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华创证券· 2024-03-30 16:00
公司研 究 证 券研究 报 告 商贸零售 2024年03月31日 汇 通达网络(09878.HK)2023年报点评 推 荐 (维持) 目标价:34港元 优化品类结构,盈利稳定增长 当前价:30.65港元 事项: 华创证券研究所 ❖ 公司发布2023年业绩公告,全年实现营业收入824.3亿元,同比增长0.4%(重 证券分析师:王薇娜 述口径,下同);实现归母净利润4.5亿元,同比增长41.7%。 电话:010-66500993 评论: 邮箱 执业编号:S0360517040002 ❖ 供应链能力持续提升,会员零售门店再破新高。公司交易业务板块实现收入 联系人:杨澜 816.2亿元,同比增长0.5%。分品类看,消费电子收入448.9亿元,同比增长 19%;农业生产资料收入122.6亿元,同比下滑22.3%,系种植和养殖市场波 邮箱: 动较大,公司主动降低了这块业务的占比;家用电器收入123.1亿元,同比下 滑11.5%;交通出行收入76.1亿元,同比下滑6.5%,系公司主动收缩部分低 公司基本数据 毛利传统汽车零部件业务;家居建材29.9 ...
国海证券· 2024-03-29 16:00
2024 年 03 月 30 日 公司研究 评级:买入 (维持 ) 研究所: 证券分析师: 陈梦竹 S0350521090003 业务调整期营收承[Ta 压ble_ ,Tit 利le] 润保持稳健增长 证券分析师: 张娟娟 S0350523110004 ——汇通达网络( ) 年财报点评 9878.HK 2023 联系人 : 罗婉琦 S0350122040042 最近一年走势 事件 : 2024年3月27日公司发布2023年财报,2023年实现营收824.3亿元 (YoY+0.4%),毛利润27.4亿元(YoY+5.9%),净利润7.0亿元(YoY+25%), 归母净利润4.5亿元(YoY+41.7%)。2023年5月5日,公司完成对南京 好享家工程集团的收购。 投资要点 :  整体业绩表现:2023年公司面临市场环境挑战,主动调整业务结构, 相对恒生指数表现 2024/03/28 营收增速短期承压,但利润端呈现稳健增长,其中,1)交易业务收 表现 1M 3M 12M 入端基本持平,主要由于公 ...
国金证券· 2024-03-28 16:00
业绩简评 2024 年 3月 27日公司披露2023 年业绩,实现营收824.3 亿元, 同比增长0.4%;归母净利润4.48 亿元,同比增长41.7%,归母净 利润率0.5%。经营性现金流4.7 亿元,连续五年正流入。 经营分析 会员店网络覆盖密度提升,头部品牌合作深化。截至2023 年,公 司累计注册会员零售门店总数突破23.7 万家,同比增长15.0%, 活跃会员门店数超过9万家,同比增长 19.1%。与头部品牌深化合 作,全年联合35 家核心头部品牌工厂落地 456 场联合大促,帮助 会员店提升经营效益。总部供应链采购占比持续提升,从2020 年 港币(元) 成交金额(百万元) 的28%提升至2023 年的 51%。 35.00 45 消费电子品类高增速。2023 年交易业务板块收入816.2 亿元,同 40 33.00 35 比增速 0.5%,占收入比例 99.0%。集团主要覆盖消费电子产品、 30 31.00 25 农业生产资料、家用电器、交通出行、家居建材、酒水饮料六大 20 29.00 15 板块,占自营业务收入比例分别为55%、15%、15%、9%、4%、2%。 27.00 10 5 其中, ...
交银国际证券· 2024-03-28 16:00
交银国际研究 公司更新 互联网 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 2024年3月28日 港元30.65 港元30.00↓ -2.1% 汇通达网络 (9878 HK) 2024年业务健康度调整影响业绩增长;下调至中性  2023年受业务调整影响收入增长低于预期,利润低于预期9%。全年收入 个股评级 824亿元(人民币,下同),对比我们/彭博一致预期900亿元,同比基本 中性↓ 持平,其中交易业务持平,服务业务降18%。毛利率3.3%,同比基本持平 ,多数交易子品类毛利率提升,但被收入结构调整(毛利较低的消费电子 1年股价表现 占比上升)抵消。调整后归母净利润4.5亿元,同比增10%。 9878 HK 恒生指数  2023年业绩要点:1)交易业务:行业虽然较为分散,但除消电外其他多 10% 5% 数品类收入承压。消电(+19%)拉动板块收入,深化与头部品牌(苹果 0% 、联想等)合作;农资农机(-22%)上游价格波动,家电(-11%)/家居 -5% -10% (-6.3%)受行业周期及房地产市场影响较为疲软,交通(-6.5%)收缩低 -15% 毛利的零部件业务、聚焦新能源汽车,酒水(-32%)受白酒产销下降影响 -2 ...
汇通达网络(09878) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-27 12:07
Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for 2023 reached RMB 82.43 billion, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%[2] - Revenue in 2023 increased slightly to RMB 82,432.5 million from RMB 82,106.0 million in 2022, representing a marginal growth[11] - Revenue for 2023 was RMB 82,432.5 million, slightly up from RMB 82,105.9 million in 2022[31] - Total revenue for 2023 reached RMB 82,432,520 thousand, with a slight increase from RMB 82,105,987 thousand in 2022[47] - Net profit attributable to equity holders of the company was RMB 448.275 million, up 41.7% year-on-year[2] - Net profit attributable to equity holders surged by 41.7% to RMB 448.3 million in 2023, up from RMB 316.4 million in 2022[21] - Net profit attributable to equity holders was RMB 448.3 million in 2023, up from RMB 316.4 million in 2022[31] - Profit attributable to equity holders of the company increased to RMB 448,275 thousand in 2023 from RMB 316,378 thousand in 2022[62] - Adjusted net profit for 2023 was RMB 697.3 million, a 7.3% increase from RMB 649.6 million in 2022[22] - Adjusted net profit attributable to equity holders was RMB 448.3 million in 2023, up 9.8% from RMB 408.2 million in 2022[23] Business Segments and Revenue Breakdown - The transaction business segment revenue grew by 0.5% to RMB 81,618.1 million in 2023, with consumer electronics showing a significant increase of 19.0%[12][13] - The service business segment revenue decreased by 17.6% to RMB 654.7 million in 2023, primarily due to a 64.5% decline in merchant solutions[15] - Transaction business segment contributed RMB 81,618,095 thousand in revenue, while the service business segment contributed RMB 654,719 thousand[53] - Total revenue for 2023 was RMB 2,488,862 thousand, a decrease of 16.8% compared to RMB 2,992,653 thousand in 2022[73] Gross Profit and Margin - Gross profit increased by 5.9% to RMB 2,739.7 million in 2023, with the gross margin slightly improving to 3.3% from 3.2% in 2022[16] - Gross profit increased to RMB 2,739.7 million in 2023 from RMB 2,588.1 million in 2022[31] - Gross profit rose to RMB 2,588,101 thousand post-restatement, compared to RMB 2,496,846 thousand previously[42] Operating Profit and Expenses - Operating profit rose to RMB 794.0 million in 2023 from RMB 714.7 million in 2022[31] - Operating profit increased to RMB 714,650 thousand after restatement, up from RMB 663,120 thousand[42] - Sales and marketing expenses rose by 1.8% to RMB 1,380.8 million in 2023, maintaining a stable ratio to revenue at 1.7%[17] - R&D costs decreased by 17.4% to RMB 93.5 million in 2023, reflecting improved efficiency and reduced infrastructure investments[18] - R&D costs decreased to RMB 93,502 thousand in 2023 from RMB 113,234 thousand in 2022[59] - Employee costs increased to RMB 697,986 thousand in 2023, up from RMB 668,183 thousand in 2022[57] - Other income, including government grants, totaled RMB 44,941 thousand in 2023[56] - Financial costs decreased to RMB 259,457 thousand in 2023 from RMB 286,551 thousand in 2022[58] - Total tax expense increased to RMB 99,723 thousand in 2023 from RMB 96,225 thousand in 2022[61] Cash Flow and Financial Position - The company achieved net cash inflow from operating activities of RMB 471 million, up 80.1% year-on-year[4] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased to RMB 3,748.9 million in 2023 from RMB 4,082.2 million in 2022[24] - Cash and cash equivalents rose to RMB 4,082,240 thousand after restatement, compared to RMB 4,038,408 thousand previously[44] - Bank deposit interest income decreased to RMB 263,295 thousand in 2023 from RMB 225,869 thousand in 2022[58] - Capital expenditure decreased to RMB 33.0 million in 2023 from RMB 55.0 million in 2022, primarily used for property and equipment purchases[26] - Restricted deposits, pledged deposits, and fixed deposits totaled RMB 1,278,600 thousand in 2023, down from RMB 2,165,981 thousand in 2022[75] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased to RMB 27,449,473 thousand in 2023 from RMB 27,393,062 thousand in 2022[34] - Non-current assets increased to RMB 1,660,597 thousand in 2023 from RMB 1,995,679 thousand in 2022[33] - Property, plant, and equipment increased to RMB 81,725 thousand in 2023 from RMB 77,077 thousand in 2022[33] - Investment properties increased to RMB 25,298 thousand in 2023 from RMB 15,881 thousand in 2022[33] - Equity in associates increased to RMB 11,831 thousand in 2023 from RMB 9,660 thousand in 2022[33] - Equity in a joint venture was RMB 14,700 thousand in 2023, compared to none in 2022[33] - Current liabilities decreased to RMB 19,316,777 thousand in 2023 from RMB 19,703,648 thousand in 2022[35] - Net current assets increased to RMB 8,132,696 thousand in 2023 from RMB 7,689,414 thousand in 2022[35] - Total equity decreased to RMB 9,495,029 thousand in 2023 from RMB 9,610,170 thousand in 2022[35] - Total assets minus current liabilities amounted to RMB 9,685,093 thousand, with net assets of RMB 9,610,170 thousand[45] - Total equity attributable to shareholders was RMB 8,101,286 thousand, with non-controlling interests of RMB 1,508,884 thousand[45] - Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss amounted to RMB 89,381 thousand[45] - Deferred revenue stood at RMB 17,000 thousand, with total deferred income of RMB 74,923 thousand[45] - Total contract liabilities amounted to RMB 2,821,954 thousand, with a significant portion from trade payables and notes[45] - Trade payables and notes payable within 3 months increased to RMB 9,495,937 thousand in 2023 from RMB 7,927,072 thousand in 2022[78] - Contract liabilities at the end of 2023 were RMB 2,426,677 thousand, a decrease from RMB 2,821,954 thousand at the beginning of the year[79] Inventory and Receivables - Inventory remained stable at RMB 2,581.1 million in 2023 compared to RMB 2,553.1 million in 2022, with inventory turnover days reduced from 13 days to 12 days[25] - Inventory grew to RMB 2,553,074 thousand after restatement, compared to RMB 2,443,800 thousand previously[44] - Inventory decreased to RMB 2,581,063 thousand in 2023 from RMB 2,553,074 thousand in 2022[70] - Trade receivables and bills receivable decreased to RMB 2,830,982 thousand in 2023 from RMB 3,206,462 thousand in 2022[72] - Trade receivables and bills increased to RMB 3,206,462 thousand after restatement, up from RMB 3,127,285 thousand[44] - Prepayments, deposits, and other receivables increased to RMB 9,312,440 thousand in 2023 from RMB 9,037,748 thousand in 2022[74] Membership and SaaS+ Growth - Total registered member retail stores reached 237,238, a 15.0% increase year-on-year[3] - Active member retail stores increased to 90,708, up 19.1% year-on-year[3] - SaaS+ subscription users totaled 131,810, with paid SaaS+ users reaching 48,069, a 61.4% increase year-on-year[3] - The company expanded its membership network to over 237,000 retail stores and more than 20,000 service providers and channel partners[5] AI and Product Development - The company independently deployed AI big model service capabilities to support multi-scenario applications for customers, operations, and R&D[7] - The company launched the Qiancheng series of service products, focusing on addressing pain points of member retail stores[6] Employee Compensation and Share Units - The company granted 4.84 million restricted share units to 494 employees, with performance-based unlocking conditions tied to net profit growth[9] - The company granted 8,912,400 restricted share units in 2023, with a weighted average grant date fair value of RMB 26.26 per unit[82] - Total expenses recognized in the consolidated income statement for restricted share units were RMB 24,972 thousand in 2023[83] - The employee stock purchase plan resulted in total expenses of RMB 2,819 thousand in 2023, down from RMB 3,755 thousand in 2022[84] Acquisitions and Restatements - The company completed the acquisition of Nanjing Haoxiangjia Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. for RMB 504,299,500 in 2023[37] - The company's revenue increased to RMB 82,105,987 thousand after restating the financial performance to include Nanjing Haoxiangjia Engineering Group, up from RMB 80,354,775 thousand[42] - Non-current assets increased to RMB 27,393,062 thousand after restatement, up from RMB 26,783,980 thousand[44] - Property, plant, and equipment rose to RMB 77,077 thousand after restatement, compared to RMB 76,685 thousand previously[44] - Right-of-use assets increased to RMB 106,875 thousand after restatement, up from RMB 103,657 thousand[44] Financial Instruments and Investments - Non-current portion of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss increased to RMB 361,834 thousand in 2023 from RMB 312,460 thousand in 2022[67] - Current portion of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss increased to RMB 3,332,713 thousand in 2023 from RMB 2,877,207 thousand in 2022[69] Dividends and Shareholder Information - No dividends were recommended for the years ended December 31, 2023, and 2022[85] - The company did not purchase, sell, or redeem any of its listed securities during the reporting period[86] Audit and Compliance - The audit committee reviewed the company's audited annual results for the year ended December 31, 2023, and confirmed compliance with accounting standards and sufficient disclosures[90] - The company's auditor, KPMG, verified the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, and found consistency with the preliminary announcement[92] - No significant post-reporting period events affecting the group occurred after the reporting period and up to the announcement date[93] - The annual results announcement was published on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange website and the company's website, with the annual report to be published and distributed to H-share shareholders in due course[93] Board and Governance - The company's board includes Chairman and Non-Executive Director Wang Jianguo, Executive Directors Xu Xiuxian, Zhao Liangsheng, and Sun Chao, Non-Executive Directors Cai Zhongqiu and Wang Ran, and Independent Non-Executive Directors Yu Lixin, Liu Xiangdong, and Diao Yang[95]
汇通达网络(09878) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-28 08:52
SHAMPOO HUITONGDA NETWORK CO., 2023 LTD. 匯通達網絡股份有限公司 中 期 報 告 INTERIM REPORT HTD888 目錄 Contents 2 公司資料 Corporate Information 5 釋義 Definitions 8 財務摘要及運營參數 Financial Summary and Operating Metrics 10 管理層討論與分析 Management Discussion and Analysis 32 其他資料 Other Information ...
汇通达网络(09878) - 2023 Q2 - 业绩电话会
2023-09-07 08:10
[0 -> 27] 尊敬的各位投资者朋友大家下午好那么这场是我们今天一号录演厅的最后一场那么是我们惠通达的这个录演那么接下来有请管理层来为我们做分享和点评有请好的非常感谢啊这次这个非常珍贵的机会可以参与一次这个智能财经包括第一沙盘以及联合智盘的这么一个会我们是惠通达的IRM推销的专辑 [27 -> 52] 我看很多都是新朋友,那我还是比较全面的介绍一下公司的一个整体的应用逻辑,包括目标市场等等方面的消息。可以看一下,我们是中国下沉市场零售行业通病领域里面最大的交易平台。我们主要的目标市场就是中国下沉市场有将近500万家的乡镇夫妻店。 [52 -> 79] 以及它所代表的巴以的農村消費市場那我們秉承著讓農民生活的更美好的企業使命我們主要是給這些鄉鎮夫妻店一方面是提供以供應鏈為核心的交易業務另一塊是提供以SaaS為核心的數字化的服務業務同時我們又去疊加我們的科技的底層能力給這些鄉鎮夫妻店去提供在運營方面的一個整體的能力的提升 [79 -> 107] 那我们目前整个业务网络已经覆盖了21个省和自家市24000个乡镇这是一个什么概念呢全国是一共有4万个乡镇我们是已经覆盖了一半以上了我们目前累计的会员店数量已经将近22 ...
汇通达网络(09878) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-28 11:13
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不會就本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 Huitongda Network Co., Ltd. 匯 通 達 網 絡 股 份 有 限 公 司 (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) (股份代號:9878) 截至2023年6月30日止六個月中期業績公告 匯通達網絡股份有限公司董事會欣然宣佈,本公司及其附屬公司截至2023年6月 30日止六個月之未經審計合併中期業績。該等業績乃根據適用的上市規則披露要 求及國際會計準則第34號中期財務報告編製,並已經審計委員會審閱。本公告符 合上市規則中有關中期業績初步公告附載的資料要求。 本公告內的「我們」指本公司,倘文義另有所指,則指本集團。 ...
汇通达网络(09878) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-26 13:54
匯通達網絡股份有限公司 HUITONGDA NETWORK CO., LTD. (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) 股份代號 Stock Code : 9878 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) 匯通達網絡股份有限公司 2022年報 ANNUAL REPORT 目錄目錄 Contents Contents | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------| | | | | 2 | 公司資料 | | 5 | 釋義 | | 8 | 財務摘要及運營參數 | | 10 | 董事長致辭 | | 20 | 管理層討論與分析 | | 33 | 董事、監事及高級管理人員 | | 46 | 董事會報告 | | 76 | 監事會報告 | | 81 | 企業管治報告 | | 109 | 獨立核數師報告書 | | 117 | 綜合損益表 | | 118 | 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 | | 119 | 綜合財務狀況表 | | ...
汇通达网络(09878) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-28 14:03
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 Huitongda Network Co., Ltd. 匯 通 達 網 絡 股 份 有 限 公 司 (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) (股份代號:9878) 截至2022年12月31日止年度業績公告 匯通達網絡股份有限公司(「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本 公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2022年12月31日止年度的經審計合併業 績。該等業績乃根據適用的《香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則》(「上市規 則」)披露要求及《國際財務報告準則》編製,並已經本公司董事會審計委員會(「審 計委員會」)審閱。本公告符合上市規則中有關年度業績初步公告附載的資料要 求。 本公告內的「我們」指本公司(定義見上文),倘文義另有所指,則指本集團(定義 見上文)。 ...