Leveraging Trade for More and Better Jobs
世界银行· 2024-09-12 23:03
MACROECONOMICS TRADE, INVESTMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS TRADE, INVESTMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS Public Disclosure Authorized TRADE, INVESTMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS Public Disclosure Authorized TRADE, INVESTMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS Public Disclosure Authorized MACROECONOMICS TRADE, INVESTMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS Public Disclosure Authorized | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
The Healthy Longevity Initiative
世界银行· 2024-09-12 23:03
Public Disclosure Authorized Knowledge Brief Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice THE HEALTHY LONGEVITY INITIATIVE: KEY INSIGHTS FOR POLICY AND ACTION Sameera Altuwaijri, Prabhat Jha, George Alleyne Paul Isenman, Seemeen Saadat, Jeremy Veillard August 2024 | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Gender Gaps in Healthy Longevity
世界银行· 2024-09-12 23:03
Public Disclosure Authorized Knowledge Brief Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Aging and Health
世界银行· 2024-09-12 23:03
Public Disclosure Authorized Knowledge Brief Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice AGING AND HEALTH: POLICY CONSIDERATIONS FOR LONG-TERM CARE Meriem Boudjadja, Sameera Altuwaijri, and Seemeen Saadat for the Healthy Longevity Team July 2024 | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Oil Market Report - September 2024
IEA· 2024-09-12 09:08
Title of the Report Highlights Oil Market Report Methodology Notes Oil Industry and Markets Division August 2024 refining margin documentation INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY - OIL MARKET REPORT | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | Contents | | | Introduction (updated) . | | | Refining hubs | | | Refinery configuration and product yields (updated). | | | Crude grades (updated) . | | | Petrochemical margins | | | Emission costs (updated) | | | Energy consumption ...
The future of mobility 5.0
理特咨询· 2024-09-12 00:53
2024 T H E F U T U R E O F MOBILITY 5.0 | --- | |----------------------| | | | Changing gear in | | the journey toward | | sustainable mobility | ARTHUR LITTLE | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|---------| | | | | | CONTENT | | | | FOREWORD | | 4 | | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | | 6 | | 1. E X A M I N AT I O N O F C U R R E N T STATE OF MOBILITY SYSTEMS | | 1 0 | | | | | | 2 . | DEEP DIVES ON MOBILITY SOLUTIONS 1 8 | | | ...
Hungry for Good Jobs: Food Service Workers in Public Schools
Berkeley· 2024-09-12 00:53
SEPTEMBER 2024 1 HUNGRY FOR GOOD JOBS: FOOD SERVICE WORKERS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS LABOR CENTER SARA HINKLEY A REPORT FROM THE UC BERKELEY LABOR CENTER Acknowledgements Many thanks to Aida Farmand at the UC Berkeley Labor Center for modeling the public program participation of food service workers. This report benefited greatly from the feedback of Jennifer Gaddis of the University of Wisconsin (as well as her years of work in this area) and from conversations with Debbie Friedman and Eva Ringstrom with the Food ...
Österreich 25 2024
Brand Finance· 2024-09-12 00:48
Brand Finance® Österreich 25 2024 Der ultimative Jahresbericht über die wertvollsten Marken in Österreich September 2024 Inhalt. | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | Über Brand Finance | 3 | | Vorwort | 4 | | David Haigh, Chairman & CEO, Brand Finance | | | Vorwort | 5 | | Ulf-Brün Drechsel, Managing Director DACH, Brand Finance | | | Ranking Analyse | 8 | | Markenwert Ranking (EURm) | 16 | | Marken Spotlight | 17 | | NOVOMATIC Interview mit Stefan Krenn ...
AI-led Generative Business Services: The Future of Global Business Services (GBS)
凯捷研究院· 2024-09-12 00:33
In partnership with Capgemini � | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------| | | | | | MARKET IMPACT REPORT | HFS Foreword Oliver Pfeil CEO, Capgemini Business Services Phil Fersht CEO, HFS Research | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Liberia Economic Update
世界银行· 2024-09-11 23:03
blic Disclosure Auth olic Disclosure Authorize ERIA ECONOMIC 5th Edition | June 2024 Powering Growth with Reliable, Affordable and Sustainable Energy Access ORLD BANK GROUP croeconomics, Trade & Investment olic Disclosure Authorize c Disclosure Author © 2024 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work d ...