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沙利文· 2024-11-23 23:23
1 2024年 中国月子中心品质价值指数白皮书 China Maternity Centre Quality Value Index White Paper 中国マタニティセンター品質価値指数白書 二零二四年十一月 沙 前言: 2 通过对中国及深圳母婴行业协会资深成员以及 行业内多个业务专家的问询和访谈,对行业现 状、行业趋势等情况进行初步判断。 行业现状:竞争不断趋于激烈,消费主要集中在中端、高端市场 01 —— ⚫ 随着中国月子中心行业的快速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,单次消费主要集中在中端(5万元以下)和高端 (5-10万元)价位段,占行业需求的80%。中端市场凭借其入门级价格,吸引了大量中产阶层客户,与月 嫂市场形成了一定的替代关系。与此同时,高端市场也在持续扩大,高净值客户的需求占比达到20%。面 对不断分化的市场,品牌通过服务创新和差异化定位争夺客户,但行业仍未形成绝对市场主导者。这种分 散格局为新兴品牌提供了进入和扩张的机会,但也对企业的竞争力和服务适配能力提出了更高要求。 02 行业三大趋势:专业化品牌、地域性拓展、服务升级 ⚫ 趋势一:地域性拓展。品牌需要综合评估人口增长情况和地区经济状况选择进 ...
沙利文· 2024-11-14 23:23
Industry Overview - Industry large models are defined as models built on a general large model technology base, incorporating industry-specific data and knowledge to achieve higher accuracy and practicality in professional fields [2] - The market size of China's industry large models reached 10.5 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to grow to 16.5 billion yuan in 2024, with a year-on-year growth of 57% [5] - The industry large model market is projected to reach 62.4 billion yuan by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40% from 2023 to 2028 [5] - Industry large models are being rapidly adopted in sectors such as industrial, government, and finance, driving automation and intelligent development [5] Market Segmentation - The report provides detailed analysis of various industry segments including finance, government, telecommunications, education, and industrial sectors [23] - Key participants and market analysis are provided for each segment, along with application scenarios and core value propositions [23] - The automotive, meteorological, medical, and pharmaceutical sectors are also analyzed, with a focus on market participants, market analysis, and core value [26] Commercialization and Deployment - The commercialization path of industry large models is diverse, with enterprises choosing appropriate business models based on market demand and their capabilities [9] - API open platform models make large model technology more accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting the widespread application and development of AI technology [9] - Deployment strategies include MaaS (Model as a Service), private deployment, and integration with existing products, catering to different industry needs and data security requirements [6][9] Development Challenges - Key challenges in the deployment of industry large models include understanding industry-specific knowledge, balancing cost-effectiveness, and optimizing algorithms and data quality [13] - High development and deployment costs, along with the need for specialized AI talent, are significant barriers to the widespread adoption of industry large models [15] - Technical challenges include the high computational costs of training and running large models, as well as the need for algorithm optimization and data quality assurance [16] Future Trends - The development trend of industry large models in China focuses on technological advancements and broad application potential, including increased model scale, multimodal integration, and the rise of self-supervised learning [17] - There is a growing emphasis on the explainability and fairness of AI models, as well as the optimization of deployment strategies and efficiency [20][21] - Customization and adaptation of models to specific industry needs are becoming increasingly important, providing competitive advantages and market share for enterprises [22]
2024 中国人力资源服务行业研究报告
沙利文· 2024-11-11 23:23
Industry Overview - The Chinese human resource services industry is growing steadily, with a market size of 2.76 trillion yuan in 2023, expected to reach 5.03 trillion yuan by 2028, with a CAGR of 12.7% [3] - The industry faces challenges such as market competition, digital transformation, and talent supply, but long-term growth is supported by policy direction [3] - The third sector's employment and GDP contribution are increasing, providing continuous momentum for the human resource services market [3] Market Competition - The Chinese human resource services market is maturing, with private enterprises accounting for over 80% of the market [4] - In 2023, the market concentration CR3 and CR5 were 20.7% and 21.3%, respectively, with leading companies leveraging brand effects, economies of scale, and technological innovation to build competitive barriers [4] Application Scenarios - The human resource services industry is divided into three core segments: recruitment services, HR outsourcing, and HR software & consulting training, covering the entire employee lifecycle [5] - Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is charged based on project type and headcount, with over 40% of demand coming from companies with 100-500 employees [5] - Business outsourcing is adopting a cost-plus pricing model, with manufacturing, internet, and real estate industries accounting for 46% of applications in 2023 [5] - Personnel management is charged per person per month, freeing internal HR teams to focus on strategic and cultural tasks [5] - Flexible benefits are gaining traction, with 87% of companies agreeing that it is the future of benefits management [5] Development Opportunities and Challenges - Opportunities include digital transformation of HR services, new flexible employment scenarios, and overseas expansion of enterprises [6] - Over 85% of surveyed companies have started or are deepening their digital transformation, but the digitalization rate is only 14.3%, indicating significant growth potential [6] - Flexible employment is increasingly adopted to control costs and maintain operational flexibility, with the market expected to grow further [6] - Challenges include market environment, digital transformation, and talent resource issues, with the need for improved legal systems and service standardization [7] Market Size and Segments - The recruitment services market is expected to grow from 0.36 trillion yuan in 2023 to 0.59 trillion yuan by 2028, with a CAGR of 10.2% [20] - HR outsourcing services are projected to grow from 2.13 trillion yuan in 2023 to 4.07 trillion yuan by 2028, with a CAGR of 13.9% [25] - HR software and consulting training market is expected to grow from 0.27 trillion yuan in 2023 to 0.36 trillion yuan by 2028, with a CAGR of 5.8% [29] Competitive Landscape - The top 5 HR service providers in China accounted for 21.3% of the market in 2023, with leading companies leveraging brand effects, economies of scale, and technological innovation [43] - Global top 10 HR service providers have diversified businesses and higher sales net profit margins compared to Chinese counterparts [46] Technological Drivers - Key technologies such as AI, RPA, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain are reshaping HR services, optimizing recruitment processes, automating tasks, and enhancing data-driven decision-making [36]
沙利文· 2024-11-09 23:23
TRAUTEC 创建医疗 × 训 剂 核酸四面体 蓝皮书 Blue Book of Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acid 《核酸四面体蓝皮书》 | 2024 ■ 引言 核酸是生命的基本构建单元,在生物学和医学领域占据着核心地位。随着科技的进步,核酸不仅是遗传信息的载体,还成为设计和构 建纳米材料的重要原料。其中. 核酸四面体(tetrahedral framework nucleic acids, tFNA) 作为一种新兴的纳米材料. 化妆品领域展现出巨大的应用潜力。 本报告从核酸的基本概念出发,系统地介绍了核酸的类型。历史、命名以及分子结构,为理解FNA的创新应用奠定了基础。我们详细 阐述了DNA、RNA以及人工核酸的特性和功能,探讨了核酸的分子组成与大小、拓扑结构,建立了对这些生命分子的全面认识。随后, 报告介绍了DNA纳米技术的演进历程,从早期的DNA拼接技术到现代的DNA DNA纳米结构,展示了这一领域的快速进步。 我们重点讨论了tFNA的独特结构特性,包括其高机械强度、稳定性、可编辑性以及良好的生物相容性和安全性。 在应用方面,本报告详细探讨了tFNA在多个领域的潜在 ...
沙利文· 2024-11-07 23:23
机密 中国海外大学课程辅导行业 白皮书 2024年10月 -1961-2021- 圳 60th ANNIVERSARY 版权所有©2024 弗茨斯特沙利文。本文件提供的任何内容(包括但不限于数据、文字、图表、图像 等)均系沙利文公司独有的高度机密性文件(在报告中另行标明出处者除外)。未经沙利文公司事 先书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式擅自复制、再选、传播、出版、引用、改编、汇编本报告内容, 若有违反上述约定的行为发生,沙利文公司保留采取法律措施,迎完相关人员责任的权利。 报告目录 1 中国海外大学课程辅导行业综述 | --- | --- | |-------|------------------------------------------------| | | | | 2 | 中国海外大学课程辅导行业产业链 | | | | | 3 | 中国海外大学课程辅导行业消费者画像 | | 4 | 中国海外大学课程辅导行业驱动因素及发展趋势 | | | | | 5 | 中国海外大学课程辅导行业竞争格局及标杆企业策例 | 2 ■ 中国海外大学课程辅导定义 中国海外大学课程辅导是指开设在中国的面向在海外高等教育机构就读的中 ...
沙利文· 2024-10-22 23:23
中国蒙药市场 白皮书 2024年 民族药市场 蒙药市场 蒙药痛点 竞争格局与未来发展 9月 报告提供的任何内容(包括但不限于数据、文字、图表、图像等)均系沙利文独有的高度机密性文件(在报告中另行标 明出处者除外)。未经沙利文事先书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式擅自复制、再造、传播、出版、引用、改编、汇编 本报告内容,若有违反上述约定的行为发生,沙利文保留采取法律措施、追究相关人员责任的权利。沙利文开展的所有 商业活动均使用 "沙利文"的商号、商标,沙利文无任何前述名称之外的其他分支机构,也未授权或聘用其他任何第三 方代表沙利文开展商业活动。 1 目录 民族药行业发展分析 4 • 中国药品分类总览 5 • 中华民族药的定义与分类 6 • 民族药的发展背景和现状 8 • 中国医药及中国传统医药市场规模 11 • 民族药未来可渗透市场空间(TAM) 12 • 中国传统医药与世界传统医药对比 13 • 民族药市场行业驱动力分析 15 • 民族药的未来发展趋势分析 17 中国蒙药行业发展分析 19 • 蒙药的定义、分类和独特性 21 • 蒙药的发展沿革和蒙药现代化 24 • 蒙药产业链图谱 28 • 中国蒙药市场规模及其 ...
沙利文· 2024-10-22 23:23
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an overall investment rating for the data management solutions industry [1][3][5] Core Viewpoints - The report highlights the growing importance of data management solutions in China, driven by the integration of data elements and AI technologies [10][11] - Enterprises are shifting from passive to active data management, focusing on internal data governance and the integration of multi-modal data to enhance AI model performance [8] - The report emphasizes the need for real-time data processing capabilities and the importance of data governance in unlocking data value [10][16][24] Industry Development Drivers - The core drivers of the data management solutions market include the deepening of the digital economy and the rapid development of AI, which increase the demand for data collection, processing, and analysis [11][13] - Data governance and security are becoming increasingly important as data volumes grow and data circulation accelerates [11] - The integration of AI into data management processes is enhancing efficiency and reducing manual intervention, leading to more accurate and valuable data [10][11] Market Analysis - Enterprises are increasingly focusing on building data management ecosystems to support real-time data needs and improve decision-making [18][21] - The report identifies key challenges in data management, including the need for efficient data integration, storage, and analysis, as well as the importance of data security and compliance [18][20] - The market is seeing a shift towards data assetization and productization, with enterprises exploring ways to monetize their data assets [24][25] Competitive Landscape - The report uses a dynamic benchmarking model to evaluate the competitive performance of data management solution providers, focusing on customer value and technological leadership [15][27] - Chinese vendors are making progress in closing the gap with international players, particularly in areas like real-time data processing and AI integration [15][27] - Key competitive dimensions include data integration, storage, analysis, governance, and security, as well as the ability to deliver value through efficient service support and market education [27] Methodology - The report is based on extensive market research, including user experience surveys from industries such as finance, manufacturing, and internet [3][5] - The methodology includes a dynamic benchmarking model to assess vendor performance and identify industry leaders [15][27] - The research framework covers various aspects of the data management solutions market, including technology analysis, market trends, and competitive positioning [5][27]
沙利文· 2024-10-10 23:23
OST 1 & SULLIVAN 全球半导体制造类EDA 行业发展白皮书 弗若斯特沙利文 2024年1 0月 highly confidential, 2024 摘要:EDA工具成半导体行业关键,虚拟晶圆厂迎来发展机遇 ➢ 半导体制造类EDA市场发展现状: 全球半导体行业预计随着下游需求的复苏而实现反弹,中国市场受地缘政治及新兴科技的推动,其增速将高于全球。EDA行业是集成电路和全球 数字经济的坚实基础,科技革命正推动半导体产业和EDA工具朝着智能化和高效率的方向发展,其作为半导体产业链的关键上游环节,为芯片设 计提供电路设计、功能验证、布局布线等核心步骤的支持,同时在晶圆制造过程中提升芯片的制造良率。 ➢ 半导体制造类EDA市场痛点: 中美两国的半导体脱钩使科技领域的合作愈发困难,这种情况对中国的半导体制造厂企业产生了巨大的影响,迫使它们必须迅速发展自主技术。 随着半导体工艺节点的愈加缩小,以实现更高的集成度,制造工艺的复杂性显著增加,对设备精度和生产技术提出了更高要求。 ➢ 半导体制造类EDA市场发展趋势: 随着晶体管技术节点尺寸越来越小,开发更小尺寸半导体的工艺成本呈指数增长,利用数字孪生技术可以极大的 ...
沙利文· 2024-09-30 23:23
《医疗供应链精细化管理(SPD)行业现状与发展趋势蓝皮书》| 2024 1 1 二维码 医疗供应链精细化管理(SPD) 行业现状与发展趋势蓝皮书 二零二四年 版权所有 ©2024弗若斯特沙利文 《医疗供应链精细化管理(SPD)行业现状与发展趋势蓝皮书》| 2024 摘要 沙利文谨此发表《医疗供应链精细化管 理(SPD)行业现状与发展趋势蓝皮 书》,旨在对SPD行业进行全面深入分 析,从市场现状、竞争格局及新兴市场 机会等多方面挖掘SPD行业的价值,探 究行业发展背后的驱动因素,挖掘行业 发展巨大潜力,追踪中国SPD行业未来 的发展趋势,与行业内的各类参与者共 绘中国医疗供应链行业的现代化发展蓝 图,协力增进中国SPD行业的创新活力 并助力行业持续进步。 SPD管理模式是一种现代化供应链管理模式, 有助于全产业链价值提升 全球范围内SPD管理模式已有数十年发展历史。 SPD管理模式作为一种现代化医院院内供应链管 理模式,在供应链管理理论和信息技术的支持下 逐渐发展完善。SPD管理模式不仅能够解决传统 医疗供应链业务的痛点,还能服务产业链上下游, 全方位赋能市场、金融等板块, ...
Recombinant Type III Triple-Helix Collagen Whitepaper
沙利文· 2024-09-29 23:23
FROST & SPC TIPS TOR TESS TOBET CO V A N | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|-------|-------| | | | | | Copyright | | | | ©2024Frost & Sullivan | | | | | | | | ©Dongguan Everon Healthcare Co., Ltd. | | | Recombinant Type III Triple-Helix Collagen Whitepaper | 2024 ◼ Introduction Collagen is an essential structural element of the extracellular matrix, found in all tissues and organs.It does not only provide strength, durability, and elasticity to tissues but also plays a vita ...