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飞鱼科技(01022) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-23 08:40
2024中期報告 C feiyu Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 ( 於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1022 &feiyu To Better The Virtual World 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------|-------| | | | | | | 公司資料 | | | | 財務摘要 | | | | 管理層討論與分析 | | | | 其他資料及企業管治摘要 | | | | 獨立審閱報告 | | | | 中期簡明綜合損益表 | | | | 中期簡明綜合全面收益表 | | | | 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 | | | | 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 | | | | 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 | | | | 中期簡明綜合財務資料附註 | | | | 詞彙 | | 頁次 1 二零二四年中期報告 飛魚科技國際有限公司 公司資料 審核委員會 董事會 執行董事 姚劍軍先生(主席兼行政總裁) 陳劍瑜先生(總裁) 畢林先生(副總裁) 林志斌先生(副總裁 ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-28 10:07
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不 對 因 本 公 告 全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責 任。 Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 (於 開 曼 群 島 註 冊 成 立 之 有 限 公 司) (股 份 代 號:1022) 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月的 中期業績公告 董事會欣然宣佈本集團截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月的未經審核綜合 中期業績(「中期業績」),連 同 二 零 二 三 年 同 期 的 比 較 數 字。 財務表現摘要 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|------ ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-25 09:08
目錄 公司資料 2 財務摘要 4 主席致詞 5 管理層討論與分析 6 環境、社會及管治報告 28 董事及高級管理層 69 董事會報告 77 企業管治報告 112 獨立核數師報告 130 綜合損益表 135 綜合全面收益表 136 綜合財務狀況表 137 綜合權益變動表 139 綜合現金流量表 141 財務報表附註 143 釋義 216 ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-26 11:40
Financial Performance and Revenue - Revenue for the year 2023 reached RMB 226.2 million, an increase of 18.1% compared to the previous year[44] - Net profit attributable to owners of the company for 2023 was RMB 52.2 million, turning around from a loss in 2022[44] - Gross profit for 2023 was RMB 194.5 million, a 26.1% increase from 2022[44] - Total revenue increased by 18.1% from RMB 191.5 million in 2022 to RMB 226.2 million in 2023[98] - Licensing and intellectual property-related revenue surged by 261.6% from RMB 7.7 million in 2022 to RMB 28.0 million in 2023, driven by a one-time licensing fee for "Shen Xian Dao 3"[99] - Game development service revenue decreased by 75.6% from RMB 7.7 million in 2022 to RMB 1.9 million in 2023 due to the completion of commissioned game development projects[100] - Net profit for the year was RMB 52.2 million in 2023, compared to a net loss of RMB 24.4 million in 2022[107] - Revenue from continuing operations for the six months ended December 31, 2023, was HKD 17,066 million, a 25.1% decrease year-over-year, primarily due to reduced property development revenue in Hong Kong and mainland China[123] - Gross profit for the six months ended December 31, 2023, increased by 2.4% to HKD 7,257 million, benefiting from higher-margin property investments in K11 projects[123] - Game operation revenue increased to RMB 174.674 million, accounting for 77.2% of total revenue, up from RMB 153.768 million (80.3%) in 2022[126] - Online game distribution revenue surged by 478.4% to RMB 2.7 million in 2023, driven by the launch of the mobile game "晴空双子" in the second half of the year[127] - Advertising revenue decreased by 13.2% to RMB 18.7 million in 2023, primarily due to the aging lifecycle of key games like "保卫萝卜1," "保卫萝卜2," and "保卫萝卜3"[128] - Gross profit rose by 26.1% to RMB 194.5 million in 2023, with a gross margin of 86.0%, up 5.5 percentage points from 80.5% in 2022[130] - Net profit attributable to equity holders of the company was RMB 52.013 million in 2023, compared to a loss of RMB 29.637 million in 2022[136] - Revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023, was RMB 226.189 million, with a gross profit of RMB 194.467 million, compared to RMB 191.519 million in revenue and RMB 154.201 million in gross profit for the previous year[200] - The company reported a profit before tax of RMB 52.560 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to a loss of RMB 23.129 million in the previous year[199] Investments and Financial Assets - The fair value of ordinary bonds increased slightly from RMB 58,121,000 in 2022 to RMB 58,177,000 in 2023[3] - The fair value of non-listed equity investments, measured at fair value, increased significantly from RMB 16,205,000 in 2022 to RMB 34,204,000 in 2023[3] - The fair value of non-listed debt investments, measured at fair value, increased from RMB 44,337,000 in 2022 to RMB 47,297,000 in 2023[3] - The bond fund investment remained relatively stable, with a fair value of RMB 7,347,000 in 2023 compared to RMB 7,605,000 in 2022[3] - The company invested USD 1,614,000 (approximately RMB 11.1 million) in a bond fund issued by UBS (CAY) Fund Series in January 2020, with a face value of USD 1,600,000 and diversified income sources[5] - The company held approximately RMB 7.4 million in non-RMB denominated deposits as of December 31, 2023, down from RMB 10.2 million the previous year[113] - The fair value of CHINLP medium-term notes was RMB 21,012 thousand, accounting for 14.3% of total FVOCI and FVPL investments and 3.0% of the group's total assets[118] - The fair value of POLHON guaranteed notes was RMB 18,436 thousand, representing 12.5% of total FVOCI and FVPL investments and 2.6% of the group's total assets[118] - The fair value of NWDEVL medium-term notes was RMB 18,729 thousand, accounting for 12.7% of total FVOCI and FVPL investments and 2.7% of the group's total assets[118] - The group's non-listed debt investments are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, with fair value assessed by management or using other available methods[161] - The group holds a 2% equity stake in Yiming, a Chinese domain name service provider listed on the New Third Board, which accounted for 15.5% of the group's total assets as of December 31, 2023[156][157] - The group invested USD 3.783 million in NWD bonds with a 4.5% annual coupon rate, maturing in 10 years[175] - UBS Asian Bonds Series 5 (USD) has a yield of 5.0% and a duration risk of 1.0%, managed by a team with over 10 years of experience[177][178] - Future Capital, a non-listed limited partnership, holds a 1.8797% equity stake with a total investment cost of USD 1,452,197.91, focusing on smart systems and IT sectors[184][185] Corporate Governance and Compliance - The company maintains high standards of corporate governance to protect shareholder rights and enhance corporate value and accountability[26] - Yao Jianjun serves as both Chairman and CEO, with the board believing his dual role is beneficial for the company's business prospects[27] - The company regularly reviews and monitors its corporate governance practices to ensure compliance with the Corporate Governance Code[28] - All directors confirmed compliance with the standard code for securities transactions during the year ended December 31, 2023[29] - The audit committee reviewed the accounting policies and practices adopted by the group and the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023[23] - The company's auditor confirmed that the figures in the preliminary announcement match the draft consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023[25] Game Development and Performance - The company's new games, particularly "Defend Radish 4" and "Immortal Taoism 3," contributed significantly to the improved financial performance[46] - "Defend Radish 4" showed strong performance in 2023, with new player-versus-player (PVP) features enhancing user engagement and driving growth in active users and user payment data[47] - The company launched three new games in 2023, including "Shen Xian Dao 3," which topped the Apple China App Store free chart and Bilibili game popularity chart on its release day[56] - The company plans to launch five new games in 2024, including HTML5 games, mobile games, and console games, while continuing to invest in existing games[63] - Game operations revenue increased by 13.6% to RMB 174.7 million in 2023, driven by the launch of "Shen Xian Dao 3" and the full-year contribution of "Defend Radish 4"[67][76] - RPG mobile game ARPPU decreased by 32.5% to RMB 53.7 in 2023 due to the early lifecycle stage of "Shen Xian Dao 3"[70][72] - Casual game ARPPU increased by 27.9% to RMB 25.9 in 2023, supported by frequent updates and new features in the "Defend Radish" series[70][72] - The company's RPG and online games had a cumulative registered user base of 234.8 million, with 173.3 million for online games and 61.5 million for mobile games[69] - Casual games recorded a cumulative download count of 711.9 million, while HTML5 games had 39.4 million registered users[69] - RPG mobile game MAU reached 0.1 million, and casual game MAU was 5.8 million in December 2023[69] - Average MPU for casual games increased by 28.5% to 316,000 in 2023, while RPG mobile game MPU grew by 25.3% to 94,000[70] - The company launched "Shen Xian Dao 3" on June 7, 2023, which was well-received in mainland China[66] - The company also released "Clear Sky Twins" and "Cube Hunter" in the second half of 2023, expanding its game portfolio[66] - The average MPU for mobile RPG games increased by 25.3% from 75,000 in 2022 to 94,000 in 2023, driven by the launch of "Immortal Tao 3"[94] - The average MPU for casual games increased by 28.5% from 246,000 in 2022 to 316,000 in 2023, due to attractive activities and content updates in "Defend the Radish 4"[94] Expenses and Cost Management - Sales and distribution expenses decreased by 7.3% from RMB 40.4 million in 2022 to RMB 37.5 million in 2023, primarily due to a reduction in promotional and advertising expenses from RMB 15.3 million to RMB 9.7 million[81] - R&D costs decreased by 16.6% from RMB 76.8 million in 2022 to RMB 64.1 million in 2023, mainly due to reduced outsourcing expenses from RMB 6.1 million to RMB 0.6 million and lower employee costs from RMB 67.0 million to RMB 61.2 million[82] - Cost of sales decreased by 15.0% from RMB 37.3 million in 2022 to RMB 31.7 million in 2023, primarily due to streamlined corporate structure and reduced employee costs[101] - Administrative expenses decreased by 15.2% from RMB 64.4 million in 2022 to RMB 54.6 million in 2023, mainly due to the absence of bad debt recognition for unrecoverable licensing fees[104] - R&D costs decreased by 16.6% from RMB 76.8 million in 2022 to RMB 64.1 million in 2023[96] - Income tax expenses decreased by 69.0% from RMB 1.2 million in 2022 to RMB 0.4 million in 2023, mainly due to changes in deferred tax expenses[107] - Other expenses decreased by 53.9% from RMB 8.6 million in 2022 to RMB 4.0 million in 2023, primarily due to reduced fair value losses on financial assets[106] - Research and development costs for the year ended December 31, 2023, were RMB 64.092 million, a decrease from RMB 76.847 million in the previous year[200] - Administrative expenses for the year ended December 31, 2023, were RMB 54.576 million, down from RMB 64.389 million in the previous year[200] - The company's sales and distribution expenses for the year ended December 31, 2023, were RMB 37.494 million, a decrease from RMB 40.444 million in the previous year[200] - The company's financing costs for the year ended December 31, 2023, were RMB 3.685 million, slightly lower than the RMB 3.968 million in the previous year[200] Cash Flow and Financial Position - Operating activities generated a net cash inflow of RMB 40,071 thousand, while investment activities resulted in a net cash outflow of RMB 43,693 thousand[112] - The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was RMB 24,365 thousand, with year-end cash and cash equivalents reaching RMB 160,678 thousand, a 20.7% increase from the beginning of the year[112] - Net current assets increased by 27.0% from RMB 112.9 million in 2022 to RMB 143.4 million in 2023, driven by cash inflows from operating activities[111] - Total equity increased to RMB 525.9 million as of December 31, 2023, up from RMB 456.5 million in 2022, driven by net profit and exchange rate differences[136] - Cash and cash equivalents totaled RMB 160.7 million as of December 31, 2023, up from RMB 133.2 million in 2022, mainly due to operating cash inflows[138] - Bank loans increased to RMB 95.5 million as of December 31, 2023, with RMB 6.0 million due within one year and RMB 64.7 million due after five years[139] - The company's financial assets, including debt and equity investments, amounted to RMB 147.0 million as of December 31, 2023, up from RMB 126.3 million in 2022[141] - The group's debt-to-asset ratio as of December 31, 2023, was 25.1%, compared to 27.0% as of December 31, 2022[166] - Net proceeds from the subscription in 2021 amounted to approximately HKD 119.1 million, which were fully utilized by December 31, 2023[168][169] - Net proceeds from the subscription of new shares by THL H Limited were allocated as follows: RMB 119.1 million for new product development, RMB 43.1 million for attracting suitable personnel, and RMB 45.4 million for increasing issuance and marketing budgets[190] Industry and Market Trends - The Chinese online game industry recorded a significant growth of 14.0% in total revenue in 2023, according to the "2023 China Game Industry Report"[55] - The company expects the operating environment for the Chinese online game industry to remain challenging in the first half of 2024, with intense competition for user time and generally low consumer sentiment[62] - The online gaming industry presents opportunities, particularly in the development of HTML5 games, and the company aims to remain flexible and efficient to capitalize on these opportunities[86] - In 2024, the company plans to expand the intellectual property (IP) of the "Defend the Radish" game series into new formats such as short videos, animation series, and music[87] - New World Group plans to launch over 2,500 residential units and continue selling premium office projects in the second half of 2024[176] Employee and Organizational Structure - The company had 8,300,000 unexercised share options as of the end of the reporting period, representing 0.47% of the issued shares[37] - The company did not recognize any share option expenses in 2023, compared to a reversal of RMB 1,906,000 in 2022[37] - Employee distribution: Development (190, 56.9%), Operations (70, 21.0%), Administration (59, 17.7%), Sales & Marketing (15, 4.4%), totaling 334 employees[170] - The company had 334 full-time employees as of December 31, 2023, with the majority located in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China[191] Risk Management and Future Outlook - The company faces risks such as potential disruptions to its network infrastructure or IT systems, intense competition in the mobile and online gaming industry, and challenges in retaining and attracting players due to changing preferences[83] - The company is actively investing in technology infrastructure to enhance player experience and game performance, while also managing and optimizing its existing game portfolio to attract and retain players[84] - The company is focusing on talent retention and development to maintain the competitiveness of its R&D and operational teams[85] - The group continues to seek new opportunities for business development[165] Other Income and Gains - Other income and gains increased by 37.9% to RMB 22.3 million in 2023, driven by a rise in investment income from RMB 1.5 million to RMB 7.2 million[80] - The company's other income and gains for the year ended December 31, 2023, were RMB 22.310 million, up from RMB 16.181 million in the previous year[200] Capital Expenditures and Investments - Capital expenditures for the year ended December 31, 2023, amounted to RMB 2.6 million, a decrease of 53.3% compared to RMB 5.6 million in the previous year, primarily due to reduced office leasehold improvements[188] - The company's investment policy mandates that at least 50% of total investments be allocated to risk-free or capital-protected products, with the remainder in low-risk products[142] - CLP Financing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings, was established to raise funds for CLP Power, which supplies approximately 77% of Hong Kong's electricity consumption[146] - In July 2021, the group invested a cumulative amount of $2.883 million (approximately RMB 18.6 million) in bonds issued by Anye Global and guaranteed by Poly Real Estate, with a face value of $2.8 million, a coupon rate of 4.0%, and a 5-year maturity[147] - On January 23, 2020, the group invested $1.614 million (approximately RMB 11.1 million) in 16,000 units of UBS (CAY) Investment Fund Series - UBS Asian Bonds Series 5 (USD), with a target yield of 4.8% to 5.3% per annum and a maturity of 4.5 years[152] - According to UBS (CAY) Investment Fund Series' annual report for the year ended December 31, 2022, the sub-fund recorded a loss of approximately $60 million and a decrease in net asset value attributable to unit holders of approximately $80 million[153] - Future Capital recorded revenue of approximately $19,587 and a net increase in partner capital from operations of approximately $49.2 million for the year ended December
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-18 09:01
適用於本集團的新訂及經修訂國際財務報告準則的性質及影響闡述如下:(續) 由於概無來自中國內地以外單一地理區域的交易收益或經營溢利佔本集團10%或以上,且本集團所有可識別非流動資 產(投資除外)均位於中國內地,故並無根據國際財務報告準則第8號經營分部呈列地區分部資料。 收益確認時間 二零二三年 二零二二年 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (未經審核) (未經審核) | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| | 其他收入 政府補貼 利息收入 投資物業經營租賃的總租金收入 | 2,155 1,543 3,072 | 2,590 1,778 2,915 | | | 6,770 | 7,283 | | 收益 公允價值收益淨額: 金融資產 按公允價值計量且變動計入損益的金融資產股息收入 投資物業的公允價值 ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-25 10:25
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不 負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告 全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責 任。 Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代號:1022) 截 至 二 零 二 三 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六 個 月 的 中 期 業 績 公 告 董事會欣然宣佈本集團截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月的未經審核綜合 中期業績(「中期業績」),連同二零二二年同期的比較數字。 財務表現摘要 截至六月三十日止六個月 二零二三年 二零二二年 變動% (人民幣千元) (人民幣千元) (未經審核) (未經審核) 收益 107,902 74,343 45.1 毛利 94,870 57,206 65.8 除稅前溢利╱(虧損) 40,297 (6,947) (680.1) 母公司擁有人應佔期內溢利╱(虧損) 40,262 (9,520) (522.9) ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-25 09:20
目錄 公司資料 2 財務摘要 4 主席致詞 5 管理層討論與分析 6 環境、社會及管治報告 29 董事及高級管理層 72 董事會報告 80 企業管治報告 116 獨立核數師報告 134 綜合損益表 139 綜合全面收益表 140 綜合財務狀況表 141 綜合權益變動表 143 綜合現金流量表 145 財務報表附註 147 釋義 218 ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-30 12:23
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不 負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告 全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責 任。 Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代號:1022) 截 至 二 零 二 二 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度 的 年 度 業 績 公 告 董事會欣然宣佈本集團截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度的綜合年度業 績,連同截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度的比較資料。 財務表現摘要 截至十二月三十一日止年度 二零二二年 二零二一年 變動% (人民幣千元)(人民幣千元) (經審核) (經審核) 收益 191,519 104,788 82.8 毛利 154,201 69,929 120.5 除稅前虧損 (23,129) (73,574) (68.6) 除稅後虧損 (24,356) (76,561) (68.2) ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2022 - 中期财报
2022-09-19 09:08
& feiyu Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 ( 於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1022 &feiyu To Better The Virtual World 目錄 | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | 公司資料 | | | 財務摘要 | | | 管理層討論與分析 | | | 其他資料及企業管治摘要 | | | 獨立審閱報告 | | | 中期簡明綜合損益表 | | | 中期簡明綜合全面收益表 | | | 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 | | | 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 | | | 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 | | | 中期簡明綜合財務資料附註 | | | | 頁次 2 4 5 25 36 37 38 39 41 43 45 詞彙 75 二零二二年中期報告 飛魚科技國際有限公司 公司資料 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------- ...
飞鱼科技(01022) - 2021 - 年度财报
2022-04-22 08:50
&feiyu Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. 飛魚科技國際有限公司 ( 於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1022 2021年度報告 &feiyu To Better The Virtual World 目錄 | --- | --- | |-------|-----------------------------| | | | | | 公司資料 | | | 財務摘要 | | | 主席致詞 | | | 管理層討論與分析 | | | 環境、社會及管治報告 | | | 董事及高級管理層 | | | 董事會報告 | | | 企業管治報告 獨立核數師報告 | 2 4 5 6 28 66 75 110 128 133 134 135 137 139 141 216 ✳ꨪ✳♧䎃䎃䏞㜡デ 굳눴猰䪮㕜ꥸ剣ꣳⰖ 公司資料 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | | | | 董事會 | 聯席公司秘書 | | 執行董事 | ...