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中国经济网· 2024-11-11 02:17
◎本报记者 崔 爽数字人正加速"跑"进日常生活。 中国互联网协会前不久发布的《中国数字人发展报告(2024)》显示,我国数字人产业发展全面加速, 预计2025年我国数字人核心市场规模超400亿元,带动产业市场规模将超6000亿元。 目前我国与数字人相关的企业超114万家。 今年1—5月,新增注册数字人相关企业17.4万余家。 数字人应用场景广泛,涵盖文娱、传媒、金融、教育等多个领域,正逐渐成为数字经济发展的新增长 点。 工业和信息化部相关负责人在日前举行的2024(首届)中国数字人大会上表示,我国将建立健全数字人 标准体系,加快应用推广。 "人手一个AI数字人"的时代正渐行渐近。 步入规模发展阶段"数字人产业已步入规模化发展阶段。 "赛迪顾问人工智能与大数据产业研究中心分析师白润轩接受科技日报记者采访时说,生成式人工智能 (AIGC)的出现是推动数字人创新的关键力量,彻底改变了传统的数字人制作和运营方式,显著提高 了数字人生成效率。 随着AIGC技术的广泛应用,数字人产业正迎来前所未有的发展机遇。 "大模型与数字人技术的结合大大降低了数字人的生产成本。 "蚂蚁灵境数字人平台算法负责人杨明晖解释,传统的数字人构 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-10 08:57
又一数字人民币创新产品来啦! 近日,在第十八届深圳国际金融博览会召开期间,数字人民币可视硬钱包产品及应用正式发布。 据了解,在中国人民银行数字货币研究所、中国人民银行深圳市分行和深圳市委金融办的指导下,深圳 运营机构在厚度仅为1mm的卡片上创新增加了墨水屏,通过集成动态二维码,让数字人民币硬钱包"可 碰可扫"。 首发创新应用 据介绍,数字人民币的可视化硬钱包集安全性与便捷性于一身,能够高效对接国内高度发达的条码支付 体系,为老年人、学生以及外籍访客等广大用户群体提供更加轻松的使用体验。 相较于以往数字人民币传统硬钱包,可视硬钱包就是在原有硬钱包的基础上,增加显示动态付款二维码 功能,并且可以直接看到交易信息和钱包余额。 一方面,数字人民币的可视硬钱包打破了原先仅依赖NFC功能的支付局限,可以充分融入国内已高度成 熟的条码支付生态,显著拓宽了其应用场景,为用户带来了前所未有的便利;另一方面,用户在使用过 程中能够直观地在设备上查看交易详情及余额信息,这一设计极大提升了老年人、学生以及外籍访客等 用户群体在使用数字人民币硬钱包时的体验友好度。 此次共发布了多家银行机构的数字人民币可视硬钱包,包括中国工商银行深圳" ...
提升支付便利性 数字人民币可视硬钱包正式推出
中国经济网· 2024-11-09 01:15
本报记者 李 冰 11月7日,数字人民币推出创新产品可视硬钱包。记者了解到,基于可视硬钱包,各地可扩展打造面向 不同人群的特色市民卡、旅游卡等,并可打破行政区域限制,在全国范围内复制使用,实现"一卡通全 国"的应用。 实现多方面创新 所谓数字人民币硬钱包,是指基于安全芯片等技术,依托IC卡、手机终端、SIM卡、可穿戴设备、物联 网设备等特定硬件载体为客户提供服务的数字人民币钱包。 据悉,数字人民币可视硬钱包是在中国人民银行数字货币研究所(以下简称"数研所")、中国人民银行 深圳市分行、深圳市委金融办的指导支持下,深圳金融科技研究院联合中国银行、招商银行、工商银 行、农业银行、建设银行、交通银行、邮政储蓄银行等运营机构研发推出,既支持"碰一碰"收款,也支 持"扫一扫"收款。 "可视硬钱包的推出为没有境内手机号和银行账户、习惯持卡支付的短期境外来华人员提供了一个支付 新选择,也便利了老年人群。"博通咨询金融业资深分析师王蓬博说。 此次推出的数字人民币可视硬钱包有哪些创新之处?据深圳金融科技研究院相关人士介绍,可视硬钱包 在产品设计应用方面有多个特点。 在产品层面,增加可视屏。可视硬钱包在标准的硬钱包上增加了可视屏 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-05 23:36
日前,上海金融官微发布消息,为进一步推进数字人民币试点工作,近期上海市政府常务会议审议通过 了新一轮数字人民币试点应用行动方案。行动方案明确,要进一步稳妥推进数字人民币应用与服务创 新,力争到2025年底,基本形成场景覆盖面广、支付服务体验良好、创新应用丰富、各方参与积极的数 字人民币生态体系。 福州市今年也出台了相关的行动方案,进一步深化数字人民币试点工作。8月份,福州市金融工作办公 室发布《福州市数字人民币试点三年(2024—2026)攻坚行动方案(征求意见稿)》,其中提出在商 务、文旅等13个领域推进数字人民币试点,为全国提供可复制、可推广的福州试点经验。 除了整体性的工作安排,不少地区还对数字人民币试点工作进行了更为细化的部署。比如,今年4月 份,河北省工业和信息化厅和中国人民银行河北省分行联合印发了《河北省工业和信息化领域数字人民 币试点工作实施方案》,其中提出引导产业链应用数字人民币,在高新区、107个重点产业集群推动数 字人民币应用群等。 中国银行研究院研究员杜阳在接受《证券日报》记者采访时表示,地方积极出台数字人民币试点相关工 作方案,将进一步拓展数字人民币的应用场景,形成从地方到全国的应用链 ...
中国经济网· 2024-10-31 19:52
近期,数字人民币推出了组件化服务并率先在鸿蒙系统部署,将数字人民币的基础服务能力内置到鸿蒙 系统中,从而提供系统级安全便捷的数字人民币服务,有效降低数字人民币在鸿蒙系统上的开发成本和 使用门槛。 "从开发者的角度讲,组件化就像是系统提供了一个拎包入住的精装修房屋,技术人员进行适配就能满 足不同APP使用数字人民币支付的需求。"一位技术开发人员告诉记者。 从用户角度看,鸿蒙用户在商户端付款时,如选择数字人民币支付,可直接拉起组件里的数字人民币收 银台进行线上付款,这个过程中,不需要提前下载数字人民币APP,真正做到"拿到手机就能用"的丝滑 体验。而且,若该鸿蒙用户名下有多台搭载鸿蒙系统的设备,可支持同时登录使用数字人民币。 将数字人民币的基础服务能力内嵌到鸿蒙系统中,只是数字人民币组件化服务的第一步尝试。据悉,后 续数字人民币将进一步提升组件化服务水平,将数字人民币服务能力内嵌于智能物联网的芯片、模组、 设备、操作系统等底层平台上,实现数字人民币与智能物联网的深度融合,从而在技术上支撑生态拓 展,实现"支付无界限"。 记者了解到,在与鸿蒙系统合作方面,下一步数字人民币将加强与鸿蒙系统深度融合,丰富数字人民币 钱 ...
证券时报网· 2024-10-30 02:08
证券时报e公司讯,记者从国际航空运输协会获悉,其将在航空业财务结算系统中提供数字货币。 其中,数字人民币将作为首个数字货币于2024年年底纳入中国BSP,此举将推动数字人民币在全球航空 业的国际化进程,尤其是在B2B应用领域。 ...
数字人(835670) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-29 13:07
数字人 证券代码 : 835670 山东数字人科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 1 第一节 重要提示 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对 其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 公司负责人徐以发、主管会计工作负责人孔祥惠及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)孔祥惠保证季 度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 本季度报告未经会计师事务所审计。 本季度报告涉及未来计划等前瞻性陈述,不构成公司对投资者的实质承诺,投资者及相关人士均应 对此保持足够的风险认识,并且应当理解计划、预测与承诺之间的差异。 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------| | 事项 是或否 \n是否存在公司董事、监事、高级管理人员对季度报告内容存在异议或无法保证其真实、 准确、完整 | □是 | \n√否 | | 是否存在未出席董事会审议季 ...
中国经济网· 2024-10-26 22:48
日前,有不法分子冒用中国人民银行数字货币研究所名义发布虚假公告,称"经财政部与国家数据局联 合审批,数字人民币平台将下发已领取专属提现通道用户的数字资产红利""将开启第二批资产登记审核 以及绿色通道额度的认购"等。 经查,此类"公告"及"平台"系伪造,相关信息均不属实。数字货币研究所未发布过上述信息,未组织登 记或认购"数字资产"、发放"数字资产红利"等。请有关单位、企业和广大群众提高警惕,加强甄别,谨 防上当受骗。 招联首席研究员董希淼表示,数字人民币是中国人民银行发行的数字形式的法定货币,由指定运营机构 参与运营并向公众兑换,具有高安全性、双离线支付、可控匿名等优势。简单来说,数字人民币具有人 民币现金所具有的全部特性,只是形式不一样。 如今,公众对数字人民币已不再陌生,参与度以及认知程度都在不断提高。无论是在消费端的应用,还 是在政务、民生等领域的落地,数字人民币正逐步渗透到生产生活的方方面面。从消费红包发放、智能 缴费、预付资金管理到政府专项资金发放,数字人民币场景应用呈现出"多点开花"的新格局。 但是,近几年也出现了不少打着数字人民币或数字资产旗号进行招摇撞骗的情况。董希淼介绍,我国法 定数字货币即 ...
数字人(835670) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-23 10:43
1 数字人 835670 山东数字人科技股份有限公司 Shandong Digihuman Technology Co.,Ltd. 半年度报告 2024 公司半年度大事记 5 月 1 日-5 日,第 135 届中 国进出口商品交易会第三期线 下展在广州举行,数字人携高清 数字人虚拟解剖系统 V2.0、数字 人解剖系统和 3D 打印系列产品 首次亮相展会,进一步增强企业 国际影响力。 | --- | |-----------------------------------| | | | 5 月 26 日,数字人承办的第 | | 二届全国高等医学院校大学生形 | | 态学读片和人体解剖标本辨识技 | | 能大赛圆满落幕。全国 123 所院 | | 校、 10192 名学生参加了本次大 | | 赛,本次大赛提高了学生认识生 | | 命结构与形态的能力,达到了"以 | | 赛促学、以赛促教"的目的,对 | | 激发学生学习兴趣,促进专业能 | | 力发展起到了引领与推动的作 | | 用。 | 2 目 | --- | --- | |--------|----------------------------------- ...
数字人(835670) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-17 12:54
Financial Investments and Yields - The company purchased low-risk short-term financial products with its own funds, including a 3 million RMB product with an annual yield of 2.685%-3.395%[3], a 2 million RMB product with an annual yield of 6.277%[3], and a 5 million RMB product with an annual yield of 2.41%-2.43%[3] Government Subsidies - The company received government subsidies totaling 7,745,053.89 RMB, including 6,433,052.27 RMB from VAT refunds and 470,000 RMB from the 2023 Technology Innovation Guidance Plan[4] - Government subsidies received totaled 7,744,876.50, compared to 4,718,381.07 in the previous year[21] - Government subsidies are recognized when the conditions attached are met and the subsidies are receivable. Monetary subsidies are measured at the actual amount received, while non-monetary subsidies are measured at fair value or nominal amount (1 yuan) if fair value cannot be reliably determined[80] - The company and its subsidiaries classify government subsidies as either asset-related or income-related. Asset-related subsidies are deferred and recognized over the useful life of the related asset, while income-related subsidies are recognized as income when received[80] Asset and Financial Position - The company's total assets increased to 276,828,764.33 RMB from 272,061,845.68 RMB, with current assets rising to 203,997,015.45 RMB from 195,819,839.52 RMB[6] - The company's cash and cash equivalents increased by 23,498,324.32 RMB, reaching 141,342,846.25 RMB at the end of the year[7] - The company's statutory surplus reserve increased by 1,565,168.97 RMB to 17,190,862.67 RMB[13] - The company's undistributed profit at the end of the year was 74,512,389.43 RMB, up from 64,439,262.25 RMB at the beginning of the year[14] - The company's cash balance at the end of the year was 141,342,846.25, compared to 117,844,521.93 at the beginning of the year[74] - The company's total asset impairment loss was -341,086.66, compared to -394,756.53 in the previous year[67] - The company's long-term equity investment in subsidiaries remained unchanged at 17,000,000.00[76] - The company's total number of employees increased from 232 to 244, with notable increases in doctoral (2 to 3) and master's degree holders (11 to 12)[157] - The company's total share capital at the end of the year is 106,182,400.00 shares[132] - The company's total employee benefits for the year amount to RMB 38,404,721.48[130] - The company's total assets were RMB 276.83 million, with a slight increase of 0.03% compared to the performance forecast[180] - Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company was RMB 251.94 million, a decrease of 0.10% compared to the performance forecast[180] Profit and Loss - The company's net profit attributable to the parent company's owners was 11,638,296.15 RMB, compared to a loss of 4,244,228.99 RMB in the previous year[14] - The company's consolidated profit for the year amounted to 11,467,535.90, with an income tax expense calculated at the statutory/applicable tax rate of 1,720,130.39[58] - The impact of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries resulted in a reduction of 379,259.19 in income tax expense[58] - The use of previously unrecognized deferred tax assets for deductible losses had a negative impact of 2,086,427.02 on income tax expense[58] - The impact of unrecognized deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences or losses was 2,791,725.62[58] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 11.64 million, a decrease of 2.22% compared to the performance forecast[180] - Net profit attributable to shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was RMB 7.85 million, a decrease of 3.25% compared to the performance forecast[180] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 0.11, with no variance compared to the performance forecast[180] - Weighted average return on equity (pre-deduction) was 4.73%, a decrease of 2.87% compared to the performance forecast[180] - Weighted average return on equity (post-deduction) was 3.19%, a decrease of 3.92% compared to the performance forecast[180] Revenue and Income - Rental income from buildings amounted to 695,502.02[19] - Revenue for the year was RMB 96.58 million, with no variance compared to the performance forecast[180] Accounts Receivable and Bad Debt Provisions - Accounts receivable within 1 year amounted to 27,693,823.71, an increase from 24,851,515.50 in the previous year[41] - Accounts receivable aged 1-2 years decreased significantly to 6,603,330.50 from 25,143,144.29 in the previous year[41] - The company's top five accounts receivable and contract assets at year-end include Wuhan Jinmao Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. with a balance of 9,482,407.20 CNY, accounting for 18.89% of the total[50] - The company's accounts receivable are classified into categories based on the method of bad debt provision. As of the end of the reporting period, the total accounts receivable were 48,925,152.15 yuan, with a bad debt provision of 16,787,354.12 yuan, representing a provision ratio of 34.31%[96] - The company's bad debt provision for significant individual accounts receivable increased from 4,607,672.40 yuan at the beginning of the year to 5,214,627.20 yuan at the end of the year, with a provision ratio of 100%[96][98] - The company recovered or reversed bad debt provisions totaling 4,607,672.40 yuan during the year, primarily due to sales returns from Chongqing Taimin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sinopharm Holding[98] - Accounts receivable and contract assets year-end balance totaled 29,944,083.42, with a bad debt provision of 8,945,558.25, accounting for 59.56% of the total[99] - The year-end balance of contract assets was 1,343,874.86, with a bad debt provision of 121,209.39, resulting in a net book value of 1,222,665.47[99] - Other receivables year-end balance was 766,933.08, with a bad debt provision of 176,716.50, representing a provision ratio of 23.04%[102] - The year-end balance of other receivables classified by aging showed 487,826.16 within 1 year, 121,100.00 for 1-2 years, and 158,006.92 for over 3 years[105] - Bad debt provision for accounts receivable is RMB 16,787,354.12, with a book value of RMB 32,137,798.03[126] - Accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period amounted to 32.14 million yuan, accounting for 11.61% of total assets, with 43.27% of receivables aged over 1 year[146] - The company has implemented strict bad debt provision policies for long-aged receivables to accurately reflect asset conditions[146] Leases and Rental Expenses - Short-term lease expenses for the current period were 923,035.72, up from 818,007.32 in the previous year[39] - Interest expenses on lease liabilities for the current period were 112,475.87, down from 177,512.55 in the previous year[39] - Total cash outflows related to leases were 2,772,761.25, slightly lower than the previous year's 2,822,199.34[39] - For leases, the company and its subsidiaries recognize a right-of-use asset and lease liability at the commencement date, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets[82] - The company and its subsidiaries measure lease liabilities at the present value of lease payments not yet paid at the commencement date, using the lease's implicit interest rate or the incremental borrowing rate if the implicit rate cannot be determined[91] - The company and its subsidiaries re-measure lease liabilities when there are changes in fixed payments, residual value guarantees, indices or rates used to determine lease payments, or the assessment of purchase, renewal, or termination options[92] - Prepaid rent at the end of the year is RMB 124,076.27, compared to RMB 151,930.17 at the beginning of the year[129] Investments and Equity - The company holds significant influence over its associates, typically when it owns between 20% and 50% of the voting rights, unless there is clear evidence that it cannot participate in the decision-making process[44] - The company uses the equity method to account for investments in joint ventures and associates, adjusting the carrying amount of the investment if the initial cost differs from the share of the net assets' fair value[45] - When the company loses control over a subsidiary, it reclassifies the remaining equity using the equity method if it retains significant influence or joint control, otherwise, it applies the financial instruments accounting standard[46] - The year-end balance of other equity instrument investments remained unchanged at 5,000,000.00, with no additional investments or reductions during the year[110] Fixed Assets and Depreciation - The company's fixed assets, including buildings and equipment, are depreciated using the straight-line method with a residual value rate of 5% and an annual depreciation rate of 4.75% for buildings[51][52] - The year-end book value of fixed assets, including production equipment and office equipment, totaled 44,911,364.08, a slight increase from the previous year's 44,760,875.04[113] Cash Flow and Operating Activities - The company's net cash flow from operating activities was 32,050,406.98, a significant increase from the previous year's 6,984,399.12[74] - The company's cash and cash equivalents increased by 23,498,324.32 RMB, reaching 141,342,846.25 RMB at the end of the year[7] - The company defines cash and cash equivalents as cash on hand and deposits that are readily available for payment, as well as short-term investments with a maturity of no more than three months[56] Tax and Incentives - The company was re-certified as a high-tech enterprise in 2023, enjoying a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15% from 2023 to 2025[146] - The company's subsidiaries, Yichuang Medical and Shenzhen Yichuang, enjoy tax incentives for small and micro enterprises, including a 50% reduction in resource tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, property tax, urban land use tax, stamp tax, farmland occupation tax, education surcharge, and local education surcharge[94] - The company and its subsidiaries recognize deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences except those arising from initial recognition of goodwill or transactions that do not affect accounting profit or taxable income[81] R&D and Innovation - R&D expenditure for the current period is RMB 22,941,404.20, accounting for 23.75% of operating revenue[135] - The company's R&D expenditure decreased from RMB 25,224,420.88 in the previous period to RMB 22,941,404.20 in the current period[135] - The company has 7 R&D projects in 2023, with 6 focused on digital human projects and 1 on a subsidiary project in Shenzhen[164] - The "High-Definition Digital Human R&D and Industrialization Project" has been upgraded and is set to launch in 2024[164] - The "Digital Human Anatomy System" supports a comprehensive teaching platform covering pre-class, in-class, and post-class activities[164] - The "Digital Human Cloud Platform" has been accessed by over 58,000 students and 3,000 teachers[164] - The company's R&D team has accumulated extensive expertise in medical imaging, computer science, and clinical experience[167] - The company has established a comprehensive R&D management system to ensure project execution and quality[167] - The company's R&D expenses in 2023 were 22.94 million yuan, accounting for 23.75% of the operating revenue[164] - The company has a strong R&D team of over 100 members, covering expertise in computer technology and medicine, and possesses advanced digital anatomy technology platforms, including data acquisition, 3D modeling, and virtual reality technologies[197] - The company's "High-Definition Digital Human Virtual Anatomy Table System" and "Digital Human High-Definition Tomography 3D Printing Model" have been recognized as reaching international advanced and leading levels, respectively, by the Chinese Anatomical Society[197] - The company has launched the Digital Human Cloud Platform, addressing challenges in hybrid online and offline teaching, resource shortages, and uneven distribution of teaching resources, supporting new educational models like flipped classrooms[197] - The company has formed R&D teams with prestigious medical institutions such as the Army Medical University and Shandong University, integrating computer information technology with traditional medicine to develop innovative products[197] - The company holds 14 invention patents and 71 copyrights, with R&D investment exceeding 15% of operating revenue in recent years[199] - The company has won the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Third Prize in 2014 and the National Teaching Achievement Second Prize in 2018[199] Corporate Governance and Shareholding - The company's controlling shareholder and actual controller, Xu Yifa, directly holds 40.85% of the shares and controls a total of 41.71% of the company's shares[149] - The top ten shareholders collectively hold 55.08% of the company's shares, with no related party relationships among them[148] - Xu Yifa has served as the company's chairman since 2015 and continues to hold this position[149] - The company's board of directors approved the conclusion of some fundraising projects and the permanent replenishment of surplus funds on December 26, 2023[152] - The company's third board of supervisors approved the 2023 semi-annual report and summary on August 24, 2023[152] - The company's 2022 annual report, financial report, and profit distribution plan were approved at the 2022 annual shareholders' meeting on May 22, 2023[152] - The company revised several governance-related systems, including the "Articles of Association," "Board of Directors System," and "Supervisory Board System," during the reporting period[155] - The company's core employees' changes had no significant impact, and no specific measures were taken[158] - The company did not implement any equity incentive plans during the reporting period[160] - The company did not engage in any labor outsourcing during the reporting period[161] Market and Product Development - The company's main products include digital medical education products, life science popularization products, and interactive smart all-in-one machines[186] - The company has established a comprehensive R&D management system, including regulations on R&D projects, documentation, product naming, and review processes, ensuring the execution of R&D projects through stages such as initiation, implementation, and acceptance[192] - The company has collaborated with domestic medical universities, including Shandong University and Inner Mongolia Medical University, to develop high-precision digital human products, achieving high-definition human tomography data acquisition and processing, and has begun product development for clinical diagnostic assistance and sports anatomy[192] - The company's products are widely used in over 500 medical institutions and have been piloted in more than 30 countries overseas, with plans to expand further through promotional activities[197] - The company is focusing on strengthening its market presence in the medical education sector, optimizing product quality, and enhancing core competitiveness to effectively respond to market competition[192] - The company is expanding its overseas medical education market in line with the national "Belt and Road" strategy, aiming to capitalize on historical development opportunities[192] - The company has completed the design and implementation of life science museums in multiple medical universities, leveraging its data and technological advantages in digital medicine[199] - The company's interactive smart all-in-one machine, produced by its wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen Yichuang, features high-quality touch panels and is used in various scenarios including education, exhibitions, and video conferencing[199] - The company has established 12 provincial offices nationwide, covering over 60% of the market in medical colleges and universities, solidifying its leading position in the digital anatomy field[199] - The company's core team possesses extensive expertise in computer science and medicine, enabling efficient and precise services[199] - The company plans to expand its business scope from medical education to clinical medicine and public health[199] - The company's products and solutions are highly aligned with the high data professionalism requirements of medical universities[199] - The company has a mature sales network and a complete service closed-loop, with high brand recognition and reputation in the market[199] - The company's technological innovation and brand advantages provide a solid foundation for its high-quality development[199] Risk Management - The company faces risks related to intellectual property infringement and has implemented measures such as patent applications and employee confidentiality agreements[146] - Core technical personnel retention is a key risk, with the company implementing competitive compensation and performance evaluation systems to mitigate this[146] - The company is exposed to risks from changes in tax incentives for software and integrated circuit industries[146] - The company has strengthened credit management and collection systems to reduce accounts receivable risks[146] Fundraising and Projects - The company's "Digital Human Cloud Platform Construction Project" was completed and reached the intended usable state on December 21, 2023, with a remaining fund of 3,795,985.23 yuan (including interest and financial income) permanently replenishing working capital[154] - The company extended the construction period of the "High-Definition Digital Human R&D and Industrialization Construction Project" to December 31, 2024, without changing the funding purpose or investment scale[154] Events and Recognition - The company showcased new technologies and products at the 59th China Higher Education Expo in April[168] - The company hosted the first National Medical College Students' Morphology Reading and Human Anatomy Specimen Identification Skills Competition in May[168] - The company's "High-Definition Digital Human Virtual Anatomy System V1.0" was recognized as a 2023 Shandong Famous Brand[174] - The company's "High-Definition Digital