provides competitive compensation, stock options, and bonuses to eligible employees based on performance[196] - The company maintains training and development programs to improve employee quality, capabilities, and skills[196] - The group's salary and short-term employee benefits decreased to HK$7,196,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to HK$7,783,000 in the same period in 2023[159] - The group's defined contribution retirement plan contributions remained unchanged at HK$18,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023[159] Investments and Capital Expenditures - The company's capital expenditures for other properties, plant, and equipment for the six months ended September 30, 2024, were HK$130,969,000, up from HK$50,649,000 in the same period in 2023[100] - The company's right-of-use assets increased by HK$35,212,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to HK$82,990,000 in the same period in 2023[100] - The company's outstanding capital commitments totaled HKD 30.82 million as of September 30, 2024[192] - The company's investment properties were revalued, resulting in a gain of HK$1,270,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024, compared to a loss of HK$1,030,000 in the same period in 2023[78] - The weighted average exercise price of unexercised share options as of September 30, 2024, was HK$11.456 (unchanged from March 31, 2024), with a weighted average remaining contractual life of 8.76 years (compared to 9.27 years as of March 31, 2024)[131] Contingent Liabilities and Guarantees - The company's maximum contingent liability for guarantees on subsidiary loans and standby credits is HKD 87.19 million as of September 30, 2024[193] - The company has not recognized any deferred income related to these guarantees due to the small amount[194] Other Financial Information - Other income for the period was HKD 13,241 thousand, primarily from interest income, compared to HKD 14,545 thousand in the previous year[70] - Total expenses for the period were HKD 1,516,752 thousand, including HKD 371,201 thousand for inventory costs and HKD 563,227 thousand for employee costs[71] - Inventory write-downs for the six months ended September 30, 2024, were HK$5,415,000 (compared to HK$83,000 in the same period in 2023)[123] - Impairment losses on right-of-use assets and other property, plant, and equipment amounted to HK$10,083,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 (compared to HK$6,312,000 in the same period in 2023)[117][118] - Depreciation of right-of-use assets and interest on lease liabilities for the six months ended September 30, 2024, were HK$1,030,000 and HK$207,000, respectively (compared to HK$1,062,000 and HK$119,000 in the same period in 2023)[139] - The company's subsidiary renewed a three-year lease for a property with Qingli Limited, generating depreciation of HK$923,000 and lease liability interest of HK$100,000 for the six months ended September 30, 2024[140] - The group's financial instruments recorded at cost or amortized cost showed little difference between their carrying amounts and fair values as of September 30, 2024[158]
大快活集团(00052) - 2025 - 中期业绩
2024-11-29 04:02
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公布的內容概不負責,對其 準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公布全部或任何部份內容 而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 52 截至二零二四年九月三十日止 六個月中期業績公布 | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 摘要 | | | • | 收入減少 0.3% 由港幣 15.580 億元至港幣 15.535 億元。 | | • | 本公司權益股東應佔本期間溢利為港幣 1,550 萬元(二零二三年:港幣 3,630 萬元)。 | | • | 本集團維持穩健的財務狀況,於二零二四年九月三十日持有的銀行存款和現金和 現金等價物為港幣 5.958 億元及並無銀行負債。 | | • | 每股基本盈利為 11.98 港仙(二零二三年: 28.03 港仙)。 | | • | 董事會宣 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2024 - 年度财报
2024-07-30 09:07
Financial Performance - Profit for the year increased by 12.9% to HK$50.7 million (2023: HK$44.9 million), with a significant increase of HK$46.0 million when excluding government subsidies[36] - Revenue for the year increased by 3.7% to HK$3.1369 billion (2023: HK$3.0242 billion)[60] - Gross profit margin improved to 8.6% (2023: 8.5%)[60] - Basic earnings per share rose to HK39.10 cents (2023: HK34.64 cents), an increase of 12.9%[37] - Revenue increased by 3.7% year-on-year to HK$3,136.9 million (2023: HK$3,024.2 million)[62][70] - Profit attributable to equity shareholders rose by 12.9% to HK$50.7 million (2023: HK$44.9 million)[62] - Gross profit margin increased to 8.6% (2023: 8.5%)[62] - Basic earnings per share amounted to HK39.10 cents (2023: HK34.64 cents)[62] - Return on average equity increased to 7.6% in 2024 from 6.4% in 2023[157] Financial Position - The Group maintained a strong financial position with bank deposits and cash equivalents of HK$641.0 million as of 31 March 2024 (2023: HK$646.8 million)[36] - The Group had no bank borrowings and a nil gearing ratio as of 31 March 2024[49] - The Group's net assets stood at HK$777.8 million as of 31 March 2024, showing a steady increase over the past five years[59] - The Group maintained a healthy financial position with bank deposits, cash, and cash equivalents of HK$641.0 million as of 31 March 2024[71] - The company has no bank loans and a gearing ratio of zero as of March 31, 2024, with unutilized banking facilities of HK$231.3 million (2023: HK$260.0 million)[130][133] - Total assets of the company decreased to HK$2,247.8 million in 2024 from HK$2,302.5 million in 2023, with net current liabilities increasing to HK$61.9 million from HK$24.8 million[132] - The company's cash and cash equivalents decreased by 0.9% to HK$641.0 million in 2024 from HK$646.8 million in 2023, with most holdings in Hong Kong dollars, US dollars, and Renminbi[150][154] - Net book value of properties pledged as security for banking facilities decreased to HK$0.7 million in 2024 from HK$0.8 million in 2023[161] - The Group's maximum contingent liabilities for banking facilities guaranteed to subsidiaries were HK$877 million in 2024, slightly down from HK$889 million in 2023[182] Dividends - A final dividend of HK30.0 cents per share was proposed, resulting in a total dividend per share for the year of HK41.0 cents and a payout ratio of approximately 105%[51] - The total dividend for the year ended 31 March 2024 amounts to HK41.0 cents per share, representing a total distribution of approximately 105% of the Group's profit for the year[64] - The Group's full-year dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, is HK$0.41 per share, representing a total payout of approximately 105% of the Group's annual profit[99] Store Operations and Expansion - Same Store Sales Growth (SSSG) for Fairwood's fast food restaurants rose by approximately 2% year on year[86] - The Group opened 11 new stores (7 in Hong Kong and 4 in mainland China) and closed 8 underperforming stores (6 in Hong Kong and 2 in mainland China), resulting in a total of 182 stores as of 31 March 2024[93] - The Group opened 11 new stores (7 in Hong Kong and 4 in Mainland China) and closed 8 underperforming stores (6 in Hong Kong and 2 in Mainland China), resulting in a total of 182 stores by March 31, 2024[116] - Mainland China same-store sales growth (SSSG) increased by approximately 16% year-on-year, driven by effective strategies and new product offerings[102] Membership and Digital Initiatives - The "Fairwood Care for the Elderly Card" membership exceeded 470,000 by the end of the year, with an increase of over 30,000 members since the interim report[93] - Membership of the Care for Seniors Card program reached over 470,000 by year-end, an increase of more than 30,000 since the interim report six months earlier[117] - The Fairwood App membership grew to over 730,000 by year-end, up from 660,000 six months prior, and successfully drove store visits through three major promotions[108][109] - The Group's digitalization initiatives, including the Kitchen Management System and mobile ordering, have reduced manual tasks and optimized staff deployment, despite high capital investment requirements[112][113] Sustainability Efforts - The Group reduced over 1 million pieces of single-use plastic cutlery and donated over 35,000 meals through its sustainability initiatives[96] - The company has reduced the use of over 1 million single-use plastic utensils and donated more than 35,000 meal boxes as part of its sustainability initiatives[139] - The Group's sustainability efforts, such as the coffee grounds and lemon peel reuse program, reduced food waste by approximately 210 tons in the 2023/24 fiscal year[118] - Solar panels installed at the central food processing plant generated over 36,000 kWh of electricity since August 2023, supporting the Group's carbon reduction goals[119] - Solar panels installed at the central food processing center have generated over 36,000 kWh of electricity since August 2023, supporting clean energy initiatives[139] Economic and Market Conditions - Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) are experiencing an economic downturn, leading to reduced consumer spending, with challenges from the "Shenzhen factor" where Hong Kong residents travel to Shenzhen for leisure, weakening local consumption[121][123] - The company expects the Mainland business environment to remain challenging in the coming year due to economic uncertainties, but believes profitability will improve with economies of scale and continued expansion in the GBA[122][125] - The company expects rental cost reductions due to the economic downturn, which may improve profitability for up to one-third of its stores through upcoming lease negotiations[124][142] Capital Expenditure and Costs - Capital expenditure (excluding right-of-use assets) rose to HK$131.5 million in 2024 from HK$104.7 million in 2023, primarily due to increased renovation works for existing shops[178] - Outstanding capital commitments at 31 March 2024 were HK$24.3 million, up from HK$10.3 million in 2023[180] - Finance costs increased to HK$33.4 million in 2024 from HK$31.7 million in 2023, mainly due to interest expenses on lease liabilities[174] - Depreciation charges for right-of-use assets increased by HK$17.2 million to HK$406.7 million in 2024, driven by new shop additions and lease modifications[173] - The company's depreciation of other property, plant, and equipment increased by HK$4.6 million to HK$93.7 million due to more renovation activities during the year[134] Employee and Staff Costs - Total number of employees grew to approximately 5,700 in 2024 from 5,600 in 2023, with staff costs rising to HK$1,100.4 million from HK$1,020.5 million[185] Business Overview and Reporting - The company's main business is investment holding, with the group primarily operating fast food restaurants and property investments[199] - The company's annual report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2024, are presented by the Board of Directors[198] - The company's business review and outlook, including major risks and uncertainties, are detailed in the annual report on pages 9 to 16 and the risk management policy on pages 58 to 63[200]
大快活集团(00052) - 2024 - 年度业绩
2024-06-28 04:01
僱員資料 董事會建議派發截至二零二四年三月三十一日止年度之末期股息每股30.0港仙(二 零二三年:40.0港仙)及特別末期股息每股零港仙(二零二三年:5.0港仙)。加上年 度內已派付之中期股息每股11.0港仙(二零二三年:18.0港仙),本集團派發截至二 零二四年三月三十一日止年度的全年股息為每股41.0港仙( 二零二三年:63.0港 仙),總分派佔本集團年度溢利約105%。建議派發的末期股息將於二零二四年十月 三日(星期四)或之前派付予於二零二四年九月二十日(星期五)營業時間結束時名 列本公司股東名冊的股東。 – 22 – 德勤‧關黃陳方會計師行之工作範疇 – 23 – 一如以往,我謹藉此機會向過去一年支持大快活的人士致謝。大快活團隊一直竭 盡所能,加上忠實顧客及新顧客的支持,均對我們至關重要。我亦謹此感謝供應 商、業務合作夥伴,以及大快活股東的忠實支持。 於本公布日期,本公司董事如下: 餐 廳 本集團最高層行政管理人員並無收到有關分部資產的報告或使用該資料。 5 除稅前溢利 附註: 香港會計師公會頒布了若干新的經修訂的《香港財務報告準則》,這些修訂於本集團自 二零二三年四月一日開始的會計期間的綜合報表強制 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2024 - 中期财报
2023-12-28 08:30
| --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------|-----------------------| | | | | | | 截至九月三十日止六個月 | | | | 二零二三年 | 二零二二年 | | 其他收入 | 千元 | 千元 | | 利息收入 政府補助 (附註) | 13,516 1,029 | 3,533 16,752 | | | 14,545 | 20,285 | | | | | | 其他收益淨額 | | | | 租賃修正收益 電爐及氣體爐優惠 出售換購禮品溢利 匯兌虧損淨額 | 4,810 2,455 314 (1,211) | 786 2,751 337 (2,581) | | 處置其他物業、機器和設備的虧損淨額 其他 | (4,786) 2,157 | (1,212) 1,318 | | | | | | | 3,739 | 1,399 | | | 18,284 | 21,684 | (a) 融資成本 租賃負 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2023-11-29 04:08
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公布的內容概不負責,對其 準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公布全部或任何部份內容 而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 52 截至二零二三年九月三十日止 六個月中期業績公布 | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 摘要 | | • 收入增加 4.2% 由港幣 14.947 億元至港幣 15.580 億元。 | | • 本期間撇除政府資助的溢利由港幣 200 萬元增加至港幣 3,530 萬元。政府資助為港幣 100 萬元(二零二二年:港幣 4,080 萬元)。 | | • 本公司權益股東應佔本期間溢利為港幣 3,630 萬元(二零二二年:港幣 4,280 | | • 本集團維持穩健的財務狀況,於二零二三年九月三十日持有的銀行存款和現金和現金 等價物為港幣 6.866 億元及並無銀行負債 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2023 - 年度财报
2023-07-28 09:14
2022 — 2023 報 ANNUAL REPORT 年 person and ICE 42 800 alan Stand 11: 2 2 1 Zed B te i 公司資料 Corporate Information Executive Directors Dennis Lo Hoi Yeung (Executive Chairman) Lo Fai Shing Francis (Chief Executive Officer) Peggy Lee Joseph Chan Kai Nin Peter Lau Kwok Kuen Peter Wan Kam To Yip Cheuk Tak AUDIT COMMITTEE 薪酬委員會 提名委員會 陳鏡東 核數師 畢馬威會計師事務所 於《會計及財務匯報局條例》下的 註冊公眾利益實體核數師 大快送 Fairwood 大 快 活 集 團 有 限 公 司 FAIRWOOD HOLDINGS LIMITED ( 龄 百 慕 建 註 用 成 立 之 有 限公 司 ) (Incorporated in Bermuda with Limited Liability) 殷骠编 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2023-06-30 04:06
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公布的內容概不負 責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公布全部 或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 | --- | --- | |-------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 摘 | 要 | | . | 本 年度 溢 利 為 港 幣 4,490 萬 元 , 較 去 年 增 加 5.3% ( ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2023 - 中期财报
2022-12-29 09:22
Falm 大快活集團有限公司 (於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代號:52) 2022 · 2023 中期業績報告 1 大快活集團有限公司 中期業績報告 2022/2023 目錄 公司資料 2 綜合損益表 3 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 4 綜合財務狀況表 5 綜合權益變動表 7 簡明綜合現金流量表 10 未經審核中期財務報告附註 11 致大快活集團有限公司董事會獨立審閱報告 25 管理層討論及分析 27 其他資料 34 公司資料 董事會 執行董事 羅開揚(執行主席) 羅輝承(行政總裁) 李碧琦 獨立非執行董事 吳志強 陳棨年 劉國權 尹錦滔 葉焯德 審核委員會 尹錦滔(主席) 吳志強 陳棨年 薪酬委員會 陳棨年(主席) 吳志強 劉國權 提名委員會 羅開揚(主席) 劉國權 尹錦滔 公司秘書 陳鏡東 核數師 畢馬威會計師事務所 於《財務匯報局條例》下的 註冊公眾利益實體核數師 律師 孖士打律師行 公共關係顧問 縱橫財經公關顧問有限公司 香港金鐘夏愨道十八號 海富中心第一期二十四樓 主要銀行 中國銀行(香港)有限公司 東亞銀行有限公司 法國巴黎銀行香港分行 中國建設銀行(亞洲)股份有限公司 創興銀行有限公司 大 ...
大快活集团(00052) - 2022 - 年度财报
2022-07-28 09:00
rd be Fairwood 大 快 活 集 團 有 限 公 司 FAIRWOOD HOLDINGS LIMITED ( 於 百 暮 建 註 冊 成 立 之 有 限 公 司 ) (Incorporated in Bermuda with Limited Liability) 股票编號 Stock code:52 2021 | 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 年 報 t f EXECTIAL x unit in a T 18 NEW IT ATA 4 C | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 目 錄 | CONTENTS | | | 02 | 公司資料 | 72 | | ...