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京东· 2024-11-15 06:37
Key Points Industry or Company Involved - **Company**: JD Logistics Core Views and Arguments - **Revenue Growth**: JD Logistics achieved a total revenue of 44.4 billion yuan in the third quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 6.6%. External revenue accounted for 71.2% of the total, with adjusted net profit margin reaching 5.8%, up 3.8 percentage points year-on-year. [2] - **Integrated Supply Chain**: Revenue from integrated supply chain business reached 20.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. The number of external integrated supply chain customers reached 59,286, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%. [4] - **Express and Express Delivery**: Revenue from express and express delivery business reached 23.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%. [5] - **International Business**: JD Logistics actively expanded its international business, establishing an integrated global supply chain network with overseas warehouses as the core. [6] - **Technological Innovation**: JD Logistics continuously integrates advanced technologies and algorithms into daily operations, promoting changes in logistics network layout, site operation processes, automation applications, and transportation scheduling. [7] - **Cost Control**: JD Logistics achieved significant results in cost control, with efforts to further optimize operations and control costs in various areas. [10] Other Important Content - **Cost Control Efforts**: JD Logistics will continue to focus on cost control in areas such as employee costs, outsourcing costs, rental costs, other expenses, sales and marketing expenses, research and development expenses, and general and administrative expenses. [10] - **Impact of Policy Support**: The subsidy policy for home appliance replacement with old ones had a limited impact on JD Logistics' overall revenue structure. [12] - **Fourth Quarter Outlook**: The company expects the fourth quarter to be the best quarter of the year in terms of profit performance, with stable profit margins. [13] - **Future Investment Plans**: JD Logistics plans to continue exploring better business operation models and applying innovative technologies to seek higher resource efficiency. [16] - **Profitability Outlook**: JD Logistics has already exceeded the profitability target promised to shareholders at the time of listing and has reached a reasonable level in the industry. [17] - **Customer Growth**: JD Logistics expects customer numbers to continue to grow, with more customers choosing JD Logistics and JD Express. [18] - **Tmall Cooperation**: JD Logistics expects significant revenue growth from its cooperation with Tmall, with a rapid increase in market share. [19] - **Expansion of Business Opportunities**: JD Logistics plans to expand its business opportunities by combining its integrated supply chain capabilities with Tmall's platform. [20]
京东· 2024-10-21 08:40
十年磨砺 变革增长 2024年京东广告科学白皮书 京准通十周年献礼 ░京准通 │✆Flywheel 寄语 邵京平 如何在时代变革中,寻找确定性抓手是当今商家的核心诉求。京东 坚守"客户为先"的初心,变通趋时,在营销领域持续创新,探索 商家增长动力,提炼精准有效的营销方法,打造出一套成熟完善的 "京东广告科学体系",为商家提供清晰明确的增长路径,帮助商 家跟上时代步伐,穿越周期实现稳健增长。 京东零售平台营销中心负责人 | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | 宏观市场环境与微观消费心理及购物路径已发生巨大的变化,商家 | | | 的营销策略必须紧跟时代步伐。我们多年来与多行业商家深度合作, | | | 挖掘核心诉求与营销规律,打造科学的营销解决方案。"京东广告 | | | 科学体系",立足于商家经营,汇集京东场景打法与全域营销工具, | | | 以更宏观的视角,更精准的营销策略,帮助品牌掘地求升。 | | 于雯 京东零售广告销售与运营部负责人 薄立兴 京东零售广告 ...
京东· 2024-10-21 08:40
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an investment rating for the industry [1][2] Core Viewpoints - The report highlights the transformation and upgrading of the cookware industry driven by policy guidance and consumer demand for higher quality and safety standards [4][5] - The global cookware market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2022 to 2027, reaching $32 billion by 2024 [6][7] - Online retail channels, particularly e-commerce platforms like JD, are becoming the main sales channel for cookware, with significant growth in online sales [9][10] - The report emphasizes the importance of innovation in cookware materials, design, and functionality to meet diverse consumer needs [15][16] Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: Cookware Industry Development Trends - Policy and standards are driving the cookware industry towards higher safety, environmental, and durability requirements [4][5] - The global cookware market is expanding, with China and Southeast Asia leading in growth rates [6][7][8] - Online retail is becoming the dominant sales channel, with significant growth in functional cookware categories like pressure cookers and clay pots [9][10] Chapter 2: Cookware Consumption Habits - Consumer preferences are shifting towards health, convenience, and aesthetics, leading to diversified product offerings [14][15] - Cookware usage scenarios are expanding beyond traditional home kitchens to include outdoor activities and health-conscious cooking [16][17] - The market is segmented into three main consumer groups: home cooks, outdoor enthusiasts, and quality lifestyle seekers [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] Chapter 3: Cookware Replacement Demand - Upgrading lifestyle and cooking experiences are driving demand for cookware replacement, with a focus on health, customization, aesthetics, and technological innovation [27][28][29][30][31] - Brands and platforms like JD are leveraging trade-in programs to stimulate market growth and promote sustainable consumption [32][33][34][35] Chapter 4: Cookware Category Selection Guide - The report provides detailed recommendations for various cookware categories, including iron pots, titanium pots, pressure cookers, clay pots, hot pots, enamel pots, ceramic-coated pots, non-coated pots, and non-stick pots [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61] - Each category is analyzed based on its unique features, target consumer groups, and key considerations for selection [37][41][44][46][48][50][52][54][56][58][60]
京东· 2024-10-15 07:06
大促消费前瞻- 2024 年"双 11"之战大幅提前,京东平台取消预售 20241014 摘要 • 今年双 11 促销活动呈现出几个显著变化,包括各大平台提前促销时间, 营销手段更加多元化,以及竞争态势更加激烈。 • 各大电商平台采取了不同的策略以吸引消费者,例如抖音采用一键直降 15%的简单玩法,京东取消预售环节,天猫保留传统的预售模式,拼多多 提供多层次满减优惠。 • 今年双 11 期间,不同电商平台之间竞争异常激烈,一梯队的平台如天猫 和京东面临巨大压力,因为二梯队的平台如拼多多、抖音、小红书等迅速 崛起。 • 对于投资者而言,今年双 11 有几个关键数据或指标值得关注,包括各大 电商平台的销售额增长情况、各个品类商品的销售情况、政府政策对消费 行为产生的影响以及二梯队新兴电商平台的市场份额变化情况。 • 今年国庆的线下销售和双 11 的线上大促首次实现了无缝衔接,国家出台 的以旧换新补贴政策对这两个重要销售节点产生了显著影响,预计今年双 11 可能会比预期更好。 • 今年 618 大促表现不佳,整体市场数据呈现大幅度下降,这导致商家和平 台面临巨大压力,因此今年双 11 被视为背水一战,对于厂商和渠道 ...
大促消费前瞻- 2024年“双11”之战大幅提前,京东平台取消预售
京东· 2024-10-14 16:51
好的感谢主持人各位机构投资者大家下午好我是来自太平洋证券研究院的家电行业的首席分析师孟鑫今天下午这个时间呢其实主要想给大家在这个今年非常卷的一个31大促之战这个开始的时候给大家做一个近况的一个分享然后我们这个CVT也给大家同步展示出来了那我们首先这个标题 就叫做今年的这个双十一之战大幅提前京东平台取消预售我觉得这个是我们比较核心的几个点吧第一点就是说今年这个双十一卷在哪里呢就是首先所有的厂商和平台都非常的焦虑纷纷把自己的这个双十一提前甚至已经提前到目前就是10月10号前后甚至也有网友戏称说以后不应该叫双十一应该叫双十 这其实也反映出来了现在大家各个平台都非常重视这个节点然后把它时间大幅的往前提前的这样的一个情况然后另外一点就是其实打法的话或者说玩法每个平台都有自己的各种营销的方法跟手段然而今年的话就是有一些平台比如说像京东这样的平台它是直接为了抢一些客户它就直接把这个预售的环节给取消掉接下来我们会具体的给大家分享一下 具体的这个三个部分的内容吧然后我觉得主要就包括呢一个是这个今年的一个时间线就这个双11的一个timeline如何然后另外一点的话呢就是我们的目前开始的时候大家一定想要了解一下今年这个双11这个游 ...
京东· 2024-10-12 01:55
JDH京东健康 Coloplast 为"玫瑰人" 减负一 造口患者生活质量调研白皮书 中国造口惠者超过100万每年新增约10万 造口挽救了我们的生命 10万例/每年 +0000001 造口惠者会面临渗漏和皮肤问题 生活质量受到影响 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | 91%造口患者担心出现渗漏 | | | | | 76%造口患者发生过渗漏1 | | | | | 88%造口患者发生过造口周围皮肤问题 | | | | 40%造口患者表示因为造口而夜间醒来 33%造口惠者表示身体和社会活动受到限制 12%造口患者表示在社交上被孤立1 . 1. Olaesens I, et al. The Ostomy Life Study: the everyday challenges faced by people iwing with a stoma in a snapshdil, D. astointestinal Nusing, 2015, 13(5): 18 ...
京东· 2024-08-16 13:09
Hello, and thank you for standing by for's second quarter and interim 2024 earnings conference call. At this time, all participants are in listen-only mode. After management's prepared remarks, there will be a question and answer session. Today's conference is being recorded. If you have any objections, you may disconnect at this time. I would now like to turn the meeting over to your host for today's conference, Sean Zhang, Director of Investor Relations. Please go ahead. Thank you. Good day, everyo ...
京东· 2024-07-26 00:50
○ 京东买药 药 2024京东买药叶黄素护眼 选购自皮书 EYE护双眼 泰速开始 KEEP YOUR EYES BRIGHT l ill CONTENTS 引 富 健康中国 眼健康先行 第一章 中国居民用眼现状与挑战 ● 我国眼健康现状深度剖析:挑战与防治 ● 不良生活方式对眼健康的影响 ● 日常生活中的眼健康守护策略 ● 膳食营养呵护眼健康 第二章 眼健康与营养元素 ● 护眼关键营养素的作用 ● 叶黄素的护眼机制及其卓越功效 ● 叶黄素的摄取途径与主要来源 第三章 叶黄素护眼产品的消费洞察 ● 叶黄素品类在电商平台的销售趋势 ● 特定年龄群体需求精细化分析 ● 叶黄素的产品选购方向:品质、成分与剂量 ● 针对不同年龄段消费者的选择建议 后 记 引 富 健康中国 眼健康先行 〓 引言 │ 健康中国 眼健康先行 健康中国战略深入实施 ● 眼健康是健康中国策略中的重要组成部分,涉及全年龄段人群全生命期。然而隨着大众对电子产品的依赖不断 加深,国民眼部问题与疾病日益凸显,对人民群众的身心健康和生活质量构成了严峻挑战。 ● 为了更好地应对挑战,推动眼健康事业的高质量发展,提高国民眼健康水平,国家卫健委制定了《 "十四 ...
2024京东消息类产品应用白皮书Ⅱ:营销短信 智能增长
京东· 2024-07-18 06:05
京东 2024 多·快·好·当 June 营销短信智能增长 京东消息类产品应用白皮书(Ⅱ) 复盘指导:会员运营场景:智能技术 前言 在当下的营锅环境,消费者的驻娱习惯多元而跳跃,在短信 这个魅点上,如何应用大据找到真正的泻通对象并优化与用户 的沟通时机、询通触点、沟通内客,成为存量时代获取竞争优势 的跃迁路径。 2024年4月京东联动陆泽科技、云积天、致胜万合三家短 信集道商共同打造了京东消息类产品场景应用白皮书以下 简称白皮书」,从宏观的策路到微观的实摄场量,助力商家了解 如何借助京东消息美产品: 白皮书发布之后,收到了很多商家的反馈与建议,也收到了 很多商家的期待与呼唤。比如在AI热之下,如何将AI应用在短信 营销领域?品牌都在重点投入的会员运营体系里,短信如何发挥 效能?看似简单的短信投放后,是否需要做复盂,怎么做复盂? 为了响应商家的呼唤,京东继续联动陆泽科技,云积天鼓 致胜万台,打造白皮书Ⅱ期,从复益指导、会员运营赋能以及AI 和5G等智能技术的应用,继续提升商家的品牌营销与运营效能。 PREFA 一、短信投放复盘指导 体系化的复盘是持续性增长的保证。一次短信投放的结束,即是投放复盘的开始,们需要及 ...