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新股探寻 (联芸科技、佳驰科技、英思特、红四方)
四方继保· 2024-11-24 16:08
大家好欢迎参加华新新股新股探讯第57期联营科技加持科技英斯特红四方电话会议下面开始播报面子声明声明播报完毕后主持人可直接开始发言本次会议为华新证券客户开发设计在任何情形下都不构成对会议参加者的投资建议敬请会议参加者充分了解各类投资风险根据自身情况自主做出投资决策并自行承担投资风险 本次会议内容的知识产权仅为华经证券所有未经华经证券事先书面许可任何机构和或个人不得以任何形式转发翻版复制发布或引用会议全部或部分内容亦不得从未经华经证券书面授权的任何机构个人或其运营的媒体平台接收翻版复制或引用会议的全部或部分内容 不得制作会议纪要对外发送擅自制作会议纪要引起不当传播的后果自负 反全所有 违者必究各位领导 大家下午好我是环境辛苦分析师李慧感谢大家来参加我们辛苦探寻第五十七期的线上汇报今天要给大家汇报四个标点电源科技 加持科技 Insta 还有红十方 都是最近照我发行的一些标的啊那在汇报之前呢同样的我们做一个一线的提示我们在这里汇报的标的呢并不代表我们短期的一个投资的建议更多的是对于公司的一个基本信息的一个梳理啊那更多关于投资建议方面的一些呃想要了解的我们也欢迎大家会后可以跟我们团队做更多的交流那下面我就开始今天的汇报 ...
四方继保· 2024-06-20 05:56
请看前面的视频 各位投资者大家下午好非常感谢大家的那个时间来参加四方股份的这个交流今天我们也是有幸邀请了董秘钱总给大家做一个这个沟通啊然后会议开始之前我们还是强调一下会议纪律啊不希望有任何的录音既要流传出来啊然后也谢谢那个钱总的时间钱总现在能听到我们声音吗哎可以的 前总要不我们就开始吧因为对公司的那个情况也相对比较了解所以我们这边请教一些小问题然后后面把更多的时间交给大家好吧前总就是不知道方便比如说到今年的一季度或者是到当下这个时间点我们的一个新增订单的情况给大家那个分享一下可以吗然后包括我们可能关心一下海外有没有一些那个订单出来了谢谢好的 今年我们全年的目标是持续保持一个百分之二十的新鲜增速然后截止到其实一季度可能这个上面来讲这个数据同比来讲会更的晚一点但一季度它确实是在年初基数也比较小然后波动性也比较大 那么逐步累积到五月份甚至到六月初这个时点我们去看的时候应该来说这个数据相对来讲会更更贴近于这个全年的情况从目前来看整个比我们全年的预计目标还是要好一些有一个将近30%的一个同比分数那么这个呢也对于我们全年目标的这个达成呢来看的话这个保障性或者是一种信心吧也是比较强给公司全年经营的这么一个这么一个指引的话对 ...
四方继保· 2024-05-15 01:25
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an industry investment rating [1][10][41][47] Core Views - The rapid development of new energy systems has led to challenges such as reduced system inertia and increased instability, necessitating advanced solutions like grid-forming technologies [2][4] - Grid-forming technologies, including energy storage and SVG, are crucial for providing voltage and frequency support, enhancing grid stability, and enabling high penetration of renewable energy [4][42][43] - The future power system will likely be a hybrid of grid-forming and grid-following technologies, with grid-forming playing a key role in weak grid conditions and grid-following maintaining advantages in strong grid scenarios [49] Technical Background - The widespread adoption of power electronics in new energy systems has reduced system inertia and increased instability, requiring solutions like grid-forming technologies to provide voltage and frequency support [2][4] - Two main solutions are being applied: adding motor-based regulation equipment and using grid-forming power electronics devices [4] - China has been actively promoting grid-forming technologies through various policies and standards, with significant developments in energy storage and renewable energy integration [6] Grid-Forming Technology Development - Grid-forming technology has evolved from load-frequency control in 1986 to hybrid synchronization control in 2020, with key milestones including virtual synchronous generators and power synchronization control [13][14] - Grid-forming devices offer advantages such as inertia support, transient voltage support, and adaptability to weak grids, making them suitable for modern power systems with high renewable energy penetration [16] Key Challenges and Solutions - Current challenges include high-frequency oscillation suppression, fault ride-through, and grid strength identification, with solutions like impedance reshaping and hybrid control methods being developed [20][21][23][24][35] - Grid-forming devices must adapt to varying grid strengths, with solutions like grid-forming/grid-following switchable devices being proposed to enhance system stability and control precision [35][37][39] Applications of Grid-Forming Technologies - Grid-forming energy storage systems provide frequency regulation and voltage support, expanding the stability boundaries of high-renewable energy systems [42] - Grid-forming SVG devices enhance grid strength and stability, offering solutions for improving the integration and operation of renewable energy plants [43] - These technologies are capable of black start, inertial response, and rapid power support, making them essential for modern power grids [44][45] Future Outlook - The rapid growth of renewable energy presents both opportunities and challenges for power electronics, with grid-forming technologies expected to play a critical role in future power systems [49] - While grid-forming technologies offer advantages in weak grid conditions, grid-following technologies remain important for strong grid scenarios, indicating a future hybrid system [49] - Further research and development are needed to address challenges in theoretical analysis, engineering applications, and large-scale deployment of grid-forming technologies [49]