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日出东方(603366) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-25 11:54
2023年年度报告 公司代码:603366 公司简称:日出东方 日出东方控股股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告 ...
日出东方(603366) - 日出东方控股股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表
2023-11-20 03:58
证券代码:603366 证券简称:日出东方 日出东方控股股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活动 □媒体采访 业绩说明会 类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他 ( ) 参与单位名称及 线上参与公司 2023年第三季度业绩说明会的投资者 人员姓名 时间 2023年11 月20日(星期一)上午9:00-10:00 上 海 证 券 交 易 所 上 证 路 演 中 心 ( 网 址 : 地点 上市公司接待人 公司董事长徐新建先生、总经理万旭昶先生、独立董事穆 员姓名 培林女士、财务总监徐忠先生、董事会秘书丁玮先生 公司于 2023 年 11 月 20 日(星期一)上午 9:00-10:00 通 过 上 海 证 券 交 易 所 上 证 路 演 中 心 ( 网 址 :以网络互动的方式召开 了2023年第三季度业绩说明会,就投资者关心的问题进行 交流。主要问题及公司回复如下: 1.投资者通过邮件提出的问题回复如下: ...
日出东方(603366) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-26 16:00
2023 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务 信息的真实、准确、完整。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 1 / 12 证券代码:603366 证券简称:日出东方 日出东方控股股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 项目 本报告期 本报告期 比上年同 期增减变 动幅度(%) 年初至报告期末 年初至报告期 末比上年同期 增减变动幅度 (%) 营业收入 1,427,940,434.81 49.00 3,488,618,076.37 29.38 归属于上市公司股东的 净利润 77,240,984.20 111.38 169,869,333.27 1,114.33 归属于上市公司股东的 ...
日出东方(603366) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-15 16:00
2023 年半年度报告 公司代码:603366 公司简称:日出东方 日出东方控股股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告 1 / 147 2023 年半年度报告 重要提示 五、 董事会决议通过的本报告期利润分配预案或公积金转增股本预案 公司不进行半年度利润分配或公积金转增股本。 六、 前瞻性陈述的风险声明 √适用 □不适用 本报告中所涉及的未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性陈述,不构成公司对投资者的实质承诺,敬 请投资者注意投资风险。 七、 是否存在被控股股东及其他关联方非经营性占用资金情况 否 八、 是否存在违反规定决策程序对外提供担保的情况? 否 九、 是否存在半数以上董事无法保证公司所披露半年度报告的真实性、准确性和完整性 否 □适用 √不适用 2 / 147 一、 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实性、准确性、 完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 二、 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 三、 本半年度报告未经审计。 四、 公司负责人徐新建、主管会计工作负责人徐忠及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)李翠芳声 明:保证半年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确 ...
日出东方(603366) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-25 16:00
Revenue and Sales Performance - Total revenue for the reporting period was RMB 3,897,484,807.67, a decrease of 7.33% compared to the same period last year[13] - Product sales revenue decreased by 8.30% to 3,514,381,901.25 RMB, with a 1.22 percentage point decrease in gross margin[14] - Heating and photovoltaic engineering projects revenue surged by 688.53% to 59,005,721.90 RMB, with a 4.24 percentage point increase in gross margin[14] - Solar water heater revenue declined by 10.99% to 1,514,065,164.68 RMB, with a 0.47 percentage point decrease in gross margin[14] - Air energy products revenue increased by 13.30% to 686,228,488.23 RMB, with a 3.32 percentage point increase in gross margin[14] - Photovoltaic products revenue skyrocketed by 1,879.47% to 182,373,812.26 RMB, with a 7.59 percentage point increase in gross margin[14] - Total product sales revenue decreased by 6.71% to 2,522,444,441.82 yuan compared to the previous year[19] - Solar water heater sales decreased by 10.41% to 1,093,879,880.67 yuan, with direct material costs dropping by 10.58%[19] - Air energy product sales increased by 8.52% to 517,065,531.43 yuan, with direct labor costs rising by 51.48%[19] - Sales revenue from goods and services in 2022 was RMB 3,412,851,037.91, a slight decrease from RMB 3,421,241,919.68 in 2021[102] - Revenue for 2022 was 1,157,354,433.46, down from 1,311,538,316.71 in 2021, a decrease of approximately 11.8%[101] - Consolidated operating revenue for 2022 reached 3,897,484,807.67 RMB[81] Operating Costs and Expenses - Operating costs decreased by 7.82% to RMB 2,732,853,428.82[13] - Sales expenses decreased by 12.51% to RMB 699,729,755.91[13] - Management expenses increased by 14.40% to RMB 235,216,959.58[13] - R&D expenses increased by 9.62% to RMB 169,706,941.12[13] - Sales expenses decreased by 12.51% to 699,729,755.91 RMB due to a decline in revenue[16] - R&D expenses increased by 9.62% to 169,706,941.12 RMB due to increased investment in new product development[16] - Financial expenses decreased by 4,390.39% to -12,827,157.56 RMB due to foreign exchange gains from a stronger USD[16] - R&D expenses in 2022 were RMB 169,706,941.12, up 9.6% from RMB 154,808,777.43 in 2021[95] - Sales expenses decreased by 12.5% to RMB 699,729,755.91 in 2022 from RMB 799,774,307.99 in 2021[95] - R&D expenses decreased to 60,281,291.15 in 2022 from 74,388,686.67 in 2021, a reduction of about 19.0%[101] - Financial expenses showed a negative value of -16,919,882.45 in 2022, compared to -10,863,873.92 in 2021[101] Cash Flow and Financial Position - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 35.81% to RMB 89,501,871.53[13] - Net cash flow from investing activities decreased by 1,015.82% to RMB -350,606,502.59[13] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 35.81% to 89,501,871.53 yuan due to increased accounts receivable[20] - Investment activities resulted in a net cash outflow of 350,606,502.59 yuan, a significant increase of 1,015.82% compared to the previous year[20] - Monetary funds decreased by 39.06% to 414,997,011.20 RMB due to increased purchases of short-term bank financial products[17] - Accounts receivable increased by 45.10% to 401,211,476.46 RMB due to increased receivables from engineering projects[17] - Monetary funds decreased to 414,997,011.20 RMB in 2022 from 680,961,225.57 RMB in 2021[87] - Accounts receivable rose to 401,211,476.46 RMB in 2022 compared to 276,514,015.63 RMB in 2021[87] - Inventory levels remained stable at 727,964,497.41 RMB in 2022, slightly up from 724,982,152.27 RMB in 2021[87] - Other receivables increased to 115,300,264.16 RMB in 2022 from 85,043,884.57 RMB in 2021[87] - Prepayments decreased to 56,436,404.21 RMB in 2022 from 64,136,538.14 RMB in 2021[87] - Accounts receivable financing grew to 30,357,632.01 RMB in 2022 from 11,174,610.66 RMB in 2021[87] - Contract assets decreased to 9,351,630.68 RMB in 2022 from 12,528,242.44 RMB in 2021[87] - Other current assets dropped to 29,410,499.68 RMB in 2022 from 93,349,305.13 RMB in 2021[87] - Total assets increased to 6,491,853,275.59 RMB in 2022, up from 6,275,874,737.33 RMB in 2021[88] - Current assets rose to 2,478,167,839.26 RMB in 2022, compared to 2,093,578,397.85 RMB in 2021[88] - Long-term equity investments grew to 1,433,592,849.69 RMB in 2022, up from 1,217,020,816.90 RMB in 2021[88] - Fixed assets increased to 1,057,468,928.20 RMB in 2022, compared to 1,033,730,919.33 RMB in 2021[88] - Total liabilities decreased to 2,659,502,431.89 RMB in 2022, down from 2,592,529,634.04 RMB in 2021[89] - Owner's equity rose to 3,832,350,843.70 RMB in 2022, up from 3,683,345,103.29 RMB in 2021[89] - Accounts receivable increased to 158,566,377.65 RMB in 2022, compared to 68,894,637.92 RMB in 2021[91] - Inventory grew to 188,880,466.96 RMB in 2022, up from 168,873,645.83 RMB in 2021[91] - Long-term equity investments in the parent company increased to 3,187,347,452.88 RMB in 2022, compared to 2,958,720,924.42 RMB in 2021[91] - Contract liabilities in the parent company decreased to 335,344,724.59 RMB in 2022, down from 573,445,247.67 RMB in 2021[91] - Total liabilities increased by 23.4% to RMB 1,897,430,736.48 in 2022 from RMB 1,537,010,804.27 in 2021[92] - Total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders increased by 4.6% to RMB 3,660,917,743.87 in 2022 from RMB 3,499,215,723.37 in 2021[92] - Total assets decreased by 3.7% to RMB 5,197,928,548.14 in 2022 from RMB 5,396,646,459.85 in 2021[92] - Operating cash flow decreased to 89,501,871.53 in 2022 from 139,424,920.92 in 2021, a decline of about 35.8%[98] - Investment cash flow turned negative at -350,606,502.59 in 2022, compared to a positive 38,283,438.20 in 2021[98] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 314,762,698.13 in 2022, compared to a decrease of 137,508,984.13 in 2021[98] - Net cash flow from operating activities in 2022 was negative RMB 442,754,204.12, compared to negative RMB 46,309,943.75 in 2021[103] - Net cash flow from investing activities improved to RMB 119,727,915.02 in 2022 from RMB 18,053,428.40 in 2021[103] - Total owner's equity at the end of 2022 was RMB 3,683,345,103.29, consistent with the previous year[104] - Comprehensive income for the period decreased by 59,358,000, representing a 85.95% decline[106] - Owner's equity decreased by 2,030,450, a 4.00% reduction[106] - Owner's capital decreased by 13,673,020, a 20.91% reduction[106] - Profit distribution decreased by 64,027,820, a 24.58% reduction[108] - Capital reserve increased by 13,462,878.40[106] - Other comprehensive income decreased by 4,343,963.21[109] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period was 3,832,350,843.70[111] - Total comprehensive income for the year was 260,751,465.10[112] - Owner's capital and reduction amounted to 119,799,535.99[112] - Total owner's equity at the beginning of the year was 3,403,977,265.64[111] - Total equity at the end of the period was RMB 3,683,345,103.29, with a capital reserve of RMB 86,427,315.53[118] - Comprehensive income for the period was RMB 197,487,774.04, with a net profit of RMB 213,717,179.80[120] - The company allocated RMB 21,371,717.98 to surplus reserves and distributed RMB 85,399,542.56 in profits[120] - The company's total owner's equity at the beginning of the year was RMB 3,499,215,723.37[120] - The company's capital reserve decreased by RMB 2,030,454.00 due to other equity tool adjustments[120] - The company's other comprehensive income for the period was a loss of RMB 16,229,405.76[120] - The company's total owner's equity increased by RMB 161,702,020.50 during the period[120] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 3,683,345,103.29[118] - The company's total owner's equity at the beginning of the year was RMB 3,499,215,723.37[120] - The company's total owner's equity increased by RMB 161,702,020.50 during the period[120] Industry and Market Trends - The total sales of the solar thermal utilization industry in 2022 was RMB 37.96 billion, a decrease of 12.3% year-on-year[8] - The total sales of the air source heat pump industry in 2022 was RMB 22.97 billion, an increase of 13.0% year-on-year[8] - The retail sales of kitchen appliances in 2022 was RMB 158.6 billion, a decrease of 9.6% year-on-year[8] - The kitchen appliance market is expected to see a 16.6% growth in integrated stove sales, reaching 30.2 billion yuan in 2023[24] Corporate Strategy and Expansion - The company established several subsidiaries, including Jiangsu Sunrise East Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 10 million yuan[22] - The company plans to expand its presence in lower-tier markets and increase investment in home renovation channels[25] - Air energy product development will focus on expanding the operating environment range of heating units and improving energy efficiency[25] Risk and Governance - The company faces macroeconomic risks due to the complex international environment and domestic economic recovery period[26] - The total actual remuneration for all directors, supervisors, and senior management at the end of the reporting period was 10.24218 million yuan[32] - The company held multiple shareholder meetings in 2022, including the 2021 Annual General Meeting, which approved 9 proposals, and two temporary shareholder meetings, which approved a total of 4 proposals[29] - The company strictly adhered to corporate governance regulations, ensuring no significant differences with laws and regulations, and maintained a clear separation from its controlling shareholder in terms of personnel, assets, finance, institutions, and business[28] - The company's board of directors, supervisors, and senior management collectively held 18,063,676 shares, with 934,000 shares repurchased and canceled[30] - The company's governance structure was continuously improved, with regular meetings of the board of directors, supervisors, and specialized committees, ensuring compliance with the Articles of Association and relevant regulations[28] - The company held 5 audit committee meetings in 2022, reviewing key reports and proposals including the 2021 financial report and internal control evaluation[36] - The company's strategic committee held 1 meeting in 2022, approving the 2022 business plan[38] - The company's board of directors held multiple meetings in 2022, approving various proposals including the 2021 financial report, profit distribution plan, and 2022 Q1 report[33] - The company's nomination committee held 3 meetings in 2022, approving proposals related to board elections and senior management appointments[37] - The company's directors attended all board meetings in 2022, with no instances of consecutive absences[34] - The company completed the repurchase and cancellation of 1,342,600 restricted shares, reducing the total share capital from 822,900,000 shares to 821,557,400 shares[42] - The company completed the repurchase and cancellation of 687,854 restricted shares, further reducing the total share capital from 821,557,400 shares to 820,869,546 shares[42] - The company unlocked 6,139,761 restricted shares for trading, with the listing date set for October 12, 2022[42] - The total compensation for directors and executives amounted to 4,140,000 units, with 1,036,800 units withheld and 3,103,200 units paid out[43] - The company invested 8.5 million yuan in environmental protection during the reporting period[45] - The company allocated 2.99 million yuan for social responsibility initiatives, including 1.12 million yuan in cash and 1.87 million yuan in material donations[46] - The company engaged in financial management activities, with 350 million yuan allocated to bank wealth management products and 106.8 million yuan to securities products[54] - The company's total assets under financial management included 161.55 million yuan in private equity funds and 84.13 million yuan in securities investments[54] - The company's total share capital decreased from 822,900,000 shares to 820,869,546 shares due to the repurchase and cancellation of restricted shares for employees who left or did not meet performance criteria[61][62] - 454 incentive recipients unlocked 6,139,761 restricted shares, increasing the number of tradable shares to 806,139,761[61] - The number of restricted shares decreased by 8,170,215 shares, leaving 14,729,785 restricted shares remaining[60] - The company held 51,000,000 shares of Yajin Technology, valued at 5,663,680[56] - The company held 11,181,134 shares of Haozhi Water Purification, with a current holding of 8,738,000 shares[56] - The company held 1,000,000 shares of Jiangsu Bank, valued at 2,012,000[56] - The company's largest shareholder, Sunrain Holding Group, held 462,000,600 shares, representing 56.28% of total shares[68] - The number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 60,964[66] - Sunrain Holding Group is the controlling shareholder of the company, holding 462,000,600 unrestricted shares, accounting for a significant portion of the total shares[69] - Xu Xinjian, the company's chairman, directly holds 1.21% of the company's shares and controls 90.8% of Sunrain Holding Group, making him the actual controller[70] - Sunrain Holding Group holds 55.3464% and 56.5979% of Jiangsu Moon God Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Sun God Management Consulting Co., Ltd., respectively[70] Financial Instruments and Accounting Policies - The company's revenue recognition is divided into two main business types: product sales and heating & photovoltaic engineering projects, with different revenue recognition methods for each[80] - The company's product sales include dealer models, engineering models, e-commerce, and export sales, each with distinct revenue recognition approaches[80] - Heating and photovoltaic engineering projects are recognized as revenue over time based on the progress of performance obligations[80] - The company's financial statements for 2022 were approved by the board of directors on April 25, 2023[124] - The company assessed its ability to continue as a going concern for the next 12 months and found no issues affecting its continuity[125] - The company's accounting policies and estimates are based on the Chinese Accounting Standards[126] - The company's financial statements comply with the Chinese Accounting Standards and accurately reflect its financial position, operating results, and cash flows[127] - The company's fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31[128] - The company's normal operating cycle is one year[129] - The company's functional currency
日出东方(603366) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-25 16:00
2023 年第一季度报告 证券代码:603366 证券简称:日出东方 日出东方控股股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 单位:元 币种:人民币 | 项目 | 本报告期 | 本报告期比上年同期增减 | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | 变动幅度(%) | | | | 营业收入 | 872,183,956.06 | | | 35.51 | | 归属于上市公司股东的净利润 | -10,763,907.06 | | | 不适用 | | 归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性 | -20,683,843.58 | | | 不适用 | | 损益的净利润 | | | | | | 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 | -51,760,716.56 | | | 不适用 | | 基本每股收益(元/股) | -0.0134 | | | 不适用 | | 稀释每股收益(元/股) | | | | | | 加权平均净资产收益率(%) | -0.29 | 减 ...
日出东方(603366) - 投资者关系活动记录表(2021年度业绩说明会)
2022-11-19 02:32
证券代码:603366 证券简称:日出东方 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...