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华力创通(300045) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-20 16:00
证券代码:300045 证券简称:华力创通 公告编号:2023-052 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 (二) 非经常性损益项目和金额 (税后) 合计 3,978,458.14 4,475,462.82 -- 公司不存在其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目的具体情况。 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 2023 年第三季度报告 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------- ...
华力创通(300045) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-11 16:00
□适用 不适用 四、公司股权激励计划、员工持股计划或其他员工激励措施的实施情况 第五节 环境和社会责任 在报告期内为减少其碳排放所采取的措施及效果 □适用 不适用 未披露其他环境信息的原因 二、社会责任情况 42 43 适用 □不适用 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------|-----------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|----------|------------| | | | | | | | | 陈林;陆伟;马 赛江 | 关于同业竞 争、关联交 易、资金占用 方面的承诺 | 害。 本次重组前, 本人及本人控 制的企业(如 有)与拟注入 资产明伟万盛 之间的交易 (如有)定价 | 2016 年 04 月 29 日 | 长期有效 | 正 ...
华力创通(300045) - 2023年6月8日投资者关系活动记录表(调研活动信息)
2023-06-11 01:16
证券代码:300045 证券简称:华力创通 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-033 特定对象调研 ☐分析师会议 ☐媒体采访 ☐业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 ☐新闻发布会 ☐路演活动 类别 ☐现场参观 ☐其他 鹏扬基金:赵世宏 新华资产:耿金文 天弘基金:张磊 泰康资产:周妍 诺安基金:李晓杰 沛京资本:李正强 参与单位名称及 泓德基金:孟焱毅 工银瑞信:李磊 人员姓名 和泰人寿:毛文杰 华夏久盈:刘强 广发证券:曹一凡 国寿安保:谭峰英、陈航宇 国盛证券:张凯、蔡梦琦、蔡心弛 时间 2023年6月8日 14:00-16:00 地点 北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号院(中关村软件园)乙18号 董事会秘书兼副总经理:吴梦冰女士 上市公司接待人 员姓名 证券事务代表:宋龙先生 一、公司基本情况介绍 公司深耕国防及行业信息化领域,主营业务涵盖卫星应 投资者关系活动 用、仿真测试、雷达信号处理、无人系统等业务方向,为我国 主要内容介绍 航空航天、国防电子、特种装备等国防市场提供自主可控的核 | --- | |------------------------------------------ ...
华力创通(300045) - 2023年05月10日投资者关系活动记录表(2022年度业绩网上说明会)
2023-05-10 10:18
证券代码:300045 证券简称:华力创通 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-030 ☐特定对象调研 ☐分析师会议 ☐媒体采访 业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 类别 ☐新闻发布会 ☐路演活动 ☐现场参观 ☐其他 参与单位名称及 人员姓名 线上参与公司2022年度业绩网上说明会的全体投资者 时间 2023年05月10日 15:00-17:00 地点 价值在线(网络互动 董事兼总经理 王伟 董事会秘书兼副总经理 吴梦冰 上市公司接待人 财务总监 李国良 员姓名 独立董事 张海鹰 保荐代表人 陆玉龙 1.你好,请问目前公司正在推进的研发项目进展如何? 答:尊敬的投资者您好,2023年国家专项、募投项目、自研 投资者关系活动 主要内容介绍 项目等多个重点项目进入关键研发阶段,公司将严格恪守技术 创新体系、研制生产体系、项目管理体系的标准及要求,发挥 技术带头人的引领作用,试行国家重大项目行政、技术双总师 | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------- ...
华力创通(300045) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-27 16:00
2023 年第一季度报告 北京华力创通科技股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 重要内容提示: 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 一、主要财务数据 1 (二) 非经常性损益项目和金额 其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目的具体情况 □适用 不适用 公司不存在其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目的具体情况。 将《公开发行证券的公司信息披露解释性公告第 1 号——非经常性损益》中列举的非经常性损益项目界定为经常性损益 项目的情况说明 □适用 不适用 公司不存在将《公开发行证券的公司信息披露解释性公告第 1 号——非经常性损益》中列举的非经常性损益项目界定为 经常性损益的项目的情形。 适用 □不适用 3.其他非流动资产本期 470.70 万元,较年初减少 44.84%,主要系一年以上的合同资 产减少所致; 2 7.营业成本本期 5,480.78 万元,较上年同期减少 37.41%,主要系本期收入减少所致; 8.税金及附加本期 29.41 万元,较上年同期增加 171.89%,主要系本期缴纳印花税和 增值税增加所致; 10.财务费用本期 ...
华力创通(300045) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-20 16:00
Financial Performance - Total revenue for 2022 was RMB 385,096,201.75, a decrease of 42.09% compared to 2021[100] - Revenue from the satellite application segment was RMB 141,105,453.12, accounting for 36.64% of total revenue, a decrease of 51.74% year-over-year[100] - Revenue from the radar signal processing segment was RMB 69,293,235.98, accounting for 17.99% of total revenue, a decrease of 42.51% year-over-year[100] - Revenue from the simulation application integration segment was RMB 60,289,358.16, accounting for 15.66% of total revenue, a decrease of 38.05% year-over-year[100] - The company's operating income in 2022 was RMB 385,096,200, a decrease of 42.09% year-on-year, with a net profit of -RMB 110,255,800[121] - Revenue for 2022 was RMB 385,096,201.75, a decrease from RMB 665,045,724.52 in 2021[193] - Revenue after deduction for 2022 was RMB 368,247,129.61, compared to RMB 662,501,900.00 in 2021[193] - The company's Q1 2022 revenue was 147.58 million yuan, with a net profit of 1.71 million yuan, but experienced significant losses in subsequent quarters, with a Q4 net loss of 81.56 million yuan[178] R&D and Innovation - The company has a high R&D investment, with the average proportion of R&D investment to operating revenue in the past three years not less than 20%[56] - The company has successfully developed multiple satellite communication and navigation baseband chips, mastering core technologies such as baseband algorithms and anti-interference[55] - The company focuses on the development of core technologies in satellite navigation, satellite communication, and other fields, with a vision to become a leader in satellite application core chips[55] - The company has a strong R&D team, with R&D personnel accounting for more than 50% of the total number of employees[56] - The company is actively engaged in the research and development of cutting-edge technologies in areas such as Beidou-3, Beidou+5G, and low-orbit satellite internet[48] - The company is committed to innovation, continuously increasing resource investment to consolidate its technological advantages[56] - R&D expenses increased by 105.85% to RMB 73,206,205.85 due to increased investment in R&D projects and major R&D initiatives[107] - R&D investment in 2022 was RMB 182,723,251.10, accounting for 47.45% of revenue[141] - Capitalized R&D expenditure in 2022 was RMB 109,517,878.81, representing 59.94% of total R&D investment[141] - The company's R&D projects aim to enhance satellite communication, navigation, and remote sensing capabilities, with a focus on chip development and industrial application[164] - The company's investment in the Beidou + 5G fusion terminal project has completed chip algorithm design, targeting seamless indoor and outdoor positioning[164] Satellite Navigation and Communication - China's satellite navigation and location service industry reached a total output value of 469 billion yuan in 2021, a 16.29% increase from 2020[8] - The core output value of the satellite navigation industry was 145.4 billion yuan in 2021, accounting for 31% of the total output value[8] - High-precision related product sales revenue grew to 15.19 billion yuan in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 24.5% since 2010[8] - The R&D and industrialization project for the Beidou +5G integrated terminal baseband chip had an investment progress of 27.01% by the end of 2022[12] - The R&D and industrialization project for Beidou airborne terminals and ground data systems had an investment progress of 27.20% by the end of 2022[12] - The company's self-developed Beidou positioning and tracking device passed airworthiness certification in 2022, obtaining the CTSOA certificate, enabling entry into the civil aviation sector[62] - The Beidou positioning and tracking device can be applied to aircraft models including ARJ21, C919, Boeing, and Airbus[62] - The company developed Beidou-based navigation and short message processing equipment for the amphibious aircraft "Kunlong," enhancing its localization level[62] - The company's Beidou short message module and terminal are compatible with vehicle, ship, and fixed installation scenarios, integrating functions like Tiantong, 4G, and Bluetooth[62] - The company's data platform utilizes Beidou+5G, GIS, and IoT technologies to establish a digital twin city Beidou spatiotemporal big data center[62] - The company is committed to advancing北斗 navigation and天通 satellite mobile communication systems, aligning with national aerospace development strategies[90] - The company's satellite communication projects align with national strategies for autonomous and controllable industries, with potential for accelerated domestic substitution in the satellite mobile communication market[182] - In satellite communication, the company aims to expand the application of Tiantong satellite communication and explore IoT, vehicle networking, and consumer markets[198] Simulation and Testing - The company's simulation testing business supported the successful first flight of the AG600 amphibious aircraft's new configuration[63] - The company released the BEST V5.0 bus simulation testing platform, compatible with domestic Loongson platforms and supporting Windows and NeoKylin operating systems[63] - The company won multiple key projects in flight control, bus simulation, and integrated testing, showcasing its competitiveness in intelligent testing and simulation[63] - China's computer simulation market size was approximately 213.5 billion yuan in 2021, with an expected increase to 235 billion yuan in 2022[65] - The company is exploring advanced simulation technologies, including digital twins and high-performance computing, to provide comprehensive solutions in system simulation and training simulation[91] Government Subsidies and Non-Recurring Items - Government subsidies included in current profits were 7,939,572.38 yuan in 2022, a significant increase from 3,943,917.45 yuan in 2021[5] - The total non-recurring gains and losses for 2022 were 6,728,219.46 yuan, up from 4,028,122.03 yuan in 2021[6] - Non-current asset disposal losses amounted to -269,440.92 yuan in 2022, compared to -348,514.72 yuan in 2021[5] - The fair value change losses of financial assets and liabilities were -217,232.06 yuan in 2022, compared to a gain of 2,621,182.71 yuan in 2021[5] - Fair value change loss in 2022 was RMB -1,834,374.81, accounting for 1.38% of total profit[142] - Asset impairment loss in 2022 was RMB -3,074,435.47, accounting for 2.32% of total profit[142] Fundraising and Investment - The supplementary working capital project had an investment progress of 93.21% by the end of 2022[12] - The company used 229.061 million yuan of raised funds to replace self-raised funds pre-invested in the fundraising projects[38] - As of December 31, 2022, the company had 1,749.817 million yuan of unused raised funds, all of which were stored in the fundraising account[38] - The company completed a refinancing by issuing 48,458,149 shares, raising RMB 329,999,994.69 to fund R&D for北斗+5G fusion terminal baseband chips and北斗 airborne terminals[94] - The company invested 76 million yuan in the establishment of the International Trading Center for Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits, holding a 3.57% stake[170] Market and Industry Trends - The company has a competitive advantage in industrial synergy, collaborating with excellent industry partners to promote high-quality development[57] - The company focuses on satellite applications, simulation testing, radar signal processing, and unmanned systems[197] - In radar signal processing, the company is optimizing technology and products for domestic substitution and industrialization[199] - The company aims to develop standardized, generalizable, and replicable products in the industry sector, pushing existing technologies into civilian consumer markets[81] - The company plans to deepen its focus on satellite applications, radar signal processing, and simulation testing, aiming to expand into civilian markets and reduce product costs[81] Financial Management and Control - The company will strengthen internal control management, optimize financial management systems, and implement comprehensive budgeting to enhance decision-making and risk control[83] - The company's monetary funds at the end of 2022 were RMB 387,167,849.66, accounting for 16.99% of total assets, an increase of 7.43% from the beginning of the year[114] - The company's accounts receivable at the end of 2022 were RMB 615,782,668.54, accounting for 27.02% of total assets, a decrease of 10.04% from the beginning of the year[114] - The company's inventory at the end of 2022 was RMB 347,097,329.08, accounting for 15.23% of total assets, an increase of 3.76% from the beginning of the year[114] - The company's operating cash flow showed a significant recovery in Q4 2022, reaching 102.59 million yuan, after negative cash flows in Q1 and Q3[178] Customer and Supplier Relationships - The top 5 customers accounted for 21.49% of total annual sales, with a combined sales amount of RMB 82,772,347.04[162] - Customer one contributed RMB 17,699,291.72 in sales, accounting for 4.60% of total annual sales[162] - Customer two contributed RMB 17,288,094.34 in sales, accounting for 4.49% of total annual sales[162] - Customer three contributed RMB 17,026,548.66 in sales, accounting for 4.42% of total annual sales[162] - Customer four contributed RMB 16,243,753.06 in sales, accounting for 4.22% of total annual sales[162] - The company's total procurement amount from the top five suppliers is RMB 42,986,172.16, accounting for 17.31% of the annual procurement total[106] Product Development and Certification - The company completed the development and promotion of the "Tongdao Guangyao" integrated application system, focusing on the industrialization of modules, terminals, and satellite application service platforms[164] - The company achieved system integration and verification for the Beidou ground monitoring system, supporting its application in domestic civil aircraft[164] - The company completed E-level product airworthiness certification for the Beidou airborne terminal and ground data system, advancing the development of Beidou III positioning and tracking products[164] - The company's Beidou technology is expected to see broad application in vehicle terminals, with potential for integration with 4G/5G for emergency rescue modes[182] Revenue Segments - The company's revenue from the electronic information industry was RMB 348,799,207.00, a decrease of 43.98% year-on-year, with a gross margin of 39.47%[139] - The company's revenue from satellite applications was RMB 141,105,453.12, a decrease of 51.74% year-on-year, with a gross margin of 56.78%[139] - The company's revenue from radar signal processing was RMB 69,293,235.98, a decrease of 42.51% year-on-year, with a gross margin of 46.53%[139] Investment and Profitability - Investment income in 2022 was RMB 2,300,446.73, accounting for -1.73% of total profit[142]