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龙高股份(605086) - 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表2024-06
2024-09-26 11:14
证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | □ | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 √业 | | | | | | 绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | 类别 | □ 现场参观 □其他 | | | | | 参与单位名称 | 线上参与公司 | 2024 年半年度业绩说明会的投资者 | | | | 及人员姓名 | | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 9 月 26 | 日 16:00-17:00 | | | | 地点 | | 上海证券交易所上证路演中心 | | | | | 董事长:袁俊先生 | | | | | | | 副董事长、总经理:林小敏先生 | | | | 上市公司接待 | | 董事、董事会秘书:熊斌先生 | | | | 人员姓 ...
龙高股份(605086) - 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表2024-05
2024-09-26 07:49
证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 1 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------------------|-------|----------| | | | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | □ | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业 | | | | | | 绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | 类别 | □ | 现场参观 √其他:线上会议 | | | | 参与单位名称 | 博时基金 王晗 | | | | | 及人员姓名 | 源乐晟 林浩 | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 9 月 24 | 日下午 | | | | 地点 | 线上交流 | | | | | | | | | | | 上市公司接待 人员姓名 | 证券事务代表 黄伟斌 | | | | | | 调研情况: 1 | 、请介绍公司高岭土原矿与精矿的区别,说明一下综 | ...
龙高股份(605086) - 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表2024-04
2024-09-25 07:41
证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------|-------|-------| | 投资者关系活动 | □ | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业 | | | | | | 绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | 类别 | □ | 现场参观 √其他:线上会议 | | | | | 1. 华福证券 魏征宇 | | | | | | 2. 中信建投 冯飞洋 | | | | | | 3. 勤辰基金 杨晋 | | | | | 参与单位名称 | 4. 兴银基金 石亮 | | | | | 及人员姓名 | 5. 永赢基金 林伟昊 | | | | | | 6. 财通资管 毛鼎 | | | | | | 7. 合远基金 王烨华 | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 9 月 23 | 日 17:00-18:00 | | | | 地点 | ...
龙高股份(605086) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-20 08:47
Financial Performance - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders for the first half of 2024 was RMB 45.34 million[3] - Revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 132.72 million, a decrease of 8.97% compared to the same period last year[17] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 45.34 million, down 18.59% year-on-year[17] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) for the reporting period was RMB 0.25, a decrease of 19.35% compared to the same period last year[18] - Weighted average return on equity (ROE) was 3.91%, a decrease of 0.99 percentage points year-on-year[18] - The company's total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 1.26 billion, a decrease of 1.96% compared to the end of the previous year[17] - Revenue for the first half of 2024 decreased to 132,715,809.17 RMB from 145,792,117.24 RMB in the same period of 2023, representing a decline of approximately 9%[94] - Net profit for the first half of 2024 dropped to 45,343,896.98 RMB from 55,781,544.15 RMB in 2023, a decrease of around 18.7%[94] - Operating cash flow for the first half of 2024 was 61,071,959.48 RMB, down from 76,546,064.17 RMB in 2023, a decrease of approximately 20.2%[97] - Investment cash flow showed a net outflow of 219,278,461.94 RMB in the first half of 2024, compared to a net outflow of 27,325,341.92 RMB in 2023, indicating a significant increase in investment activities[98] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the first half of 2024 stood at 97,462,110.07 RMB, a sharp decline from 388,061,474.84 RMB at the end of the same period in 2023[98] - Operating cash flow decreased to 61,072,095.00 RMB in H1 2024 from 76,582,944.26 RMB in H1 2023, a decline of 20.3%[99] - Net cash flow from investment activities was -219,278,461.94 RMB in H1 2024, compared to -27,325,341.92 RMB in H1 2023, indicating increased investment outflows[99] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 204,542,366.94 RMB in H1 2024, ending at 96,739,811.79 RMB, down 75.0% from the beginning of the period[99] - Total owner's equity decreased by 1,391,495.95 RMB in H1 2024, primarily due to a reduction in undistributed profits of 992,238.54 RMB[101] - Comprehensive income for H1 2024 was 45,343,761.46 RMB, contributing positively to owner's equity[101] - Capital expenditure on fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets decreased to 16,498,415.72 RMB in H1 2024 from 27,914,901.51 RMB in H1 2023, a 40.9% reduction[99] - Dividend payments totaled 46,336,000.00 RMB in H1 2024, impacting cash flow from financing activities[99] - Revenue from sales of goods and services decreased to 150,096,835.13 RMB in H1 2024 from 159,500,171.66 RMB in H1 2023, a 5.9% decline[99] - Cash received from investments increased to 105,000,000.00 RMB in H1 2024 from 75,000,000.00 RMB in H1 2023, a 40.0% increase[99] - Total cash inflows from operating activities decreased to 158,502,745.58 RMB in H1 2024 from 164,057,309.22 RMB in H1 2023, a 3.4% decline[99] - The company's comprehensive income for the first half of 2024 reached RMB 55,699,276.63[104] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 1,122,690,733.06, an increase of RMB 13,923,343.56 from the beginning of the period[105] - The company distributed RMB 42,240,000.00 to shareholders during the period[104] - Capital reserve increased by RMB 464,066.93 during the period[105] - The company's total assets at the end of the period were RMB 1,184,044,821.42[109] - The company's undistributed profit at the end of the period was RMB 360,684,218.52[105] - The company's capital reserve decreased by RMB 51,200,000.00 due to capital increase[107] - The company's special reserve decreased by RMB 399,257.41 during the period[107] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 1,184,044,821.42[109] - The company's capital reserve at the end of the period was RMB 538,614,406.13[109] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 1,124,601,172.34, an increase of RMB 14,005,611.08 from the beginning of the period[110] - Comprehensive income for the period amounted to RMB 55,781,544.15[110] - The company distributed RMB 42,240,000.00 in profits to shareholders during the period[110] - The company's total share capital increased from 128 million shares to 179.2 million shares after a capital reserve transfer of 0.4 shares per share[111] - The company's initial registered capital was RMB 5 million when it was established in 2003[111] - The company's financial statements are prepared in accordance with Chinese Accounting Standards and relevant regulations[112] - The company has assessed its ability to continue as a going concern for the next 12 months and found no issues[113] - The company's financial statements reflect its true and complete financial position, operating results, and cash flows[115] - The company's fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31[116] - The company's normal operating cycle is one year[117] - Important construction projects are defined as those with a single project budget exceeding 10 million yuan[119] - Significant accounts payable aged over 1 year must account for more than 10% of total accounts payable and exceed 5 million yuan[119] - Significant other payables aged over 1 year must account for more than 10% of total other payables and exceed 5 million yuan[119] - Significant contract liabilities aged over 1 year must account for more than 10% of total contract liabilities and exceed 5 million yuan[119] - Significant investment activities are defined as single investment activities exceeding 10 million yuan[119] - Significant joint ventures or associates are defined as those with a long-term equity investment book value exceeding 1% of consolidated total assets and 10 million yuan[119] - Control is determined by the company's power over the investee, variable returns from involvement, and the ability to influence returns[119] - Consolidated financial statements are prepared by combining the financial statements of the parent and subsidiaries, eliminating intercompany transactions[119] - Joint arrangements are classified as either joint operations or joint ventures, with different accounting treatments for each[120] - Cash equivalents are defined as short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value[121] - The company classifies financial assets into three categories: amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI), and fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), with specific criteria for each classification[123] - For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the company uses the effective interest method, and any gains or losses from derecognition, amortization, or impairment are recognized in profit or loss[123] - Financial assets classified as FVOCI are measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in other comprehensive income until derecognition, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains/losses, which are recognized in profit or loss[123] - The company measures expected credit losses (ECL) for financial assets at amortized cost, FVOCI debt instruments, and contract assets based on a weighted average of credit losses, considering the risk of default[123] - For receivables such as trade receivables, contract assets, and financing receivables, the company measures ECL over the entire lifetime of the financial asset, regardless of whether there is a significant financing component[123] - The company categorizes receivables into different portfolios based on credit risk characteristics, such as commercial acceptance bills and bank acceptance bills, and calculates ECL using historical credit loss experience and forward-looking economic conditions[124] - The company uses an aging analysis to determine credit risk for receivables, with specific provisioning rates applied based on the age of the receivables, ranging from 3% for receivables aged less than 1 year to 100% for receivables aged over 5 years[125] - For financial instruments with low credit risk, the company assumes that credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition and measures ECL based on a 12-month expected credit loss[123] - The company assesses significant increases in credit risk by comparing the probability of default at the balance sheet date with the initial recognition date, considering factors such as internal price indicators, adverse changes in business or financial conditions, and changes in collateral value[126] - Financial assets are considered credit-impaired when observable evidence indicates significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor, such as payment defaults or bankruptcy likelihood[126] - Expected credit loss provisions are re-measured at each balance sheet date, with changes recognized in profit or loss, and for debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, loss provisions are recognized in other comprehensive income[126] - The company writes off financial assets when it is no longer reasonably expected to recover the contractual cash flows, and any subsequent recoveries are recognized as a reversal of impairment loss in the period of recovery[126] - Fair value is determined based on the price in the principal market or, if unavailable, the most advantageous market, using market participant assumptions for maximizing economic benefits[127] - Valuation techniques include market, income, and cost approaches, with preference given to observable inputs and the use of unobservable inputs only when necessary[127] - Fair value hierarchy prioritizes Level 1 inputs (quoted prices in active markets), followed by Level 2 (observable inputs), and Level 3 (unobservable inputs)[127] - Inventory is measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, with net realizable value determined based on estimated selling prices less costs to complete and sell[132] - Materials inventory is measured at net realizable value if the selling price of the finished goods is lower than cost, with any difference recognized as an inventory write-down[133] - Previously recognized inventory write-downs are reversed if the reasons for the write-down no longer exist, with the reversal recognized in profit or loss[133] - The company recognizes contract assets and liabilities based on the relationship between fulfilling performance obligations and customer payments, with contract assets representing the right to consideration for goods or services transferred, and contract liabilities representing obligations to transfer goods or services for consideration received or receivable[134] - The company determines the expected credit loss for contract assets using methods detailed in the "Financial Instruments" section of its significant accounting policies and estimates[134] - Long-term equity investments include controlling, significant influence, and joint venture investments, with significant influence generally assumed when the company holds 20% or more but less than 50% of the voting rights, unless evidence suggests otherwise[135] - Initial investment costs for long-term equity investments formed through business combinations are determined based on the fair value of assets, liabilities, and equity securities issued, with related expenses recognized in current period profits[135] - Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments uses the cost method for controlling investments and the equity method for associates and joint ventures, with adjustments made for dividends, profits, and other comprehensive income[136] - The company conducts impairment tests for investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures using methods outlined in the "Long-term Asset Impairment" section of its significant accounting policies and estimates[136] - Fixed assets are recognized when future economic benefits are probable and costs can be reliably measured, with subsequent expenditures capitalized if they meet the recognition criteria[137] - Construction in progress is classified by project and converted to fixed assets upon reaching the intended usable state, with estimated values used for assets not yet finalized[138] - The depreciation rates for buildings and structures range from 4.75% to 2.38% over a lifespan of 20-40 years[139] - Machinery and equipment have a depreciation rate of 19.00% to 9.50% over a lifespan of 5-10 years[139] - Transportation equipment has a fixed depreciation rate of 9.50% over a lifespan of 10 years[139] - Electronic equipment depreciation rates range from 19.00% to 11.88% over a lifespan of 5-8 years[139] - Office equipment has a high depreciation rate of 31.67% over a lifespan of 3 years[139] - The company's criteria for capitalizing development stage expenditures include technical feasibility, intent to complete, and ability to generate future economic benefits[145] - Long-term assets such as goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually, regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment[146] - Long-term prepaid expenses, including renovation costs and engineering projects, are amortized over periods ranging from 3 to 5 years[147] - The company recognizes short-term employee benefits as liabilities and expenses them in the period they are incurred[149] - Post-employment benefits are accounted for as defined contribution plans, with obligations recognized as liabilities and expensed in the relevant period[151] - The company recognizes revenue when the customer obtains control of the goods, which includes the right to direct the use of and obtain substantially all the economic benefits from the goods[153] - For contracts with multiple performance obligations, the company allocates the transaction price to each obligation based on the relative standalone selling prices[153] - The company considers variable consideration in the transaction price, estimating it using either the expected value or the most likely amount, and includes it only if it is highly probable that a significant reversal will not occur[153] - Revenue from sales with return rights is recognized at the time of transfer of control, with a corresponding liability for expected returns and an asset for the estimated cost of returns[153] - The company assesses whether it is a principal or an agent in transactions based on control over the goods or services before transfer to the customer[154] - Contract costs, including fulfillment and acquisition costs, are capitalized as assets if they meet specific criteria, such as being directly related to a contract and expected to be recoverable[155] - Capitalized contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of revenue from the related goods or services[155] - If the carrying amount of contract cost assets exceeds the expected remaining consideration less costs to fulfill, the company recognizes an impairment loss[155] - Contract fulfillment costs with an amortization period of one year or less are classified as inventory, while those with longer periods are classified as other non-current assets[156] - Contract acquisition costs with an amortization period of one year or less are classified as other current assets, while those with longer periods are classified as other non-current assets[156] - Government subsidies are recognized when the company can meet the conditions and receive the subsidies, with monetary subsidies measured at the amount received or receivable, and non-monetary subsidies measured at fair value or nominal amount of 1 yuan if fair value cannot be reliably determined[157] - Government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred income and amortized over the useful life of the asset, while subsidies related to income are recognized as deferred income or directly in current income depending on the purpose[157] - Deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences, carryforward losses, and tax credits, but only if it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized[158] - Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except for differences arising from initial recognition of goodwill or certain transactions that do not affect accounting or taxable profit[158] - The company uses the straight-line method to recognize lease payments for short-term leases and low-value asset leases in the relevant asset cost or current income[160] - For leases other than short-term and low-value asset leases, the company recognizes a right-of-use asset and lease liability at the commencement date, with the right-of-use asset initially measured at cost[160] - The company's monetary funds decreased from RMB 306,031,812.04 at the beginning of the period to RMB 97,462,110.07 at the end of the period[165] - The company's trading financial assets amounted to RMB 241,365,888.90 at the end of the period[166] - The company's bank acceptance bills decreased from RMB 3,935,925.00 at the beginning of the period to RMB 0 at the end of the period[167] - The company's bad debt provision for bank acceptance bills was RMB 3,935,925.00 at the beginning of the period[168] - The company's safety production fee was adjusted from RMB 2/ton to RMB 3/ton starting from December 2022[163] - The company's income tax rate is 15% due to its high-tech enterprise certification[164] - The company's lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of lease payments not paid at the commencement date[161] - The company's right-of-use assets are depreciated using the straight-line method[161] - The company's lease payments include fixed payments, variable lease payments based on an index or rate, and payments for purchase options[161] - The company's lease liabilities are remeasured when there are changes in fixed payments, residual value guarantees, or indices used to determine lease payments[161] - The company's accounts receivable with a maturity of less than 1 year decreased from RMB 2,001.86 at the beginning of the period to RMB 0 at the end of the period[169] - The company's bad debt provision for accounts receivable was RMB 60.06 at the beginning of the period and was fully reversed during the period, resulting in a balance of RMB 0 at the end of the period[171] - The company's notes receivable decreased from RMB 3,800,724.08 at the beginning of the period to RMB 3,690,114.40 at the end of the period[172] - The company's prepayments with a maturity of less than 1 year decreased from RMB 262,924.82 at the beginning of the period
2024-05-22 07:12
尊敬的各位投资者和广大支持龙岩高灵土股份有限公司的伙伴朋友们大家下午好欢迎大家参加龙高股份2023年度业绩说明会本次会议采用网络直播的形式和大家进行互动交流我是公司董事会秘书熊斌首先非常感谢上海证券交易所上证路演中心为公司搭建这样一个与投资者交流的平台 增加公司向资本市场展示的机会增进投资者对公司的了解及时传递公司的投资价值接下来请允许我介绍出席本次会议的公司董事高管他们分别是公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生公司副董事长总经理林晓敏先生公司财务总监钟俊福先生 公司独立董事江小军先生今天我们的业绩说明会将会分为两个部分第一部分是视频录制部分将对公司2023年度经营情况进行详细介绍首先由公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战略接着由公司副董事长总经理林小敏先生 介绍公司2023年经营情况及2024年经营计划由公司财务总监钟俊福先生对公司2023年度财务报告进行解读最后由公司独立董事江小金先生介绍公司治理相关情况第二部分是针对投资者关心的一系列问题来和大家进行网络上的交流也希望今天的业绩说明会 能够让大家进一步了解龙高股份的经营情况和投资价值下面有请公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战 ...
2024-05-22 02:24
尊敬的各位投资者和广大支持龙岩高灵土股份有限公司的伙伴朋友们大家下午好欢迎大家参加龙高股份2023年度业绩说明会本次会议采用网络直播的形式和大家进行互动交流我是公司董事会秘书熊斌首先非常感谢上海证券交易所上证路演中心为公司搭建这样一个与投资者交流的平台 增加公司向资本市场展示的机会增进投资者对公司的了解及时传递公司的投资价值接下来请允许我介绍出席本次会议的公司董事高管他们分别是公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生公司副董事长总经理林晓敏先生公司财务总监钟俊福先生 公司独立董事江小军先生今天我们的业绩说明会将会分为两个部分第一部分是视频录制部分将对公司2023年度经营情况进行详细介绍首先由公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战略接着由公司副董事长总经理林小敏先生 介绍公司2023年经营情况及2024年经营计划由公司财务总监钟俊福先生对公司2023年度财务报告进行解读最后由公司独立董事江小金先生介绍公司治理相关情况第二部分是针对投资者关心的一系列问题来和大家进行网络上的交流也希望今天的业绩说明会 能够让大家进一步了解龙高股份的经营情况和投资价值下面有请公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战 ...
2024-05-21 16:31
尊敬的各位投资者和广大支持龙岩高灵土股份有限公司的伙伴朋友们大家下午好欢迎大家参加龙高股份2023年度业绩说明会本次会议采用网络直播的形式和大家进行互动交流我是公司董事会秘书熊斌首先非常感谢上海证券交易所上证路演中心为公司搭建这样一个与投资者交流的平台 增加公司向资本市场展示的机会增进投资者对公司的了解及时传递公司的投资价值接下来请允许我介绍出席本次会议的公司董事高管他们分别是公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生公司副董事长总经理林晓敏先生公司财务总监钟俊福先生 公司独立董事江小军先生今天我们的业绩说明会将会分为两个部分第一部分是视频录制部分将对公司2023年度经营情况进行详细介绍首先由公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战略接着由公司副董事长总经理林小敏先生 介绍公司2023年经营情况及2024年经营计划由公司财务总监钟俊福先生对公司2023年度财务报告进行解读最后由公司独立董事江小金先生介绍公司治理相关情况第二部分是针对投资者关心的一系列问题来和大家进行网络上的交流也希望今天的业绩说明会 能够让大家进一步了解龙高股份的经营情况和投资价值下面有请公司党总之书记董事长袁骏先生介绍公司核心竞争力和发展战 ...
龙高股份(605086) - 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-21 09:44
证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-03 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 √业 投资者关系活动 绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 □现场参观 □其他 参与单位名称 线上参与公司2023年度业绩说明会的投资者 及人员姓名 时间 2024年5月21日15:00-16:30 地点 上海证券交易所上证路演中心 董事长:袁俊先生 副董事长、总经理:林小敏先生 上市公司接待 ...
龙高股份(605086) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-25 08:52
2024年第一季度报告 证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或 者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 单位:元 币种:人民币 本报告期比上年同期增减 项目 本报告期 变动幅度(%) 营业收入 66,765,159.34 3.22 归属于上市公司股东的净利润 24,744,190.53 11.33 归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性损益的 22,893,964.01 ...
龙高股份(605086) - 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表
2024-04-23 09:53
证券代码:605086 证券简称:龙高股份 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-02 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □ 投资者关系活动 业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 √现场交流 □其他:线上会议 参与单位名称及 浙商证券股份有限公司研究员 金云涛 人员姓名 时间 2024年4月23日15:00-16:40 地点 龙岩高岭土股份有限公司 上市公司接待人 证券事务代表黄伟斌、证券部副经理廖尔齐 员姓名 ...