ShenZhen HuaQiang(000062)
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财联社· 2024-10-29 13:17
①全球最薄硅功率半导体晶圆问世,这家公司在功率半导体、MEMS传感器等领域构筑了核心竞争力; ②全球首个干细胞数据管理国际标准发布,这家公司在干细胞存储业务耕耘多年; ③这家公司第三季 度净利润3.24亿元,同比增长1028.38%。公司与华为合作产品计划25H1上市。 【大头条】 一、半导体|全球最薄硅功率半导体晶圆问世,这家公司在功率半导体、MEMS传感器等领域构筑了核 心竞争力 据媒体报道,10月29日,英飞凌宣布推出全球最薄硅功率晶圆,成为首家掌握20μm超薄功率半导体晶 圆处理和加工技术的公司。晶圆直径为30mm,厚度20μm仅为头发丝的四分之一,是目前最先进的40- 60μm晶圆厚度的一半。该技术已获得认可,并被应用于英飞凌的集成智能功率级(直流-直流转换器) 中,且已交付给首批客户。 点评:国金证券分析师樊志远认为,随着英伟达B系列芯片大批量出货及文生视频等AI应用的普及,产 业链将迎来较好的拉货机会,看好核心受益公司。半导体积极回暖,产业链积极受益,看好低估值优势 龙头公司,有望迎来周期复苏、业绩提振及估值修复的多重驱动。 公司方面,士兰微为国内主要的综合型半导体设计与制造(IDM)企业之一, ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-29 12:11
深圳华强实业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 2024 年 10 月 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 □是 否 2 证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 公告编号:2024-061 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述 或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大 遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准 确、完 整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是 否 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|--------- ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-30 11:45
Company Overview and Stock Information - The company's stock is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with the stock code 000062[6] - The company's legal representative is Hu Xin'an[6] - The company's registered and office addresses, as well as contact information, remained unchanged during the reporting period[8] - The company's semi-annual report is available on the designated website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the media, with no changes in the disclosure location during the reporting period[9] Financial Performance - Revenue for the reporting period increased by 19.75% to RMB 10.38 billion compared to the same period last year[11] - Net profit attributable to shareholders decreased by 33.81% to RMB 176.56 million[11] - Operating cash flow surged by 67.31% to RMB 1.19 billion[11] - Total assets decreased by 7.79% to RMB 16.36 billion compared to the end of the previous year[11] - Revenue for the first half of 2024 reached 10.381 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.75%, while net profit attributable to shareholders was 177 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 33.81%[40] - In Q2 2024, revenue was 5.921 billion yuan, up 22.97% year-on-year, and net profit attributable to shareholders was 119 million yuan, down 15.76% year-on-year[40] - The company's overall gross profit margin decreased compared to the same period last year due to slow recovery in the electronic components industry and reduced demand in certain downstream sectors[41] - The company's overseas revenue accounted for a significant proportion, and financial expenses increased due to the strong US dollar and higher interest rates[42] - Revenue increased by 19.75% YoY to RMB 10.38 billion, driven by growth in the electronic components authorized distribution segment[68] - Operating costs rose by 22.94% YoY to RMB 9.52 billion, primarily due to increased costs in the electronic components distribution business[68] - Net cash flow from operating activities surged by 67.31% YoY to RMB 1.19 billion, mainly due to higher collections of receivables and lower employee compensation payments[69] - Electronic components authorized distribution segment revenue grew by 24.49% YoY to RMB 9.35 billion, accounting for 90.10% of total revenue[70] - Domestic revenue increased by 38.76% YoY to RMB 4.77 billion, while overseas revenue grew by 7.25% YoY to RMB 5.61 billion[70] - Gross margin for the electronic components authorized distribution segment decreased by 0.78% YoY to 6.43%[71] - R&D expenses decreased slightly by 1.29% YoY to RMB 62.32 million[69] - Net cash flow from financing activities decreased by 166.42% YoY to -RMB 1.86 billion, mainly due to higher debt repayments[69] - Income tax expenses decreased by 36.62% YoY to RMB 48.99 million, primarily due to lower profit[68] - The property management and other segment revenue increased by 52.59% YoY to RMB 125.95 million[70] - Total revenue for the first half of 2024 reached 10.38 billion yuan, a 19.7% increase compared to 8.67 billion yuan in the same period of 2023[165] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders in the first half of 2024 was 176.56 million yuan, a 33.8% decrease from 266.75 million yuan in the same period of 2023[166] - Operating profit for the first half of 2024 was 258 million yuan, a 32.9% decrease compared to 384.58 million yuan in the same period of 2023[166] - Total liabilities as of the end of the first half of 2024 were 4.72 billion yuan, a 9.8% decrease from 5.24 billion yuan at the beginning of the year[164] - Total owner's equity as of the end of the first half of 2024 was 3.11 billion yuan, a 6.2% decrease from 3.31 billion yuan at the beginning of the year[164] - R&D expenses in the first half of 2024 were 62.32 million yuan, a 1.3% decrease compared to 63.14 million yuan in the same period of 2023[166] - Sales expenses in the first half of 2024 were 192.65 million yuan, a 16.6% increase compared to 165.24 million yuan in the same period of 2023[166] - Basic earnings per share for the first half of 2024 were 0.1688 yuan, a 33.8% decrease compared to 0.2550 yuan in the same period of 2023[167] - Total comprehensive income for the first half of 2024 was 235.57 million yuan, a 45.4% decrease compared to 431.07 million yuan in the same period of 2023[167] - Interest expenses in the first half of 2024 were 133.62 million yuan, a 20% increase compared to 111.3 million yuan in the same period of 2023[166] - Sales revenue from goods and services received in cash increased to 11.427 billion CNY in H1 2024, up from 8.823 billion CNY in H1 2023, reflecting a 29.5% growth[170] - Net cash flow from operating activities rose to 1.187 billion CNY in H1 2024, compared to 709.6 million CNY in H1 2023, a 67.3% increase[170] - Net profit for H1 2024 was 4.741 million CNY, a significant decrease from 8.741 million CNY in H1 2023, marking a 45.8% decline[168] - Basic earnings per share dropped to 0.0045 CNY in H1 2024 from 0.0084 CNY in H1 2023, a 46.4% decrease[169] - Total comprehensive income for H1 2024 was 4.737 million CNY, down from 8.741 million CNY in H1 2023, a 45.8% decline[169] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of H1 2024 stood at 2.578 billion CNY, a decrease from 3.063 billion CNY at the end of H1 2023, a 15.8% drop[172] - Interest expenses decreased to 58.836 million CNY in H1 2024 from 65.472 million CNY in H1 2023, a 10.1% reduction[168] - Investment income showed a loss of 3.283 million CNY in H1 2024, compared to a gain of 1.175 million CNY in H1 2023, a significant downturn[168] - Cash paid for employee compensation decreased to 354.373 million CNY in H1 2024 from 589.709 million CNY in H1 2023, a 39.9% reduction[170] - Net cash used in investing activities was 38.331 million CNY in H1 2024, a significant improvement from 160.444 million CNY in H1 2023, a 76.1% decrease[171] - Operating cash flow from sales of goods and services increased to 95.48 million yuan in H1 2024, up from 92.85 million yuan in H1 2023[173] - Total operating cash inflow decreased significantly to 156.45 million yuan in H1 2024 from 1.40 billion yuan in H1 2023[173] - Net operating cash flow turned negative at -141.69 million yuan in H1 2024, compared to 1.29 billion yuan in H1 2023[173] - Investment cash inflow decreased to 1.01 billion yuan in H1 2024 from 1.10 billion yuan in H1 2023[173] - Net cash flow from financing activities improved to -479.49 million yuan in H1 2024 from -735.59 million yuan in H1 2023[174] - Total cash and cash equivalents decreased by 679.64 million yuan in H1 2024, compared to an increase of 628.93 million yuan in H1 2023[174] - Comprehensive income for H1 2024 was 235.57 million yuan, with minority shareholders' interest accounting for 36.77 million yuan[175] - Total owner's equity decreased by 16,976.53 yuan in H1 2024, primarily due to profit distribution of -213.29 million yuan[175][176] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period reached RMB 8,020,767,118.24, an increase of RMB 110,492,760.75 compared to the previous year[177][178] - Comprehensive income for the period amounted to RMB 370,407,037.81, with a net profit attributable to the parent company of RMB 266,751,686.41[179] - Capital reserve increased by RMB 1,098,596.53 due to equity incentives[179] - Profit distribution to shareholders totaled RMB -313,772,796.60, including dividends of RMB -313,772,796.60[179] - Minority shareholders' equity increased by RMB 52,759,923.01 to RMB 877,949,532.20[177][178] - Retained earnings at the end of the period were RMB 4,830,022,485.08, a decrease of RMB 47,021,110.19 compared to the beginning of the period[177][178] - Other comprehensive income attributable to the parent company increased by RMB 103,655,351.40 to RMB 192,319,981.40[177][178] - Total equity attributable to the parent company at the end of the period was RMB 7,142,817,586.04, an increase of RMB 116,922,755.56 compared to the beginning of the period[177][178] - The company's total owner's equity at the beginning of 2024 was RMB 3,313,804,538.89, with a capital reserve of RMB 901,233,448.74 and undistributed profits of RMB 930,426,771.44[182] - In the first half of 2024, the company's total owner's equity decreased by RMB 203,868,352.49, primarily due to a reduction in undistributed profits of RMB 204,441,326.41[182] - The company's comprehensive income for the first half of 2024 was RMB 4,737,438.70, with other comprehensive income decreasing by RMB 3,099.29[182] - The company allocated RMB 209,181,864.40 to shareholders in the first half of 2024, contributing to the decrease in undistributed profits[183] - At the end of the first half of 2024, the company's total owner's equity stood at RMB 3,109,936,186.40, with undistributed profits of RMB 725,985,445.03[183] - In the first half of 2023, the company's total owner's equity decreased by RMB 305,031,821.82, mainly due to a reduction in undistributed profits of RMB 305,031,821.82[184] - The company's comprehensive income for the first half of 2023 was RMB 8,740,974.78[184] - The company allocated RMB 313,772,796.60 to shareholders in the first half of 2023, contributing to the decrease in undistributed profits[185] - At the end of the first half of 2023, the company's total owner's equity was RMB 3,200,536,014.14, with undistributed profits of RMB 834,588,743.25[185] Business Segments and Strategy - The company's electronic components trading platform serves thousands of leading enterprises and tens of thousands of SMEs across various industries[16] - The company aims to build the largest domestic electronic components authorized distribution platform through both organic growth and acquisitions[17] - The company plans to develop a world-class electronic components industrial internet platform by enhancing digital and intelligent capabilities[17] - The company is focusing on building a virtual or physical IDM group by investing in upstream industries and emerging technologies[18] - The company's three major business segments include authorized distribution, industrial internet, and physical trading markets for electronic components[19] - The company's electronic components authorized distribution business (Huaqiang Semiconductor Group) plays a crucial role in the industry chain by connecting upstream manufacturers and downstream manufacturers, providing bulk, long-term, and stable supply of authorized products, and offering integrated solutions including product distribution, application R&D, and technical support[23] - Huaqiang Semiconductor Group leverages its platform advantages, including product distribution management, technical capabilities, market research, and financial strength, to help upstream manufacturers with product positioning and market introduction of new technologies, while also guiding downstream customers in procurement and inventory management to ensure supply chain stability[25] - The company has completed a comprehensive layout in the electronic components distribution sector through acquisitions and integrations, including the purchase of Xianghai Electronics, Pengyuan Electronics, Qinuo Technology, and Xinfeng Electronics, establishing a strong presence in both passive and active components, as well as domestic and international product lines[26] - Huaqiang Electronics Network Group focuses on the electronic components industry internet business, providing global procurement services and comprehensive information services, leveraging digital and intelligent systems (EBS system) to efficiently match customer needs with product information, improving procurement efficiency and reducing costs[28] - Huaqiang Electronics Network Group's business model aims to reconstruct the supply chain for long-tail spot electronic components using internet and data resources, addressing pain points such as inefficiency, quality control, and delivery management in traditional procurement processes[30] - The company's electronic components and electronic terminal products physical trading market (Huaqiang Electronics World) provides physical market space and supporting management services for suppliers and customers, leveraging the geographical advantages of Huaqiang North, property assets, and merchant resources to facilitate transactions and promote market activity[22] - The domestic electronic components market has an annual sales scale of approximately 2 trillion yuan, with the small-batch, long-tail spot procurement demand and corresponding business model estimated to be at the billion-yuan level[32] - The company's "Huaqiang Electronics World" is the largest and most comprehensive electronic components and terminal product physical trading market in China, leveraging the unique geographical advantage of Huaqiangbei[33] - The company's CVC investment focuses on electronic component manufacturers, wafer foundries, packaging and testing factories, and semiconductor companies operating in IDM mode, aiming to build an industrial chain ecosystem and enhance the company's influence in the industry[34] - The company is actively developing its industrial internet business, aiming to extend services to PCB and other auxiliary materials, and build a large ecosystem for electronic industry raw materials spot trading[32] - The company is exploring new industrial chain incubation models through its innovation and entrepreneurship services, focusing on the resources and maker groups in Huaqiangbei[35] - The company has developed supporting service projects such as office buildings, hotels, and underground commercial spaces to complement its electronic professional market and other offline physical businesses[35] - The company introduced new product lines, including automotive-grade inductors, GaN power devices, and MEMS sensors, to diversify its product portfolio[45] - The company strengthened its information and fine management systems, including the development of an ERP system and the construction of a 15,000 square meter modern warehouse in South China[47] - The company increased R&D investment, focusing on third-generation semiconductors and new products in key agency lines to enhance technical distribution capabilities[48] - The electronic components industry internet business faced pressure due to global semiconductor supply chain challenges and prolonged inventory reduction cycles[49] - Expanded supplier base by over 300 and customer base by over 500 during the reporting period[50] - Increased registered users of "Huaqiang Electronics Network" by approximately 20,000 and "Huaqiang Mall" by 14,000, with cumulative registered users exceeding 1.8 million[50] - Enhanced digital and intelligent capabilities by upgrading the EBS system and developing an AI assistant system[52] - Established a "Huaqiang Mall Business Unit" to drive online transaction business and explored collaboration with Zhenkunhang MRO platform[53] - Maintained high occupancy rates in the "Huaqiang Electronics World" physical market, with the "Trendy Electronics Zone" fully leased[54] - Completed CVC investments in 6 semiconductor IDM or design companies, covering a range of power semiconductor and chip designs[55] - Achieved over 95% occupancy rate for apartments and 99% commercial lease rate in the Huaqiang Innovation Plaza project[56] - Strengthened competitive advantage in authorized distribution with partnerships with over 200 domestic and international original manufacturers[60] - The company has established stable partnerships with leading manufacturers in various fields, including OPPO, VIVO, Xiaomi, and Transsion in mobile communications, BYD, Desay SV, and Huayang General in automotive electronics, and AISWEI, GoodWe, and Ginlong Technologies in the new energy sector[61] - The company has accumulated over 10,000 high-quality electronic component supply channels and millions of SKU data, maintaining a leading advantage in data accumulation[62] - The company owns 117 software copyrights, reflecting its advanced digital and internet technology capabilities[63] - The EBS system, core to the company's industrial internet functions, features high intelligence, accuracy, and fast matching speed, supporting efficient business flow and smart decision-making[64] - The company has accumulated tens of thousands of OEM/EMS large manufacturer clients and millions of registered users, significantly enhancing its industry influence[65] - Located in Shenzhen's "Huaqiangbei," the company benefits from a unique and irreplaceable global electronic component distribution hub, maintaining high occupancy rates[66] - The company owns approximately 400,000 square meters of self-owned properties in prime commercial locations in cities like Shenzhen and Jinan, with high commercial value[67] - The company has a strong financial position with ample bank credit lines, ensuring stable and low-cost funding for domestic and international operations[67] - The company boasts a highly efficient, collaborative, and experienced management team, along with a capable investment and acquisition team, providing strong talent competitiveness[67] Risk Management and Corporate Governance - The company's board of directors, board of supervisors, and senior management guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the semi-annual report[1] - The company's future plans and forward-looking statements do not constitute a substantive commitment to investors[1] - The company's main risks and countermeasures are described in the "Management Discussion and Analysis" section
深圳华强(000062) - 2024年8月1日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-08-01 09:22
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | |----------------|---------------| | | ■特定对象调研 | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | | | | | | 类别 | | | | □现场参观 | | | □其他 | | | 天弘基金 | | 活动参与人员 | | | | 天弘基金 | 时间 2024年8月1日 地点 深圳华强会议室 形式 线下 上市公司接待人 员姓名 董事会秘书:王瑛 1、公司业务简要介绍 公司主要业务为面向电子信息产业链的现代高端服务业,为产业链 上的各环节提供线上线下交易服务、产品服务、技术服务、信息服务、 数据服务和创新创业配套等服务。公司围绕电子信息产业,深耕三十年, 不断创新服务模式,拓展服务内容,升级服务品质,在电子信息产业高 交流内容及具体 端服务业领域已经确立了全面立体的竞争优势,打造形成了中国本土最 问答记录 大的综合性电子元器件交易服务平台。公司电子元器件交易服务平台由 以下三大业务板块组成: 华强半导体集团:国内电子元器件授权分销龙头企业,与国内外200 多 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024年7月11日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-07-11 10:05
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-007 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 □现场参观 □其他 西部证券 单慧伟 活动参与人员 西部证券 陈天然 时间 2024年7月11日 地点 深圳华强会议室 形式 线下 上市公司接待人 董事会秘书:王瑛 员姓名 1、公司电子元器件授权分销业务产品线情况 公司授权分销业务产品线布局科学、合理,已经完成被动元器件+主 动元器件、国外产品线+国内产品线,以及代理产品线用于下游不同应用 领域的较为完整的电子元器件分销平台布局。公司已经与国内外200多家 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024年6月3日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-06-03 12:32
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-006 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 □现场参观 □其他 活动参与人员 华夏基金 张皓智 时间 2024年6月3日 地点 深圳华强会议室 形式 线下 上市公司接待人 董事会秘书:王瑛 员姓名 1、公司的核心竞争力 公司立足于电子信息产业高端服务业,多年秉承长期、稳健、可持 续产业发展的理念,打造了贯穿电子信息全产业链的交易服务平台,积 累了正面、良性的业务、人才、口碑、资金、信用、社会及行业等内外 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024年5月31日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-31 14:34
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-005 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 □现场参观 □其他 广发基金 赵古月 活动参与人员 东北证券 张梓娴 时间 2024年5月31日 地点 深圳华强会议室 形式 线下 上市公司接待人 董事会秘书:王瑛 员姓名 1、公司三大业务板块介绍 公司三大业务板块包括:华强半导体集团(国内电子元器件授权分 销行业的龙头企业,是公司的主营业务)、华强电子网集团(国内电子 元器件产业互联网的先行者和领军者,是公司的创新业务)和华强电子 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024年5月13日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-13 11:47
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-004 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系活动 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 类别 □现场参观 □其他 活动参与人员 汇添富基金 韩政沅 时间 2024年5月13日 地点 深圳华强会议室 形式 线下 上市公司接待人 董事会秘书:王瑛 员姓名 1、半导体行业景气度波动对公司主营业务电子元器件授权分销业 务的影响 中国本土电子元器件授权分销行业竞争格局分散,头部企业市场份 额占比仍较低,单个企业的体量与海外成熟企业相比仍有较大差距,行 业集中度仍有较大提升空间。 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-29 11:47
1 深圳华强实业股份有限公司 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 □是 否 2 其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目的具体情况 □适用 不适用 公司不存在其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目的具体情况。 将《公开发行证券的公司信息披露解释性公告第 1 号——非经常性损益》中列举的非经常性损益项目界定为经常性损益 项目的情况说明 □适用 不适用 公司不存在将《公开发行证券的公司信息披露解释性公告第 1 号——非经常性损益》中列举的非经常性损益项目界定为 经常性损益的项目的情形。 2、本报告期,公司实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润 0.57 亿元,较上年同期下降 54.19%。收入增长而利润下降,主要 是因为:①报告期内电子元器件行业景气度复苏较为缓慢且不均衡,部分下游应用领域仍处于库存去化、需求减少的阶 段,公司部分毛利率较高的业务尚未恢复增长,导致公司高毛利率业务占比有所降低、整体毛利率较上年同期有所下降; ②2023 年美国多次加息,报告期内美元利率处于高位,公司美元融资的利息支出较上年同期有所增加;③报 ...
深圳华强(000062) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-17 12:02
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|------------------|--------|------------------|--------|--------| | 长期借款 | 1,034,456,382.30 | 5.83% | 981,368,820.58 | 6.00% | -0.17% | | 租赁负债 | 56,259,343.12 | 0.32% | 59,998,522.74 | 0.37% | -0.05% | | 商誉 | 1,833,694,359.84 | 10.33% | 1,848,430,927.27 | 11.30% | -0.97% | | 应付账款 | 1,082,462,548.59 | 6.10% | 664,637,178.19 | 4.06% | 2.04% | | 一年内到期的 非流动负债 | 346,413,288.86 | 1.95% | 1,173,023,435.80 | 7.17% | -5.22% | 境外资产占比较高 适用 □不适用 | --- | - ...