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彭博行业研究· 2024-10-08 05:06
由于交易员质疑北京方面推出更多刺激措施的决心,一周假期过后,中国境内股 市的涨势有所降温。香港股市下跌。 基准沪深 300 指数早盘收盘上涨 6.1%,开盘几分钟内上涨近 11%。此前,中国 最高经济规划机构——国家发展和改革委员会的官员在新闻发布会上没有推出 任何重大刺激措施。 在香港上市的中国股票指数一度下跌 11%,而在内地市场休市期间,该指数曾上 涨了几乎相同的幅度。在黄金周之前,截至 9 月 30 日,沪深 300 指数已连续 九天上涨,这得益于一系列刺激措施,包括降息、释放银行资金和支持股市。 "中国股市的持续性将取决于财政政策方面的行动," Leo Wealth 驻香港全球 投资解决方案主管 Aleksey Mironenko7 表示。"我们关注的关键问题是,在政 治局和国务院发表声明后,未来几周将宣布哪些政策?这将决定我们的增持是战 术性的——随着相对估值的变化而减持——还是战略性的。" 甚至在内地股市重新开市之前,人们对中国股市大涨的怀疑情绪就已日渐高涨。 许多策略师和基金经理对近期的反弹持谨慎态度,并表示他们正在等待北京方面 拿出真金白银来兑现刺激计划的承诺。一些人还担心,许多股票已经处于 ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-09-29 16:04
Good morning from London. I'm Anna Edwards alongside Guy Johnson. We're an hour away from the opening trade. Here's what you need to know. Risk on. Chinese stocks are set for their best week since 2008, fueled by Beijing's raft of stimulus measures. In the United States, the S&P 500 hits its 42nd record close of the year. Inflation signals. We get USPCE and early inflation clues for Europe today. What they could mean for the next central bank decisions. And runoff in Japan. The country's ruling Liberal Demo ...
彭博:All in! Buy China!
彭博行业研究· 2024-09-29 16:04
What a week for China, right? There is a saying on Chinese social media now, it used to be ABC, buy anything but China, but now it's ABC, all in, buy China. And that's certainly the market sentiment that is coming through today. If you look at the billionaire investor David Tepper, that's one of the most read stories on the terminal today. He's saying he's buying everything related to China. And also, CSI 300 set for the biggest weekly gain in 16 years. We just spoke to Winnie Wu from B of A. She was saying ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-20 15:35
Politics 政治 | Elections 选举 人。以下是周三事件中需要了解的五件关键事情: Speakers also included Peter Navarro, the former Trump trade adviser released from prison just hours earlier after serving time for contempt of Congress, a reminder of the legal issues still shadowing Trump. 发言者还包括前特朗普贸易顾问彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro),他在因藐视国会而服刑数小时后从监狱获释,这 提醒人们法律问题仍然笼罩着特朗普。 有关共和党全国代表大会 - 7 月 17 日的更多信息,请单击此处 查看我们的 TOPLive 博客。 Former US President Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-20 15:35
Technology 科技 | Quicktake 快速拍摄 Why Making Computer Chips Has Become Such a Big Deal 为什么制造计算机芯片变得如此重要 Tap to unmute How America Dropped the Ball on Key Chip Technology 美国如何在关键芯片技术上丢球 By Ian King and Debby Wu 作者:伊恩·金(Ian King)和黛比·吴(Debby Wu) 2024年5月15日 at GMT+8 19:04 2024年5月15日 在 GMT+8 19:04 Updated on 2024年7月17日 at GMT+8 23:38 更新于 2024年7月17日 at GMT+8 23:38 Computer chips are the engine room of the digital economy, and their growing capabilities are enabling technologies such as generative artificial intellig ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-11 01:58
Financial Data and Key Metrics - The S&P 500 topped 5,600 for the first time, climbing 1% and marking its 37th record this year [44] - US Treasuries remained stable after a strong $39 billion sale of 10-year bonds [44] - Core CPI, excluding food and energy costs, is expected to rise 0.2% for a second month in June, marking the smallest back-to-back gains since August [38] Business Line Data and Key Metrics - Apple aims to ship at least 90 million iPhone 16 devices in the latter half of this year, targeting about 10% growth in shipments of new iPhones [22] - Apple is confident that the addition of Apple Intelligence features with the iPhone 16 will help boost demand when the model goes on sale late this year [22] Market Data and Key Metrics - China's Securities Regulatory Commission is tightening rules on short selling and high-frequency trades to crack down on improper arbitrage and maintain market stability [6] - The mainland stock exchanges will boost margin requirements in short selling starting July 22, and China Securities Finance Corp will suspend its business of lending securities to brokerages starting July 11 [6][7] Company Strategy and Industry Competition - Apple is competing with other AI-enhanced smartphones from rivals like Samsung and Xiaomi, particularly in China where Huawei's Mate 60 Pro won over local consumers with its advanced, made-in-China 7-nanometer processor [22][48] - Alphabet has shelved efforts to acquire HubSpot, which would have ranked among the biggest takeovers of the year, helping Alphabet compete with other players like Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce [20][46] Management Commentary on Operating Environment and Future Outlook - Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated that he doesn't need inflation below 2% before cutting rates and added that the labor market has cooled "pretty significantly" [44] - Swaps are pricing in two rate cuts in 2024, with higher chances of the first cut coming in September [44] Other Important Information - The Bank of Korea is poised to leave interest rates unchanged at 3.5%, while Bank Negara Malaysia is expected to hold its overnight policy rate at 3.00% [25][26] - The US commercial real estate market's downturn has starkly negative implications for private equity, which relies heavily on debt to hit return benchmarks [14] Summary of Q&A Session - No specific Q&A session details were provided in the content
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-08 02:16
Hedge funds piled into short bets against Tesla Inc. right before the electric vehicle maker unveiled a set of numbers that triggered a hefty share-price rally.在电动 汽车制造商特斯拉公布一系列引发股价大幅上涨的数据之 前,对冲基金纷纷做空特斯拉。 Those contrarian bets now threaten to saddle the hedge funds behind them with losses. Tesla's latest vehiclesales results, published on July 2, revealed secondquarter deliveries figures that beat average analyst estimates, even though sales were down. Investors pounced on the news, driving the company's sh ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-03 01:51
5 Things You Need to Know to Start Your Good morning. Hindenburg made a tiny profit from Adani rout. Modi to cozy up to Putin with Russia visit. ChinaTaiwan tensions ratchet up a notch. Here's what's moving markets — Sebastian Boyd早上好。兴登堡从阿达尼的溃败 中获得了微薄的利润。莫迪与普京的俄罗斯之行相处融洽。 中国与台湾的紧张关系上升了一个档次。以下是推动市场发 展的因素——塞巴斯蒂安·博伊德(Sebastian Boyd) Hindenburg Research made tiny gains of just over $4 million after the short-selling report that triggered a $153 billion rout in Adani Group assets. That figure, which hasn't been ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-07-01 02:04
司法部指控波音公司,寻求飞机制造商认罪 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Asia开始新的一天需要知道的五件事: 亚洲 更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 What We've Been Reading我们一直在读什么 Bloomberg彭博社 Justice Department to Charge Boeing, Seeks Guilty Plea from Planemaker 更多一手调研纪要和研报数据加V:shuinu9870 costs went awry in the face of stubborn US inflation, will still end up delivering a couple of moves this year, the forecasts show.全球政策制定者不会让美联储推迟 降息,过多地分散他们对自己的宽松政策的注意力。在 彭博社季度指南中介绍的全球23家顶级央行中,只有日 本央行在未来18个月内不会降低借贷成本。大多数国家 今年已经这样做了。预测显示,即使是美联储本身,面 ...
彭博行业研究· 2024-06-28 15:13
更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪委 关注公众号:水木纪委 waə] baaqı Bloomberg FICC Chartbook Q2 2024 更多一手调研纪曼和研报数据加V: shuinu9870 更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 ասթյ ճնəqu 目录 3 7 12 15 admool8팩f A Bloomberg Professional Services Offering ury 彭博FICC图表手册 edmool8辅 更多一手调研纪要和研报数据加V:shuinu9870 A Bloomberg Professional Services Offering t 宏观经济 股票市场 (全球、美国、中国) 利率市场 外汇市场 中资美元债 17 受房地产行业下滑加剧的拖累,投资增长放缓。这可能是今年迄今为止生产未能持续反弹的原因。 消费属于一个相对的亮点,其增长是受到5月份长假的推动。 政策支持可以带来重大影响。但对货 币稳定的关注似乎让中国央行对降息更为审慎——至少在美联储采取行动之前是如此。这意味着主 要支持将不得不来自于近期的楼市救助政策和政府的大型投资支出。 ■USGG ...