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民德电子(300656) - 2023年5月5日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-05-05 10:26
证券代码:300656 证券简称:民德电子 深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-05 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活动 □媒体采访 √业绩说明会 类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他 参与单位名称 社会公众投资者等 时间 2023 年 5 月 5 日 地点 互动易·云访谈平台,线上文字互动交流公司 2022 年年度业绩网上说明会 上市公司接待 人员姓名 董事长兼总经理:许文焕 副总经理兼董事会秘书:高健 财务总监:范长征 独立董事: 张驰亚 保荐代表人:严绍东 问题 1:董事长你好,请问公司 5 月中旬广芯微公司通线后,公司半导体产业如 何协同发展?展望下半年到明年,半导体业务对于营收和净利润是否会快速增长? 答:您好,感谢您的提问!公司目前已完成功率半导体 smart IDM 生态圈构建, 完成了包括晶圆制造(广芯微电子)、超薄片背道加工(芯微泰克)、外延片制造(晶 睿电子)、芯片设计(广微集成、丽隽半导体)等关键环节的布局,每个环节由一位科 学家级的产业领军人物带领,使得各公司能始终保持充分的市场竞争及技术迭代能力; 同时,功率半导体产品属于"特色 ...
民德电子(300656) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-24 16:00
Financial Performance - The company's revenue for Q1 2023 was ¥73,447,580.39, a decrease of 16.69% compared to ¥88,163,087.56 in the same period last year[4]. - Net profit attributable to shareholders for Q1 2023 was ¥5,935,469.57, down 57.00% from ¥13,803,289.84 year-on-year[4]. - The company's basic earnings per share decreased by 58.23% to ¥0.0378 from ¥0.0905 in the same period last year[4]. - The total operating revenue for Q1 2023 was CNY 73,447,580.39, a decrease of 16.7% compared to CNY 88,163,087.56 in the same period last year[24]. - The net profit attributable to the parent company for Q1 2023 was CNY 5,935,469.57, a decline of 57.0% from CNY 13,803,289.84 in Q1 2022[25]. - The total comprehensive income for Q1 2023 was CNY 4,079,215.89, significantly lower than CNY 13,456,343.96 in the same period last year, reflecting a decline of 69.7%[25]. Cash Flow - The net cash flow from operating activities increased by 66.51% to ¥22,522,640.11, compared to ¥13,526,453.39 in the previous year[4]. - The cash inflow from operating activities was CNY 106,607,029.22, down 14.2% from CNY 124,253,312.30 in Q1 2022[26]. - The cash outflow from operating activities totaled ¥84,084,389.11, down from ¥110,726,858.91 in the previous year, showing a decrease of 24.2%[27]. - Cash inflow from investment activities totaled ¥220,390,162.49, up from ¥145,544,195.89 in the previous year, marking a 51.3% increase[27]. - The net cash flow from investment activities was -¥145,176,246.08, an improvement from -¥499,433,234.18 in Q1 2022[27]. - Cash inflow from financing activities was ¥207,585,140.94, compared to ¥532,173,104.04 in Q1 2022, reflecting a decrease of 61.0%[27]. - The net cash flow from financing activities was ¥176,974,270.89, down from ¥492,619,807.94 in the same quarter last year[27]. - The total cash and cash equivalents at the end of Q1 2023 reached ¥201,693,711.51, significantly higher than ¥40,840,832.29 at the end of Q1 2022[27]. Assets and Liabilities - Total assets at the end of Q1 2023 reached ¥1,724,617,672.77, reflecting a 12.53% increase from ¥1,532,569,199.94 at the end of the previous year[4]. - The company's total liabilities increased to CNY 541,805,777.09 in Q1 2023, compared to CNY 373,713,247.67 in the previous year, reflecting a growth of 45.0%[24]. - The company's total equity reached CNY 1,182,811,895.68 in Q1 2023, up from CNY 1,158,855,952.27 in the previous year, indicating a growth of 2.1%[24]. Investments and Expenses - The decline in revenue and net profit was primarily due to decreased investment income from joint ventures and increased financial expenses from new bank loans[18]. - Financial expenses increased by 143.29% primarily due to reduced interest income and increased interest expenses from bank loans[10]. - Research and development expenses for Q1 2023 amounted to CNY 6,432,639.14, an increase of 9.2% from CNY 5,893,657.22 in the same period last year[24]. - The company incurred tax payments of ¥14,405,065.25 in Q1 2023, a substantial increase from ¥2,594,657.11 in Q1 2022[27]. Future Outlook - The company is expanding its production capacity with the construction of a new wafer foundry, expected to be operational by May 2023[19]. - The company plans to launch new products throughout 2023, which are anticipated to significantly contribute to revenue growth[18].
民德电子(300656) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-24 16:00
深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告全文 深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告 2023-018 2023 年 4 月 1 深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告全文 民德电子 2023 年致股东信 尊敬的股东朋友: 您好!很高兴再次通过年度致股东信方式与大家交流,今年的致股东信主要包含四方面内容: 其一,关于发展理念的三个核心问题的思考;其二,smart IDM 模式和生态圈释义;其三,投资并 购和投后管理工作;其四,各项业务的年度经营简况。 本文中的"我们",多数情况下系指民德电子董事会的全体非独立董事和负责投资者关系的高 管。 一、关于发展理念的三个核心问题的思考 "民德"的取名源于古语"慎终追远,民德归厚",凝聚了企业创办者的初心。民为邦本,为 政以德。本固德厚,才能实现企业高质量发展的愿景。 民德电子的发展理念是:永远服务于国之大者。当前的国之大者,就是通过高质量发展,以 中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。作为一家功率半导体领域的新晋科技创新型企业,民 德电子将着力突破制约行业发展的卡点和瓶颈,以提供自主可控、优质、高效、多样化的芯片供 给来满足当前 ...
民德电子(300656) - 2017年6月19日投资者关系活动记录表
2022-12-05 07:34
编号:2017-01 证券代码:300656 证券简称:民德电子 深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 投 资 者 关 系 活 动 \n类别 | █ \n□ \n□ \n□ 现场参观 \n□ 其他 | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 \n媒体采访 □业绩说明 ...
民德电子(300656) - 2017年11月16日投资者关系活动记录表
2022-12-04 08:22
证券代码:300656 证券简称:民德电子 深圳市民德电子科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2017-03 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|---------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 投资者关系活动 类别 | █ □ □ □ 现场参观 | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 媒体采访 □业绩说明会 新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | | | | □其他 | | | 参与单位名称 | 财通证券 赵成 中泰证券 周梦缘 | | | | | 深圳市前海登程资产管理有限公司 于骏晨 | | | | | | 时间 | 2017 年 11 月 | 16 日 | | 地点 | 公司 | | | | | | | 上市公司接待人 员姓名 | 董事会秘书 范长征 证券事务代表 何力衡 ...