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大新银行集团(02356) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-23 09:03
f 銀 行 集 團 有 限 公 DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 The holding company of Dah Sing Bank, Limited (股份代號 Stock Code : 2356) 2024 中 期 業 績 報 告 2024 INTERIM REPORT 同步 更進步 Together We Progress and Prosper CONTENTS 目錄 目錄 CONTENTS | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | | 未經審核之簡明綜合收益賬 | Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Income Statement | 2 | | 未經審核之簡明綜合全面收益表 | Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement o ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-30 04:03
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本通告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何 聲明,並明確表示概不對因本通告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 (根據公司條例於香港註冊成立之有限公司) 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 (股份代號:2356) 2024 年度中期業績通告 大新銀行集團有限公司 (「本公司」) 董事會欣然宣佈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2024年6 月30日止6個月之中期業績及簡明綜合財務報表。截至2024年6月30日止6個月未經審核之股東應佔溢利為13億 9千6百10萬港元。 未經審核之中期簡明財務報表 本集團未經審核之2024年中期簡明綜合財務報表乃按照香港會計師公會所頒佈之香港會計準則第34號「中期 財務報告」而編製。 未經審核之簡明綜合收益賬 截至 6 月 30 日止 6 個月 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|--- ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-25 08:39
大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 The holding company of Dah Sing Bank, Limited Stock Code : 2356 (股份代號 ) 2023 年 報 ANNUAL REPORT 大Th新e h銀ol行din有g限 co公m司pa之ny控 of股 Da公h 司Sing Bank, Limited 2023 年ANN報UAL REPORT 76 大新銀行扎根香港逾 年,一直堅守「以人為本」的願景。 我們不斷優化產品和服務質素,秉持以客為尊的業務宗 旨,務求信守「同步更進步」的承諾,與客戶在香港、大灣 區以至更廣泛地區共同成長。 As a bank with over 76 years of history in Hong Kong, Dah Sing Bank has been committed to our vision to be “the local bank with a personal touch”. Customer centricity lies at the heart of everything we do, as we continually upl ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-28 04:06
Financial Performance - Net interest income increased by 9.9% to HK$4,815.4 million in 2023 compared to HK$4,383.1 million in 2022[3] - Net fee and commission income decreased by 61.5% to HK$866.8 million in 2023 from HK$2,249.1 million in 2022[3] - Operating income declined by 13.3% to HK$5,916.1 million in 2023 from HK$6,826.3 million in 2022[3] - Profit attributable to shareholders increased by 15.6% to HK$1,860.3 million in 2023 from HK$1,608.8 million in 2022[3] - The Group's total comprehensive income for the year was HK$3,262.5 million in 2023, compared to HK$520.2 million in 2022[4] - The Group's basic earnings per share increased to HK$1.32 in 2023 from HK$1.14 in 2022[3] - Net interest income for 2023 increased to HKD 4,815,435 thousand, up from HKD 4,383,060 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Non-interest income for 2023 was HKD 1,100,649 thousand, compared to HKD 2,443,210 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Operating income for 2023 rose to HKD 5,916,084 thousand, up from HKD 6,826,270 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Operating expenses for 2023 were HKD 3,168,897 thousand, compared to HKD 3,016,010 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Pre-tax profit for 2023 was HKD 2,141,578 thousand, up from HKD 1,969,982 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Net interest income increased to HKD 11,485,605 thousand in 2023 from HKD 6,964,602 thousand in 2022, driven by higher interest income from cash and bank balances, securities investments, and loans[14] - Interest expenses rose to HKD 6,670,170 thousand in 2023 from HKD 2,581,542 thousand in 2022, primarily due to increased bank deposits and customer deposits[14] - Net fee and commission income decreased to HKD 1,078,967 thousand in 2023 from HKD 2,432,747 thousand in 2022, with a significant drop in insurance sales and other fees[15] - Net trading income for 2023 was HKD 164,843 thousand, including gains from foreign exchange transactions and trading securities[16] - Other operating income for 2023 totaled HKD 69,004 thousand, including dividend income from equity investments and rental income[16] - Operating expenses increased to HKD 3,168,897 thousand in 2023 from HKD 3,016,010 thousand in 2022, with higher employee compensation and benefits[17] - Credit impairment losses decreased to HKD 731,311 thousand in 2023 from HKD 803,100 thousand in 2022, with recoveries from previously written-off amounts[17] - Hong Kong profits tax provision for the year is HK$231,268 thousand, a decrease from HK$352,450 thousand in 2022[20] - Mainland China and Macau tax provision for the year is HK$38,320 thousand, slightly up from HK$37,772 thousand in 2022[20] - Basic earnings per share increased to HK$1.32 (2022: HK$1.14) based on profit of HK$1,860,306 thousand[21] - Diluted earnings per share increased to HK$1.23 (2022: HK$1.07) after considering the dilutive effect of associates' profits[21] - Net interest income to operating income ratio increased to 81.4% in 2023 from 64.2% in 2022[59] - Cost-to-income ratio increased to 53.6% in 2023 from 44.2% in 2022[59] - Average return on total assets improved to 0.7% in 2023 from 0.6% in 2022[59] - Average return on shareholders' equity increased to 6.0% in 2023 from 5.4% in 2022[59] - Net interest margin expanded to 2.01% in 2023 from 1.85% in 2022[59] - Loan-to-deposit ratio increased to 68.2% in 2023 from 66.9% in 2022[59] - Proposed final dividend of HKD 0.49 per share for 2023, bringing total annual dividend to HKD 0.60, a 54% increase from HKD 0.39 in 2022[62] - The company's net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 16% to HKD 1.86 billion in 2023[63] - Net interest income rose by 12% due to an expanded net interest margin, which increased by 16 basis points[63] - Total loan balance grew by 5% despite weak loan demand in core markets[63] - Net service fee and commission income grew by 1% after excluding a one-time gain of HKD 1.394 billion in 2022[63] - Credit impairment losses decreased by 9% to HKD 731 million, primarily from corporate banking[63] - The company's share of net profit from its associate, Chongqing Bank, increased to HKD 689 million[64] - Impairment provisions for Chongqing Bank totaled HKD 552 million in 2023, down from HKD 1.683 billion in 2022[64] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets grew to HK$260,744.1 million in 2023, up from HK$252,086.0 million in 2022[5] - Customer deposits increased to HK$207,233.7 million in 2023 from HK$199,792.2 million in 2022[5] - Loans and advances to customers rose to HK$149,113.9 million in 2023 from HK$142,712.6 million in 2022[5] - Total equity increased to HK$32,889.4 million in 2023 from HK$30,225.1 million in 2022[5] - Total assets for 2023 increased to HKD 260,744,094 thousand, compared to HKD 252,086,033 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Total liabilities for 2023 were HKD 227,854,651 thousand, up from HKD 221,860,885 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Depreciation and amortization expenses for 2023 were HKD 349,014 thousand, compared to HKD 380,169 thousand in 2022[11][12] - Trading securities and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss increased significantly to HK$1,748,057 thousand from HK$571,464 thousand in 2022[22] - Notional amount of derivative financial instruments increased to HK$255,691,221 thousand in 2023 from HK$156,556,934 thousand in 2022[23][24] - Total customer loans and advances increased to HK$143,049,476 thousand from HK$136,530,235 thousand in 2022[25] - Impairment allowances for customer loans decreased to HK$1,113,256 thousand from HK$1,636,402 thousand in 2022[25] - Trade bills decreased to HK$2,060,317 thousand from HK$3,666,988 thousand in 2022[25] - Other assets increased to HK$5,141,313 thousand from HK$4,182,559 thousand in 2022[25] - Total customer loans and advances increased to HKD 143,049.5 million in 2023, up from HKD 136,530.2 million in 2022, representing a 4.8% growth[26] - Loans for property development and investment in Hong Kong rose to HKD 23,767.5 million in 2023, accounting for 16.6% of total loans, compared to HKD 21,406.8 million (15.7%) in 2022[26] - Loans for residential property purchases in Hong Kong increased to HKD 34,954.4 million in 2023, making up 24.4% of total loans, up from HKD 33,911.8 million (24.8%) in 2022[26] - Impaired loans and advances decreased to HKD 2,779.6 million in 2023, down from HKD 2,539.0 million in 2022, with the ratio to total loans slightly increasing to 1.94% from 1.86%[28] - Overdue loans for more than 1 year increased significantly to HKD 1,158.2 million (0.81% of total loans) in 2023, compared to HKD 332.5 million (0.25%) in 2022[29] - The fair value of collateral held for impaired loans rose to HKD 1,707.4 million in 2023 from HKD 1,056.1 million in 2022[28] - Trade finance loans decreased to HKD 5,624.8 million in 2023, accounting for 3.9% of total loans, down from HKD 5,752.6 million (4.2%) in 2022[26] - Loans used outside Hong Kong declined to HKD 33,813.5 million in 2023, representing 23.7% of total loans, compared to HKD 35,332.7 million (25.9%) in 2022[26] - Restructured loans and advances increased to HKD 405.8 million (0.28% of total loans) in 2023 from HKD 339.2 million (0.25%) in 2022[31] - The value of repossessed properties more than doubled to HKD 252.7 million in 2023 from HKD 125.3 million in 2022[32] - Total financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income increased to 40,525,842 thousand HKD in 2023 from 38,617,851 thousand HKD in 2022, with debt securities accounting for 38,764,287 thousand HKD in 2023[33] - Non-listed debt securities saw a significant increase to 12,057,957 thousand HKD in 2023 from 8,590,336 thousand HKD in 2022[33] - Equity securities increased to 1,761,555 thousand HKD in 2023 from 675,314 thousand HKD in 2022, primarily driven by non-listed equity securities[33] - Financial assets at amortized cost rose to 39,413,306 thousand HKD in 2023 from 32,985,496 thousand HKD in 2022, with debt securities being the major component[34] - The company's retained earnings increased to 23,923,181 thousand HKD in 2023 from 22,661,183 thousand HKD in 2022[35] - Regulatory reserves designated by the company increased to 616,530 thousand HKD in 2023 from 438,466 thousand HKD in 2022[36] - Contingent liabilities and commitments decreased to 2,119,544 thousand HKD in 2023 from 2,657,818 thousand HKD in 2022[38] - Assets pledged as collateral for liabilities decreased to 2,397,069 thousand HKD in 2023 from 2,678,069 thousand HKD in 2022[39] - Operating lease commitments as a lessee decreased to 10,259 thousand HKD in 2023 from 16,596 thousand HKD in 2022[40] - Total loans used in Hong Kong increased to HKD 103.61 billion in 2023, up from HKD 95.44 billion in 2022, with the percentage of loans secured by collateral remaining stable at 78.5%[42] - Loans for property investment in Hong Kong rose to HKD 23.77 billion in 2023, with 91.4% secured by collateral, compared to HKD 21.41 billion and 88.0% in 2022[42] - Loans for the purchase of other residential properties in Hong Kong increased to HKD 34.95 billion in 2023, with 99.9% secured by collateral, up from HKD 33.91 billion and 100.0% in 2022[42] - Loans used outside Hong Kong decreased to HKD 33.81 billion in 2023, with 56.8% secured by collateral, down from HKD 35.33 billion and 61.4% in 2022[42] - Impaired loans (Stage 3) for property investment in Hong Kong increased to HKD 470.74 million in 2023, up from HKD 34.30 million in 2022[45] - Impaired loans (Stage 3) for the purchase of other residential properties in Hong Kong rose to HKD 170.94 million in 2023, compared to HKD 81.84 million in 2022[45] - Total exposure to Mainland China business increased to HKD 33.87 billion in 2023, up from HKD 31.21 billion in 2022, with on-balance sheet exposure accounting for 12.89% of total assets[47] - Loans to residents or institutions established in Mainland China increased to HKD 10.86 billion in 2023, up from HKD 9.28 billion in 2022[47] - Loans to other counterparties considered as non-bank customers in Mainland China rose to HKD 10.05 billion in 2023, compared to HKD 9.78 billion in 2022[47] - The total assets of Dah Sing Bank and its Mainland banking subsidiaries after deducting provisions amounted to HKD 242.06 billion in 2023[47] - Total customer loans and advances amounted to 143,049,476 thousand HKD in 2023, with Hong Kong accounting for 119,759,434 thousand HKD, China for 7,546,867 thousand HKD, and Macau for 14,012,453 thousand HKD[51] - Impaired customer loans and advances (Stage 3) totaled 2,779,561 thousand HKD in 2023, with Hong Kong contributing 2,259,148 thousand HKD, China 334,757 thousand HKD, and Macau 185,656 thousand HKD[51] - Overdue customer loans and advances reached 2,167,589 thousand HKD in 2023, with Hong Kong at 1,771,878 thousand HKD, China at 205,675 thousand HKD, and Macau at 185,656 thousand HKD[51] - Stage 3 impairment provisions stood at 485,255 thousand HKD in 2023, with Hong Kong at 422,162 thousand HKD, China at 27,347 thousand HKD, and Macau at 35,746 thousand HKD[51] - Stage 1 and Stage 2 impairment provisions were 628,001 thousand HKD in 2023, with Hong Kong at 552,353 thousand HKD, China at 46,698 thousand HKD, and Macau at 19,272 thousand HKD[51] - International claims totaled 180,501 million HKD in 2023, with offshore centers contributing 158,640 million HKD and developing Asia-Pacific regions at 16,882 million HKD[53] - Spot assets in foreign currencies amounted to 117,955 million HKD in 2023, with USD at 80,496 million HKD, RMB at 16,286 million HKD, and MOP at 10,028 million HKD[55] - Forward purchases in foreign currencies reached 141,301 million HKD in 2023, with USD at 87,748 million HKD, RMB at 31,383 million HKD, and other currencies at 19,741 million HKD[55] - Forward sales in foreign currencies were 166,825 million HKD in 2023, with USD at 110,039 million HKD, RMB at 32,820 million HKD, and other currencies at 22,389 million HKD[55] - Net long/(short) positions in foreign currencies stood at 1,189 million HKD in 2023, with USD at 1,602 million HKD, RMB at (33) million HKD, and MOP at (597) million HKD[55] Capital and Liquidity - Capital adequacy ratio increased to 16.2% for Common Equity Tier 1, 16.9% for Tier 1, and 21.2% for Total Capital as of December 31, 2023, compared to 15.2%, 15.9%, and 19.3% respectively in 2022[57] - Leverage ratio improved to 11.2% as of December 31, 2023, up from 10.6% in 2022[58] - Liquidity maintenance ratio rose to 64.0% in 2023 from 50.4% in 2022[58] - The company's capital adequacy ratio and liquidity remained robust, enabling it to navigate challenges and seize growth opportunities[66] Accounting Standards and Policies - The company adopted new and revised standards including HKAS 1, HKFRS Practice Statement 2, HKAS 8, and amendments to HKAS 12 related to international tax reform, effective from January 1, 2023[7] - The adoption of HKAS 12 amendments related to international tax reform (Pillar Two model rules) may result in additional tax liabilities for the company, with a minimum tax rate of 15%[8] - The company has not adopted certain new and revised standards and interpretations, including amendments to HKAS 1, HKFRS 16, and HKFRS 10, which are not expected to have a significant impact[9] Business Segments - The company's operating segments are categorized into Personal Banking, Corporate Banking, Treasury and Global Markets, and Mainland China and Macau Banking, with revenues allocated based on market-based transfer pricing mechanisms[10] Technology and Digitalization - The company successfully implemented a new core banking system and continued to invest in technology and digitalization[65] - The company expanded its financial planning
大新银行集团(02356) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-18 08:46
: 新 銀 行 集 團 有 限 公 司 DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 The holding company of Dah Sing Bank, Limited (股份代號 Stock Code : 2356) 2023 # 期 業 績 報 告 2023 INTERIM REPORT 同步 更進步 Together We Progress and Prosper 目錄 CONTENTS | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | | 未經審核之簡明綜合收益賬 | Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Income Statement | | | 未經審核之簡明綜合全面收益表 | Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehe ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-23 04:07
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本通告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何 聲明,並明確表示概不對因本通告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 (根據公司條例於香港註冊成立之有限公司) 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 (股份代號:2356) 2023 年度中期業績通告 大新銀行集團有限公司 (「本公司」) 董事會欣然宣佈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2023年6 月30日止6個月之中期業績及簡明綜合財務報表。截至2023年6月30日止6個月未經審核之股東應佔溢利為11 億1千1百90萬港元。 未經審核之中期簡明財務報表 本集團未經審核之2023年中期簡明綜合財務報表乃按照香港會計師公會所頒佈之香港會計準則第34號「中期 財務報告」而編製。 未經審核之簡明綜合收益賬 截至 6 月 30 日止 6 個月 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------- ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-26 09:02
大 新 銀 行 集 團 有 限 公 司 DAH SING BANKING GROUP LIMITED 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 The holding company of Dah Sing Bank, Limited (股份代號 Stock Code : 2356) DSBG PRIVATE = < 2074 年 報 ANNUAL REPOR 同步 更進步 Together We Progress and Prosper 服務香港75載 承先啟後共創未來 Serving Hong Kong for 75 Years Forging a New Future Together 大新銀行於2022年邁向成立75周年的新里程。為慶祝這個重要時刻,本行 推出連串活動回饋客戶,旨在秉承「同步更進步」的品牌理念,實踐我們對共 建香港的承諾,以創造更美好和可持續的未來。 Dah Sing Bank commemorated its 75th anniversary in 2022. To celebrate this important milestone, the Bank launched a series of ...
大新银行集团(02356) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-31 04:06
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本通告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲 明,並明確表示概不對因本通告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 (根據公司條例於香港註冊成立之有限公司) 大新銀行有限公司之控股公司 (股份代號:2356) 2022 年年度業績通告 大新銀行集團有限公司 (「大新銀行集團」或「本公司」) 董事會欣然宣佈本公司及其附屬公司 (統稱「本集團」) 截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日止年度之經審核綜合業績報告。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------------|-----------------|-------------| | | | | | | | 綜合收益賬 | | | | | | 截至 12 月 31 日止年度 | | | | | | 千港元 | 附註 | 2022 年 | 2021 年 | 變動 百分比 | | 利息收入 | 4 | 6 ...