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宁德时代· 2024-05-09 01:04
14、基中、前三的学为、片、汽车量金分 西要新能 +1.2% 方电化 1 C财联社 ...
宁德时代· 2024-05-07 02:08
本次电话会议仅服务于国泰捐赠券正式签约客户会议音频及文字记录的内容仅供国泰捐赠券客户内部学习使用不得外发并且必须经国泰捐赠券研究所审核后方可留存国泰捐赠券未授权任何媒体转发此次电话会议相关内容未经允许和授权 转载转发均属侵权国泰均安证券将保留追究其法律责任的权利国泰均安证券不承担因转载转发引起的任何损失及责任市场有风险投资需谨慎提请广大投资者谨慎做出投资决策 大家好欢迎参加新能源行业每周谈电话会议目前所有参会者仅处于静音状态在主讲主讲人演讲结束后将留有提问时间下面有请主持人讲话谢谢各位投资者大家晚上好那个我是国军电信庞军文啊今天呢非常高兴的大家参加我们的这个每周谈的一个周五观点的汇报啊那本周的观点呢我觉得依然是非常的 这个关键也是重要的一个汇报就是在于就是说我们对于离片板块以及这个光伏的一些板块的一些强烈的一个看好整体来看呢我们是非常看好五月份的行业的机会啊这个之前呢在上一次的这个着观点的汇报里面也给大家重点这个提示过啊我们看好这个五月份的一个新能源板块的行情那主要的原因呢 还是在于就是整个行业的基本面的正在出现向上的改善啊那这里面呢我们今天呢就是讲重点汇报两个话题呢第一个呢就是啊锂电板块啊特别就是这个锂电材 ...
宁德时代· 2024-04-14 16:00
Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly mention an investment rating for the company [1][2][3][4][5][6] Core Views - The company reported strong financial performance in Q1 2024, with total operating revenue of 797.7 billion yuan, a net profit attributable to the parent company of 105.1 billion yuan, and a non-GAAP net profit of 92.5 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year growth of 18.6% [1] - The company's global market share in power batteries increased to 38.4% in January-February 2024, up by 5 percentage points year-on-year, and its domestic market share reached 48.9% in January-March 2024, up by 4 percentage points year-on-year [1] - The company's strong industry position, leading technology, diversified customer relationships, and high entry barriers have been recognized, with Moody's upgrading the company's credit rating to A3 with a stable outlook [3] Business Performance - The company's Q1 2024 battery sales were approximately 95GWh, with energy storage accounting for nearly 20% and other business revenue accounting for about 4% [3] - The company's Q1 2024 other income was 3.2 billion yuan, primarily from government subsidies and tax incentives for advanced manufacturing [3] - The company's Q1 2024 operating cash flow was strong, reaching 28.36 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 35% [4] Market and Industry Insights - The company is optimistic about the European market, expecting demand to grow as new electric vehicle models are launched, product competitiveness improves, and infrastructure is gradually improved [4] - The company is focusing on overseas projects for future construction, with a particular emphasis on the German factory, which is expected to break even in 2024 [4][5] - The company is exploring new application areas such as flying cars, leveraging its expertise in high-safety and high-energy-density batteries [6] Financial and Operational Metrics - The company's Q1 2024 R&D expenses decreased slightly year-on-year, primarily due to a significant drop in material prices [4] - The company's Q1 2024 capital expenditures increased, mainly directed towards battery production bases [4] - The company's inventory management strategy has been effective, with inventory levels slightly decreasing compared to the previous quarter [5] Strategic Initiatives - The company is advancing its LRS (License Loyalty Service) model, which is a light-asset model providing technical authorization, factory setup, and operational services to automotive customers [3] - The company is focusing on its To C strategy, aiming to enhance end-user recognition of its high-quality battery products [5] - The company is developing green energy projects to achieve its zero-carbon strategy and secure financial returns [6]