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安德利果汁(02218) - 2024 Q3 - 季度业绩
2024-10-30 13:01
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其 準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容 而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任 。 ANDRE Yantai North Andre Juice Co., Ltd.* 02218 二零二四年第三季度報告 本公告乃根據香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09(2)條及第13.10B條以及證券 及期貨條例(香港法例第571章)第XIVA部之內幕消息條文而作出。 下文為烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司(「本公司」),連同其附屬公司,統稱(「本集 團」)截至二零二四年九月三十日止九個月之二零二四年第三季度報告。該財務報告乃按 照中國企業會計準則編製,且未經本公司獨立核數師審核或審閱。 承董事會命 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司 董事長 王安 中國烟台,二零二四年十月三十日 於本公佈日期,董事會由以下人士組成: 王安先生(執行董事) 王坤先生(執行董事) 王萌女士(執行董事) 王艷輝先生(執行董事) 劉宗宜先生(非執行董事) 張偉先生(非執行董事) 龔凡先生(獨立非執行董事) 王雁女士(獨 ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-02 08:57
YANTAI NORTH ANDRE JUICE CO.,LTD. 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) (Stock Code: 02218) Interim Report 2024 二零二四年中報 Interim Report 2024 YANTAI NORTH ANDRE JUICE CO.,LTD. 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司 ( : 02218) (於中華人民共和國註冊成立之有限公司 ) 股份代號 二零二四年 中報 A Professional Concentrated Juice Manufacturer 專業的濃縮果汁生產商 ANDRE Yantai North Andre Juice Co., Ltd.* 02218 合併資產負債表-未經審核 2024年6月30日 (除特別註明外,金額單位均為人民幣元) | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------|-------- ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-26 13:01
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準 確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產 生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 ANDRE Yantai North Andre Juice Co., Ltd.* 02218 中期業績公佈 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月 中期業績(未經審核) 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司(「本公司」)董事會(「董事會」)欣然提呈本公司及其附屬 公司(合稱「本集團」)截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月的未經審核合併業績,連同二零 二三年同期之比較數據如下: 1 ANDRE Yantai North Andre Juice Co., Ltd.* 02218 合併資產負債表-未經審核 2024年6月30日 (除特別註明外,金額單位均為人民幣元) | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------- ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2024 Q1 - 季度业绩
2024-04-26 13:46
ANDRE 二零二四年第一季度報告 | --- | --- | |-------|--------| | | | | | 董事長 | | | 王安 | - 1 – * 僅供識別 (二)本公司負責人、主管會計工作負責人及會計機構負責人(會計主管人員)保證本集團 二零二四年第一季度未經審計報告中財務報表資訊的真實、準確、完整。 (一)主要會計資料和財務指標 - 3 – (三)主要會計資料及財務指標發生變動的情況和原因 二、股東資訊 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------|----------------------------|---------------------------------|-----------| | 股東名稱 | 前 10 \n股東性質 | 名股東持股情況(不含通過轉融通出借股份 ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-03-27 08:44
Corporate Governance and Board Structure - The company's Board of Directors consists of nine members, including four executive directors, two non-executive directors, and three independent non-executive directors[12] - The company's Board of Directors held multiple meetings throughout 2023, with attendance records indicating full participation in key sessions[15] - The company ensures that all newly appointed directors receive comprehensive onboarding materials covering business operations, policies, and regulatory responsibilities[13] - The company's board has established four subcommittees: audit committee, nomination committee, remuneration and assessment committee, and strategy committee, each with terms of reference in line with corporate governance principles[36] - The company's audit committee, composed entirely of independent non-executive directors, oversees financial reporting, risk management, and corporate governance[134] - The company's strategic committee is responsible for studying medium- and long-term development strategies and major issues affecting the company's growth[137] - The company's remuneration and assessment committee, chaired by independent non-executive director Mr. Gong Fan, is responsible for reviewing and approving compensation for executive directors and senior management[42] - The company has adopted a board diversity policy and set measurable goals to promote diversity among board members[127] - The Board is responsible for developing and reviewing the company's corporate governance policies and practices, as well as monitoring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements[106] - The company's corporate governance measures are based on the principles and code provisions of the Corporate Governance Code in Appendix C1 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules[105] - The company's Articles of Association were updated, and the revised version can be accessed on the company's website, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange[93] Risk Management and Internal Control - The company's risk management is executed by the Audit Committee, which assists the Board in monitoring compliance with risk management procedures, systems, and internal controls[24] - The company's internal control objectives include ensuring legal and regulatory compliance, asset safety, and the integrity of financial reports, while also improving operational efficiency and effectiveness[25] - The company's internal control system includes a monitoring mechanism to identify and rectify control deficiencies promptly[25] - The company's internal audit department reports directly to the chairman and also communicates with the audit committee, with audit results discussed with the audit committee and reported to the CEO, CFO, external auditors, and relevant department management[40] - The company's internal control department conducts risk-oriented work, urging relevant departments and subsidiaries to rectify issues identified during inspections and reporting progress to the audit committee and management[38] - The company's internal control system plays a key role in risk management, which is crucial for achieving operational objectives[141] - The company's board of directors is responsible for the integrity of financial data and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management procedures, with the CEO and management responsible for achieving business objectives and daily operations[35] Financial Performance and Investments - The company has invested a total of RMB 123,020,960.91 in various concentrated juice production line projects, with a remaining balance of RMB 4,437,284.30 compared to the committed investment amount[34] - The Dalian Andeli 30-ton concentrated juice production line project has been completed with an investment of RMB 60,328,644.08, leaving a balance of RMB 2,671,355.92[34] - The Yongji Andeli 40-ton concentrated peach juice and 10-ton concentrated hawthorn juice production line project is ready for use, with an investment of RMB 60,657,216.83 and a remaining balance of RMB 1,765,928.38[34] - The company has terminated the multi-variety concentrated juice production line project after investing RMB 2,035,100.00[34] - The company's capital commitments are detailed in Note 14.(i).3 of the financial statements[107] - The company has no significant investments other than those disclosed in Note 5.2 of the financial statements as of December 31, 2023[98] - The company's proposed profit or dividend distribution amounted to RMB 52,350,000.00[177] - The company's dividend receivable from Andre Juice Co., Ltd. at the end of the period amounted to RMB 25,699,658.48, unchanged from the beginning of the period[182] - The company's foreign currency financial assets and liabilities converted into RMB as of December 31, 2023, amounted to RMB 203[152] - The company issued 20,000,000 A-shares at RMB 7.60 per share, raising a total of RMB 152,000,000[194] - The net proceeds from the A-share issuance were RMB 121,500,000 after deducting issuance costs of RMB 30,500,000[194] - The company renewed the construction and installation service agreement with Andre Construction for three years until December 31, 2024[196] Employee and Diversity Initiatives - The company's total employee count during the reporting period was 35% female and 65% male[28] - The company has implemented measures to promote diversity at all employee levels, ensuring equal opportunities for employment, training, and career development[28] - The company's average number of employees in 2023 was 1,015, an increase from 922 in 2022[99] - Employee costs (including director remuneration) for 2023 were RMB 78,051,860, compared to RMB 66,052,366 in 2022[99] - The company's Secretary, Ms. Wu Minyi, completed over 15 hours of professional training during the review year[4] Market and Product Strategy - The company terminated a project due to significant changes in market conditions and decreased demand for multi-variety products[86] - The company's downstream customers faced competition from on-site beverage preparation, impacting demand for multi-variety products[86] - The company's multi-variety products, such as peach, pomegranate, and strawberry, have growth potential but require market cultivation by downstream customers[86] - The company's downstream customers became more cautious in launching new products and investments due to global economic recovery slowdown[86] - The company's multi-variety products faced cost disadvantages compared to low-priced alternatives[86] - The company's multi-variety products' sales data in the first three quarters of 2021 indicated a significant market environment change[86] - The company is heavily reliant on a single product, concentrated apple juice, which poses a risk due to potential market price fluctuations[120] - The company plans to expand production capacity in Xinjiang and tap into new markets in Central Asia and Europe along the "Belt and Road" initiative[129] - The company's sales network has expanded to major global markets, including the US, Japan, Europe, Oceania, Africa, South America, and the domestic Chinese market[117] - The company aims to continue developing new product markets and customer groups, with a focus on increasing market share[117] Financial Position and Liabilities - Cash and cash equivalents amounted to approximately RMB 544,174,213 as of December 31, 2023[82] - The company's asset-liability ratio was approximately 3.09% as of December 31, 2023, compared to 9.21% in 2022[82] - Total liabilities were approximately RMB 80,720,655 as of December 31, 2023, down from RMB 240,403,543 in 2022[82] - Total assets were approximately RMB 2,610,342,331 as of December 31, 2023, slightly up from RMB 2,609,813,360 in 2022[82] - The company has sufficient financial resources to meet ongoing operational needs, with no outstanding bank loans as of December 31, 2023[109] Accounts Receivable and Bad Debt - The company's accounts receivable at the end of the period amounted to RMB 131,840,823.95, with a bad debt provision of RMB 8,241,570.92, representing 6.25% of the total accounts receivable[162] - The company's accounts receivable at the beginning of the period amounted to RMB 227,957,784.24, with a bad debt provision of RMB 14,252,275.60, representing 6.25% of the total accounts receivable[162] - Accounts receivable within 1 year decreased from 90,299,855.64 to 73,834,973.66, a decrease of 18.2%[183] - Total accounts receivable increased from 90,299,855.64 to 128,428,955.11, an increase of 42.2%[183] - Bad debt provision decreased from 1,344,210.13 to 21,655.16, a significant reduction of 98.4%[184] - Accounts receivable from consolidated subsidiaries increased from 63,415,653.12 to 128,095,851.85, a 102% increase[183] - Akesu Andre Juice Co., Ltd. accounts for 53.62% of the total accounts receivable balance[186] Shareholder and Equity Information - The company issued 20,000,000 A-shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on September 18, 2020[108] - The company's H-shares were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's GEM board on April 22, 2003, and transferred to the Main Board on January 19, 2011[108] - Donghua Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. directly holds 65,779,459 A shares, with Hong An International Investment Co., Ltd. and Ms. Wang Meng deemed to have interests in these shares[3] - Uni-President China Holdings Ltd. holds 63,746,040 A shares through its subsidiaries, representing approximately 12.15% and 6.11% of the company's total issued share capital[5] - Ms. Wang Meng indirectly owns 100% of the issued share capital of Donghua Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., which holds 65,779,459 A shares[8] - Ms. Wang Meng directly owns all issued share capital of Hong An International Investment Co., Ltd., which holds 8,600,000 H shares[9] - Tiandi Win-Win Investment Management Co., Limited holds 11,000,000 H shares, with Mr. Chen Sheng deemed to have interests in these shares through his over 70% stake in Tiandi Yihao Beverage Co., Ltd.[10] Tax and Dividend Information - Non-resident enterprises are subject to a 10% withholding tax on dividends distributed by the company[188] - Individual shareholders from countries with tax treaties may enjoy a reduced dividend tax rate of 10% without additional application[189] Audit and Compliance - The audit committee has resolved to reappoint Da Hua Certified Public Accountants for the 2024 fiscal year audit, pending final approval at the upcoming annual general meeting[41] - The company's directors and supervisors confirmed compliance with required transaction standards and the Securities Code for the year 2023[7] - The company does not currently have insurance arrangements for potential legal actions against its directors, as the Board believes the risk is low and the benefits may not outweigh the costs[105] Foreign Exchange and Risk Mitigation - The company is taking measures to mitigate foreign exchange risks by monitoring foreign currency transactions and using forward exchange contracts[132]
安德利果汁(02218) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-06 13:47
本公司旗下全資子公司阿克蘇安德利果汁有限公司於二零二三年五月二十日取得《司法拍賣網路競價成功確認 書》,阿克蘇安德利果汁有限公司以人民幣59,906,390.20元競得阿克蘇恒通果汁有限公司位於新疆溫宿縣農副產 品加工園區的土地使用權、房屋建築、機器設備及附屬物,在擴大產能的同時,佈局新疆。從此本集團向西經 中亞拓展「一帶一路」新興市場 ,以及向俄羅斯 、土耳其等國家和地區出口都將獲得更大的優勢 。不僅生產規模再 上臺階,而且也將補強中亞及西部市場,進一步鞏固公司行業龍頭地位,再次改變濃縮果汁行業競爭格局。 完善公司管理體系,提高管理效率 目前本集團在美國、大洋洲、非洲諸國及日本等世界主要濃縮蘋果汁的消費地區都擁有比較固定的市場份額和客 戶群體。新的年度除了穩固好已有的市場份額和客戶群體並恢復對美國客戶的出口,公司會著力於開發多處新 興市場,希望能夠在此方面有所突破。公司在滿足當前發展的前提下,擴大公司產品種類,以濃縮蘋果汁為基 礎,增加蘋果果糖、NFC蘋果汁、蘋果濁汁、桃汁、山楂汁等高附加值產品的銷量,豐富公司產品種類,增加 公司收入,滿足不同客戶需求。 在未來融資方面,公司將根據自身的實際情況和發展需要, ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2023 Q3 - 季度业绩
2023-10-30 13:03
二零二三年第三季度報告 中國烟台,二零二三年十月三十日 1.1 本公司董事會(「董事會」)、監事會及董事、監事、高級管理人員保證本集團二 零二三年第三季度報告內容的真實、準確、完整,不存在虛假記載、誤導性 陳述或者重大遺漏,並承擔個別和連帶的法律責任。 - 2 - | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------| | 項目 | 本報告期 ( 2023 年 7 月至 9 月) | 本報告期比 上年同期增減 變動幅度 (%) | 年初至報告期末 ( 2023 年 1 月至 9 月) | 年初至報告期末比 上年同期增減 變動幅度 (%) | | 營業收入 | 171,009,552.84 | (29.31) | 668, ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-05 04:15
烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司 YANTAI NORTH ANDRE JUICE CO.,LTD. YANTAI NORTH ANDRE JUICE CO.,LTD. (於中華人民共和國註冊成立之有限公司) (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (股 份代號: 02218) (Stock Code: 02218) 專業的濃縮果汁生產商 A Professional Concentrated 二零二三年中報 Juice Manufacturer ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-30 08:32
會計機構負責人: 12 烟台北方安德利果汁股份有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)原名為烟台北方安德利果汁有限公司, 於1996年3月30日在山東省烟台市成立,總部位於山東省烟台市。 經過歷年的派送紅股、配售新股、轉增股本及增發新股,截至2023年6月30日,本公司股本總 數35,770.00萬股,註冊資本為35,770.00萬元,註冊地址:山東省烟台市牟平經濟開發區安德利 大街18號,實際控制人為王安、王萌父女。 本公司本期納入合併範圍的子公司共11戶,詳見附註七、在其他主體中的權益。本期納入合併 財務報表範圍的主體較上期相比,增加1戶,合併範圍變更主體的具體信息詳見附註六、合併 範圍的變更。 二、 財務報表的編製基礎 本公司對報告期末起12個月的持續經營能力進行了評價,未發現對持續經營能力產生重大懷疑 的事項或情況。因此,本財務報表系在持續經營假設的基礎上編製。 (一) 遵循企業會計準則的聲明 (三) 營業周期 採用人民幣為記賬本位幣。境外子公司以其經營所處的主要經濟環境中的貨幣為記賬本位幣, 編製財務報表時折算為人民幣。 (五) 同一控制下和非同一控制下企業合併的會計處理方法 (2) 這些交易整體才能達成一項 ...
安德利果汁(02218) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-06-06 08:57
Yantai North Andre Juice Co., Ltd. * 02218 香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其 準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容 而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 2022年年度報告會計差錯更正的公告 重要內容提示: 一、概述 - 1 - * 僅供識別 二、2022年年度報告會計差錯更正的原因 單位:人民幣 現金流量表項目名稱 2022年年度報告金額 股權處置日後現金流 重述後的金額 更正的原因 支付其他與投資活動有關的現金 120,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 股權處置日之後的資金拆借 三、2022年年度會計差錯更正事項對比較期間合併財務報表的財務狀況和經營成果 的影響 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------|------------------|----------------|-------------------------------| | ...