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Ferrous Tracker_ Iron Ore Rallies On Stimulus Announcements, But Fundamentals Remain Bearish
shopee· 2024-10-07 16:08
27 September 2024 | 11:55AM BST _ Ferrous Tracker: Iron Ore Rallies On Stimulus Announcements, But Fundamentals Remain Bearish | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | The 62%Fe iron ore index has ...
Navigating China Internet_ Lifting eCommerce on room for further re-rating; refreshing mega-cap TPs and our top ideas
shopee· 2024-10-07 16:08
30 September 2024 | 1:20AM HKT _ Navigating China Internet Lifting eCommerce on room for further re-rating; refreshing mega-cap TPs and our top ideas We lift our preference for eCommerce to within our top-two most-preferred sub-sectors alongside games (Tencent, on CL) within China Internet on the back of stronger-than-expected government pro-growth/easing policies, signs of a normalizing eCommerce market landscape where incumbent players have broadly stabilized their eCommerce market share in recent months, ...
Nike Inc. (NKE)_ F1Q25 Earnings Review_ Several puts and takes in F1Q; emerging innovation greenshoots offset by weaker outlo...
shopee· 2024-10-07 16:08
1 October 2024 | 8:06PM MDT _ | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------|-----------------|------------| | | Nike Inc. (NKE) F1Q25 Ea ...
Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Tech_ Slow recovery with share loss; downgrade to UW
shopee· 2024-10-01 12:42
M Asia Pacific Insight September 24, 2024 08:00 PM GMT Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Tech Slow recovery with share loss; downgrade to UW | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|--------------------|-------|-------------------------------------------------|-------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Rating \nPrice Target | What's Changed \n | | Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Tech (600584.SS) | | From \nEqual-weight \nRmb28.00 | To \nUnderweight ...
Wondershare Technology Group_ Doubao Video AI Model Makes Competitor Stronger
shopee· 2024-10-01 12:42
M Update Wondershare Technology Group | Asia Pacific September 24, 2024 03:21 PM GMT CH) Doubao Video AI Model Makes Competitor Stronger On September 24, Volcano Engine (Bytedance's cloud platform) released new products under the Doubao Foundation Model, including Doubao Video Generation Model, Doubao Music Model and Doubao Simultaneous Interpretation Model. The Doubao Video Generation Model can follow complicated prompts, fulfilling multi- shots action instructions with multi-subjects interaction in time s ...
Semiconductors_ Weekly_ Micron Preview shows mixed signals
shopee· 2024-09-29 16:06
M Update Semiconductors | North America September 23, 2024 04:01 AM GMT Weekly: Micron Preview shows mixed signals MU stock could rebound on earnings given a low bar near term, particularly if enthusiasm returns to AI beneficiaries; but we remain below consensus on CY25 and don't see the stock as value at these levels, remain Equal-weight. The stock could tactically rebound, but high valuation and CY25 concerns keep us sidelined. Expectations are way down, and tactically, we think that if they can guide abo ...
G10 FX Strategy & Economics_ Can EUR Price More ECB Dovishness_
shopee· 2024-09-29 16:06
M Idea | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
shopee· 2024-09-27 10:30
S Shopee 2024 彩妆品类洞察 2024/8 1 官录 CONTENTS ● 品类概况 ● 细分类目解析 ● 各站点热销品偏好&价格段解析 ● 头部品牌卖家解析 ● 附录 ូം 各站点热搜词&细分品类概况 O 各站点彩妆销售规则 2 品类概况 Private & Confidential 3 the station of the sub S 东南亚市场彩妆规模不断攀升,越南泰国引领市场增长 主要市场彩妆规模 Unit: million USD 3.360 新加坡 2,969 主要市场2024彩妆线上占比预测 线上彩妆占比 26% 25% 20% 马来西亚 2,601 18% 菲律宾 16% 2.239 越南 1.892 36 EB 1.631 菲律宾 马来西亚 越南 新加坡 2021 2022 2023 2024(E) 2025(E) 2026(E) 1,802 2020 东南亚彩妆市场规模保持高速增长,预计在2026年达到33.6亿美元. 线上平均占比达20%以上。 以越南,泰国为代表的东南亚市场彩妆规模大,且增长迅猛,是跨境彩妆重点市场 · 线上成为彩妆购买的重要渠道,新加坡和泰国尤为显著 • ...
Container Shipping_ Data NOW_ SITC vs. 4.4k TEU Containership TC Rates
shopee· 2024-09-26 16:38
M Update Container Shipping | Asia Pacific September 22, 2024 04:30 PM GMT Data NOW: SITC vs. 4.4k TEU Containership TC Rates SITC's competitors charter in capacity to provide services. Thus, we believe SITC's share price performance is positively correlated with vessel timecharter rates. Key Takeaways 4.4k TEU containership timecharter rate rose 2% WoW to US$51k/day. Click here for access Exhibit 1: SITC share performance vs. 4,400 TEUs timecharter rate SITC share performance vs. 4,400 TEU timecharter rate ...
Shopee· 2024-08-27 06:25
S Shopee 乐器品类市场分析及LFF选品建议 Private & Confidential [s] 01 市场趋势和选择 2 s 乐器市场YoY增速30%+,超大盘增长 PH TH VN MY SG BR 07/23 08/23 09/23 10/23 11/23 12/23 01/24 02/24 03/24 04/24 05/24 06/24 07/24 全站YoY增速30% 巴西 YoY 78%+ 越南YoY 46%+ 新加坡 YoY 40%+ 站点PHBR MYSGTHVN 乐器客单价$(含零配件)25~3015~2020~2525~3010~1530~35 Private & Confidential s 平台整体销售额中配件、吉他、键盘贡献比例大,本地仓发能带动大件乐器销售 平均客单价对比 日均销售额贡献 _ 跨境学家 本地学家 本地学家 Music 11 12 乐器配件 Accessories String 弦乐器,吉他等 36 10 Instruments Kevboards & 57 13 Pianos Percussion 打击乐器,鼓等 25 14 Instruments Wind ...