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同益中(688722) - 同益中7月投资者关系记录表
2024-07-19 09:19
投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-003 R 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系活 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 动类别 □现场参观 □电话会议 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称 中信证券 会议时间 2024 年 7 月 17 日 15:00 会议地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待 苏敏 吴锡 人员姓名 投资者关系活 Q1.目前原材料价格变化情况? 答:目前公司主要原材料价格相对稳定,受石油价格波动影响 动主要内容介 不大。公司与供应商有长期的合作基础,议价能力较强,因此 绍 原材料成本价格总体稳定。另外,随着公司新增产能逐步达 产,规模效益逐渐显现,预计公司生产成本将进一步下降。 Q2.目前产品售价情况? 答:超高分子量聚乙烯纤维方面,目前价格趋于稳定,考虑到 纤维成本的下降,纤维毛利率降幅不大。复合材料产品受地缘 政治及相关政策因素影响,有阶段性的波动。总得来看公司产 品售价在短期内将保持稳定,未来价格趋势取决于供需状况。 Q3.同行业也在扩产,对公司有什么影响? 答:一方面,同业公司扩产的影响要以实际投产的情况来判 断。另一方面,前期行业需求旺盛,新进产能较多, ...
同益中(688722) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-24 12:38
2024年第一季度报告 证券代码:688722 证券简称:同益中 北京同益中新材料科技股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 ...
海通证券· 2024-03-30 16:00
[Table_MainInfo] 公司研究/化工/石油化工 证券研究报告 同益中(688722)公司年报点评 2024 年 03 月 31 日 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------|------------| | | | | 03 [ Table_StockInfo 月 29 日收盘价(元) ] | 12.70 | | 52 周股价波动(元) | 9.74-21.35 | | 总股本 / 流通 A 股(百万股) | 225/128 | | 总市值 / 流通市值(百万元) | 2853/1624 | [Table_AuthorInfo] [Table_Summary] 投资要点: 产能继续扩张,贡献未来增量。根据公司 2023 年报,公司现有 UHMWPE 纤维产能 5320 吨(含子公司优和博),并在建 3240 吨,其中新泰分公司在 建 2240 吨,预计 2024 年 6 月底完工;子公司优和博(持股 70%)在建 1000 吨,预计 2024 年 3 月底完工。公司现有复材(无纬布)产能 1550 吨,并在 建 ...
同益中(688722) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-03-29 16:00
Dividend Distribution - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 0.90 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 20,220,003.00, representing 13.16% of the net profit attributable to shareholders in 2023[6] - The company's cash dividend distribution plan is subject to approval at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders[6] - The company's distributable profit as of December 31, 2023, was RMB 306,886,477.36[185] - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 0.90 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 20,220,003.00, which represents 13.16% of the net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders[185][189] - The cash dividend ratio for 2023 is below 30% due to the company's development phase, expanding projects, and significant capital needs[185] Share Capital and Stock Information - The total share capital of the company as of December 31, 2023, is 224,666,700 shares[6] - The company's stock is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange under the stock code 688722[19] - The company's total share capital as of December 31, 2023, was 224,666,700 shares[185] Company Address and Contact Information - The company's registered address is at No. 16 Zhonghe Street, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing[16] - The company's office address is at No. 17 Jingsheng South Second Street, Majuqiao Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing[16] - The company's website is, and the email address is[16] Financial Performance - Revenue in 2023 reached 6,403.244 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.89%[23] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2023 was 1,536.239 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.36%[23] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in 2023 was 1,448.875 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.04%[23] - Net cash flow from operating activities in 2023 was 512.795 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 78.09%[23] - Total assets at the end of 2023 were 14,528.665 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.57%[23] - Revenue in Q1 2023 was 2,393.440 million yuan, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 538.707 million yuan[26] - Revenue in Q4 2023 was 1,215.184 million yuan, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 211.168 million yuan[26] - Revenue for the reporting period was 640.3244 million RMB, a year-on-year increase of 3.89%, while net profit attributable to the parent company decreased by 10.36% to 153.6239 million RMB[84] - Revenue for the period reached 640.32 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.89%[85] - Operating costs increased to 392.63 million yuan, up 5.95% compared to the same period last year[85] - R&D expenses rose significantly to 38.61 million yuan, a 26.87% increase year-on-year[85] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 78.09% to 51.28 million yuan[85] - Main business revenue from UHMWPE fiber grew by 27.57% to 327.56 million yuan[89] - Composite materials revenue declined by 17.46% to 283.39 million yuan[89] - Domestic sales accounted for 291.67 million yuan, a 9.97% increase year-on-year[89] - Overseas sales decreased by 4.66% to 319.27 million yuan[89] - Top five customers contributed 147.39 million yuan, representing 23.02% of total sales[94] - Top five suppliers accounted for 231.27 million yuan, making up 32.29% of total procurement[95] - Top 5 customers accounted for 23.02% of total annual sales, with A company contributing the highest at 6.87% (RMB 4,399.85 million)[97] - Top 5 suppliers accounted for 32.29% of total procurement, with H company contributing the highest at 8.41% (RMB 6,020.80 million)[98] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 37.35% to RMB 45,642.13 million, mainly due to infrastructure project investments and profit distribution[101] - Accounts receivable increased by 94.30% to RMB 1,487.57 million, driven by expanded sales in subsidiary companies[101] - Inventory increased by 48.35% to RMB 19,795.43 million, mainly due to increased production reserves and semi-finished products[102] - Construction in progress surged by 786.09% to RMB 18,648.01 million, reflecting ongoing infrastructure project investments[102] - Short-term borrowings increased by 693.06% to RMB 2,384.40 million, primarily due to changes in bank loans[102] - Contract liabilities decreased by 75.15% to RMB 2,608.96 million, as prepaid sales orders were fulfilled[102] - Restricted assets totaled RMB 92,730.21 million, including cash, fixed assets, and intangible assets pledged for loans[104] - Deferred tax liabilities decreased by 41.41% to RMB 558.78 million, due to adjustments in subsidiary tax benefits[103] R&D and Innovation - R&D investment accounted for 6.03% of revenue in 2023, an increase of 1.09 percentage points compared to 2022[25] - The company obtained 10 national authorized patents in 2023, including 3 invention patents and 7 utility model patents[34] - The company successfully developed new wear-resistant coated fibers and ultra-low creep fibers, and achieved breakthroughs in ultra-high-strength fibers, anti-creep fibers, and high-wear-resistant fibers[34] - The company developed a new generation of soft and hard non-woven fabric products, with technical levels leading domestically[34] - The company explored automatic orthogonal processes for non-woven fabrics and new efficient layering processes for ballistic helmets, improving production efficiency[34] - The company's R&D model combines forward-looking R&D and application-oriented R&D, tracking industry trends and customer needs to preempt market opportunities[43] - The company has 3 provincial and ministerial-level technological innovation platforms and has achieved 10 authorized patents in the reporting period, including 3 invention patents and 7 utility model patents[50] - The company has accumulated 109 domestic and international patents, including 59 invention patents, and has presided over or participated in the formulation of 13 national, industry, or group standards[50] - The company's new generation of soft and hard non-woven fabric products have improved performance by over 10%[56] - The company's R&D investment in 2023 increased by 26.87% to 38,612,954.61 yuan, accounting for 6.03% of total revenue, up 1.09 percentage points from the previous year[63] - The company added 10 new authorized patents in 2023, including 3 invention patents and 7 utility model patents, bringing the total number of patents to 95[60][61] - The company developed a new bulletproof and stab-resistant material with excellent performance, which has been well-received by downstream customers[57] - The company's UHMWPE fiber products have achieved a single filament fineness of 0.95D, significantly improving physical properties and expanding application scenarios[57] - The company's UHMWPE fiber products have been certified by ISO9001 and recognized as high-tech products by the Yancheng Science and Technology Bureau[57] - The company's UHMWPE fiber products have a strength of ≥40cN/dtex (approximately 45.3g/D), significantly improving the impact resistance and energy absorption capacity of bulletproof products[57] - The company's UHMWPE fiber products have been recognized as high-tech products and included in the "Beijing Key New Materials First Application Demonstration Guidance Catalog (2022 Edition)"[57] - The company invested a total of 69.8 million yuan in R&D projects, with a cumulative investment of 59.45 million yuan, covering areas such as military barracks, road and bridge construction, and advanced fiber production[67] - The military barracks project achieved a seismic fortification intensity of 8 degrees, meeting the GA141-2010 Level 3 standard, with a total investment of 2 million yuan[65] - The road and bridge construction project developed short-cut fibers for use in bridge and road construction, with a total investment of 4.2 million yuan[65] - The UHMWPE fiber intelligent manufacturing project achieved a production capacity and stability improvement, with a total investment of 5.06 million yuan[65] - The fiber inspection and packaging automation project improved accuracy and efficiency, with a total investment of 2.1 million yuan[65] - The gas recycling and utilization project achieved energy-saving and emission-reduction effects, with a total investment of 9.06 million yuan[65] - The lightweight and soft bulletproof material project developed a new bulletproof and stab-resistant composite material, with a total investment of 3.4 million yuan[65] - The ceramic composite board project improved production efficiency and stability, with a total investment of 3.18 million yuan[65] - The continuous non-woven fabric automation project enhanced the automation and digitalization level, with a total investment of 5.17 million yuan[66] - The high-strength polyethylene fiber project developed low-cost medium-high strength UHMWPE fiber, with a total investment of 4 million yuan[66] - The number of R&D personnel increased by 52.56% to 119 compared to the previous year, driven by the acquisition of subsidiary Youhebo and increased focus on R&D investment and innovation[71] - R&D personnel accounted for 12.96% of the total workforce, up from 8.41% in the previous year[70] - Total R&D personnel compensation was 15.8718 million RMB, with an average salary of 133,400 RMB per person, down from 196,400 RMB in the previous year[70] - The company holds 109 patents, including 59 invention patents, and has participated in the formulation of 13 national, industry, or group standards[73] - The company has developed 14 core technologies related to ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber and its composites, enhancing its competitive edge[73] - The company's product portfolio includes ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers ranging from 5D to 6000D, as well as specialized products like bulletproof fibers and high-wear-resistant fibers[74] - The company's high-performance fiber and advanced composite materials technology research center had a book value of RMB 3.3141 million at the end of the reporting period, up from RMB 2.5487 million at the beginning[134] - The annual production of 3,000 tons of high-strength fiber project had a book value of RMB 35.7433 million at the end of the reporting period, compared to RMB 1.3514 million at the beginning[134] - The company's subsidiary, Yancheng Youhe Boxin Materials Co., Ltd., is engaged in the R&D, manufacturing, and sales of high-performance fibers and composite materials, with a registered capital of RMB 200 million[136] - The company's strategic focus includes expanding applications of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber in military equipment, safety protection, and emerging civilian markets such as deep-sea aquaculture and transportation[142][143] - The company's total investment in construction projects at the end of the reporting period was RMB 185.5545 million, compared to RMB 18.1797 million at the beginning of the period[134] - Focus on technological innovation and application, continuously increase R&D investment, and accelerate the transformation of technological achievements[145] - Enhance market share by focusing on both international and domestic markets, and improve the performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber and its composites[145] - Expand the layout in the field of new materials and build a "3+X" future fiber industry system with "FIBER+composite" as the core[145] - Accelerate the construction of fundraising projects and the expansion of subsidiary Youhebo projects to increase production capacity[147] - Strengthen resource mergers and acquisitions to integrate high-quality targets in the field of high molecular new materials[147] - Increase R&D and technological innovation efforts, aiming at future military and police equipment needs[147] - Adjust market layout to increase market share in both civilian and military markets[148] - Optimize the information disclosure system and strengthen investor relations management to improve market value maintenance[148] - Establish and improve a compliance system to enhance internal control and risk management[148] Industry and Market Position - The global demand for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber (UHMWPE) is growing rapidly, with domestic production capacity in China accounting for about half of the global total[110] - The company is a leading domestic enterprise in the R&D, production, and sales of UHMWPE fiber and its composites, and is one of the first companies to master the full set of UHMWPE fiber production technology and achieve industrialization[111] - The company has a full industry chain layout in the UHMWPE fiber sector, with product performance reaching international standards, and its production and export volumes rank among the top in the domestic industry[113] - The company has formulated the first product industry standard in the segment and participated in the formulation of multiple national or industry standards, earning awards such as the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the China Patent Excellence Award[112] - The company's "ultra-high-strength UHMWPE fiber" product was included in the "Central Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Recommendation Catalog (2022 Edition)"[112] - The company's "next-generation UHMWPE fiber and its bulletproof composite materials" product won the "SAMPE China 2022 Composite Product Innovation Award"[113] - The UHMWPE fiber industry is in a rapid growth phase, with a focus on improving production efficiency and reducing costs[111] - The company is a member of the China Chemical Fiber Association and holds leadership positions in related industry organizations[111] - The industry faces challenges in improving product stability, single-line production capacity, and reducing production costs[111] - The company's products are widely used in both military and civilian fields, with expanding market applications[111] - The company has developed a new generation of DOYENTRONTEX® high-cut-resistant fiber products, with a cut resistance level reaching international standards, and has expanded its colored fiber product line to over 20 types[116] - The company has successfully developed a new generation of lightweight hard ballistic non-woven fabric products, meeting NIJⅢ level requirements, and NIJIII+ level flexible alumina ceramic composite panels, enhancing comfort and flexibility[116] - The company has improved the performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber, with a breaking strength of not less than 42.5cN/dtex, and achieved a 15% reduction in the weight of ballistic products[116] - The company has increased the annual design capacity of non-woven fabric by 750 tons and the fiber design capacity by 1,000 tons through the completion of the ballistic non-woven fabric industrialization project[120] - The company's UHMWPE fiber production capacity utilization rate is 111.43%, with a total design capacity of 5,320 tons and an additional 3,240 tons under construction, expected to be completed by June 30, 2024[121] - The company's non-woven fabric production capacity utilization rate is 78.27%, with a total design capacity of 1,550 tons and an additional 625 tons under construction, expected to be completed by June 30, 2024[121] - The company's main raw material, ultra-high powder, saw a price decrease of 4.94%, leading to a reduction in operating costs and an impact on gross margin[122] - The company's electricity consumption decreased by 1.44%, while natural gas consumption increased by 2.49%, with energy price fluctuations having a relatively small impact on operating costs[123] - The company's revenue from the new materials manufacturing sector was 610.9479 million yuan, with a gross margin of 38.67%, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.81% in revenue and a decrease of 1.64% in gross margin[127] - The company invested a total of 179.67 million yuan in external equity investments, primarily in the acquisition of a 70% stake in Yancheng Youhebo New Materials Co., Ltd., with all investment payments completed by the end of the reporting period[132] - The company's construction-in-progress balance at the end of the reporting period was RMB 185.5545 million, with key projects including the industrialization project of bulletproof non-woven fabric and products (RMB 8.7861 million), the high-performance fiber and advanced composite materials technology research center (RMB 3.3141 million), and the second phase of the annual production of 4,060 tons of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber industrialization project (RMB 136.743 million)[134] - The company invested RMB 179.67 million in Yancheng Youhe Boxin Materials Co., Ltd., acquiring a 70% stake, with the investment completed as of the balance sheet date[133] - Yancheng Youhe Boxin Materials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, reported total assets of RMB 281.9995 million, revenue of RMB 81.289 million, and net profit of RMB 12.5852 million from the acquisition date to the balance sheet date[136] - The global ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2022 to 2025, with demand expected to reach 200,000 tons by 2030[139] - The company aims to become a global leader in ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber, focusing on military equipment, aerospace, marine industries, and safety protection, driven by technological innovation and internationalization[144] Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company invested RMB 567,370 in environmental protection during the reporting period[197] - The company adheres to environmental protection laws and regulations, with no environmental pollution incidents or penalties reported[195][199] - The company has increased investment in pollution control, optimized processes and equipment, and introduced new environmental protection equipment as needed[200] - Exhaust gases are uniformly sent to the gas recovery unit for recycling and reuse[200] - The company has completed low-nitrogen transformation of gas boilers, achieving high-standard emission requirements[200] - Wastewater is
同益中(688722) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-19 16:00
2023年第三季度报告 证券代码:688722 证券简称:同益中 北京同益中新材料科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务 信息的真实、准确、完整。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 ...
同益中(688722) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-22 16:00
2023年半年度报告 公司代码:688722 公司简称:同益中 北京同益中新材料科技股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告 ...
同益中(688722) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-12 16:00
2023年第一季度报告 证券代码:688722 证券简称:同益中 北京同益中新材料科技股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 ...
同益中(688722) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-03-30 16:00
2022年年度报告 公司代码:688722 公司简称:同益中 北京同益中新材料科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告 ...