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康基医疗(09997) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-25 08:37
KANGJI康基 康基医疗控股有限公司 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) Stock Code 股份代號:9997 INTERIM REPO 中期報告 Contents 目錄 Contents 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | 2 | Corporate Information | 公司資料 | | 4 | Financial Highlights | 財務摘要 | | 5 | Management Discussion and Analysis | 管理層討論與分析 | | 22 | Corporate Go ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-20 13:09
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確 性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不會就本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因 倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 於報告期內,本公司實現人民幣458.4百萬元的收入,相較2023年同期增長 13.6%。本集團銷售增加主要歸因於一次性產品的銷售增加。 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited 康基医疗控股有限公 司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:9997) 截至2024年6月30日止六個月的中期業績公告 康基医疗控股有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)董事(「董事」) 會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本集團截至2024年6月30日止六個月(「報告期」)的未經審 核綜合中期業績連同2023年同期的比較數據如下: | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------ ...
华安证券· 2024-05-22 16:47
那么我们的具体流程是分为公司介绍和QA两个部分那么首先第一步先请尹总对公司情况以及最新的进展做一个简单的梳理有请尹总 好的好的谢谢钱总也谢谢各位投资者对康治医疗的关注和支持那么我们先简单的介绍一下公司情况因为在线的投资者可能有一些对公司比较熟悉也耐心的听我介绍几分钟那么有一些可能相对来说不是那么的了解那么我刚好也给大家稍微普及一下我现在共享一下屏幕就是我把PPT给大家打出来 我先给大家介绍一下因为我们是港股它是没有记报所以我们是就是I3年的整个年报的情况给大家做一个介绍 那么我先介绍一下就是23年公司的一个回顾那么23年跟康基疗的总的收入是9.3亿人民币同比增长17.8%那么其中国内的销售是同比增长17.5%外贸同比增长20.6%那么外销的收入增长是占9.3%那么22年是9.1略有提升那么一次性产品还是占大头就占86.9% 那么22年是87.6那么我们的净利润是规模是5亿那么规模的净利润率是54.5那么我们的这个每股收益是14.3那么整个公司的海外销售那么23年是有一个比较大的一个提升我们现在覆盖了58个国家那么比22年要增加了11个国家 那么23年我们在专利和产品注册方面我们也有不少的一些成绩那么这里就不赘 ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-25 08:53
Financial Performance - Kangji Medical achieved operating revenue of RMB926.0 million in 2023, representing a year-on-year growth of approximately 17.8%[6] - The non-HKFRS adjusted net profit attributable to owners of the parent for the Reporting Period was RMB504.0 million, representing a year-on-year growth of approximately 5.3%[6] - Revenue for 2023 increased by 17.8% to RMB926.0 million compared to 2022, driven by domestic market growth and recovery in elective surgery volumes post-COVID-19 restrictions, along with rapid export sales growth due to new distributor development[16] - Net profit attributable to owners of the parent increased by 5.3% to RMB504.0 million in 2023, primarily due to sales growth, partially offset by increased R&D expenses and income tax expenses[16] - Gross profit for 2023 was RMB741.2 million, up from RMB635.2 million in 2022, reflecting improved profitability[14] - Non-current assets increased to RMB883.1 million in 2023 from RMB861.2 million in 2022, while current assets rose to RMB3,380.7 million from RMB3,123.8 million[14] - Earnings per share (basic) for 2023 were RMB43.08 cents, up from RMB39.63 cents in 2022[14] - Non-HKFRS adjusted net profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent increased to RMB538.2 million in 2023 from RMB498.7 million in 2022[14] - Total equity grew to RMB3,943.8 million in 2023, up from RMB3,718.8 million in 2022[14] - Total revenue for 2023 was RMB926.0 million, a 17.8% increase from 2022[20] - Net profit attributable to owners of the parent increased by 5.3% to RMB504.0 million[20] - Adjusted net profit increased by 7.9% to RMB538.2 million, excluding certain financial items[20] - The company's total revenue for 2023 was RMB 926.0 million, a 17.8% increase compared to RMB 786.4 million in 2022[32][33] - Revenue from disposable products increased by 16.8% to RMB 804.9 million in 2023, accounting for 86.9% of total revenue[34] - Disposable trocars revenue grew by 8.1% to RMB 394.4 million, representing 42.6% of total revenue[34] - Polymer ligation clips revenue increased by 18.1% to RMB 227.3 million in 2023[31] - Disposable electrocoagulation forceps revenue surged by 30.1% to RMB 122.6 million[31] - Ultrasonic scalpels revenue experienced significant growth of 109.3% to RMB 38.0 million[31] - Reusable products revenue increased by 24.5% to RMB 121.1 million, with 4K endoscopic camera systems growing by 57.4%[31] - Gross profit increased by 16.7% to RMB741.2 million, with gross profit margin stable at 80.0%[46] - Gross profit increased by 16.7% from RMB 635.2 million in 2022 to RMB 741.2 million in 2023, with gross margin remaining stable at 80.0%[47] - Disposable products contributed RMB 671.71 million with a gross margin of 83.4%, while reusable products contributed RMB 69.49 million with a gross margin of 57.4%[48] - Other income and gains increased to RMB 155.4 million in 2023, primarily due to a RMB 21.8 million increase in interest income from bank deposits[49][50] - Selling and distribution expenses rose by 30.9% to RMB 69.8 million in 2023, driven by increased staff costs and marketing-related expenses[51] - Administrative expenses increased by 40.7% to RMB 100.3 million in 2023, mainly due to higher staff costs and resumed business activities post-COVID-19 restrictions[51] - Research and development expenses surged by 93.2% to RMB 127.6 million in 2023, driven by increased R&D projects and product upgrades[51] - Income tax expenses rose by 33.8% to RMB 136.5 million in 2023, due to higher taxable profits and withholding taxes on distributed profits[52][54] - Net profit attributable to owners of the parent increased to RMB 504,021,000 in 2023 from RMB 478,735,000 in 2022, reflecting a growth of 5.3%[57] - Non-HKFRS adjusted net profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent rose to RMB 538,183,000 in 2023, compared to RMB 498,711,000 in 2022, marking an increase of 7.9%[57] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) increased to 46.00 cents in 2023 from 41.28 cents in 2022, while diluted EPS rose to 45.90 cents from 41.28 cents[57] Product Development and Innovation - Kangji Medical successfully organized and carried out many thematic academic promotion conferences and training sessions in 2023, including single-port procedures training centers established through cooperation with local reputable hospitals[9] - The company is focusing on key development areas including biodegradable implantable consumables, which is one of the most important segments in the medical field[9] - Weijing Medical, a subsidiary of Kangji Medical, launched clinical trials for four-arm surgical robots in the fourth quarter of 2023[9] - The company is actively increasing the market share of its existing core products and expanding the geographical presence of new products, including ultrasonic scalpels, 4K endoscopic camera systems, and disposable products[9] - Kangji Medical is confident in achieving relatively high growth rates for new products in 2024[9] - The company added 14 new product registrations in China during the reporting period, bringing the total to 92 NMPA product registrations, including 12 Class III, 46 Class II, and 34 Class I medical devices[21] - The company obtained 111 new patents in China, with 56 of these coming from Weijing Medical[21] - Weijing Medical initiated clinical trials for its 4-arm surgical robot in Q4 2023 and expects to obtain registration approval by the end of 2024[22][25] - The company is developing a single-port surgical robotic system, with product design finalization expected and plans to commence type inspection and animal trials in the second half of 2024[22][25] - The company established a dedicated team within the R&D department to enhance project progress management, focusing on documentation, time and cost management, and problem-solving capabilities[21] - The company is expanding its R&D team, particularly in areas like absorbable implantable consumable products and energy platforms, recognizing their importance in advancing medical treatments[21] Market Expansion and Sales Strategy - Kangji Medical expects the healthcare industry to gradually resume normal operating levels in the second half of 2024, which will be conducive to the launch of new products and strengthen face-to-face academic exchanges[9] - Domestic sales growth driven by disposable products and new products like ultrasonic scalpels and 4K endoscopic camera systems[19] - Won bids for polymer ligation clips in Anhui province with the highest weighted score and hospital procurement volume[19] - Export sales reached RMB86.0 million, a 20.6% increase from the previous year[20] - VBP implementation for disposable trocars in Guangdong province switched to a "logistics partner + academic promotion partner" model[20] - Added 22 overseas product registrations, mainly in Central and South America and Southeast Asia[20] - VBP policies favor domestic industry leaders with established track records and reliable supply[20] - Growth in European and South American markets such as France, Spain, and Peru[20] - The company strengthened its local distribution network by hiring additional district sales managers and optimizing academic support mechanisms[23][26] - The company transitioned back to in-person academic promotion activities in 2023, including thematic conferences, training sessions, and single-port procedure training centers[24][26] - The company expects the medical industry to return to normal levels in the second half of 2024, benefiting new product promotion and in-person academic exchanges[27] - The company is focusing on increasing the market share of core products like trocars and polymer ligation clips, while expanding sales of new products such as ultrasonic scalpels and 4K endoscopic camera systems[27] - Export sales growth contributed to revenue increase, driven by overseas market demand and expanded distribution channels[32][33] - Domestic market revenue increased by 17.5%, driven by distributor and non-distributor models in VBP provinces[36][38] - Overseas market revenue grew by 20.6% to RMB86.0 million, with expansion to 58 countries/regions and increased product registrations[37][38] Corporate Governance and Leadership - Mr. Zhong, the founder and CEO, has been with the company for nearly 20 years and holds multiple leadership roles including Chairman and CEO[74] - Ms. Shentu, co-founder and executive Director, has also been with the company for nearly 20 years and serves as vice general manager[76] - Mr. Zhong holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from China University of Geosciences and an executive master's degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business[75] - Ms. Shentu holds a college degree in accounting from China University of Geosciences[77] - Mr. Zhong was awarded Outstanding T-Merchants in 2016 and Outstanding Hangzhou Entrepreneur in 2018[75] - Ms. Shentu was awarded Top Ten Innovation Women in Zhejiang in 2019 and Outstanding Hangzhou Entrepreneur Award in 2020[77] - Mr. Zhong and Ms. Shentu are spouses and both serve as executive Directors of the company[78] - Ms. Shentu has been a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Tonglu County since 2007[77] - Mr. YIN Zixin was appointed as an executive Director on April 28, 2022, and has served as a vice general manager at Hangzhou Kangji since August 2020[79] - Ms. CAI Li was appointed as a non-executive Director on March 13, 2020, and is responsible for participating in decision-making for important matters of the Group[79] - Ms. CAI Li served as a non-executive director at Shanghai Bio-heart Biological Technology Co., Ltd. from September 2020 to November 2022, and at Zhaoke Ophthalmology Limited from October 2020 to November 2023[80] - Ms. CAI Li holds a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering and economics from Yale University, obtained in May 2007[81] - Mr. Jiang Feng, an independent non-executive director, has nearly 40 years of experience in the medical and medical device industry, with extensive experience in clinical and managerial roles at hospitals and pharmaceutical companies[82] - Mr. Jiang served as an independent director at Dirui Industrial Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300396) from December 2010 to August 2016[82] - Mr. Jiang served as an independent director at Guanhao Biotech Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300238) from May 2014 to September 2017[82] - Mr. Jiang served as the head of China Medical Device Information Magazine from July 2005 to March 2017[82] - Mr. Jiang served as a non-executive director at Kaisa Health Group Holdings (stock code: 0876) from June 2015 to February 2017[82] - Mr. Jiang served as an independent director at Zhongzhu Healthcare Holding Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600568) from March 2016 to April 2019[82] - Mr. Jiang is currently an independent director at Eyebright Medical Technology (Beijing) Inc. (stock code: 688050) since January 2022[82] - Mr. Jiang is currently a non-executive director at Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (stock code: 01302) since April 2014[82] - Mr. Jiang holds a master's degree in respiratory medicine and a doctor's degree in cardiothoracic surgery from Air Force Medical University, and a second master's degree in business administration from Tsinghua University[83] - Mr. GUO Jian, aged 68, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on March 7, 2020, effective from June 4, 2020, primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to the Board[84] - Mr. CHEN Weibo, aged 50, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on March 7, 2020, effective from June 4, 2020, with nearly 30 years of experience in accounting and financial management[84] - Mr. CHEN Weibo received his bachelor's degree in accounting from Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics in July 1995 and was conferred the qualification of senior accountant by the Zhejiang Province Human Resources and Social Security Department in April 2009[85] - Mr. ZHONG Ming, aged 48, was appointed as the chief executive officer on August 24, 2004, responsible for the overall management of the Group's business[86] - Ms. SHENTU Yinguang, aged 44, was appointed as a vice general manager on November 8, 2016, responsible for human resources and administration of the Group[86] - Mr. YIN Zixin, aged 38, was appointed as a vice general manager on March 7, 2020, mainly responsible for investor relationships, investment, and corporate governance matters of the Group[86] - Ms. HU Yanyu, aged 47, was appointed as the chief financial officer on September 15, 2023, primarily responsible for the management of financial affairs and investor relations of the Group[86] - Ms. HU Yanyu has more than 15 years of experience in enterprise value management, financial management, and investment management, previously working at Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited and Shenzhen Eastern Marathon Investment Management Company Limited[86] - The company's principal activities include designing, developing, manufacturing, and selling MISIA products focused on OBGYN, urology, general surgery, and thoracic surgery, with no significant changes during the reporting period[96] - The company was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange on June 29, 2020, with stock code 9997[95] - Mr. CHENG Da, aged 46, is responsible for product registration and international business, having joined the company in March 2011[88] - Mr. YUE Jiqiang, aged 44, is primarily responsible for research and development, having joined the company in May 2009[88] - Mr. TANG Wenpeng, aged 49, is mainly responsible for production and quality control, having joined the company in March 2017[89] - Mr. JU Jianyong, aged 48, joined the company on January 1, 2021, as head of domestic sales and marketing, with extensive expertise in academic promotions across multiple specialties[90] - Mr. WAN Siu Keung, aged 40, was appointed as the company secretary on May 3, 2022, with over 16 years of experience in auditing, financial management, and corporate secretary roles[92] - The company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on February 12, 2020, and started operating in Hong Kong under the name "Kangji Medical Holdings Limited" on April 3, 2020[95] Risk Management and Compliance - The Group faces market risks due to changes in China's healthcare regulatory framework, including centralized procurement and pricing pressures[102] - Potential pandemic outbreaks could disrupt the Group's supply chain and delay elective surgical procedures[102] - The Group is exposed to financial risks, including credit risk, currency risk, interest rate risk, and liquidity risk[102] - The company complied with all relevant environmental and occupational health and safety laws and regulations in China during 2023, with no material adverse incidents or complaints[117] - The company's ESG report, prepared in accordance with Appendix C2 of the Listing Rules, is included in the annual report on pages 84 to 163[117] - The company did not enter into any significant contracts with controlling shareholders or their subsidiaries during the reporting period, except for directors' and senior management's service contracts[111] - No directors had material interests in any significant transactions, arrangements, or contracts related to the company's business during the reporting period[111] - The company did not have any management contracts concerning the administration of the whole or any substantial part of its business during the reporting period[113] - None of the directors waived or agreed to waive any remuneration, and no inducement payments were made to directors or other individuals for joining or leaving the company[115] - The company has maintained the required public float percentage under the Listing Rules[190] - The financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, were audited by Ernst & Young, and a resolution to reappoint Ernst & Young as the auditor for 2024 will be proposed at the annual general meeting[191] - The company has arranged appropriate liability insurance for its directors and senior management[190] - The company has complied with the CG Code and maintains high standards of corporate governance, with the board delegating responsibilities to four committees: Audit, Nomination, Remuneration, and ESG[197] - The board composition as of December 31, 2023, included executive, non-executive, and independent non-executive directors, with Ms. Frances Fang Chovanec resigning as an executive director on September 15, 2023[198] - The company has met the requirements of the Listing Rules regarding the appointment of independent non-executive directors, with at least one possessing appropriate professional qualifications or accounting expertise[199] - Frances Fang Chovanec resigned as Executive Director, CFO, and member of the ESG Committee on September 15, 2023, to pursue personal matters and other opportunities, and served as a consultant until December 31, 2023[200] - The Board of Directors complied with the Listing Rules by appointing at least three independent non-executive directors, including one with appropriate professional qualifications or accounting/financial management expertise[200] - The company met the Listing Rules requirement of having independent non-executive directors constituting one-third of the Board[200] - All independent non-executive directors confirmed their independence in accordance with the Listing Rules[200] Shareholder and Investor Relations - The Board recommended a final dividend of RMB41 cents per share and a special dividend of RMB99 cents per share to celebrate the Group's 20th anniversary, to be paid from distributable profits and the share premium account
康基医疗(09997) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-20 14:50
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確 性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不會就本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因 倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 ANGJI康基 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited 康基医疗控股有限公 司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:9997) 截至2023年12月31日止年度的年度業績公告 康基医疗控股有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)董事(「董事」) 會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本集團截至2023年12月31日止年度(「報告期」)的經審核 綜合年度業績連同截至2022年12月31日止年度的比較數據如下。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|----------------------------------------|--------- ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-25 08:40
Revenue and Profit Growth - Revenue for the first half of 2023 reached RMB 403.6 million, a 21.4% increase compared to the same period in 2022, driven by the recovery of elective surgeries post-COVID-19 restrictions and growth in domestic and export sales[4] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's owners increased by 62.0% to RMB 255.5 million in 2023, up from RMB 157.7 million in 2022, primarily due to sales growth and other income, partially offset by increased R&D expenses from the acquisition of Hangzhou Weijing Medical Robot Co., Ltd[5] - Total revenue for the first half of 2023 reached RMB 403.6 million, a 21.4% increase compared to the same period in 2022, driven by growth in core disposable products and the 4K ultra-high-definition endoscopy camera system[8] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders increased by 62.0% to RMB 255.5 million in the first half of 2023, up from RMB 157.7 million in the same period in 2022[8] - Adjusted net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders (excluding certain non-recurring items) increased by 10.2% to RMB 237.2 million in the first half of 2023[8] - Revenue increased to RMB 403,589 thousand in the first half of 2023, up 21.4% from RMB 332,321 thousand in the same period of 2022[60] - Gross profit rose to RMB 321,755 thousand, a 21.1% increase compared to RMB 265,712 thousand in the first half of 2022[60] - Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company grew to RMB 255,461 thousand, up 62% from RMB 157,713 thousand in the same period last year[60] - Revenue from customer contracts increased to RMB 403.589 million in 2023, up from RMB 332.321 million in 2022, representing a 21.4% growth[77] - The company's profit attributable to ordinary shareholders for the first half of 2023 was RMB 255,461 thousand, a significant increase from RMB 157,713 thousand in the same period of 2022[86] Domestic and Overseas Sales Performance - Domestic sales growth in 2023 was driven by increased sales of disposable products in three core categories and a significant rise in sales of the 4K ultra-high-definition endoscope camera system[6] - Overseas sales grew by 28.1% to RMB 39.1 million in the first half of 2023, benefiting from increased market penetration in Europe and South America, as well as the appreciation of the US dollar[7] - The company added 9 new overseas product registrations during the reporting period, primarily in Europe and Southeast Asia, and plans to increase resource allocation in overseas markets to maintain rapid growth momentum[7] - Overseas market revenue grew by 28.1% to RMB 39.1 million, accounting for 9.7% of total revenue, with expansion to 47 countries/regions and increased product registrations[16] - Domestic revenue increased by 20.8% to RMB 364.5 million, with hospital and other customer sales surging 85.0% to RMB 31.3 million[17] - Revenue from Mainland China accounted for RMB 364.464 million, while revenue from other countries/regions was RMB 39.125 million in 2023[78] Product Development and Innovation - The company obtained 7 new product registrations in China during the reporting period, bringing the total number of NMPA-registered products to 85, including 12 Class III, 39 Class II, and 34 Class I medical devices[9] - The three-arm surgical robot completed urology patient clinical enrollment, while the four-arm surgical robot is expected to start clinical trials in Q4 2023 and obtain registration approval in 2024[9] - The company plans to finalize the product design of the single-port surgical robot in the second half of 2023[9] - Recurring product revenue increased by 56.6% to RMB 61.6 million, driven by sales growth of 4K endoscope camera systems and reusable forceps[15] - Revenue from the 4K endoscopy camera system surged by 412.6% to RMB 17.9 million in the first half of 2023[12] - Disposable product revenue increased by 16.7% to RMB 342.0 million in the first half of 2023, accounting for 84.7% of total revenue[14] Sales and Distribution Strategies - The company secured new bids for core products in centralized procurement programs, including non-absorbable ligation clips in Anhui Province and ultrasonic cutting hemostasis devices in Yunnan and Shandong Provinces, with no expected changes to the dealer model or profit levels[6] - The company expanded its sales network by adding regional sales managers and strengthening local distributor management, leading to sales growth in markets like Guangdong Province[10] - The company established 13 single-port surgery training centers nationwide, training over 200 doctors from more than 100 hospitals in the first half of 2023[10] Financial Performance and Expenses - Sales cost rose by 22.9% to RMB 81.8 million, primarily due to increased raw material and production costs in line with sales growth[18] - Gross profit increased by 21.1% to RMB 321.8 million, with gross margin remaining stable at 79.7%[20] - R&D expenses surged by 128.6% to RMB 60.1 million, driven by increased investment in innovative products and upgrades[25] - Sales and distribution expenses increased by 36.2% to RMB 32.6 million, mainly due to marketing promotion fees and resumed travel-related activities[23] - Administrative expenses rose by 37.6% to RMB 45.4 million, primarily due to increased personnel and related costs[24] - Other income and gains increased to RMB 93.8 million, driven by higher bank deposit interest income and foreign exchange gains[22] - Income tax expense increased by 1.7% to RMB 42.0 million, reflecting higher taxable profits from mainland China operations[27] - Adjusted net profit for the period was RMB 237.2 million, compared to RMB 215.3 million in the same period last year[29] - Research and development costs more than doubled to RMB 60,076 thousand, compared to RMB 26,280 thousand in the first half of 2022[60] - Cost of goods sold increased to RMB 81.834 million in 2023, up from RMB 66.609 million in 2022, a 22.9% rise[81] - Net impairment losses on trade and other receivables increased to RMB 1.647 million in 2023 from RMB 639,000 in 2022[81] - Share-based payment expenses slightly decreased to RMB 7.273 million in 2023 from RMB 7.526 million in 2022[81] - The company's tax provisions in mainland China for the first half of 2023 amounted to RMB 36,301 thousand, a slight decrease from RMB 37,072 thousand in the same period of 2022[84] - Total tax expenses for the first half of 2023 were RMB 41,985 thousand, compared to RMB 41,297 thousand in the same period of 2022[84] Cash Flow and Financial Position - Cash and cash equivalents increased to RMB 3,002.4 million as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 2,818.4 million as of December 31, 2022[31] - Net current assets decreased slightly to RMB 2,954.1 million as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 2,970.1 million as of December 31, 2022[32] - The company recorded a foreign exchange gain of RMB 23.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to a loss of RMB 24.2 million in the same period last year[33] - Capital expenditures for the six months ended June 30, 2023, were RMB 34.6 million, down from RMB 69.9 million in the same period last year[34] - The company's capital-to-debt ratio increased to 8.8% as of June 30, 2023, from 3.8% as of December 31, 2022[35] - Cash and cash equivalents reached RMB 3,002,425 thousand as of June 30, 2023, up 6.5% from RMB 2,818,360 thousand at the end of 2022[62] - Total assets increased to RMB 3,839,822 thousand, a 0.2% rise from RMB 3,831,242 thousand at the end of 2022[62] - Inventory increased to RMB 112,748 thousand, up 7% from RMB 105,399 thousand at the end of 2022[62] - Trade receivables grew to RMB 169,149 thousand, a 3.7% increase from RMB 163,145 thousand at the end of 2022[62] - Total equity increased slightly to RMB 3,722,265 thousand, compared to RMB 3,718,808 thousand at the end of 2022[63] - Cash flow from operating activities for the six months ended June 30, 2023, was RMB 271,282 thousand, an increase from RMB 194,794 thousand in the same period in 2022[68] - Net cash flow from operating activities for the six months ended June 30, 2023, was RMB 169,550 thousand, compared to RMB 128,751 thousand in the same period in 2022[68] - Net cash used in investing activities for the six months ended June 30, 2023, was RMB 1,249,899 thousand, primarily due to the purchase of financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss[69] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by RMB 1,099,951 thousand during the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to a decrease of RMB 242,341 thousand in the same period in 2022[69] - The company repurchased shares worth RMB 13,707 thousand during the six months ended June 30, 2023[69] - The company acquired a subsidiary, resulting in an increase of RMB 363,372 thousand in non-controlling interests[66] - The company declared dividends of RMB 178,003 thousand during the six months ended June 30, 2022[66] - The company's total equity as of June 30, 2022, was RMB 3,260,401 thousand, with non-controlling interests of RMB 4,216 thousand[66] - Bank interest income rose to RMB 42.636 million in 2023, compared to RMB 26.530 million in 2022, a 60.8% increase[80] - Government grants decreased to RMB 25.200 million in 2023 from RMB 34.564 million in 2022, a 27.1% decline[80] - Net exchange gains amounted to RMB 23.227 million in 2023, compared to no gains in 2022[80] - The company's property, plant, and equipment had a net book value of RMB 192,490 thousand as of June 30, 2023, up from RMB 169,020 thousand at the end of 2022[89] - Trade receivables (net of impairment) stood at RMB 169,149 thousand as of June 30, 2023, compared to RMB 163,145 thousand at the end of 2022[90] - Cash and cash equivalents totaled RMB 3,002,425 thousand as of June 30, 2023, an increase from RMB 2,818,360 thousand at the end of 2022[92] - The company's cash and bank balances were RMB 523,218 thousand as of June 30, 2023, while time deposits amounted to RMB 2,479,207 thousand[92] - The majority of cash and cash equivalents were denominated in RMB (RMB 2,305,941 thousand), followed by USD (RMB 684,168 thousand) and HKD (RMB 12,185 thousand)[92] - Trade payables increased to RMB 24,922 thousand within 3 months as of June 30, 2023, up from RMB 19,151 thousand as of December 31, 2022[94] - Capital commitments for buildings increased to RMB 76,956 thousand as of June 30, 2023, compared to RMB 68,489 thousand as of December 31, 2022[95] - The company entered into a lease agreement with Kangyin Investment for office space, with annual rent increasing from RMB 1,200,000 in the first year to RMB 1,452,000 in the third year[96] - Total compensation paid to key management personnel decreased to RMB 9,209 thousand for the six months ended June 30, 2023, from RMB 9,441 thousand for the same period in 2022[97] - Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss increased to RMB 149,867 thousand as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 147,593 thousand as of December 31, 2022[99] - Cash and cash equivalents increased to RMB 3,002,425 thousand as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 2,818,360 thousand as of December 31, 2022[99] - Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost increased to RMB 334,466 thousand as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 114,874 thousand as of December 31, 2022[101] - The fair value of financial assets measured using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) increased to RMB 136,206 thousand as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 133,937 thousand as of December 31, 2022[105] - The company holds non-listed investments in wealth management products issued by banks in mainland China, with fair value estimated using discounted cash flow models[104] - No transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements, or into or out of Level 3, occurred during the period[107] Share Repurchase and Equity Management - The company repurchased a total of 1,780,500 shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at a total cost of approximately HKD 15.7 million (excluding brokerage fees and taxes), with prices ranging from HKD 8.18 to HKD 9.25[48] - A total of 2,521,000 shares were canceled during the six months ended June 30, 2023, which were repurchased by the company in December 2022 and during the reporting period[48] - Under the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme, 4,120,000 share options were granted, representing approximately 0.34% of the issued shares[50] - All 4,120,000 share options granted under the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme were canceled on September 15, 2023[50] - Frances Fang Chovanec, Executive Director and CFO, holds 4,120,000 unexercised share options as of June 30, 2023, representing 0.34% of the issued shares[51] - The total number of restricted share units granted under the Restricted Share Unit Plan is 26,810,000 as of June 30, 2023[52] - The net proceeds from the global offering amounted to approximately HKD 2,952.5 million (RMB 2,697.1 million)[53] - 9.8% of the net proceeds (RMB 249.9 million) are allocated for expanding existing product capacity and automating production lines, with RMB 6.9 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 10.2% of the net proceeds (RMB 260.1 million) are allocated for enhancing pipeline product capacity, with RMB 20.0 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 17.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 433.5 million) are allocated for establishing an R&D center, with RMB 11.1 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 8.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 204.0 million) are allocated for developing and expanding the product pipeline, with RMB 20.1 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 15.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 382.5 million) are allocated for domestic sales and marketing activities, with RMB 14.6 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 5.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 127.5 million) are allocated for increasing overseas sales, with RMB 0.5 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 25.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 637.5 million) are allocated for potential strategic investments and acquisitions, with RMB 207.5 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] - 10.0% of the net proceeds (RMB 255.0 million) are allocated for working capital and general corporate purposes, with RMB 34.0 million utilized as of June 30, 2023[54] Employee and Management Compensation - The company had 982 employees as of June 30, 2023, up from 846 employees as of June 30, 2022[38] - Total employee compensation expenses, including director remuneration and share-based payment expenses, were RMB 67.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to RMB 62.3 million in the same period last year[38] - Total compensation paid to key management personnel decreased to RMB 9,209 thousand for the six months ended June 30, 2023, from RMB 9,441 thousand for the same period in 2022[97] Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting - The company did not have any significant investments, acquisitions, or disposals during the reporting period[36] - The company plans to use proceeds from its global offering for strategic investments and capital asset acquisitions for expansion[37] - The company's report period is from January 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023[109] - The company was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 29, 2020[108] - The company's shares have a nominal value of $0.00001 per share[109] - The company's IPO was conducted on
康基医疗(09997) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-29 08:59
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確 性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不會就本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因 倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited 康基医疗控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:9997) 截至2023年6月30日止六個月的 中期業績公告 康基医疗控股有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)董事(「董事」) 會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本集團截至2023年6月30日止六個月(「報告期」)的未經審 核綜合中期業績連同2022年同期的比較數據如下: | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|-----------| | | | | | | 財務摘要 | 截至 6 月 30 | 日止六個月 ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-27 08:35
康基® KANGJI 康基医疗控股有限公司 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:9997 混合覆品 发表日 | 文章 天亮巨 | 关爱 F8C | C010070 目錄 目錄 2 董事長致辭 3 公司資料 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | 4 | 財務摘要 | | | | | 5 | 管理層討論與分析 | | | | | 15 | 董事及高級管理層 | | | | | 21 | 董事會報告 | | | | | 36 | 企業管治報告 | | | | | 49 | 環境、社會及管治報告 | | | | | 104 | 獨立核數師報告 | | | | | | | | | | | 109 | 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 | | | | | 110 | 綜合財務狀況表 | | | | | 112 | 綜合權益變動表 | | | | | 113 | 綜合現金流量表 | | ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-27 13:26
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負 責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不會就本公告全部 或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited 康基医疗控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:9997) 截至2022年12月31日止年度的 年度業績公告 康基医疗控股有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)董事(「董事」) 會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本集團截至2022年12月31日止年度(「報告期」)的經審核 綜合年度業績連同截至2021年12月31日止年度的比較數據如下。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|-------------------| | | | | | | ...
康基医疗(09997) - 2022 - 中期财报
2022-09-26 08:32
康基® KANGJI 康基医疗控股有限公司 Kangji Medical Holdings Limited (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:9997 2022 装² 混合產品 FSC 目錄 目錄 2 公司資料 3 財務摘要 4 管理層討論與分析 15 企業管治及其他資料 21 中期簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 23 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 25 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 26 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 28 中期簡明綜合財務資料附註 41 釋義 公司資料 公司資料 康基医疗控股有限公司 | 2022中期報告 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | 董事會 | 註冊辦事處 | | 執行董事 | Maples Corporate Services Limited ...