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远东资信· 2024-04-14 16:00
2. 明确降碳路径 服务资本市场 助力信用中四 每自然年度至少一次披露,直至融资期限届 满: 1. 筹集资金实际使用情况,如资金分配、投 向情况; 2. 转型计划推进落实情况。 在 I 级基础上,至少还包含以下披露内容: 披露转型计划效果评估情况,包括降碳路径 实施效果、降碳目标进度测算效果(包含范围 1、范围 2 排放)等。 在 II 级基础上,至少还包含以下披露内容: 至少满足以下条件之一: 1. 相关评估、测算结果均基于国家或上海市发布的温室气体自愿减排项 目方法学等,或由符合条件的第三方机构出具,确保结果真实可信、可 佐证、可核查、可追溯; 2. 温室气体排放现状包含范围 3 排放。 针对各行业下的不同生产环节的降碳路径,《目录》进一步明确了降碳目标的准入值和先进值。根据《使用说 明》,准入值是指在建、拟建项目建成后或存量项目改造升级后,单位产品综合能耗或碳强度必须达到的降碳水平, 是获得转型金融支持的最低要求。先进值是指在建、拟建项目建成后或存量项目改造升级后,单位产品综合能耗或 碳强度可以达到的降碳水平,是获得转型金融支持的目标参考。 | --- | --- | --- | |---------- ...
远东资信· 2024-03-14 16:00
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an investment rating for the industry [1][2] Core Views - Local industrial investment platform companies (local industrial investment companies) are defined as enterprise legal entities controlled by local governments or government departments, primarily engaged in equity investments, industrial funds, and guiding funds to promote local industrial structure optimization and modernization [4] - These companies differ from traditional urban investment companies (UICs) as they focus more on market-oriented operations and industrial incubation, cultivation, and guidance, with less reliance on government subsidies [5] - The rapid development of local industrial investment companies is driven by the transformation of UICs and national support for industrial economic development [18][22] Summary by Sections Definition and Characteristics of Local Industrial Investment Companies - Local industrial investment companies are controlled by local governments and engage in equity investments, industrial funds, and guiding funds to promote industrial structure optimization [4] - They focus on market-oriented operations, with less than 30% of their business in public welfare or quasi-public welfare infrastructure projects [5] - Their income is primarily market-driven, unlike UICs, which rely heavily on government payments or subsidies [5] Case Studies of Local Industrial Investment Companies Shandong State-owned Assets Investment Holding Co Ltd - The company is primarily engaged in IT, pharmaceuticals, and trade, with significant investments in strategic emerging industries and financial sectors [9][11] - Its IT business, operated by Inspur Group, generated revenues of 1051 6 billion yuan in 2022, with a gross margin of 15 23% [10] - The company focuses on strategic emerging industries, financial investments, and asset management, with significant investments in new energy and advanced manufacturing [11] Hefei Industrial Investment Holding Group Co Ltd - The company is involved in manufacturing, supply chain, and cultural education services, with a focus on strategic emerging industries such as semiconductors and new energy [14][16] - Its manufacturing business, primarily film materials, generated revenues of 25 26 billion yuan in 2022, accounting for 31 04% of total revenue [16] - The company manages 48 self-managed funds, with a cumulative paid-in scale exceeding 54 billion yuan, supporting over 700 enterprises and achieving 51 IPOs [16] Background of Rapid Development Transformation of UICs - Urbanization in China has slowed, with the urbanization rate reaching 65 22% in 2022, leading to reduced infrastructure investment and the need for UICs to transform [18] - The expectation of government bailouts for UICs has diminished, and local governments face increasing debt pressures, further pushing UICs to transition to market-oriented operations [19] - Stricter regulations on local government debt and UIC financing have made it difficult for UICs to raise funds, accelerating their transformation into local industrial investment companies [20] National Support for Industrial Economic Development - The 20th National Congress emphasized the construction of a modern industrial system, focusing on advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and modern services [22] - Local industrial investment companies, with their regional expertise, are well-positioned to drive industrial development and align with national strategic goals [22]
远东资信· 2024-03-05 16:00
2024 年 3 月 5 日 远东研究·远东评论 作者:研究与发展部 邮箱 着力加强信用服务体系建设,全力支持新质生产力发展 ——2024 年政府工作报告学习体会 3 月 5 日,国务院总理李强在向十四届全国人大二次会议所作 2024 年政府工作报告(以下简称"政府工作报 告")中,深刻指出了过去一年全面建设社会主义现代化国家迈出坚实步伐,进而明确提出了今年经济社会发展的 总体要求,其中强调大力推进现代化产业体系建设,加快发展新质生产力。本文密切结合我们所处行业,认真学习 领悟习总书记在中共中央政治局第十一次集体学习时讲话和李总理作的 2024 年政府工作报告精神,重点针对信用 服务业全力服务新质生产力发展做出如下思考。需强调的是,本文所指的信用服务体系暨信用服务行业,系指依法 向社会提供信用信息服务、信用增进、信用管理咨询等信用产品和服务的专业服务机构,包括企业征信、个人征信、 信用评级、信用担保、信用保险、商业保理、信用管理咨询等丰富业态体系。 一、提升科创领域信用服务体系质量,助推创新引擎赋能高质量发展 今年 1 月,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第十一次集体学习 ...
远东资信· 2024-02-25 16:00
近年来相关政策大力支持科技型企业债务融资,但是科技 产业内涵丰富,需要准确界定科技型企业范围。参考科创板、 科创债发行规则,可以首先限定科技型企业应属于高新技术产 业和战略性新兴产业。进一步地,可以通过研发投入、研发人 相关研究报告: 员等指标,或科技创新称号、具体核心技术等方面来判断科技 1.《科技创新型企业信用评级 属性。 方法研究》,2023.07.14 以科创板上市公司为样本分析科技型企业特征,可以看 出:科技型企业营业收入增速明显高于一般企业,具有高成长 特征;科技型企业销售费用、管理费用、研发费用在经常性业 务成本中的占比较高,可能更需要进行产品推广,对经营管理 水平要求也更高,并且需要更多研发投入来维持实力;科创板 公司的整体负债率低于一般企业,且负债中有息负债的占比要 更低,资本主要来自权益投资;科创板覆盖的行业类型众多, 不同行业在竞争格局、产业周期等方面各具特点。 结合科技型企业特征,可以从科技创新实力、业务经营状 况、财务杠杆与偿债能力等角度选取指标来评价信用风险。其 中,科技创新实力可以考虑用研发支出、研发人员等数据来评 映科技创新实力。业务经营状况主要反映企业的经营风险,可 来评价。 ...