证券时报网· 2025-01-01 08:02
证券时报e公司讯,中恒集团(600252)1月1日晚间公告,根据全国中成药联合采购办公室于2024年12月 30日在湖北医保服务平台发布的《全国中成药采购联盟集中带量采购拟中选结果公示》,公司控股子公 司梧州制药产品注射用血栓通(冻干)拟中标本次集中带量采购。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 07:57
另外,公司已经取得了工商银行厦门市分行出具的贷款承诺函,同意提供专项贷款支持,贷款金额不超 过1亿元,贷款期限不超过1年。 证券时报e公司讯,学大教育(000526)1月1日晚间公告,拟以1.1亿元至1.5亿元回购公司股份,将用于股 权激励和/或注销,回购价格不超过66.8元/股。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 07:35
根据复函,中国证监会对公司参与互换便利(SFISF)无异议。 证券时报e公司讯,方正证券(601901)1月1日晚间公告,公司于近日获得中国证监会《关于方正证券股 份有限公司参与互换便利有关事项的复函》(简称"复函")。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 07:15
Company Performance - SAIC Motor achieved wholesale sales of 483,000 vehicles in December 2024, with terminal deliveries reaching 506,000 units, marking six consecutive months of month-on-month growth [1] - The company's full-year terminal deliveries for 2024 totaled 4,639,000 vehicles, while cumulative wholesale sales for the year reached 4,013,000 units [1] Industry Trends - The data indicates a positive trend in the automotive industry, with SAIC Motor demonstrating consistent growth in both wholesale and terminal delivery figures [1] - The company's performance reflects strong market demand and effective supply chain management, contributing to its sustained growth trajectory [1]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 06:39
在参观翰宇药业的产品展厅和研发中心期间,华为参访团一行深入了解了翰宇药业的战略愿景、发展历 程、产品管线和研发技术。 证券时报e公司讯,据翰宇药业消息,2024年12月31日下午,华为技术有限公司代表团一行四人包括深 圳政企泛企业系统部总经理李松萌、深圳政企智能制造拓展部部长董伟、深圳云原生生物医药解决方案 总监王相、深圳政企生物医药行业代表戴云龙莅临翰宇药业参访交流洽谈合作。 在随后的座谈中,双方深入探讨了华为云盘古药物分子大模型在药物设计开发、多肽平台建设、数字化 转型赋能企业效能提升等领域的应用,以及人工智能在全球制药行业的应用前景。 ...
中国经济网· 2025-01-01 03:24
Key Highlights - President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of improving people's livelihoods, focusing on employment, income growth, elderly and child care, education, and healthcare [1][3] - 2024 was a pivotal year for achieving the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan, with stable and progressive economic performance, deepening reforms, and strong social development [1][3] - Significant achievements in 2024 included the successful missions of Shenzhou-18 and Shenzhou-19, the historic lunar sample return by Chang'e-6, and the milestone of China's new energy vehicle production exceeding 10 million units [1][3] Technological and Industrial Breakthroughs - Recent advancements include the launch of the Sichuan ship, the unveiling of the CR450 high-speed train prototype, and the completion of the Tianshan Victory Tunnel, marking a comprehensive breakthrough in China's independent innovation [2][4] - These achievements not only highlight China's technological progress but also inject momentum and vitality into the new year, reinforcing the commitment to Chinese-style modernization [2][4] Strategic Development and Future Goals - 2025 marks the final year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, with a focus on high-quality completion of its goals to lay a solid foundation for the 15th Five-Year Plan [2][4] - The path to Chinese-style modernization involves further reforms, high-level opening-up, balancing development and security, and continuously improving living standards, requiring steady and determined efforts [2][4] - The journey towards modernization will face challenges, but maintaining strategic focus and collective effort will drive progress towards national rejuvenation and prosperity [2][4]
华泰证券:践行中国特色金融文化 以诚信廉洁涵养“碧水清波”
中国经济网· 2025-01-01 02:52
Industry Culture and Ethics - The securities industry emphasizes "compliance" and "integrity" as core cultural values [1] - Integrity is the cornerstone of market operation and is crucial for maintaining market order and investor confidence [3] - The industry promotes the construction of a clean and honest culture, integrating supervision, prevention, and self-discipline to deepen integrity culture [2] Corporate Governance and Internal Control - Companies should establish a sound management mechanism for clean practices and clarify responsibilities for directors, supervisors, and management in fostering a clean culture [5][6] - Internal supervision mechanisms and checks and balances are essential to ensure effective operation and accountability in clean culture construction [16] - A comprehensive supervision framework should be built by coordinating internal and external oversight forces to form a regular supervision mechanism [8] Education and Awareness - Clean culture education should be integrated into employee training, combining theory and practice to enhance the integrity awareness and risk prevention capabilities of employees [9][17] - Companies should use diverse educational methods, such as case analysis and warning education, to strengthen employees' integrity and discipline awareness [17] - Compliance culture activities, including compliance manual learning and signing compliance commitment letters, should be widely conducted to foster a culture of lawful and ethical operations [18] Leadership and Role Modeling - Managers should set an example through their actions, leading employees to internalize integrity and self-discipline [13] - Key groups within the company should be particularly targeted for clean practice management to ensure their adherence to integrity standards [15] Social Impact and Broader Culture - Integrity and clean culture should be promoted to the broader society through innovative and practical communication methods, fostering a value system that respects integrity and rejects corruption [10][19] - The construction of clean culture should extend to all levels of society, guiding the public to uphold integrity and thrift, and contributing to a clean and honest social environment [19] Financial Culture and Economic Contribution - The financial industry should cultivate a Chinese-style financial culture, balancing functionality and profitability while enhancing the ability to serve the real economy [4][14] - Integrity construction is a critical measure for securities companies to strengthen risk prevention and promote high-quality development in the financial sector [12] - The industry should adhere to a people-centered value orientation and focus on serving the real economy as its fundamental purpose [14]
华泰证券:践行中国特色金融文化 以诚信廉洁涵养“碧水清波”
中国经济网· 2025-01-01 02:43
春风化雨 涵养诚信廉洁文化深厚内涵强化教育引导机制,将反腐倡廉作为公司思想教育的重要工作内 容,采用案例分析、警示教育等多元化教学手段,增强从业人员的诚信意识、纪律意识和风险防范能 力。 将廉洁文化建设贯穿员工素质教育的全过程,理论与实践结合,完善廉洁文化建设体系。 通过广泛开展合规文化建设活动,加强合规手册学习,签订合规承诺书等,强化全员诚信意识,树立依 法合规、守法诚信的价值观,筑牢合规经营的思想基础,逐步在企业滋养合规管理、合规经营的文化氛 围。 不断拓宽宣传渠道并创新宣传形式,以生动鲜活、贴近实际的方式传播诚信廉洁文化,营造良好氛围。 诚信是市场运行的基石,是维护市场秩序、保障投资者信心的关键所在。 中国特色金融文化的提出,不仅为金融行业的稳健前行树立了鲜明的文化旗帜,更明确凸显了诚信建设 的重要性。 "合规、诚信、专业、稳健"的证券行业文化理念,同样将"合规""诚信"摆在突出位置。 在金融领域深化改革、推动高质量发展的关键时期,强化诚信建设,建立健全立体化廉洁风险防范机 制,是证券公司不可或缺的重要保障措施,亦是提升证券公司增强廉洁风险防范能力、加强廉洁文化建 设的重要命题。 进一步推进廉洁从业文化 ...
超1.24亿人次 上海机场年旅客吞吐量创历史新高
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 01:11
证券时报e公司讯,上海机场集团消息,根据统计快报数据,2024年上海机场全年进出港航班量80.3万 架次,同比增长15%;旅客吞吐量超1.24亿人次,同比增长29%,创下历史新高;货邮吞吐量420.6万 吨,同比增长11%。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 00:54
本次交易完成后,上市公司将持有嘉得力54.4745%的股权,成为嘉得力的控股股东。 2024年12月31日晚间,南华仪器(300417)公告,公司拟以支付现金的方式向佛山嘉旭管理咨询合伙企业 (有限合伙)、杨伟光、刘务贞、叶淑娟、郭超键购买其所持有的广东嘉得力清洁科技股份有限公司 (831992)(以下简称"嘉得力")39.4745%的股权。 根据公告,标的企业嘉得力向上市公司承诺,2025年度实现的净利润不低于1800万元;2026年度实现的 净利润不低于2000万元,或2025、2026年度累计实现的净利润不低于3800万元;嘉得力2027年度实现的 净利润不低于2100万元,或2025、2026、2027年度累计实现的净利润不低于5900万元。 (文穗) 校对:李凌锋 ...