BMC Medical (301367) 华福证券·2024-11-08 12:05
华福证券 t and the states of the seems of the seems of the seems of the seems of the seems of the seems of the seems of the seems and th 怡和嘉业(301367.SZ) Q3 经营拐点确立,业绩有望重回高增轨道 投资要点: 事件:公司发布 2024 年三季报,2024 年单三季度实现收入 2.2 亿(同 比+10.5%),归母净利润 0.33 亿(同比+21.8%),扣非归母净利润 0.19 亿 (同比+24.7%);2024 年前三季度实现收入 6.02 亿(同比-36.3%),归母净 利润 1.25 亿(同比-53.7%),扣非归母净利润 0.85 亿(同比-62.9%); 美国呼吸机市场逐步回归稳态,Q3 经营拐点确立:美国呼吸机市场逐 步回归稳态,第三季度营业收入较第二季度环比增长 15.70%,Q3 经营拐 点确立,随后续订单恢复公司业绩有望逐季度持续改善。 耗材占比稳步提升,毛利率改善明显:得益于美国及欧洲区域耗材放 量,2024 年前三季度耗材收入 2.06 亿元,同比 ...