Stonehill Technology(002195)
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财联社· 2024-12-18 13:08
①重磅!深圳提出构建人工智能百亿基金投资生态,机构表示持续看好AI投资热潮,这家深圳本地企业 致力于构建AI驱动的全场景智慧生态3.0; ②810.9亿!欧盟启动十年来最大规模太空计划,全球卫星 互联网产业高速发展,这家公司参股公司主营卫星通信和卫星定位"通导一体化"产品及解决方案; ③ 这家公司的芯片电感可以应用于ASIC芯片。 【大头条】 一、AI|重磅!深圳提出构建人工智能百亿基金投资生态,机构表示持续看好AI投资热潮,这家深圳本 地企业致力于构建AI驱动的全场景智慧生态3.0 据媒体报道,深圳市工业和信息化局印发《深圳市打造人工智能先锋城市的若干措施》。其中提到,拓 宽多元化投融资服务。设立人工智能产业基金,汇聚多元资本构建人工智能百亿基金投资生态,坚 持"投早、投小、投长期、投硬科技",探索投补联动、投贷联动等支持机制,打造陪同企业成长的耐心 资本。对符合条件的人工智能企业给予贷款贴息、担保费资助、科技保险资助、知识产权融资贴息等支 持,降低企业融资成本。鼓励金融机构为人工智能企业提供低利率贷款。 点评:AI有望与千行百业深度融合,并带动产业升级,成为培育新质生产力的重要抓手。刚结束的中央 经济工作 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-11 03:50
证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,上海云峄科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为张未名,注册 资本1000万元,经营范围包含技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广等。 企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由岩山科技全资持股。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-05 03:20
脑机接口概念5日盘中发力走高,截至发稿,爱朋医疗20%涨停,岩山科技斩获4连板,成都华微涨超 9%,科大讯飞、中科信息、三博脑科、创新医疗等涨超3%。 消息面上,马斯克旗下脑机接口公司Neuralink近日宣布,已获加拿大卫生部批准启动在该国的首次临床 试验,开始招募受试者。声明称,与此前的PRIME研究类似,这项名为CAN-PRIME的研究旨在评估 Neuralink植入物和手术机器人的安全性,并评估该公司脑机接口在"帮助四肢瘫痪患者用意念控制外部 设备"方面的初步功能。 中信证券指出,脑机接口是新质生产力最具潜力的发展方向之一,国内外脑机企业都在积极推动脑机接 口在医疗、工业、娱乐等多领域商业化。国内政策高度重视脑机接口产业建设,统筹推进脑机接口应用 转化;企业致力于打破国外技术垄断,建设自主可控的全产业解决方案。建议关注:1)海外先行产业 突破带动国内映射标的景气预期抬升;2)有望推出消费级脑机产品的公司;3)有望受益于脑机产品落 地的应用端公司。 校对:苏焕文 ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-27 07:38
上海岩山科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 证券代码:002195 证券简称:岩山科技 公告编号:2024-042 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大 遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完 整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是 否 1 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------|------------------------------------------------------|-------------------|---------------- ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2024年9月26日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-09-27 00:51
证券代码: 002195 证券简称:岩山科技 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-005 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | □特定对象调研 | □分析师会议 | | | 投资者 | □媒体采访 | □业绩说明会 | | | 关系活 | 新闻发布会 | 路演活动 | | | 动类别 | 现场参观 | | | | | √其他(技术开放日活动) | | | | | 1 | | 、公司董事兼常务副总经理、岩芯数智董事长陈代千;岩芯数智创始 | | 活动参 | 人、 CEO | 刘凡平;岩芯数智 ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-25 07:36
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 338.41 million, a 15.69% increase compared to the same period in 2023[11] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 36.97 million, a significant decrease of 85.76% year-on-year[11] - Basic and diluted earnings per share were RMB 0.0065, down 85.99% year-on-year[11] - Operating cash flow was negative RMB 33.08 million, a 111.89% decrease compared to the same period last year[11] - Total assets as of the end of the reporting period were RMB 10.52 billion, a 4.42% increase compared to the end of the previous year[11] - Revenue for the reporting period increased by 15.69% year-over-year to RMB 338,412,644.84[43] - Net profit for the first half of 2024 was RMB 10.06 million, a sharp decline from RMB 259.56 million in the same period last year[124] - Total comprehensive income for the first half of 2024 was RMB 11.54 million, a sharp decline from RMB 268.37 million in the same period last year[124] - Revenue for the first half of 2024 was 6,327,971.30 yuan, a significant decrease from 20,447,211.35 yuan in the same period of 2023[126] - Net profit for the first half of 2024 was 239,762,834.68 yuan, compared to 62,798,886.61 yuan in the first half of 2023[126] - Basic earnings per share for the first half of 2024 were 0.0423 yuan, up from 0.0112 yuan in the same period of 2023[127] - Comprehensive income for the period was 38,429,920.58, with a net profit attributable to parent company owners of 36,971,184.42[135] - The company's comprehensive income for the period increased by RMB 8,810,229.15, contributing to a total comprehensive income of RMB 268,377,428.73[138] - The company's undistributed profit increased by RMB 182,514,358.05, reaching RMB 2,289,310,668.20 at the end of the period[142] - The company's total equity at the end of the period was RMB 9,564,737,763.36, reflecting an increase of RMB 156,515,635.43 compared to the beginning of the period[138] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 8,645,999,355.71, up from RMB 8,424,711,226.68 at the beginning of the period[143] - The company's retained earnings increased by RMB 239,762,834.68, driven by comprehensive income[142] - Total comprehensive income for the period was 62,798,886.61 yuan[144] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period was 8,234,681,275.52 yuan[146] AI and Technology Investments - The decrease in net profit was primarily due to RMB 64.00 million in equity incentive expenses, RMB 63.73 million in fair value decline from stock price fluctuations, and RMB 68.09 million in R&D expenses for the AI sector[11] - The company has strategically positioned itself in AI-driven fields such as smart driving, brain-inspired intelligence (BII), and generative AI (AIGC) since 2023[15] - The company is focusing on AI as a core driver of technological revolution, with national policies supporting AI development and integration into various industries[17] - Smart driving technology is rapidly advancing, with L2+ autonomous driving solutions like NOA gaining traction, and Tesla's FSD v12 accelerating industry adoption[19][20] - The company's AI business includes intelligent driving, brain-inspired intelligence, and AIGC, with significant progress made in these areas[25] - The company's subsidiary, Shanghai Yansi Brain Research Institute, focuses on brain-computer interface decoding algorithms and systems, non-organic brain disease diagnosis, and brain state regulation, with research on zebrafish brain spatial information expression published in Nature in July 2024[29] - Yansi Brain Research Institute is developing a brainwave big model to handle massive neural data, enabling real-time, precise, and efficient human-computer interaction, with pre-training already underway[29] - The brainwave big model aims to translate brain signals into actionable commands, with potential applications in brain-computer interfaces, early disease screening, and treatment evaluation[30] - RockAI launched the Yan1.0 model in January 2024, a non-Attention mechanism general model with higher efficiency and lower machine hallucination compared to Llama 2[31] - Yan1.2 model, released in July 2024, achieves 7-8 tokens per second on Raspberry Pi 5 and over 20 tokens per second on mid-to-low-end smartphones, outperforming Llama3 in efficiency[31] - Yan1.2 model's MCSD 3B module scored an average of 53.5 in benchmark tests, surpassing other models like Pythia, Mamba, and RWKV4[32] - RockAI showcased an offline AI robot "Xiao Zhi" at the 2024 World AI Conference, demonstrating real-time environment recognition and task execution capabilities[33] - RockAI is exploring partnerships with terminal device manufacturers to deploy Yan1.2 model, leveraging its privacy, low latency, and cost advantages[33] - The integration of Yan architecture multimodal models with brain-like neural networks aims to advance full-scenario autonomous driving and embodied intelligence[36] - The company's AI business, Nullmax, has established deep collaborations with multiple domestic and international automakers, chip manufacturers, and Tier 1 suppliers[42] - The company's AI research arm, Nullmax, has developed a new generation of autonomous driving technology and BEV-AI architecture, with multiple papers accepted at top international conferences[37] Internet Information Services - Internet information service business revenue for the first half of 2024 was 228,533,611.23 yuan, a decrease of 6.80% compared to the same period in 2023, accounting for 67.53% of the company's total revenue[26] - Operating costs for the internet information service business increased by 17.49% year-on-year to 141,184,455.74 yuan in the first half of 2024[26] - The company's core product, "2345 URL Navigation," has been operational for 19 years, accumulating a large user base and maintaining a strong market position[41] - Internet information services accounted for 67.53% of total revenue, while AI contributed 10.16%, marking a 100% increase from the previous year[44] - Internet information services revenue decreased by 6.80% YoY to 228,533,611.23 yuan, with a gross margin of 38.22%, down 12.77% YoY[45][46] - The company's internet information service business is affected by slow market recovery and weak industry growth, prompting efforts to optimize resources and enhance user service value[66] Investments and Financial Activities - The company does not plan to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or convert capital reserve into share capital[2] - Non-recurring gains and losses amounted to RMB 14,550,817.33, including government subsidies of RMB 3,692,929.50 and other non-operating income and expenses of RMB 10,223,722.62[13][14] - The company's fair value change loss was RMB -88,700,787.23, primarily due to the passive holding of Innovate Medical shares[14] - The company's investment focus includes artificial intelligence, semiconductors, new energy, new materials, high-end manufacturing, communications, and biotechnology, aligning with national industrial policy[24] - The company's financial product investments are conducted with sufficient self-owned funds and effective risk control, aiming to improve capital efficiency and investment returns[24] - The company completed the capital increase, voting rights delegation, and board appointment for Nullmax (Cayman) Limited in April 2024, achieving control over Nullmax[27] - Nullmax launched the new generation autonomous driving technology, Nullmax Intelligence (NI), which supports multi-modal input including sound, text, and gestures[27] - Nullmax delivered the world's first single TDA4 8T computing power integrated driving and parking solution (ADAS+NOP+HPP)[28] - Nullmax has established deep cooperation with multiple well-known automobile manufacturers for mass production projects and is actively exploring overseas cooperation opportunities with leading automakers[28] - The company's cash flow from operating activities decreased by 111.89% to RMB -33,081,674.39, primarily due to reduced deposit interest income and increased salary payments[43] - The company's investment activities resulted in a cash outflow of RMB -578,404,173.26, a 529.26% decrease compared to the previous year[43] - Investment income for the first half of 2024 was 246,591,724.62 yuan, a substantial increase from 67,443,118.02 yuan in the same period of 2023[126] - Cash flow from operating activities for the first half of 2024 was -33,081,674.39 yuan, a sharp decline from 278,234,226.62 yuan in the first half of 2023[128] - Cash flow from investing activities for the first half of 2024 was -578,404,173.26 yuan, compared to 134,743,536.03 yuan in the same period of 2023[130] - Cash flow from financing activities for the first half of 2024 was -184,758,790.14 yuan, an improvement from -269,358,757.33 yuan in the first half of 2023[130] - Investment activities generated a net cash flow of 896,230,059.03, with total cash inflows of 2,925,740,349.71 and outflows of 2,029,510,290.68[133] - Financing activities resulted in a net cash outflow of 98,206,722.60, with total cash inflows of 94,769,097.10 and outflows of 192,975,819.70[133] - The company's cash and cash equivalents decreased by 557,624,531.11, with an ending balance of 606,847,221.39[133] - Total investment amount for the reporting period was RMB 720,528,266, a significant increase of 1,530.15% compared to the same period last year[52] - Investment in Shanghai Yansi Brain-like Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Co., Ltd. amounted to RMB 10,000,000, with a 100% equity stake and a profit of RMB 3,471,446.09[52] - Investment in Zhuhai Hengqin Yanhe Health Technology Co., Ltd. was RMB 18,500,000, with a 100% equity stake and a profit of RMB 2,874,045.26[54] - Investment in Shanghai Yanxin Digital Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. was RMB 7,500,000, with a 99% equity stake and a profit of RMB 8,610,467.20[54] - Investment in Shenqi Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was RMB 3,800,000, with a 90% equity stake and a loss of RMB 4,567,932.01[55] - Investment in Nullmax (Cayman) Limited and its subsidiaries was RMB 675,000,000, with a 26.12% equity stake and a loss of RMB 9,416,383.31[55] - Investment in Shanghai Zuoying Network Technology Co., Ltd. was RMB 5,000,000, with a loss of RMB 4,242,558.28[56] - Total investment in the reporting period amounted to RMB 719,800,000, with a cumulative loss of RMB 33,182,832.15[56] - Investment in domestic and foreign stocks, specifically Chuangxin Medical (002173), had an initial investment cost of RMB 174,079,640, with a fair value loss of RMB 63,730 and an ending book value of RMB 230,983,520[57] - The acquisition of Nullmax (Cayman) Limited and its subsidiaries had a negative impact on the net profit attributable to shareholders, amounting to -9,416,383.31 yuan[63] - The company's total financial assets were valued at 266,753,987.02 yuan, with a decrease of 70,843,698.48 yuan compared to the previous period[58] - The company did not engage in any derivative investments during the reporting period[59] - No significant assets or equity were sold during the reporting period[61] - The company did not use any raised funds during the reporting period[60] - The company established multiple new subsidiaries, none of which had a significant impact on overall production, operations, or performance[63] - The company faces risks from macroeconomic fluctuations and technological iterations, and plans to mitigate these through diversified operations and international expansion[65] - The company faces risks in the commercialization of AI technologies due to rapid technological iterations and uncertain market acceptance[66] - AI business is in a continuous investment phase, with potential short-term performance challenges[67] - The company is strengthening its R&D team and collaborating with academia and industry experts to track the latest AI trends[66] - The company has a goodwill risk of 26.12% due to its investment in Nullmax, which could impact financial performance if impairment occurs[71] - The company has implemented an employee stock ownership plan involving 411 employees, holding 131,757,998 shares, accounting for 2.32% of the total share capital[75] - The company incurred a total expense of 64.0046 million yuan in the first half of 2024 related to the employee stock ownership plan, recorded in management, R&D expenses, and capital reserves[77] - The company is addressing the risk of high-end talent shortages by offering competitive compensation, equity incentives, and career development opportunities[69] - The company has established an information security management system to mitigate risks related to data breaches and cyberattacks[70] - The company did not distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or convert capital reserves into share capital in the first half of 2024[74] - The company has no significant environmental penalties or issues during the reporting period, with no penalties imposed on the company or its subsidiaries[78] - The company emphasizes social responsibility, focusing on shareholder rights, employee development, and customer service, while adhering to legal and regulatory requirements[79] - No non-operational fund occupation by controlling shareholders or related parties was reported during the period[80] - The company has 30 ongoing litigation cases with a total amount of 118.03 million RMB, and has accrued a provision of 4.96 million RMB for these cases[81] - No penalties or rectifications were reported during the period, and the company and its controlling shareholders maintain good credit status[82][83] - No significant related-party transactions, including asset acquisitions, equity transactions, or joint investments, were reported during the period[84][85][86] - The company completed the capital increase and acquisition of partial equity in Nullmax (Cayman) Limited, as disclosed in the progress announcement on April 2, 2024[90] - No significant leasing, contracting, or trusteeship activities were reported, with no new financing lease contracts added during the period[91][92] - A previous leasing agreement with Yunnan Happy World Investment Holdings was settled, contributing 255,100 RMB to the company's profit[94] - No significant guarantees were provided by the company during the reporting period[95] Market and Industry Trends - China's internet user base reached 1.092 billion by December 2023, with an internet penetration rate of 77.5%, but growth in the internet information service industry has slowed[16] - The micro-drama market in China reached RMB 35.86 billion in 2023 and is expected to exceed RMB 100 billion in the next five years[16] Shareholder and Equity Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 228,606[104] - Shanghai Yanhe Technology Partnership holds 9.75% of the shares, totaling 553,924,434 shares[104] - Shanghai Yanshan Technology Co., Ltd. 2023 Employee Stock Ownership Plan holds 2.32% of the shares, totaling 131,757,998 shares[104] - Chen Yubing holds 1.56% of the shares, totaling 88,898,039 shares[107] - Agricultural Bank of China - CSI 500 ETF holds 1.18% of the shares, totaling 67,172,326 shares[107] - Qushui Xinjia Technology Co., Ltd. holds 1.02% of the shares, totaling 58,186,013 shares[107] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company holds 0.85% of the shares, totaling 48,111,820 shares[107] - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - GF CSI Media ETF holds 0.73% of the shares, totaling 41,654,800 shares[107] - Wang Xilin holds 0.65% of the shares, totaling 36,983,300 shares[107] - Xu Lei holds 0.38% of the shares, totaling 21,610,000 shares[107] - Total assets increased to 10,515,218,382.75 yuan from 10,069,639,572.16 yuan, reflecting growth in both current and non-current assets[117][118] - Current assets decreased to 7,151,049,070.31 yuan from 8,166,890,000.04 yuan, primarily due to a reduction in monetary funds and trading financial assets[116] - Non-current assets increased significantly to 3,364,169,312.44 yuan from 1,902,749,572.12 yuan, driven by growth in long-term equity investments and other non-current financial assets[117] - Total liabilities decreased to 255,014,525.77 yuan from 333,661,328.31 yuan, with a notable reduction in current liabilities[118] - Shareholders' equity increased to 10,260,203,856.98 yuan from 9,735,978,243.85 yuan, indicating improved financial health[118] - Monetary funds decreased to 1,715,381,503.64 yuan from 2,012,736,688.56 yuan, reflecting lower liquidity[116] - Trading financial assets decreased to 4,614,061,401.92 yuan from 5,298,094,148.31 yuan, indicating a reduction in short-term investments[116] - Long-term equity investments remained stable at 75,594,
岩山科技(002195) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告
2024-07-09 12:08
上海岩山科技股份有限公司 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露内容的真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记 载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。 1、业绩预告期间:2024 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 6 月 30 日。 扭亏为盈 同向上升 同向下降 二、与会计师事务所沟通情况 三、业绩变动原因说明 1、因实施 2023 年员工持股计划,公司 2024 年上半年确认股权激励费用 6,400.46 万元。 1 3、公司人工智能业务取得突破性进展,在 2024 年世界人工智能大会闭幕式 上,上市公司作为浦东新区推荐企业代表签约上海市人工智能重点项目。据初步核 算,公司旗下 Nullmax (Cayman) Limited(简称"Nullmax")2024 年上半年(自 上市公司将其纳入合并报表范围后)实现营业收入约为 3,400 万元;上海岩芯数智 人工智能科技有限公司推出了具备跨平台设备兼容性且支持多模态交互的 Yan 1.2 自主底层架构通用大模型,已具备多场景商业化能力;上海岩思类脑人工智能研究 院有限公司在持续进行脑电大模型及非器质性脑疾病相关产品的开发研究,部分产 品已接近上市。但公司人工智能业务整体仍处于投入大于 ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-17 10:46
上海岩山科技股份有限公司2023年年度报告全文 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告 2024 年 4 月 ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-17 10:44
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|----------------|---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 适用 □不适用 | | | | | 项目 | 涉及金额(元) | | 原因 | | 公允价值变动损益 | | -2,607,571.36 | 为充分发挥公司自有资金充裕的优 势,公司设立了股权投资板块。上述 业务系公司为提高资金利用效率及投 | 前 10 名股东及前 10 名无限售流通股股东因转融通出借/归还原因导致较上期发生变化 □适用 不适用 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 (二) 2024 年起首次执行新会计准则调整首次执行当年年初财务报表相关项目情况 一、主要财务数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------|--------- ...
岩山科技(002195) - 2024年3月15日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-03-15 09:43
证券代码: 002195 证券简称:岩山科技 上海岩山科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-002 投资者关 √ 特定对象调研 □ 分析师会议 系活动类 □ 媒体采访 □ 业绩说明会 别 □ 新闻发布会 □ 路演活动 □ 现场参观 √ 其他(券商策略会) 活动参与 长江证券路畅、甬兴证券童非、东吴证券王紫敬、王世杰、张文佳及东吴证券策 人员 略会议所邀请的投资者 时间 2024 年3 月 15 日(周五) 下午 14:00~15:00、15:30~16:30 地点 公司会议室;东吴证券策略会会议现场 形式 现场方式 上市公司 1、公司董事、副总经理兼董事会秘书邱俊祺 接待人员 2、公司旗下岩思类脑人工智能研究院首席科学家李孟博士 姓名 3、公司旗下上海岩芯数智人工智能科技有限公司CEO刘凡平 主要内容如下: 一、岩思类脑人工智能研究院简介 公司在2023年半年度报告中对全资子公司上海岩思类脑人工智能研究院有 限公司(以下简称“岩思类脑研究院”)的基本情况进行了披露。岩思类脑研究院 是公司在承继了控股股东多年在类脑人工智能领域的研究成果基础上,于 2023 ...