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华为· 2024-04-28 14:24
· [标题] 华为A类供应商、一季度业绩超预期,同比、环比均增长,利润增速超营收增速,公募基金持仓占比超15% · [作者]: 常山 单位:万元 序号 年度 客户名称 销售金额 占销售总额的比例 华为技术有限公司 28,882.18 20,74% 1 广东欧珀移动通信有限公司 2 19,521.04 14.02% 3 步步高通信科技有限公司 14,907.15 10.71% 2016年 4 中兴通讯股份有限公司 8,414.31 6.04% ર 小米通讯技术有限公司 5,793.77 4.16% 合计 77,518.45 55.67% 华为技术有限公司 19,122.95 21.04% 广东欧珀移动通信有限公司 9,099.59 10.01% 3 中兴通讯股份有限公司 6,442.42 7.09% 2015年 步步高通信科技有限公司 4 5,824.58 6.41% 华勤通讯技术有限公司 5 3,940.16 4.34% 合计 44,429,70 48.89% 小米通讯技术有限公司 6,614.15 9.57% I 2 华为技术有限公司 5,210.17 7.54% 3 联想移动通信科技有限公司 5,150. ...
华为· 2024-04-26 01:15
星闪+人工智能!公司为低空智联网项目提供产品和服务 24.425 159 期 [重点公告解诱 (语料库,主要用于AI相关算法、产品场景的 与德国Lilium 。公司正在以运 L运行场景做前期验 小批量量产 财联社·公告全知道 1 LO 钙联产工程项目 比增长4764.419 同实际控制人陈崇军被刑事 ...
华为· 2024-04-23 22:42
度销量增长 内电池曝光,能在几秒钟内完成充电,这家公 司进行了钠离子电池产业链一体化布局 日2正无在抗社和子科技行指能,数显个氧化量子光至最子科技 大头条) ①财联社·财联社早知 C财联社·财联社早知道 主要内容 季度净利润1.92亿 关联个股 ...
华为· 2024-04-23 22:42
【电报解读】AI浪潮下算力需求爆增,华为异腾有望成为国 内第二A算力生态,这家公司携手华为共司发布基于鲲鹏平 台的新一代密码应用平合 电报解读 2024. 04. 2320:01 星期二 //电报内容 【华为云在香港提供A1云服务为大模型训练和推理提供A1算力】《科创板日报》23日讯,华为云在香港提供即开 即用的A1云服务,为大模型训练和推理提供高效、长稳、可靠的A1算力。通过全链路云化工具链支持大模型高效 迁移、开发和高效运行,并提供针对异腾云进行特别优化的大模型专区,使能“百模千态”应用快速落地。 //电报解读 一、A1浪潮下算力需求爆增,华为有望深度参与国内算力工程建设 华为拥有鲲鹏与异腾两大产业链,其中鲲鹏为以CPU为基础的通用计算产业,基于ARM架构的鲲鹏CPU华为开源了其自研的操 作系统(欧拉)与数据库(高斯),并与自身云服务能力兼容。 具体看,华为2019年发布的鲲鹏920具有高性能、高吞吐、内存带宽高、1O带宽高、网络带宽高等特点,SPECint评分超过930 分,高于业界标杆25%,同时能效比高于业界标杆30%。基于鲲鹏处理器,华为推出了TaiShan服务器品牌,为鲲鹏处理器在数 据中心服务 ...
华为· 2024-04-23 15:10
作者 客户包括航天科技、航天科工、航空工业、中国航发、华为、广汽、比亚迪等等 季度未股东户数明显减少 北向资金”有所加仓。 一、公司简介及业绩情况 术,为客户定制以工业互联网为核心的,数字化、网络化、智能化系统解决方案。 该公司自2018年以 能科科技营业收入、归母净利润情况(亿元 归母净利润 扣非净 16.00 涉及概念 和管理等领域 4、华为概念:公司为华为提供仿 化运新作 三、事件驱动 季度业绩保持增长, 主,上游信息化服务企业有望跟随受益。 四、市场行为 (一)投资者调研 过专两争已金为我动是与服务持续保持高速 主创新核心技术优势日益显现。 (二)投资者持仓 市值风Q买股之前搜一 4月份以来,“北向资金’特仓能科科技有所增加。 市值风 年一季度末,股东户数再次将至1万户左右,为2020年 市值风Q买股之前搜一接 ...
华为· 2024-04-22 08:51
电子 周跟踪(20240415-20240421) 领先大市-A(维持) 华为P70系列开售,台积电指引AI需求依旧强劲 2024年4月22日 行业研究/行业周报 电子行业近一年市场表现 投资要点 市场整体:本周(2024.04.15-2024.04.19)市场普遍下跌。上证指数涨1.52%, 深圳成指涨0.56%,创业板指数跌0.39%,科创50跌1.07%,申万电子指数跌 2.59%,Wind半导体指数跌2.39%。费城半导体指数跌9.23%,台湾半导体指 数跌8.59%。细分板块中,周涨跌幅前三为半导体设备(-1.09%)、电子化学 品(-2.02%)、分立器件(-2.18%)。从个股看,涨幅前五为:凯华材料(+21.43%)、 朗特智能(+21.40%)、沃尔核材(+16.78%)、江波龙(+13.61%)、安联锐视 资料来源:最闻 (+10.76%);跌幅前五为:朗鸿科技(-26.33%、)、德福科技(-23.91%)、 ST宇顺(-22.73%)、*ST碳元(-22.70%)、ST恒久(-22.39%)。 行业新闻:华为Pura70系列上架一分钟即售罄。4月18日华为终端微博 相关报告: ...
华为· 2024-04-22 01:43
证券研究报告 电子 华为 Pura 70:关注影像升级引领光 学创新 华泰研究 电 子 增持 (维持) 2024年4月19日│中国内地 专题研究 研究员 黄乐平,PhD Pura 70系列沿用先锋计划上线华为商城,超聚光伸缩摄像头为业界首创 SAC No. S0570521050001 SFC No. AUZ066 +(852) 3658 6000 4/18上午10:08,Pura 70 Pro / Ultra沿用先锋计划,在未开发布会的情况 下登陆官方商城。Pro起售价6,499元,提供罗兰紫、雪域白、羽纱黑配色, 研究员 陈旭东 Ultra起售价9,999元,提供香颂绿、摩卡棕、星芒白、星芒黑配色。往年, SAC No. S0570521070004 该系列起售价较大幅度低于Mate,此次定价则有所上调,直接对标Mate。 SFC No. BPH392 +(86) 21 2897 2228 相比Mate商务旗舰定位,P系列主打拍照和时尚,定位于年轻群体,Pura 联系人 于可熠 70 Ultra搭载业内首创1英寸超大底伸缩 ...
华为· 2024-04-19 07:50
更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要关注公众号:水木纪要 华为新机强势回归,消费电子PCB有望复苏 摘要 “, 动作用 据加V: · 2024年第一季度全球手机出货量同比增长超过7个百分点,台湾股市各个板块的营收 也呈现同比增长趋势 手调研纪头 · PCB 市场有望复苏,特别是在汽车和消费电子板块的增速相对较快 FPC 在消费电子领域的应用趋势增长,中国大陆的龙头企业在高端PCB 市场具有优势 · · 全球智能手机市场正在逐步恢复电脑市场同比增长,可穿戴设备的出货量保持持续增 长趋势 周研纪要禾 ·AI 技术在消费电子产品中的应用前景广阔,用户更愿意为具备 AI功能的新一代产品更 新换代 消费电子领域的PCB产品需求呈现上升趋势,对先进PCB产品的需求不断增长 华为在自动驾驶技术方面有最新的进展,即将发布 ADS 3.0版本,能力在全国全路段的 覆盖和处理场景能力上限方面表现出色 · 当前自动驾驶技术的发展趋势主要集中在提升系统的功能稳定性和场景处理能力,ADS 3.0 相较于 ADS 2.0 在功能稳定性方面做了显著提升 华为已经展现出了领先的技术积累和迭代速度,在大模型方面具有优势 ·华为智能车领域的投资机 ...
华为· 2024-04-19 05:04
感谢您的理解和支持 谢谢 各位投资者大家晚上好我是开源 仲小凡和汽车的人浪那我们今天这次这个是我们华为全联通系列深度的这个深度报告汇报的这个第八期那这个今天刚好呢我们也是看到了华为这个最新的这个手机Pure T0的这样一个发布发布完了之后也就是这个秒空的这样的一个 好的各位投资者晚上好谢谢浪总我给各位 我们这个深度报告华为新机强势回归消费电子PCB有望复苏的这篇报告的一个主要的一个内容啊刚刚这个人当中也提到了大家也看到了刚好了今天这个时间节点P70现在叫PURE对吧发布了而且他发布之后一个销售的一个情况非常好包括了其实我们说在这个节点 一方面是看到华为这一块的需求比较好其实另一个呢我们也看到一季度的这个全球的一个手机的这个出货量同比有七个多点的一个增长包括我们也现在能够看到像台股那边 月度公布的这个月度营收三月份有看到各个板块吧光学啊面板包括像这个上游的芯片啊存储啊制造啊他们今年一季度以来 每个月营收都是呈同比增长的趋势包括我们从产业链上也能看得到下游的需求在逐步恢复的情况下各个环节厂商的库存都在降低包括我们今天看到台积电开了业绩说明会有提到对于二季度他们的一个 营收的一个展望大家可以看一看不管同比还是缓比都 ...
华为(HUAWEI) - 2021 - 年度财报
华为· 2021-12-30 16:00
Financial Performance - Company achieved sales revenue of RMB 636.8 billion in 2021, with a net profit margin of 17.9%[5] - Revenue in 2021 reached $99.887 billion (RMB 636.807 billion), with an operating profit of $19.044 billion (RMB 121.412 billion) and an operating margin of 19.1%[14] - The company's net profit for 2021 was $17.837 billion (RMB 113.718 billion), a significant increase from $6.465 billion (RMB 64.649 billion) in 2020[14] - Operating cash flow increased by 69.4%, and cash reserves remained sufficient[5] - The company's operating cash flow in 2021 was $9.360 billion (RMB 59.670 million), compared to $3.522 billion (RMB 35.218 million) in 2020[14] - The company's cash and short-term investments stood at $65.304 billion (RMB 416.334 billion) at the end of 2021[14] - Huawei's total assets reached $154.184 billion (RMB 982.971 billion), with a debt-to-asset ratio of 57.8%[14] - Debt-to-asset ratio decreased from 62.3% to 57.8%, improving capital structure[5] - Revenue for 2021 was RMB 636.807 billion, a decrease from RMB 891.368 billion in 2020[193] - Gross profit for 2021 was RMB 307.442 billion, down from RMB 327.132 billion in 2020[193] - Operating profit for 2021 was RMB 121.412 billion, up from RMB 72.501 billion in 2020[193] - Net profit for 2021 was RMB 113.718 billion, compared to RMB 64.649 billion in 2020[193] - Total comprehensive income for 2021 was RMB 109.741 billion, up from RMB 62.998 billion in 2020[193] - The company's net profit attributable to owners was RMB 113.672 billion in 2021, compared to RMB 64.595 billion in 2020[193] - Total assets increased to RMB 982,971 million in 2021 from RMB 876,854 million in 2020, reflecting a growth of 12.1%[194] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased to RMB 128,395 million in 2021 from RMB 172,898 million in 2020, a decline of 25.7%[194] - Net cash generated from operating activities was RMB 59,670 million in 2021, up from RMB 35,218 million in 2020, indicating a 69.5% increase[195] - Investments and derivatives in non-current assets surged to RMB 30,194 million in 2021 from RMB 10,244 million in 2020, a 194.8% increase[194] - Equity attributable to the company's owners rose to RMB 414,557 million in 2021 from RMB 330,325 million in 2020, a 25.5% growth[194] - Total liabilities increased to RMB 568,319 million in 2021 from RMB 546,446 million in 2020, a 4.0% rise[194] - Net cash used in investing activities was RMB 100,575 million in 2021, compared to RMB 30,793 million in 2020, a 226.6% increase[195] - Revenue from sales of goods and services was RMB 708,883 million in 2021, down from RMB 989,447 million in 2020, a 28.4% decline[195] - Payments to suppliers and employees decreased to RMB 701,351 million in 2021 from RMB 1,010,231 million in 2020, a 30.6% reduction[195] - The company's equity in joint ventures and associates increased to RMB 4,342 million in 2021 from RMB 1,839 million in 2020, a 136.1% rise[194] R&D and Innovation - R&D expenses reached RMB 142.7 billion, accounting for 22.4% of sales revenue, the highest in the past decade[5] - Huawei invested RMB 142.7 billion in R&D in 2021, accounting for 22.4% of its annual revenue[20] - Over the past decade, Huawei has cumulatively invested over RMB 845 billion in R&D, with annual investments in basic research exceeding RMB 20 billion in recent years[20] - Huawei has established 86 basic technology laboratories and proposed a new trusted computing architecture model for the AI era, achieving a three-order-of-magnitude increase in data processing capacity[20] - R&D expenses in 2021 were RMB 142,666 million, accounting for 22.4% of revenue, an increase of 6.5 percentage points year-on-year[173] - R&D expenses for 2021 were RMB 142.666 billion, slightly higher than RMB 141.893 billion in 2020[193] - The company invested 22.4% of annual revenue in R&D, totaling over 10.7 billion RMB, with 54.8% of employees engaged in R&D activities[139] 5G and Network Solutions - Over 3,000 5G industry applications were promoted, supporting green site deployments in more than 100 countries[7] - Huawei's 5G networks delivered the best user experience in tests across 13 countries[7] - The company has built more than 1,500 networks globally, aiding millions of enterprises in digital transformation[3] - Huawei signed over 3,000 commercial contracts for 5G industry applications across more than 20 industries, including ports, manufacturing, and chemicals[18] - Huawei's green site solutions have helped global operators save approximately 84.2 billion kWh of electricity and reduce CO2 emissions by about 40 million tons by the end of 2021[19] - Huawei's green site solutions helped global operators save approximately 84.2 billion kWh of electricity and reduce 40 million tons of CO2 emissions by the end of 2021[46] - 5G user penetration exceeded 20% in countries like China, South Korea, and Switzerland, with over 30% of traffic carried by 5G in hotspot cities[50] - Over 40% of 5G users in South Korea used AR/VR applications, with AR children's library being one of the most popular[51] - Huawei supported 70+ operators in launching 5G FWA services, with over 2 million home users and a 60% increase in ARPU by 2021[51] - Huawei's 5G solutions enabled remote control of equipment with 20ms low latency in Hungary's East-West Gate railway terminal, improving logistics efficiency[52] - MetaAAU technology improves downlink edge rate by over 40% and uplink edge rate by approximately 60%[54] - Sub-3GHz multi-band multi-antenna solution increases network capacity by about 80% in Malaysia[54] - FDD Massive MIMO deployed by over 60 global operators to enhance spectrum efficiency[54] - Adaptive high-resolution algorithm boosts multi-user download speed and cell capacity by over 20% in high-density scenarios[54] - Green antenna technology achieves approximately 15% energy savings in Thailand[54] - CO+AirPON hybrid network solution reduces time-to-market by about 60% in the Philippines[55] - FTTR for Home solution deployed to over 150,000 users in China and piloted in more than 20 overseas operators[55] - SDH network modernization solution reduces TCO by approximately 23% in the Middle East[55] - IP network automation solution significantly improves resource management efficiency in Nigeria[56] - Huawei's 5GtoB initiatives supported digital transformation in 8 major industries with over 3,000 projects[80] - Huawei's MetaAAU innovation improved coverage by 3dB, enhanced user experience by 30%, and reduced energy consumption by 30% compared to traditional AAU[81] - Huawei's Sub6GHz BladeAAU Pro significantly reduced site TCO and enabled simplified deployment in Massive MIMO scenarios[81] - Huawei's 4T4R RRU improved user experience by 30% and reduced energy consumption by 30%[82] - Huawei's 8T8R RRU increased coverage by 3dB and capacity by 3 times while further reducing energy consumption[82] - Huawei's FDD Massive MIMO increased 4G network capacity by 3 times and 5G capacity by 5 times[82] - Huawei's FTTR solution has shipped over 400,000 units, providing gigabit Wi-Fi experience for homes and SMEs[83] - Huawei's AirPON solution has helped over 170 mobile operators globally reduce construction costs by approximately 30% and shorten time-to-market by over 50%[83] - Huawei's DQ ODN technology reduces invalid site visits by about 30%[83] - Huawei's all-optical campus and industrial network solutions have served over 5,000 customers globally, saving about 80% of weak current room space and reducing energy consumption by approximately 30%[83] - Huawei's fiber sensing product achieves an accuracy rate of over 97% in identifying damage events in oil and gas pipeline inspection scenarios[83] - Huawei has deployed over 90 OTN quality private line networks globally, expanding the user base by 10 times[83] - Huawei's 200G market share continues to lead, with 400G single-fiber capacity being the largest in the industry, and 800G has completed over 20 trial commercial deployments[83] - Huawei's OXC has been deployed in over 2,000 sets globally, helping operators save approximately 40 million kWh of electricity annually[83] - Huawei's AR-HUD solution can display a 70-inch equivalent image at a distance of about 7.5 meters from the human eye[83] - Huawei's IntelligentRAN architecture aims for zero-wait business, zero-fluctuation experience, and zero-failure network, achieving dual optimization of experience and energy efficiency[83] - Huawei's HiSec security solution upgraded to version 3.0, featuring intelligent analysis, dynamic detection, and global defense, enhancing network security resilience[84] - Huawei's CloudCampus solution upgraded to version 3.0, enabling end-to-end intelligent cloud campus networks with AirEngine Wi-Fi 6 and CloudEngine S8700 switches[84] - Huawei's 5GtoB public-private network solution ensures high reliability and efficiency, supporting S, M, and L series specifications for various industry needs[84] - Huawei's CloudFabric 3.0 solution achieves 0 packet loss in data center networks, enabling 100% computing power release and L3.5 autonomous network capabilities[84] - Huawei's Kunpeng DevKit 2.0 and BoostKit 2.0 enhance application performance, supporting over 10,000 solutions from 3,500 partners[87] - Huawei's openEuler operating system expanded to cloud, edge computing, and embedded scenarios, with over 80,000 developers and 24 innovation centers in China[87] - Huawei's openGauss database has over 50,000 global downloads, with 100+ enterprises and 2,500+ developers contributing to its development[89] - Huawei's 5G core network solution rated as the sole leader by GlobalData, supporting 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G NSA/SA full convergence[84] - Huawei's SD-WAN solution with NetEngine AR8140 enables multi-branch businesses to connect to the cloud with a single hop[84] - Huawei's CloudWAN 3.0 solution supports agile, intelligent, and secure cloud networks for enterprise customers[84] - Huawei's Ascend AI platform has developed over 600,000 developers and established partnerships with more than 500 industry partners, co-incubating over 600 solutions[90] - The Ascend AI platform has been adopted in over 20 cities in China for AI computing centers, with some already operational, providing普惠 AI算力[90] - Huawei's MindSpore community has over 4,000 contributors, supports more than 300 models, and serves over 5,000 enterprises with over 1 million downloads[90] - Huawei's AI visual algorithms in 3C electronics manufacturing achieve over 99% defect detection rate and accuracy, enhancing quality and efficiency[91] - Huawei's "Smart Base" project has empowered over 250,000 students and 2,500 pioneer teachers across 72 universities, offering 1,300 courses[92] - Huawei's OceanStor Pacific series storage improves storage space utilization by over 30% and supports diverse applications like HPDA and big data[93] - The OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage addresses performance challenges in financial data exchange and semiconductor EDA simulation scenarios[93] - Huawei's FusionCube hyper-converged products increase VM/container density by approximately 20% and energy efficiency by about 15%[93] - Huawei's IdeaHub办公宝 integrates video conferencing with cloud services, serving leading clients in energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance[94] - Huawei's gene sequencing solution with West China Hospital reduces human genome analysis time from 24 hours to 7 minutes[93] - Huawei Cloud operates 65 availability zones across 27 geographic regions, covering over 170 countries and regions[95] - Huawei Cloud serves over 7.3 billion monthly active users of Huawei devices globally[95] - Huawei Cloud has launched 220+ cloud services and 210+ solutions, with over 6,100 applications on its cloud marketplace[95] - Huawei Cloud supports 600+ government cloud projects in China, including upgrades for 35 city government clouds to cloud-native[95] - Huawei Cloud has helped over 1.7 million manufacturing enterprises with digital transformation through 40+ industrial internet innovation centers[95] - Huawei Cloud is the fastest-growing mainstream public cloud provider in the Asia-Pacific region[96] - Huawei Cloud's UCS (Ubiquitous Cloud-Native Service) improves operational efficiency by over 40% for financial clients like GF Securities[98] - Huawei Cloud's ModelArts AI platform enables a 20% performance improvement and 30% cost reduction for Singapore's Nestia[98] - Huawei Cloud's PanGu drug molecule model is expected to save 700,000 lives annually with a new broad-spectrum antibacterial drug[100] - Huawei Cloud's knowledge computing solution reduces the research cycle for oil and gas layer identification by 70%, achieving over 90% accuracy[100] - Huawei Cloud GaussDB has been commercially launched, providing financial-grade high availability across two regions and three centers, distributed high performance with over 1,000 nodes, and AI-Native autonomous management, serving as a robust data processing foundation[101] - Huawei Cloud collaborated with Xing Sheng You Xuan e-commerce platform, helping over 400,000 farmers in Hunan Province increase their income by more than 8 billion RMB, while enabling real-time analysis of user consumption trends and sales predictions[102] - Huawei Cloud Stack has served over 4,800 enterprise and government customers, including 600 government cloud projects, and supports 148 financial districts in Shaanxi Province with over 30,000 budget units and 80,000 users[103] - Huawei Cloud SparkRTC real-time audio and video service has built a global media network with over 2,500 nodes, achieving 200ms low latency and 99.99% high availability, supporting media production, distribution, and application scenarios[103] - Huawei Cloud MetaStudio digital content production line has created the first virtual digital employee "Yunsheng" and supported the development of a digital host "Xiao Yang" for a popular variety show[103] - Huawei Cloud has invested $100 million in the "Spark Innovation Plan" to support global startups, focusing on cloud collaboration, continuous technological innovation, and localized services[103] - Huawei Digital Energy has helped customers achieve 482.9 billion kWh of green power generation, saving approximately 14.2 billion kWh of electricity, and reducing CO2 emissions by nearly 230 million tons by the end of 2021[105] - Huawei Digital Energy is driving the transition to a low-carbon society by integrating digital and power electronics technologies, focusing on clean power generation, energy digitization, and green ICT infrastructure[104] - Huawei's smart photovoltaic solutions have increased power generation by over 2% and improved operation and maintenance efficiency by more than 50% at the 2.2GW photovoltaic park in Qinghai, which produces nearly 5 billion kWh of clean electricity annually[106] - The Red Sea project in Saudi Arabia, supported by Huawei, includes 1,300MWh of energy storage and 400MWp of photovoltaic capacity, aiming to meet the energy needs of a million people and become the world's first 100% solar-powered city[107] - Huawei's DriveONE solution enhances electric vehicle range by 8.5% and enables a 200 km range with just 10 minutes of charging[108] - The Moro Hub green data center in Dubai, powered by 100% solar energy, has a total design capacity of 18MW, with the first phase of 1.8MW completed in just 5.5 days[108] - Huawei's FusionPower solution saved over 40% of space in the power distribution system at the Shanghai Data Center, allowing for the deployment of 350 additional IT cabinets and saving over 16,000 meters of power cables[109] - The "Smart Super Station" in Hangzhou, developed with Huawei, reduced site area by 80% and increased photovoltaic power generation by 20%, saving 13,000 yuan annually and reducing carbon emissions by 8 tons[110] - Huawei's comprehensive smart energy solutions improve energy efficiency by approximately 20%, reduce energy costs by about 10%, and shorten the investment payback period by 25%[112] - The Huawei Digital Energy Antuoshan Base in Shenzhen is expected to produce 1.5 million kWh of photovoltaic green electricity annually, achieving a 51% reduction in electricity consumption and a 63% reduction in carbon emissions[112] - The Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City Exhibition Center, equipped with Huawei's solutions, generates approximately 1.27 million kWh of green electricity annually and reduces carbon emissions by 606 tons[112] - Huawei's open ecosystem strategy includes hardware and software openness, enabling partners to develop energy applications and participate in industry standards and policy development[113] - Huawei's global monthly active users for its terminal devices exceeded 730 million