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新火科技控股(01611) - 2024 - 年度业绩
2024-12-23 08:30
香 港 交 易 及 結 算 所 有 限 公 司 及 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 對 本 公 告 之 內 容 概 不 負 責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示概不就因本公告全部或 任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 SINOHOPE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 新 火 科 技 控 股 有 限 公 司 ( 於英屬處女群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1611) 進一步延遲寄發有關 (1)涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份的非常重大收購及關連交易 (2)建議更新購股權計劃項下的計劃授權限額 (3)建議增加法定股本 及 (4)建議修訂組織章程大綱及細則 的通函 及 有關截至二零二四年九月三十日止年度 全年業績公告的澄清公告 進一步延遲寄發通函 – 1 – 由 於 需 要 更多 時 間 編 製 及 落 實 載 入通 函 的 資 料( 例 如 本 公 司 截 至 二零 二 四 年 九 月 三 十 日 止 年 度 財 務 報 表 的 財 務 資 料 ), 預 期 通 函 的 寄 發 日 期 將 進 一 步 延 遲 至 二 零 二五年一月二 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2024 - 年度业绩
2024-12-16 14:48
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(「香港聯交所」)對本公告 的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對 因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任 何責任。 SINOHOPE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 新 火 科 技 控 股 有 限 公 司 ( 於英屬處女群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1611) 截至二零二四年九月三十日止年度的年度業績公告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------|-------------------|-------------------------| | | | | | | | 二 零 二 四 年 | 二零二三 年 | 變 動 | | | 千 港 元 | 千 港 元 | % | | 持 續 經 營 業 務 收 益 | 1,520,345 | | | | 加 密 貨 幣 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-06-24 09:00
: 24 新火科技 SINOHOPE SINOHOPE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 新火科技控股有限公司 (於英屬處女群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1611) 024 . . . . . = r : ' 2 20 23 ■ 公司資料 中 期 報 告 . - = . - 7 25 59 12 | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 董事會 | 總辦事處及香港主要營業地點 | | 非執行董事 | 香 港 | | 李林先生 (主席) | 中環皇后大道中100號 7樓 702–3 室 電話: (852) 3565 2308 | | 執行董事 | 網站: | | 杜均先生 (首席執行官) 張麗女士 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-05-27 13:47
承 擔 刊登業績公告及中期報告 SINOHOPE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 新火科技控股有限公司 (於英屬處女群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1611) | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------| | | | | | | 財務摘要 | | | | | | 截至三月三十一日止六個月 二零二四年 | 二零二三年 | 變 動 | | | 千港元 | 千港元 (重新呈列) | % | | 收 益 | 655,608 | 2,397,095 | (72.6)% | | 毛 利╱(損) | | | | | | 32,141 | (14,388) | 323.4% | | 毛 利╱(損)率 | 4.9% | (0.60)% | 916.7% | | 除 所 得 稅 前 溢 利 ...
比特币价格一度上触5.2万美元 OSL涨超12%领先数字货币概念
网易科技· 2024-02-15 02:20
财联社2月15日电(编辑 胡家荣)受益于比特币大涨,港股数字货币概念股应声走强。截至发稿,新火科技控股(01611.HK)、OSL集团(00863.HK)分别上涨14.96%、12.02%。 首先来看一下,比特币的走势。该品种一度向上触及52000美元/枚,日内涨5.01%。根据CoinGecko的数据显示,比特币今年迄今22%的涨幅使其市值自2021年12月以来首次突破1万亿美元。 截至发稿,比特币上涨4.87%,报51857.7美元。 注:比特币的走势 对于比特币价格的上涨可能与近期获批并在交易所上市的比特币现货ETF有关。这些ETF由多家机构发行,包括Grayscale、Bitwise、Hashdex、iShares、Valkyrie、Ark 21Shares、Invesco Galaxy、VanEck、WisdomTree、Fidelity和Franklin等。特别是iShares,作为全球资产管理巨头贝莱德的一部分,其发行的比特币ETF(IBIT)受到了广泛关注。 根据BitMEX Research的数据,贝莱德的比特币ETF(IBIT)在所有比特币ETF中表现突出,在过去7个工作日内实现了1.37 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-01-29 10:22
Digital Asset Custody and Web 3.0 Initiatives - SINOHOPE changed its English brand name to SINOHOPE, focusing on digital asset custody business to help enterprises securely and conveniently use digital assets[5] - The company launched the "Hong Kong VASP License Guardian Program" to assist institutions in applying for Hong Kong VASP licenses, providing IT infrastructure and compliance consulting services[13] - SINOHOPE is optimistic about Hong Kong's development prospects in virtual assets, fintech, and Web 3.0, and is committed to advancing compliant virtual asset services and technology[16][19] - The company believes that the future of Web 3.0 in Hong Kong can enhance liquidity, attract global investment, and drive financial technology transformation through blockchain innovation[19] - The company's MPC self-custody business has established strategic partnerships with over 50 leading industry players, including HashKey Exchange, Canaan Technology (NASDAQ: CAN), and CertiK[39] - The company launched a new WaaS (Wallet-as-a-Service) offering as part of its MPC self-custody business, enabling institutions to securely and rapidly build and integrate MPC enterprise-grade wallets to serve millions of users[39] - Hong Kong established the Web 3.0 Association in April and launched the Web3 Hub Ecosystem Fund, signaling strong support for Web 3.0 development[42] - Hong Kong introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset service providers (VASP) in June, further advancing its Web 3.0 initiatives[42] - The company launched a one-stop Web3 product building solution for developers, offering full-stack blockchain technology and infrastructure support, including L1 public chain design, L2 OP/ZK expansion, DeFi/NFT/GameFi applications, and MPC/AA wallet services[68] Financial Transactions and Asset Management - Hbit Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary, had approximately $18.1 million worth of cryptocurrency deposited on FTX, including $13.2 million in client assets and $4.9 million in proprietary assets, which may be unrecoverable due to FTX's bankruptcy filing on November 11, 2022[22] - The company completed the sale of its stake in Animoca Brands Corporation Limited in April 2023, and no longer holds any interest in the company[26] - The company entered into a conditional sale agreement with New Wave Capital Limited on March 24, 2023, to sell six target companies for a total consideration of HKD 115,000,308[26] - New Huo Technology launched a 100% virtual asset investment fund in collaboration with LD Capital US in May, managed by New Huo Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited[40] - New Huo Asset Management signed a technical consulting agreement with Gaosheng Limited, a subsidiary of Bingo Group, in July to establish a fund focused on intellectual property commercialization[40] - New Huo Technology partnered with Alpha Blockchain Capital in October to launch the Alpha Blockchain SP1, a 100% virtual asset investment fund[40] - New Huo Investment Limited sold 100% of Win Techno Inc.'s issued share capital for $3.27 million (approximately HK$25.5 million) in November 2022[46] - The company received a $14 million interest-free shareholder loan from its controlling shareholder, Mr. Li Lin, to address liabilities arising from the FTX incident[47] - As of September 30, 2023, the company had drawn approximately $13.2 million (approximately HK$103.6 million) in Tether from the shareholder loan[48] - The company sold its entire equity interest in Animoca Brands Corporation Limited for $809,000 (approximately HK$6.31 million) in March 2023[49] - New Huo Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited entered into a technical advisory services agreement with Gaosheng Limited to establish a limited partnership fund aimed at investing in the commercialization of intellectual property involving various products[53] - The company sold 100% of the issued share capital of New Huo Solutions Limited for HKD 205,706,355.00[125] - The company sold 80% of the issued share capital of HBTPower Limited and HBTPower Inc. for USD 6,624,740.00 (approximately HKD 52,002,023.00)[125] - The net proceeds from the subscription of Subscription Shares I and II were HKD 154.4 million and HKD 170.2 million, respectively[128] - The company invested HKD 148.7 million to acquire 100% equity of FIL Limited, a Hong Kong-registered company engaged in cryptocurrency mining activities[193] - The company holds a 50% stake in the fund as of September 30, 2023, and is cautiously optimistic about the cryptocurrency mining ecosystem[194] - The company holds a 96.6% stake in the fund company as of September 30, 2022, and is optimistic about the cryptocurrency industry, focusing on top 50 cryptocurrencies and virtual asset futures[196] - The company signed a sale agreement for New Huo Solutions with a total consideration of HKD 205,706,355.00, but the transaction was not completed as of September 30, 2023[197] Share Issuance and Capital Structure - The company entered into a subscription agreement with Mr. Du Jun, the CEO and executive director, to issue 74,700,000 shares at HK$2.08 per share, totaling HK$155,376,000[67] - The company also entered into a subscription agreement with ON CHAIN Technology LIMITED to issue 82,300,000 shares at HK$2.08 per share[67] - The company issued 74,700,000 ordinary shares to Mr. Du Jun at a net price of HKD 2.07 per share[98][99] - The subscription price for shares was determined based on the closing price of HKD 2.30 per share on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as of April 26, 2023[100] - The company has utilized the net proceeds as follows: approximately HKD 120 million for repaying outstanding loans, HKD 23.5 million for business development, and HKD 50 million for general working capital[102] - As of the reporting date, approximately HKD 131.5 million of the net proceeds remain unused, with HKD 105 million allocated for repaying loans by February 2024 and HKD 26.5 million for business development in 2024[102] - The company entered into a subscription agreement II with ON CHAIN Technology LIMITED on April 26, 2023, agreeing to issue 82,300,000 subscription shares II at a price of HKD 2.08 per share[124] - The company issued a total of 157,000,000 subscription shares at a price of HKD 2.08 per share on October 10, 2023, increasing the total number of issued shares from 308,960,665 to 465,960,665[146] Corporate Governance and Shareholder Structure - The company revised its share option plan to align with the updated listing rules effective from January 1, 2023[54] - The company changed its stock ticker from "Huobi Tech" to "New Huo Tech" (English) and from "火幣科技" to "新火科技控股" (Chinese), effective from November 22, 2022[56] - The company further changed its stock ticker from "NEW HUO TECH" to "SINOHOPE TECH" (English), effective from October 16, 2023, while the Chinese ticker remained unchanged[57] - The company's share option plan was further amended on July 28, 2023, to allow vesting periods exceeding one fiscal year, enabling continuous assessment of participants' performance[115] - As of September 30, 2023, the total number of unexercised share options was 53,334, a significant decrease from 1,075,334 on September 30, 2022[113] - The company's Chairman, Mr. Li Lin, holds a 40.47% stake in the company through controlled entities[142][144] - Avenir Capital Inc. holds a 37.73% stake in the company as a beneficial owner[144] - HBCapital Limited holds a 2.73% stake in the company as a beneficial owner[144] - Mr. Shen Nanpeng holds an 11.94% stake in the company through controlled entities[144] - SC China Enterprises Limited and SNP China Holding Limited each hold an 11.94% stake in the company through controlled entities[144] - SC China Venture IV Management, L.P. and Sequoia Capital China Venture Fund IV, L.P. each hold a 9.86% stake in the company through controlled entities[144] - Sequoia Capital CV IV Senior Holdco. Ltd. and Sequoia Capital CV IV Holdco, Ltd. each hold a 9.86% stake in the company, with the latter as a beneficial owner[144] - The company granted 25,400,000 share options on October 16, 2023, with an exercise price of HKD 1.89 per share[163] - The weighted average remaining contract period for unexercised share options as of September 30, 2023, was 2,570 days[162] - The company did not purchase, redeem, or sell any of its listed securities during the 2023 fiscal year[164] - The company did not enter into any agreements that would require the issuance of shares as of September 30, 2023[165] Financial Performance and Risk Management - The company's foreign exchange risk is primarily concentrated in USD to RMB and JPY fluctuations, managed through natural hedging and forward foreign exchange contracts[73] - The company's asset-to-liability ratio decreased to 218.5% as of September 30, 2023, compared to 317.5% in the previous year[74] - Total borrowings amounted to HKD 467.2 million, consistent with the previous year's figure of HKD 467.1 million[74] - Bank financing for wholly-owned subsidiaries in Mainland China and Hong Kong was zero as of September 30, 2023, down from HKD 23.6 million in the previous year[74] - The company expects the recent restructuring to alleviate debt burden and allow focus on core businesses, with no significant impact on operations[97] - The company's distributable reserves as of September 30, 2023, showed a surplus of approximately HKD 201.86 million, including accumulated losses of HKD 380.26 million and other reserves of HKD 582.12 million[122] - The company's total employee cost for 2023 was HKD 101.9 million, a significant decrease from HKD 215.9 million in 2022, due to business sales, restructuring, and cost-cutting policies[199] Business Strategy and Focus - The company successfully sold its energy-related and electric/electronic products business on June 19, 2023, to focus on building a leading one-stop compliant digital asset service platform[151] - The company's current three major business segments are digital asset services, frontier technology business, and future investment layout, including digital asset exchanges, asset management, digital asset custody, mining farms and pools, SaaS, data center services, incubation, investment, M&A of potential projects, CeFi, DeFi, Web3.0, NFT, metaverse, and infrastructure sectors[178] - The company's New World Pioneer Mining Fund No. 1 Limited Partnership Fund is registered under the Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance and aims to invest in the cryptocurrency mining ecosystem, including acquiring interests in companies engaged in mining activities and supporting the mining ecosystem[192] Awards and Recognition - The company has been awarded the "Hong Kong Outstanding Asset Management Enterprise Award" by Corphub in May 2022[181] - The company has been awarded the "Best New Economy Company Award" at the 5th Golden Port Stock Annual Awards Ceremony in March 2021[184] Auditing and Compliance - The company's financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2023, have been audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and a resolution to reappoint Deloitte as the company's auditor will be proposed at the upcoming annual general meeting[175] - The company has not been notified of any significant non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations that would have a material impact on its business and operations as of September 30, 2023[176] ESG and Stakeholder Engagement - The company has established a governance framework to ensure that its ESG strategies align with its growth strategies and has appointed Riskory Consultancy Limited as an independent ESG consultant[189] - The company places high importance on stakeholder engagement and communication, actively collecting feedback to assist in formulating operational and ESG strategies[191] - The company has partnered with the Singapore Blockchain Association as a founding member in Asia and is a member of the Hong Kong FinTech Association[179] - The company has implemented consistent statistical and disclosure methods to ensure meaningful data comparison in the future[188] Stablecoin Regulation - The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) completed the first market consultation on the stablecoin regulatory framework and plans to submit it to the Legislative Council for review in early 2024[43]
新火科技控股(01611) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2023-12-28 14:35
香 港 交 易 及 結 算 所 有 限 公 司 及 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司(「香 港 聯 交 所」)對 本 公 告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不 對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承 擔任何責任。 SINOHOPE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 新火科技控股有限公司 (於英屬處女群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1611) 截至二零二三年九月三十日止年度的年度業績公告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------|-------------|-----------------------|---------| | | | | | | 財務摘要 | | | | | | | | | | | | 截至九月三十日止年度 | | | | 二零二三年 | 二零二二年 | 變 動 | | | 千港元 | 千港元 (重新呈列) | % | | 持續經營業務 | | | | | 收 益 | | | | | 加密貨幣交易業務 | 2,810,576 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-06-29 09:28
附註: (ii) 於報告期間的所有已發行股份在所有方面與當時現有已發行股份享有同等地位。 | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------| | | 千港元 | | | | | 於 二 零 二 一 年 十 月 一 日(經 審 核) | 107,152 | | 行使購股權發行股份 | 5,099 | | | | | 於 二 零 二 二 年 九 月 三 十 日(經 審 核)、二 零 二 二 年 十 月 一 日 及 | | | 二 零 二 三 年 三 月 三 十 一 日(未 經 審 核) | 112,251 | 24. 以權益結算及股份為基礎付款的交易 於 股 份 授 權 限 額 更 新 前,根 據 該 計 劃 可 供 發 行 的 股 份 總 數 為30,000,000股,佔 本 公 司 緊 隨 本 公司股份開始在香港聯交所買賣後已發行股本10%(「先 前 股 份 授 權 限 額」)。本 公 司 股 東 於 二 零二一年三月十九日在股東週年大會上批准更新先前股份 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-05-29 14:45
(ii) 提供技術解決方案服務;及 分 部 資 產 包 括 未 分 配 公 司 資 產(主 要 包 括 部 分 物 業、廠 房 及 設 備、使 用 權 資 產、其 他 應 收 款 項、按公允價值計入其他全面收益的金融資產、按公允價值計入損益的金融資產以及現金 及 銀 行 結 餘)以 外 的 所 有 資 產。 未分配公司收入 除所得稅前虧損 (232,960) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------|---------------------------| | | 生態系統 千港元 (未經審核) | 解決方案服務 千港元 (未經審核) | 合約製造 千港元 (未經審核) | 總 計 千港元 (未經審核) | | 來自外部客戶收益 | 96,810 | 44,544 | 210,447 | 351,801 ...
新火科技控股(01611) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-01-26 08:48
2022 年 度 報 告 目錄 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | | | | 董事會 | 總辦事處及香港主要營業地點 | | 非執行董事 | 香港中環 | | | 皇后大道中 100 號 | | 李林先生 (主 席) | 6 樓 及 7 樓 702–3 室 | | | 電 話: (852) 3616 0815 、傳 真: (852) 3596 3011 | | 執行董事 | 網 站: | | 杜均先生 (首 席 執 行 官) | | | 張麗女士 | 主要往來銀行 | | 獨立非執行董事 | 星展銀行有限公司香港分行 | | 余俊傑先生 | | | 葉偉明先生 | 英屬處女群島股份過戶登記總處 | | 魏焯然先生 | | | | Maples Fund Services (Cayman) L ...