Operational Readiness Activation & Transition (ORAT)
奥雅纳(Arup)· 2024-10-04 05:03
Launching operationally complex facilities Operational Readiness Activation & Transition (ORAT) <||=====|||||====|||||====||> Introduction As construction teams put the finishing touches on a new major facility, how do asset owners and operators have the confidence that all of the moving parts will come together into one cohesive and smooth operation, and live up to the public anticipation from day one? The launch of a new airport, hotel, hospital, stadium or other public asset is not a new phenomenon. Howe ...
Trade Intervention for Freer Trade
OCTOBER 2024 Trade Intervention for Freer Trade Michael Pettis and Erica Hogan Trade Intervention for Freer Trade Michael Pettis and Erica Hogan © 2024 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved. Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any me ...
Mission Bozio-Wasmer | Les politiques d'exonérations de cotisations sociales : une inflexion nécessaire
Industry Overview - The report focuses on the evolution of social contribution exemptions in France over the past 30 years, particularly targeting low-wage workers to address labor market challenges for less qualified employees [11][12] - The policy of reducing employer social contributions has significantly impacted employment, especially during periods of high unemployment in the 1990s [12] - The cost of the exemption system is estimated at 75 billion euros in 2023, driven by employment growth, wage mass, and the level of the minimum wage (Smic) [6] Historical Policy Evolution - The policy of reducing employer social contributions began in the 1990s with the "Balladur" exemptions, targeting wages close to the Smic [57] - Between 1996 and 2005, the policy shifted to degressive systems, aligning with the transition to a 35-hour workweek [60] - From 2006 to 2012, the "Fillon" exemptions stabilized, with a degressive linear system and a threshold at 1.6 times the Smic [69] - Between 2013 and 2019, competitiveness measures expanded exemptions to higher wage levels [56] - Since 2020, the system has stabilized, with thresholds and rates remaining unchanged [56] Labor Market Impact - The employment rate in France has improved since the 1990s, but inactivity and unemployment remain high for specific groups and less dynamic employment areas [6] - The policy has benefited employers of workers near the Smic, but short-term Smic increases expose companies to heterogeneous cost shocks [6] - The concentration of wages around 1.2 to 1.3 times the Smic has increased over time, particularly during the transition to the 35-hour workweek [6] Economic Analysis - Empirical evaluations indicate substantial employment effects for low-skilled jobs, both in France and abroad [7] - Recent studies show that exemptions benefit companies by reducing costs and improving liquidity, leading to broader employment effects beyond low-wage workers [39] - The progressivity of the tax system can discourage labor supply and training efforts, potentially reducing productivity gains [39] Reform Scenarios - The central reform scenario proposes reducing exemptions by 4.05 points at the Smic level and eliminating certain thresholds, aiming to lower the slope of exemptions and encourage wage progression [14] - Alternative scenarios include maintaining current exemptions at the Smic level but smoothing them to a lower threshold, potentially saving 12.1 billion euros but resulting in job losses [46] - Another option is to recycle savings from reducing the slope of exemptions, extending them to higher wage levels, which could create 50,000 full-time equivalent jobs [47] Simplification and Clarity - The report recommends simplifying the system by limiting it to two exemption regimes: a general regime and an enhanced regime for workers particularly sensitive to labor costs [16] - It suggests unifying the base for social contributions and exemptions, using the same base as the CSG (General Social Contribution) for activity income [16] - The report also proposes making social contributions more transparent by distinguishing between contributory and non-contributory levies [16]
Through the Chat Window and Into the Real World: Preparing for AI Agents
CSET· 2024-10-04 01:53
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------| | | | Workshop Report | | | | | Through the Chat Window and Into the Real World | | | | | Preparing for AI ...
Lessons from the History of Wi-Fi
CTIA· 2024-10-04 00:53
LESSONS FROM THE HISTORY OF Wi-Fi Richard Bennett OCTOBER 2024 Introduction On April 3, 1973, Marty Cooper made the world's first public cellphone call outside the Midtown Hilton in New York. After this dramatic beginning – he called a rival to declare victory – the cellular network became the predominant form of worldwide electronic communication. While the wired telecom network supported 11 million subscribers after its first 110 years of operation, 1cellular went from zero to nine billion in 40 years.2 W ...
Regulating App-based Mobility: Case Studies from Bangkok, Manila and Phnom Penh
国际交通论坛· 2024-10-04 00:28
CPB Corporate Partnership Board Forum | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Regulating App-based | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mobility | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Case Studies from | | | | | | | | Bangkok, Manila and Phnom Penh Case-Specific Policy Analysis | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------|----------------------|--------- ...
How Improved Household Surveys Influence National and International Poverty Rates
世界银行· 2024-10-03 23:03
Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Global Poverty Monitoring Technical Note 40 How Improved Household Surveys Influence National and International Poverty Rates Daniel Gerszon Mahler, Elizabeth Foster, and Samuel Tetteh-Baah September 2024 Keywords: Poverty; survey design, comparability. Development Data Group Development Research Group Poverty and Equity Global Practice Group Public Disclosure Authorized GLOBAL POVERTY MONITORING TECHNICAL NOTE 40 Abstrac ...
Tech Digest Q3 2024
abiresearch· 2024-10-03 22:08
TECH DIGEST TOP TECH INSIGHTS FROM JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024 3Q 2024 ISSUE 3 IN THIS EDITION This edition of Tech Digest uncovers the top technology developments and trends that defined 3Q 2024, offering insights into the innovations and shifts shaping the technology landscape. These insights help technology suppliers and end users identify emerging opportunities for growth and potential challenges to their strategic plans. AI and Gen AI on Full Display at Georgia Pacific's Manufacturing Plants .................. ...
Guide to Private Credit in Asia Pacific
Baker McKenzie. Guide to Private Credit in Asia Pacific 2024 Edition POWERHOUSE Leading and closing complex deals – every day Introduction Welcome to the third edition of our Guide to Private Credit in Asia Pacific. This guide summarizes key issues that a private credit provider should consider across 14 Asia Pacific jurisdictions. Private credit is playing an increasingly important role on a wide range of financings including distressed and special situations credit, mezzanine facilities, infrastructure de ...
Strategic Review of the Egyptian Goodwill Committee
OECD· 2024-10-03 04:08
Strategic Review of the Egyptian Goodwill Committee ADVANCING CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE IN EGYPT Strategic Review of the Egyptian Goodwill Committee ADVANCING CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE IN EGYPT Strategic Review of the Egyptian Goodwill Committee ADVANCING CHILD‑FRIENDLY JUSTICE IN EGYPT This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, ...