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U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: Small Issuers Close Out August IPO Market
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-31 08:30
line - I Olemedia While major IPOs are on hold until after Labor Day, three small deals were completed in the last week of August. Two SPACs also priced. JBDI Holdings (JBDI) raised $11 million at a $99 million market cap, pricing at the high end of its $4 to $5 range. The company has evolved from a small reconditioning and recycling business into a comprehensive provider of revitalized, reconditioned, and recycled drums. Its product range includes open-top drums, metal drums, plastic drums, plastic carboys ...
U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: WeRide Delays Its IPO As Pipeline Gets A Boost
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-24 09:00
mapo Two small IPOs debuted this past week, while six IPOs submitted initial filings. Notably, China-based autonomous driving developer WeRide (WRD) postponed its $110 million US IPO. The company, which had already delayed its IPO earlier, stated that its registration documents could not be finalized within the timeframe allotted by Chinese regulators. Hong Kong-based logistics services firm Reitar Logtech (RITR) priced its IPO at the bottom of the range to raise $9 million at a $249 million market cap. The ...
中金在线· 2024-04-19 01:14
《港湾商业观察》黄懿 2024年3月21日,来自北京的Autozi Internet Technology (Global) Ltd(以下简称“中驰车福”)在美国证监会(SEC)更新招股书,于美国纳斯达克IPO上市,股票代码AZI。公司早前于2023年1月18日秘密递交文件,后于2023年7月7日公开披露招股书。其中,中驰车福互联科技有限公司(下称“中驰车福”)为其国内运营主体。 据悉,中驰车福是汽车全生命周期服务提供商。根据弗若斯特沙利文报告,2022年公司的新能源汽车销售收入增长率和收入增长率在中国所有全生命周期汽车服务提供商中分别排名第一和第三。 01 亏损持续扩大,业务造血能力不足 招股书显示,2022年至2023年(报告期内),中驰车福的营收分别为1.20亿美元、1.14亿美元,相应的净亏损分别为616.5万美元、1054.9万美元。 据悉,中驰车福的收入主要来自新车销售,汽车零部件和汽车配件销售,以及汽车保险相关服务。报告期内,来自新车销售的收入占比依次为60.6%、65.0%,来自汽车零部件和汽车配件销售的收入占比依次为32.4%、32.4%;来自汽车保险相关服务的收入占 ...