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中关村(000931) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告
2024-07-09 10:29
特此公告 本次业绩预告是公司财务部门初步测算的结果,公司 2024 年半年度具体财 务数据将在公司《2024 年半年度报告》中披露,《2024 年半年度报告》预约披 露时间为 2024 年 8 月 28 日,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 第 1 页 2024 年半年度业绩预告 共 2 页 北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司 董 事 会 二 O 二四年七月九日 第 2 页 2024 年半年度业绩预告 共 2 页 证券代码:000931 证券简称:中关村 公告编号:2024-051 北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司 2024 年半年度业绩预告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假 记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 一、本期业绩预计情况 1、业绩预告期间:2024 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 6 月 30 日 2、业绩预告情况:预计净利润为正值且属于下列情形之一 □扭亏为盈 ☑同向上升 □同向下降 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------|-------|-------------------------- ...
2024-05-24 04:29
欢迎各位投资者参加华安医药联合路远中举办的夏季线上策略会。本场会的主持人是华安医药团队首席谭国超老师,本场是上次公司中关村的一个交流。我们也是非常荣幸地邀请到了公司的领导团队来和我们一起进行今天的一个交流。 今天我们的交流主要分为两个部分公司介绍和QA的环节首先我们先邀请公司总监黄总为我们介绍今天整体的参会的一个领导然后由这个公司总裁侯总为我们用大概20到30分钟的时间对公司的一个经营情况和最新的一个进展做一个讲解有请侯总和黄总公司很高兴参加咱们这次华恩证券的举办的医药特例会 我先来简要介绍一下公司本次参会领导首先是董事兼总裁侯占军总然后独立董事史如文总独立董事帝克总独立董事冯雷老师然后我们公司的副总裁李军总 公司的副总裁柯总在线上然后公司的副总裁范总也在线上公司的副总裁黄熙宏总也在线上然后公司的副总裁兼财务总监宋全武宋总也在线上然后还有我下面有请我们总时间总裁侯总给大家简要介绍一下公司的经营情况 我先把公司的情况跟各位做一个介绍中央生科技成立于1999年6月从2015年开始公司就把医药大健康定为了公司的业务核心 一个战略进行调整随后的几年中公司逐步形成了医药健康养老投资这四大业务板块构建起了一个由十几家理念 ...
2024-05-23 16:02
欢迎各位投资者参加华安医药联合路远中举办的夏季线上策略会。本场会的主持人是华安医药团队首席谭国超老师,本场是上次公司中关村的一个交流。我们也是非常荣幸地邀请到了公司的领导团队来和我们一起进行今天的一个交流。 今天我们的交流主要分为两个部分公司介绍和QA的环节首先我们先邀请公司总监黄总为我们介绍今天整体的参会的一个领导然后由这个公司总裁侯总为我们用大概20到30分钟的时间对公司的一个经营情况和最新的一个进展做一个讲解有请侯总和黄总公司很高兴参加咱们这次华人证券举办的医药策略会 我先来简要介绍一下公司本次参会领导首先是董事兼总裁侯占军总然后独立董事史如文总独立董事毕克总独立董事冯磊老师然后我们公司的副总裁李斌总 公司的副总裁柯总在线上然后公司的副总裁范总也在线上公司的副总裁黄熙宏总也在线上然后公司的副总裁兼财务总监宋全武宋总在现场然后还有我下面有请我们总时间总裁侯总给大家简要介绍一下公司的经营情况 好的 我先把公司的情况跟各位做一个介绍中安村科技成立于1999年6月从2015年开始公司就把医药大健康定为了公司的业务核心 一个战略进行调整随后的几年中公司逐步形成了医药健康养老投资这四大业务板块构建起了一个由十几家理 ...
中关村(000931) - 2024年5月23日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-23 08:56
证券代码:000931 证券简称:中关村 北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-005 特定对象调研 分析师会议 媒体采访 投资者关系活动 业绩说明会 新闻发布会 路演活动 类别 现场参观  其他(券商策略会) 华安证券 熊骥溟 活动参与人员 怀新投资 王敬玮 郑州智子投资 李莹莹 时间 2024年5 月23日 地点 北京市朝阳区霄云路26号鹏润大厦 B 座22层公司会议室 形式 线上交流 董事兼总裁:侯占军 独立董事:史录文、毕克、董磊 上市公司接待人 副总裁:李斌、车德辉、范秀君、王熙红 员姓名 副总裁兼董事会秘书:黄志宇 副总裁兼财务总监:宋学武 ...
中关村(000931) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-26 07:51
北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司2024年第一季度报告 共 13 页 证券代码:000931 证券简称:中 关 村 公告编号:2024-038 北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误 导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 3.第一季度报告是否经审计 □是 否 ...
2024-04-26 05:34
第四章 第五章 第六章 2024 中关村论坛年会将于 4 月 25 号 Chūnshuǐ chūshēng, chūnlín chūshèng, chūnfēng shílì 科技如涉川 你我扬帆 越过京川再向春山盛会开幕 我们相遇在中关村论坛各位朋友 欢迎来到2024中关村论坛年会中关村论坛是面向全球科技创新交流合作的国家级平台今年的年度主题是创新建设更加美好的世界我们今天还特意请到了一位媒体体验官稍后他将与我一起体验这个飞速转变的科创时代 This year, the aerial imaging technology introduced to the Zhongguancun Forum can be combined with voice interaction and gesture interaction technology at the same time, so that you have no feeling of contact with innovative technology in the face of future life. At the forum site, the o ...
中金在线· 2024-04-19 01:33
经国务院批准,2024中关村论坛年会将于4月25日-29日在北京召开。该届论坛以“创新:建设更加美好的世界”为主题,将举办近120场活动。 平行论坛作为论坛会议板块的重要组成部分,今年将围绕人工智能、空间科学、生命健康、碳达峰碳中和、未来产业等科技前沿和热点议题,由国家部委、 国际组织、京津冀等省市共举办60场论坛。4月18日,在2024中关村论坛年会平行论坛新闻通气会上,北京市科委、中关村管委会中关村新技术新产品促进 处处长蒋崇华介绍了平行论坛整体情况。 时代周报记者从会上获悉,今年的平行论坛继续保持高国际参与度,将继续广泛邀请国际政产学研界知名人士参加论坛,预计将有来自近80个国家及地区的 数百名外籍嘉宾分享创新思想。 平行论坛继续加强与世界权威科技组织、外国政府机构、国际学术期刊对接,新增由联合国教科文组织主办的“科学十年国际论坛”、世界知识产权组织主办 的“全球科技集群创新论坛”、国际科技园及创新区域协会主办的“中欧绿色转型与产业合作论坛”、澳门科技总会主办的“京澳科技创新论坛”、新英格兰医学 杂志主办的“重塑医疗:医学中的创新人工智能转型”和爱思唯尔承办的“国际一流科技期刊发展论坛”等。 此外,今年 ...
中关村(000931) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-18 13:17
Financial Performance - Consolidated revenue for 2023 reached 2.28 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 10.50%[25] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 487.82 million RMB, turning from a loss to a profit compared to the previous year[25] - Pharmaceutical and health products business revenue accounted for 75.85% of total revenue, reaching 1.73 billion RMB, a 15.35% increase year-on-year[26][31] - The company's concrete business revenue increased by 3.76% to 348.59 million RMB[31] - Revenue from the elderly care and medical business grew by 8.25% to 130.12 million RMB[31] - North and Northeast China regions contributed 57.83% of total revenue, reaching 1.32 billion RMB, a 15.74% increase year-on-year[31] - Sales revenue from the western region increased by 3.12% to 250,799,136.79 yuan, accounting for 11.02% of total revenue[44] - Distribution sales increased by 15.35% to 1,726,774,797.92 yuan, accounting for 75.85% of total revenue[44] - Direct sales decreased by 2.38% to 549,828,547.83 yuan, accounting for 24.15% of total revenue[44] - Total sales from top 5 customers amounted to 220,925,873.75 yuan, accounting for 9.71% of the annual sales[63] - Non-recurring gains and losses for 2023 totaled RMB 13.22 million, an increase from RMB 7.35 million in 2022[101] - Government subsidies recognized in 2023 amounted to RMB 17.67 million, up from RMB 11.48 million in 2022[101] - The company expects consolidated operating revenue and net profit attributable to shareholders to grow in 2024 compared to 2023[146] R&D and Innovation - The company's R&D team completed project initiation for multiple new products in cardiovascular, psychiatric, and respiratory fields[28] - The company's R&D project for Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (consistency evaluation) has obtained the "Acceptance Notice" on December 18, 2023, and is currently under CDE review and approval[57] - The R&D project for Naltrexone Hydrochloride Tablets (consistency evaluation) is undergoing process validation, aiming to obtain production approval[57] - The R&D project for Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets (consistency evaluation) has completed small-scale research and aims to obtain production approval[57] - The R&D project for Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablets (consistency evaluation) has completed process research and aims to obtain production approval[57] - The R&D project for Oxycodone Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets has completed pilot-scale research and aims to obtain production approval[57] - The R&D project for Arotinolol Hydrochloride Tablets has initiated small-scale research and aims to obtain production approval[58] - The R&D project for Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Extended-Release Chewable Tablets has completed small-scale research and is preparing for pilot-scale research, aiming to obtain production approval[58] - The R&D project for Bifonazole API has completed process validation for production site change and submitted registration materials, currently under CDE review[58] - The R&D project for Huperzine A API is undergoing small-scale research and aims to obtain API registration[58] - The R&D project for Paracetamol and Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablets (consistency evaluation) obtained the "Drug Supplement Application Approval Notice" on April 18, 2023[58] - R&D personnel increased by 6.86% to 218 in 2023, with a 14.58% increase in employees under 30 years old[83] - R&D investment decreased by 13.47% to 106,773,729.12 yuan in 2023, accounting for 4.69% of operating revenue[83] - Capitalized R&D investment increased by 77.10% to 3,276,449.79 yuan, representing 3.07% of total R&D investment[83] - The company completed process validation for Succinate Metoprolol API and obtained an "Acceptance Notice" on March 29, 2024[82] - The company achieved self-production of 1-Benzyl-3-piperidinol, a key material for Benidipine Hydrochloride, reducing production costs[83] - The company completed small-scale production and the first pilot production of Azulene Sodium Sulfonate, aiming to improve toothpaste quality[83] - The company obtained a "Drug Supplement Approval Notice" for Glipizide Dispersible Tablets on March 29, 2024, enhancing product quality and safety[83] - The company will continue to invest in biopharmaceutical innovation projects in 2024, focusing on the development of new projects based on the recombinant vaccine and new adjuvant technology platforms established by existing R&D projects[158] - The company will optimize the R&D strategy to shorten the development cycle of generic drugs and advance the consistency evaluation of major products[148] - The company will increase R&D and product innovation investment, enrich the product line, and enhance market competitiveness through external cooperation, academic promotion, and brand marketing[165] Business Segments - Pharmaceutical and health products business revenue accounted for 75.85% of total revenue, reaching 1.73 billion RMB, a 15.35% increase year-on-year[26][31] - The company's concrete business revenue increased by 3.76% to 348.59 million RMB[31] - Revenue from the elderly care and medical business grew by 8.25% to 130.12 million RMB[31] - North and Northeast China regions contributed 57.83% of total revenue, reaching 1.32 billion RMB, a 15.74% increase year-on-year[31] - Sales revenue from the western region increased by 3.12% to 250,799,136.79 yuan, accounting for 11.02% of total revenue[44] - Distribution sales increased by 15.35% to 1,726,774,797.92 yuan, accounting for 75.85% of total revenue[44] - Direct sales decreased by 2.38% to 549,828,547.83 yuan, accounting for 24.15% of total revenue[44] - The company's elderly care business has established a comprehensive ecosystem integrating medical, rehabilitation, nursing, and entertainment services[104] - The company's Taizhong Hospital upgraded to a second-level medical institution in 2023, enhancing its reputation and strategic layout in the healthcare sector[105] - The company will focus on increasing the occupancy rate of existing beds in the elderly care business and meeting personalized needs to convert bed advantages into scale advantages[151] - The company plans to deepen customer cooperation in the medical device business to establish long-term stable business relationships[143] - The company will continue to promote the market access of "Yuanzhi" and expand terminal and department coverage to build a business scale "moat"[142] - The company will explore new marketing channels and expand product lines in the "Huasu Yuchuang" series of toothpaste and mouthwash products to capture market share[143] - The company will implement refined management in the elderly care business to improve customer satisfaction and single-bed comprehensive income[151] - The company's elderly care medical business will continue to focus on basic elderly care, with a dual focus on medical care and health care, aiming to improve operational quality and profit contribution through refined management, increased occupancy rates, and enhanced integration of medical and elderly care services[159] Operational Costs and Expenses - Biopharmaceutical segment inventory increased by 66.48% due to the normalization of production and sales post-public health events, and preparation for 2024 New Year and Spring Festival demand[35] - Biopharmaceutical segment's operating cost increased by 28.29% to 510,129,283.94 yuan, accounting for 53.26% of total operating costs[37] - Commercial concrete segment's operating cost decreased by 10.68% to 259,488,801.49 yuan, accounting for 27.09% of total operating costs[37] - Elderly healthcare segment's operating cost increased by 21.23% to 147,331,676.80 yuan, accounting for 15.38% of total operating costs[37] - Total operating costs increased by 9.65% to 957,745,566.86 yuan[37] - Sales expenses increased by 12.57% to 805,451,446.92 yuan[52] - Management expenses increased by 4.16% to 218,612,964.67 yuan, while financial expenses decreased by 16.51% to 53,793,675.92 yuan[64] - R&D expenses decreased by 14.85% to 103,497,279.33 yuan[64] - The company plans to optimize production processes, reduce costs, and improve supply flexibility to shorten supply cycles and enhance supply capacity[141] - The company plans to strengthen production planning management, optimize resource allocation, and enhance production process innovation to ensure the advancement of production equipment and processes[160] Cash Flow and Investments - Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 18.81% to 218,298,525.35 yuan[65] - Net cash flow from investing activities decreased by 77.74% to -117,472,501.71 yuan[65] - Net cash flow from financing activities improved by 78.80% to -34,689,453.46 yuan[65] - Cash and cash equivalents increased by 243.81% to 66,136,480.98 yuan[65] - Tax refunds received decreased by 76.54% to 4,699,700 yuan[66] - Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries increased by 100% to 51,100 yuan[66] - Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries increased by 1,623.08% to 50,639,400 yuan[66] - The fair value change loss of financial assets was -1,937,596.08 yuan, resulting in a year-end balance of 5,767,409.73 yuan[78] - Restricted assets totaled 589,877,967.47 yuan, including 153,847,144.27 yuan in investment properties and 417,815,883.01 yuan in fixed assets[79] - Total investment amount for the reporting period was RMB 54.32 million, a decrease of 15.76% compared to the previous year's RMB 64.48 million[99] - Acquired Beijing Wodakang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. for RMB 24.5 million, achieving a 100% ownership stake[99] - Acquired Beijing Purun Defang Technology Development Co., Ltd. for RMB 3.5 million, achieving a 100% ownership stake[99] - Combined investment profit from the acquisitions amounted to RMB 5.44 million[99] - The total initial investment cost for securities is 5,080,900.00, with a period-end book value of 2,760,813.64, reflecting a significant decrease due to a fair value change loss of 1,937,596.08[111] - The company reported no derivative investments during the reporting period[112] - The total raised funds amounted to 71,000, with a net amount of 69,991.17, and all funds were fully utilized by the end of 2023[114] - The company repaid 19,000 to its controlling shareholder, Guomei Holdings, achieving 100% of the committed investment[115] - The investment in the construction of Shandong Huasu's raw material and solid oral preparation production line reached 6,877.65, achieving 100% of the adjusted investment target[116] - The company invested 1,987.04 in the project to expand the indications for Hydrochloride Phencynonate Tablets and Naltrexone Hydrochloride Tablets, achieving 100% of the adjusted investment target[115] - The brand building project for Huasu Pharmaceutical received an investment of 6,697.3, achieving 100% of the adjusted investment target[116] - The company supplemented its working capital with 4,958.11, achieving 100% of the adjusted investment target[116] - The acquisition of minority equity in Duoduo Pharmaceutical amounted to 12,870.18, achieving 100% of the adjusted investment target[116] - The total investment in committed projects reached 69,991.17, with a total realized benefit of 9,989.71[116] - The drug metabolism platform project has been fully completed with a total investment of 21.01 million yuan, achieving 100% of the planned amount. The project has accumulated a loss of 27.93 million yuan as of 2023[118] - The drug metabolism platform project generated revenue of 2.49 million yuan in 2023, with a loss of 6.02 million yuan for the year[118] - The total investment in the drug metabolism platform project exceeded the planned amount by 13.94 million yuan, primarily due to interest from raised funds[118] - The naltrexone hydrochloride tablet project for alcohol dependence adaptation has exceeded its annual budget by 133.69%, with a total investment of 21.13 million yuan as of 2023[120] - The Shandong Huasu raw material and solid oral preparation production line project achieved a net profit of 105.91 million yuan in 2023, exceeding the expected annual profit of 36.06 million yuan[120] - The Shandong Huasu project has accumulated revenue of 1.84 billion yuan and a net profit of 384.77 million yuan since its inception[120] - The Huasu Pharmaceutical brand building project was completed with a total investment of 66.97 million yuan, and the remaining 9.77 million yuan was used to permanently supplement working capital[120] - All raised funds have been fully utilized as of December 31, 2023, with no remaining unused funds[125] Subsidiaries and Acquisitions - The company completed the acquisition of 100% equity in Beijing Zhongshi Tongda Commercial Concrete Transportation Co., Ltd. and Beijing Wodakang Medical Devices Co., Ltd., making them wholly-owned subsidiaries[37] - The company's subsidiary, Beijing Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has a two-year working capital loan balance of 97 million yuan, secured by land and property in Beijing with a net book value of 49.65 million yuan[90] - Beijing Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a three-year sale-leaseback business balance of 21.53 million yuan, secured by production equipment with a net book value of 22.5 million yuan[91] - The company's subsidiary, Beijing Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Cangzhou Branch, has a three-year working capital loan balance of 57.5 million yuan, secured by buildings and industrial land with a net book value of 136.77 million yuan[94] - The company's subsidiary, Shandong Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has a one-year working capital loan balance of 48 million yuan, secured by property with a net book value of 63.84 million yuan[94] - Shandong Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a one-year working capital loan balance of 20 million yuan, secured by property with a net book value of 21.25 million yuan[95] - Shandong Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a one-year working capital loan balance of 80 million yuan, secured by property with a net book value of 73.28 million yuan[95] - The company's subsidiary, Shandong Huasu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has a one-year maximum credit amount contract with a balance of 25 million yuan, secured by patents with a net book value of 85,475.31 yuan[96] - The company's subsidiary, Duoduo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has a one-year working capital loan balance of 45 million yuan, secured by property with a net book value of 57.78 million yuan[97] - The company's property "Haocheng Building" 203 is under court seizure due to litigation, with a net book value of 1.24 million yuan[97] - Beijing Zhongguancun Youth Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -262,802.58 with total assets of RMB 76,005,444.92[129] - Beijing Zhongshi Concrete Co., Ltd. achieved a net profit of RMB 30,717,659.60 with total assets of RMB 695,135,978.68[129] - Beijing Zhongke Taihe Property Service Co., Ltd. recorded a net profit of RMB 1,329,855.03 with total assets of RMB 21,016,902.66[129] - Beijing Zhongguancun Ke Mao Electronics City Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -315,516.77 with total assets of RMB 26,077,826.56[129] - Beijing Meilun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -840.00 with total assets of RMB 55,673,746.70[131] - Shandong Zhongguancun Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd. achieved a net profit of RMB 1,734,545.30 with total assets of RMB 302,564,730.72[131] - Chongqing Haide Industrial Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -3,413,928.68 with total assets of RMB 192,172,912.47[131] - Beijing Zhongguancun Sihuan Pharmaceutical Development Co., Ltd. achieved a net profit of RMB 168,328,953.10 with total assets of RMB 3,049,851,009.04[131] - Shanghai Sitong International Technology Mall Property Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -254,015.62 with total assets of RMB 70,426,929.05[131] - Beijing Huasu Health Technology Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of RMB -16,619,553.99 with total assets of RMB 33,383,587.26[131] Corporate Governance and Compliance - The company has established a transparent performance evaluation and incentive mechanism for directors, supervisors, and managers, with the "Compensation and Benefits Management System" and "Performance Evaluation Management System" approved by the Compensation and Evaluation Committee, the fifth board of directors, and the 2012 annual shareholders' meeting[191] - The company maintains independence in business, personnel, assets, organization, and finance, with a complete business system and independent operation capabilities[182][183] - The company's board of directors has four specialized committees: Strategy, Audit, Nomination, and Compensation and Evaluation, which operate effectively and provide important support for decision-making[179] - The company respects the legitimate rights and interests of other stakeholders and encourages employees to communicate directly with
差旅技术全资子公司向银行申请800万授信 委托中关村科技融资担保提供连带责任保证担保
挖贝网· 2024-04-18 11:56
挖贝网4月18日,差旅技术(430578)近日发布公告,吉林省差旅天下网络技术股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)全 资子公司北京差旅天下网络科技有限责任公司为满足业务发展的需要,向华夏银行股份有限公司北京姚家园支行申请 捌佰万元人民币授信(包括但不限于综合授信、贷款、银行承兑汇票、保函、信用证等),期限贰年,委托北京中关 村科技融资担保有限公司对前述业务提供连带责任保证担保,并签署《最高额委托保证合同》或《委托保证合同》。 公司与北京中关村科技融资担保有限公司签署《最高额反担保(保证)合同》,并授权公司法定代表人张云松代表公司 签署与反担保合同相关的所有合同、协议及文件。同意公司办理赋予前述合同、文件强制执行效力的公证。具体担保 期限及担保金额以签署的合同约定为准。 被担保人资信状况: 信用情况:不是失信被执行人 ...
中关村(000931) - 2024年3月22日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-03-22 10:47
证券代码:000931 证券简称:中关村 北京中关村科技发展(控股)股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-003  特定对象调研 分析师会议 □媒体采访 投资者关系 □业绩说明会 新闻发布会 □路演活动 活动类别 □现场参观 □其他 东方资产上海分公司 孙瑞志、张小风 中信建投 沈 毅 参与单位名称及 东北证券 郑浩然 人员姓名 方正证券 许 睿 北京崟资资产管理 胡倩倩 怀新投资 李之力 时间 2024 年 3月 22 日 地点 线上沟通 董事兼总裁:侯占军; 独立董事:史录文、毕克、董磊; 上市公司接待 ...