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天士力(600535) - 天士力关于参加2023年度天津辖区上市公司半年报业绩说明会暨投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2023-08-30 08:32
1 证券代码:600535 证券简称:天士力 编号:临 2023-032 号 天士力医药集团股份有限公司 关于参加 2023 年度天津辖区上市公司半年报 业绩说明会暨投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 为进一步加强与投资者的互动交流,天士力医药集团股份有限公司(以下简 称"公司")将参加由天津证监局、天津上市公司协会与深圳市全景网络有限公 司联合举办的"2023 年度天津辖区上市公司半年报业绩说明会暨投资者网上集 体接待日活动",现将相关事项公告如下: 本次活动将采用网络远程的方式举行,投资者可登录"全景路演"网站 (,或关注微信公众号:全景财经,或下载全景路演 APP,参与 本次互动交流,活动时间为 2023 年 9 月 5 日(周二)13:30-16:50,与投资者网 上交流互动时间为 2023 年 9 月 5 日(周二)15:10-16:40。 届时公司总经理苏晶先生、独立董事王爱俭女士、副总经理兼董事会秘书于 杰先生、财务总监魏洁女士 ...
天士力(600535) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-25 16:00
2023年半年度报告 公司代码:600535 公司简称:天士力 天士力医药集团股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告 ...
天士力(600535) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-24 16:00
2023 年第一季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:600535 证券简称:天士力 天士力医药集团股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者 重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人闫凯境、主管会计工作负责人苏晶及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)魏洁保证季度 报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、主要财务数据 主要会计数据和财务指标 本报告期比 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------|------------------|--------------------------------------| ...
天士力(600535) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-03-27 16:00
Financial Performance and Dividends - The company's total distributable profit as of December 31, 2022, was RMB 6,431,699,193.84[3] - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 3.3 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 493,003,501.65[3] - In 2022, the company repurchased 4,888,700 shares for RMB 60,797,181.00, which is considered as cash dividends[3] - The total cash dividends for 2022, including the repurchase amount, amounted to RMB 553,800,682.65[3] - The cash dividend ratio accounted for 215.89% of the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders in the consolidated financial statements[178] - The company's net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders in the consolidated financial statements for 2022 was a loss of RMB 256,514,049.91[178] Revenue and Profit Analysis - Revenue in 2022 increased by 8.06% year-on-year to RMB 8.59 billion, with pharmaceutical industry revenue growing by 7.39% and pharmaceutical commerce revenue growing by 13.87%[16] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company decreased by 110.87% year-on-year to RMB -256.51 million, mainly due to a decrease in the fair value of financial assets such as I-MAB and CARsgen Therapeutics[17] - Non-GAAP net profit for 2022 reached 722 million yuan, an increase of 18.57% year-over-year[25] - Revenue for 2022 was 8.593 billion yuan, up 8.06% compared to the previous year[25] - The company's operating revenue in 2022 increased by 8.06% year-on-year, with pharmaceutical industrial revenue growing by 7.39% and pharmaceutical commercial revenue growing by 13.87%[66] - The company's net profit attributable to shareholders decreased by 110.87% year-on-year, mainly due to the decline in the fair value of financial assets such as I-MAB and CARsgen Therapeutics[66] R&D and Innovation - The company has 92 products in its R&D pipeline, including 41 Class 1 innovative drugs, with 39 in clinical trials and 24 in Phase II/III studies[26] - Anshin Drop Pill and Jitongning Tablets are in Phase III clinical trials, while several other innovative traditional Chinese medicines are in Phase II clinical data summary and EOP2 preparation[26] - The company's biopharmaceutical product, Recombinant Human Urokinase (Prourokinase), has initiated Phase III confirmatory trials for acute ischemic stroke[26] - The company has 18 products in its cardiovascular R&D pipeline, maintaining a leading position in China's cardiovascular innovative drug field[29] - The company is developing an allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy for subacute stroke, which has entered preclinical research[29] - The company has 17 in-progress projects in the metabolic disease field, including the FDA-approved clinical trial for Pegylated Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Injection (Lipoglutide), currently in Phase I clinical trials[30] - PB-119, a GLP-1 analog drug, is in Phase III clinical trials, with commercial priority rights secured through investment in PegBio[30] - The company has 19 in-progress projects in the oncology field, including a PARP inhibitor in Phase II clinical trials and a next-generation fully human anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody in Phase II clinical trials[30] - The company has 57 self-developed projects, 13 product-introduced projects, 14 co-developed projects, and 8 investment priority licensing projects in its R&D pipeline[32] - The company has established two antibody screening platforms (hybridoma and phage display) and a CMC perfusion technology platform to enhance internal innovation capabilities[34] - The company has 18 modern Chinese medicine products in Phase II and III clinical trials, including Anshen Drop Pills and Jitongning Tablets in Phase III trials[37] - In the biologics field, 12 products are in development, with Phase I clinical trials for Pegylated Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Injection for type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis approved by the FDA[38] - The company has developed a digital TCM database (LTM-TCM) to integrate big data with market demand, enabling in-depth research on TCM mechanisms and drug combination screening[36] - The company has established a CAR-T cell therapy clinical transformation system for glioblastoma, winning first prize in the 7th "Maker China" Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition[35] - The company's PARP inhibitor, a Class 1 innovative drug, has entered Phase II clinical trials[39] - The company's PXT3003 for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease completed Phase III patient enrollment[39] - The company's JS1-1-01 for depression is in Phase Ib clinical trials[39] - The company's R&D expenses increased by 45.68% year-on-year, primarily due to a license fee payment of 169 million RMB to Sutro Biopharma, Inc.[67] - R&D expenses increased by 45.68% to 844.23 million yuan, with total R&D investment reaching 1.02 billion yuan, accounting for 11.82% of total revenue[78][80] - The company has 1,337 R&D personnel, accounting for 14.56% of the total workforce, with 57 holding PhD degrees and 392 holding master's degrees[81] Market and Sales Performance - The company's pharmaceutical industrial revenue reached 7.146 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.39%[40] - The company's core products, including Compound Danshen Dripping Pills, entered 14 new guidelines and expert consensuses during the reporting period[43] - The company's Puduak (recombinant human prourokinase) has been included in over ten treatment guidelines and consensuses for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)[43] - The company's new retail model integrates online and offline channels, leveraging platforms like Alibaba,, and TikTok for prescription drug sales and chronic disease management[44] - The company's flagship product, Compound Danshen Dripping Pills, ranked first in market share for ischemic heart disease and headache/migraine treatments in 2022, according to IQVIA China Hospital Pharmaceutical Statistics Report[51] - The company has a vast marketing network with 29 major regions and 552 offices, supported by a strong academic marketing system and online sales platforms[60] - Revenue from cold and fever products increased by 49.51% year-on-year, driven by increased sales of Chuanxinlian Dripping Pills and Huoxiang Zhengqi Dripping Pills[70] - Sales revenue in Guangdong Province decreased by 89.87% year-on-year due to adjustments in the company's chain business[71] - Sales of Injection Yiqifumai increased by 21.76% year-on-year, with inventory rising by 39.94% to match sales growth[72] - Sales of Compound Danshen Dripping Pills increased by 5.03% year-on-year, while inventory decreased by 31.45%[71] - Sales of Yangxue Qingnao Granules increased by 3.34% year-on-year, with inventory decreasing by 39.31%[71] - The company's top five customers accounted for sales of 548.70 million yuan, representing 6.39% of total annual sales[76] - The top five suppliers accounted for purchases of 438.62 million yuan, representing 22.15% of total annual purchases, with related party purchases of 68.40 million yuan, accounting for 3.45% of total purchases[77] Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company invested RMB 15,297,000 in environmental protection in 2022, covering its parent company and industrial subsidiaries[188] - The emission concentration of particulate matter in the modern Chinese medicine city plant area is less than 1.0mg/m³, with a total annual emission of 0.023t, which is significantly lower than the permitted emission standard of 3.5t/a[190] - The TRVOC emission concentration in the modern Chinese medicine city plant area is 8.89mg/m³, with a total annual emission of 0.311t, well below the permitted standard of 2.191t/a[190] - The COD emission concentration in the modern Chinese medicine city plant area is 84.5mg/L, with a total annual emission of 9.35t, below the permitted standard of 19t/a[190] - The particulate matter emission concentration in the third industrial park area is less than 1.0mg/m³, with a total annual emission of 0.331t, significantly lower than the permitted emission standard of 12.75t/a[192] - The TRVOC emission concentration in the third industrial park area is 13.73mg/m³, with a total annual emission of 0.525t, below the permitted standard of 1.152t/a[192] - The COD emission concentration in the third industrial park area is 25.5mg/L, with a total annual emission of 1.189t, well below the permitted standard of 44.633t/a[192] - The non-methane total hydrocarbon emission concentration in the Tianshili biological area is 1.43mg/m³, 1.45mg/m³, and 1.39mg/m³ at three emission ports, with total annual emissions of 0.005t, 0.007t, and 0.006t respectively, all below the permitted standard of 0.0408t/a[195] - The COD emission concentration in the Tianshili biological area is 82.75mg/L, with a total annual emission of 5.617t, below the permitted standard of 6.3t/a[195] - The ammonia nitrogen emission concentration in the Tianshili biological area is 3.327mg/L, with a total annual emission of 0.214t, below the permitted standard of 0.95t/a[195] - The total nitrogen emission concentration in the Tianshili biological area is 5.51mg/L, with a total annual emission of 0.361t, below the permitted standard of 3.78t/a[195] - Total nitrogen emissions for Diyi Pharmaceutical in 2022 were 0.9796 tons, well below the permitted limit of 8.495 tons[196] - Diyi Pharmaceutical's VOCs emissions from the synthesis workshop were 0.2727 tons, significantly lower than the annual limit of 14.448 tons[196] - Modern Chinese Medicine Resources' VOCs emissions were 0.3442 tons, far below the annual limit of 13.14 tons[197] - Modern Chinese Medicine Resources' total nitrogen emissions were 10.22 tons, with no specified limit[198] - Tianzhijiao's nitrogen oxide emissions were 1.917 tons, below the annual limit of 10.8 tons[199] - Tianzhijiao's COD emissions were 13.53 tons, well below the annual limit of 81.06 tons[199] - Shengte Pharmaceutical's chemical oxygen demand emissions were 2.6 tons, below the annual limit of 6.0464 tons[200] - Diyi Pharmaceutical's total phosphorus emissions were 0.0284 tons, below the annual limit of 0.0428 tons[196] - Modern Chinese Medicine Resources' ammonia nitrogen emissions were 4.97 tons, with no specified limit[198] - Tianzhijiao's ammonia nitrogen emissions were 0.172 tons, below the annual limit of 2.73 tons[199] Corporate Governance and Leadership - The company's registered address is No. 2 Pujihe East Road, Beichen District, Tianjin[11] - The company's website is[11] - The company's stock is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the stock code 600535[13] - The company's annual report is disclosed in media such as "China Securities Journal," "Shanghai Securities News," and "Securities Times"[12] - The company's annual report is also available on the Shanghai Stock Exchange website at[12] - The company has received multiple governance awards, including the "Best Board of Directors Award" and the "Outstanding Corporate Governance Practice Award"[145] - The company maintains strict compliance with corporate governance regulations, ensuring transparency and independence in operations[145] - The company established an "Insider Information and Insider Management System" to ensure fair, just, and transparent information disclosure, improving corporate governance[146] - The 2022 First Extraordinary General Meeting was held on January 11, 2022, with 41 shareholders and proxies attending, representing 44.4275% of the total voting shares[150] - The 2021 Annual General Meeting was held on April 20, 2022, with 52 shareholders and proxies attending, representing 44.9500% of the total voting shares[150] - The 2022 Second Extraordinary General Meeting was held on September 5, 2022, with 31 shareholders and proxies attending, representing 44.4639% of the total voting shares[150] - The total pre-tax remuneration for directors, supervisors, and senior management in 2022 was 16.8316 million yuan[152] - Chairman Yan Kaijing received a pre-tax remuneration of 2.8512 million yuan in 2022[152] - General Manager Su Jing received a pre-tax remuneration of 2.4304 million yuan in 2022[152] - Board Secretary and Vice President Yu Jie received a pre-tax remuneration of 2.4859 million yuan in 2022[152] - CFO Wei Jie received a pre-tax remuneration of 1.2012 million yuan in 2022[152] - The company has no significant differences in corporate governance compared to laws, regulations, and CSRC requirements[147] - The company's leadership includes key figures such as Jiang Xiaomeng, who serves as Vice Chairman and holds multiple positions including Chairman of Zhejiang Jianfeng Group Co., Ltd. and President of Tianjin Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.[154] - Sun He, the Vice Chairman, is also the President of North America Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and the Director of the Key Laboratory of Innovative Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology[154] - Wu Naifeng, a Director, has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry and holds various positions including Director of Tianjin Tasly Medical Health Investment Co., Ltd.[154] - Zhu Yonghong, a Director and President of Tianjin Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd., also serves as Vice President of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine[154] - Su Jing, the General Manager, has a background in both medical and pharmaceutical sales, having previously served as General Manager of Tianjin Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.[154] - Zhang Bin, an Independent Director, is the President of the China Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery and has a strong background in healthcare administration[154] - Wang Aijian, an Independent Director, is a renowned financial expert and serves as the Director of the China Coastal Financial Collaborative Innovation Center[154] - Xin Liu, an Independent Director, has extensive experience in global pharmaceutical business development and is currently a Partner at Sequoia Capital[154] - Ye Zhengliang, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, also serves as Vice President of Tasly Health Industry Investment Group and Vice Chairman of Guotai Liquor Group Co., Ltd.[154] - Liu Hongwei, the Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, has a strong background in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, having served in various leadership roles within the company[155] - Total compensation for directors, supervisors, and senior management in 2022 was RMB 16.83 million[159] - The company held 8 board meetings in 2022, with 5 conducted via telecommunication and 3 combining on-site and telecommunication methods[163] - The company's independent directors' annual allowance was adjusted from RMB 100,000 to RMB 200,000 in 2017[158] - The company's senior management compensation consists of basic salary and performance-based pay, with performance pay linked to annual company performance[158] - The company's board of directors approved the 2022 Q1, Q2, and Q3 reports during their respective meetings[160] - The company terminated the spin-off plan for a subsidiary to list on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR Market[160] - The company's board approved the purchase of convertible bonds and partial shares of Yongtai Biological[160] - The company's directors attended all 8 board meetings in 2022, with most participating via telecommunication[162] - The company's board approved the extension of the first and second employee stock ownership plans in 2022[160] - The company's board approved the 2021 annual report, financial statements, and profit distribution plan in March 2022[160] - The company's financial condition is good, with normal operations and no significant risks or abnormal events during the reporting period[165] - The company has established and effectively implemented internal control systems[165] - The company's 2022 Q1 financial statements accurately reflect its financial position and operating results as of March 31, 2022[166] - The company's 2022 H1 financial statements accurately reflect its financial position and operating results as of June 30, 2022[167] - The company's 2022 Q3 financial statements accurately reflect its financial position and operating results as of September 30, 2022[167] - The total number of employees in the parent company and major subsidiaries is 9,183, with 5,695 in the parent company and 3,488 in major subsidiaries[170] - The company's employee composition includes 1,689 production personnel, 5,284 sales personnel, 1,337 technical personnel, 143 financial personnel, and 730 administrative personnel[170] - The company's employee education levels include 62 with a PhD or above, 575 with a master's degree, 3,714 with a bachelor's degree, 3,765 with an associate degree, 724 with a vocational degree, and 343 with a high school diploma or below[171] - The company's compensation policy is designed to align with business strategy, encourage value creation, and maintain cost control, ensuring competitiveness and fairness in the market[172] - The company extended the duration of its first and second employee stock ownership plans to July 24, 2023[179] - The company's internal control system was effective, with no significant deficiencies reported[182] - The company's risk management system for subsidiaries focused on key areas such as fund management, asset management, and contract management[184] - The company's internal control audit report received a standard unqualified opinion[185] - The company's cash dividend policy complies with the company's articles of association and shareholder meeting resolutions, with clear standards