Hui Lyu Ecological Technology Groups (001267)
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汇绿生态(001267) - 001267汇绿生态投资者关系管理信息20250109
2025-01-09 08:14
证券代码:001267 证券简称:汇绿生态 汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2025-002 公司与钧恒科技共同投资设立海外分公司一是符合国家政策鼓励 方向。中国制造业"走出去"是实现高质量发展的重要途径,通过不断 深化国际合作、提升自身竞争力,中国制造业在全球市场中的地位将更 加稳固。公司拟开展海外投资项目是践行上述政策的有力举措。二是提 高抵御风险的能力。共同投资设立海外光模块制造工厂,有利于拓宽海 外市场,不断扩大品牌影响力,降低公司经营风险及国际贸易风险。三 是加快海外市场拓展进程。共同投资设立海外子公司,可加深与海外相 关合作方的合作关系,提高资源配置效率,以产品应用为导向,进一步 提升钧恒科技的产品在海外影响力,推动公司的长远发展。 公司目前已经完成新加坡子公司的设立,正在推进马来西亚子公司 注册事宜。 问题四:公司完成本次交易后,公司将如何整合资源? 本次交易是公司按照"大力发展新质生产力"的指引,以维稳主营 和开发新领域为发展方向,尝试进入新技术、新材料等高科技领域,以 获得新的利润增长点及发展机会,与公司战略目标相契合,实现多元化 发展。本次交易完成后,公司主营业务 ...
汇绿生态(001267) - 001267汇绿生态投资者关系管理信息20250105
2025-01-05 05:00
证券代码:001267 证券简称:汇绿生态 汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2025-001 投资者关系 活动类别 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □电话会议 □其他: (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名 称 及人员姓名 君屹资产 战君屹 时间 2025 年 1 月 3 日(星期四) 地点 公司会议室 公司接待人 员姓名 公司董事会秘书 严琦 投资者关系 活动主要内 容介绍 公司董事会秘书严琦向各投资者简要介绍了公司的基本情况,并回 答了投资者问题。 问题一:公司的主营业务是园林工程,能保持稳定的发展,核心竞 争力在哪里? 公司业务主要包括园林工程施工、园林景观设计以及苗圃种植、养 护等,在园林工程施工方面具备产业链一体化经营优势。公司资质齐全、 具有大型项目建设经验、人才储备充足。承建的项目荣获两次中国建设 工程鲁班奖(国家优质工程),多次获得中国优秀园林工程"金奖"、 浙江省建设工程"钱江杯"优质工程奖(优秀勘察设计奖)、湖北省市 政示范工程"金奖"等荣誉。 公司经营理念以稳健为主。业务主要集中在华东、华中、西北三 ...
汇绿生态最新股东户数环比下降7.93% 筹码趋向集中
证券时报网· 2024-12-02 10:18
证券时报网讯,汇绿生态12月2日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至11月30日公司股东户数为22680户,较 上期(11月20日)减少1954户,环比降幅为7.93%。 证券时报•数据宝统计,截至发稿,汇绿生态收盘价为8.48元,上涨3.04%,本期筹码集中以来股价累计 上涨14.59%。 具体到各交易日,5次上涨,3次下跌。 ...
汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 关于与关联方共同投资设立海外子公司的进展公告
证券时报网· 2024-10-31 17:49
本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露内容的真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗 漏。 一、与关联方共同投资设立海外子公司概述 汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司(以下简称"公司"或"汇绿生态")于2024年7月11日召开了第十届董事 会第二十七次会议,会议审议通过了《关于公司与关联方共同投资设立海外子公司及孙公司的议案》。 根据公司业务发展需要,为扩展新的业务领域,公司与武汉钧恒科技有限公司(以下简称"武汉钧恒") 共同投资在新加坡设立子公司(以下简称"A公司"),计划总投资额人民币2亿元,公司投资比例70%, 武汉钧恒投资比例30%,投资计划分期执行,首期投资人民币5000万元。A公司的设立最终目的是由A 公司100%出资在马来西亚投资境外子公司(以下简称"B公司"),马来西亚B公司作为公司光通信业务 的海外生产基地,从事光通信产品及配件的研发、生产、销售等业务。具体内容详见2024年7月12日刊 登在巨潮资讯网(上的《关于与关联方共同投资设立海外子公司及孙公司的公 告》。(公告编号:2024-053) 二、新加坡公司完成注册登记情况 近日,公司已完成新加坡公司的注 ...
汇绿生态(001267) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-28 11:15
汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 1 证券代码:001267 证券简称:汇绿生态 公告编号:2024-092 汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是 否 汇绿生态科技集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------|--- ...
民生证券· 2024-10-02 03:39
汇绿生态(001267.SZ)公司点评 增资优质光模块公司武汉钧恒,持股比例将提升至 35% 2024 年 10 月 01 日 [盈利预测与财务指标 Table_Forcast] ➢ 事件:2024 年 9 月 30 日,公司发布《关于向参股公司增资暨关联交易的 公告》。 ➢ 拟增资参股公司武汉钧恒,增资完成后,汇绿生态对武汉钧恒的持股比例将 从 30%提升至 35%,彰显公司对武汉钧恒未来发展的重要信心:2024 年 9 月 29 日,汇绿生态与武汉钧恒科技有限公司签订了《武汉钧恒科技有限公司增资 协议》,汇绿生态拟以增资方式对参股武汉钧恒增加投资,本次增资前公司持有 武汉钧恒 30%的股权,本次增资完成后,公司将持有武汉钧恒 35%的股权。董 事会同意参照湖北众联资产评估有限公司以 2024 年 3 月 31 日为基准,对武汉 钧恒全部股权的评估结果,《武汉钧恒科技有限公司股东拟转让股权所涉及的武 汉钧恒科技有限公司股东全部权益价值评估项目资产评估报告》,公司以自有资 金 5000 万元认购武汉钧恒 384.62 万元注册资本(384.62 万元作为标的公司新 增的注册资本,余 4615.38 万元计入标 ...
汇绿生态(001267) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-15 12:17
Financial Performance - Revenue for the reporting period was RMB 268.69 million, a 1.28% increase compared to the same period last year[8] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 12.96 million, a decrease of 38.95% year-on-year, mainly due to losses from changes in the value of financial assets held by the company[8] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was RMB 19.65 million, an increase of 17.67% year-on-year[8] - Operating cash flow was negative RMB 125.62 million, a 31.21% decrease compared to the same period last year[8] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 0.0166, a decrease of 38.52% year-on-year[8] - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 2.71 billion, an increase of 8.82% compared to the end of the previous year[8] - Equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 1.51 billion, a slight decrease of 0.61% compared to the end of the previous year[8] - Revenue increased by 1.28% to RMB 268,686,284.31 compared to the same period last year[16] - Sales expenses surged by 326.93% to RMB 1,380,785.00 due to increased revenue from the seedling business[16] - R&D investment rose by 71.64% to RMB 2,424,460.84[16] - Cash flow from financing activities increased by 779.40% to RMB 215,252,474.81 due to higher borrowing and reduced repayments[17] - Revenue from seedling sales skyrocketed by 1,859.20% to RMB 21,441,525.90[17] - Revenue from the Central China region grew by 106.08% to RMB 137,912,996.82[17] - Long-term equity investments increased by 7.13% to RMB 207,019,594.28 due to investment in Wuhan Junheng[19] - Short-term borrowings rose by 8.83% to RMB 410,708,387.70 due to increased business demand[19] - Total investment in the reporting period increased by 105.80% to RMB 242,772,177.99[21] - The company's total initial investment cost in securities was 7,619,934.45 yuan, with a total ending book value of 3,414,514.00 yuan, resulting in a loss of 732,853.20 yuan during the reporting period[23] - The company raised a total of 338 million yuan through a non-public offering in 2021, with a net amount of 332.32 million yuan. As of the reporting period, 292.72 million yuan has been cumulatively used, accounting for 88.08% of the total raised funds[25] - The company changed the use of 60 million yuan of raised funds, accounting for 17.75% of the total raised funds[25] - The company invested 4,054,360 yuan of self-raised funds to replace part of the raised funds, which was verified by ZhongShen ZhongHuan Certified Public Accountants[25] - The company approved the use of up to 150 million yuan of idle raised funds for cash management, investing in low-risk financial products[25] - The company terminated the headquarters office building project and reallocated the funds to two new projects: the Liangzi Lake Ecological Environment Management Project and the S203 Ezhou Section Greening Project, with planned investments of 28.52 million yuan and 29.87 million yuan respectively[26] - The Phoenix City Underground Parking Lot and Central Park Project (Phase I) EPC has an investment progress of 99.10%, with a cumulative investment of 59.46 million yuan[26] - The Yanhua Road and other five road ecological corridor projects have an investment progress of 77.74%, with a cumulative investment of 96.40 million yuan[26] - The Liangzi Lake Ecological Environment Management Project has an investment progress of 53.63%, with a cumulative investment of 15.29 million yuan[26] - The total committed investment projects amount to 33,800 million yuan, with 33,638.47 million yuan already invested, achieving an investment progress of 29,271.79 million yuan[27] - The repayment of bank loans amounts to 9,400 million yuan, achieving 100% of the planned repayment[27] - The S203 Ezhou section (Ezhou Airport Expressway) greening project has an investment of 2,986.89 million yuan, with 2,756.61 million yuan already invested, achieving 92.29% of the planned investment[27] - The Liangzi Lake District ecological environment management project has a total investment of 2,851.58 million yuan, with 1,529.37 million yuan already invested, achieving 53.63% of the planned investment[29] - The company terminated the headquarters office building project and reallocated the funds to the Liangzi Lake District ecological environment management project and the S203 Ezhou section greening project[30] - As of June 30, 2024, the unused raised funds are stored in the raised funds special account according to the requirements of the "Raised Funds Special Account Tripartite Supervision Agreement" and the "Raised Funds Special Account Quadripartite Supervision Agreement"[28] - The main subsidiary, Huilv Landscape Construction and Development Co., Ltd., has a total revenue of 244,353,198.19 yuan, accounting for 91% of the company's total revenue[32] - Huilv Landscape Construction and Development Co., Ltd. achieved a net profit of 13,261,948.77 yuan[32] - The company did not sell any major assets or equity during the reporting period[31] - The company faces macroeconomic policy risks due to potential fiscal tightening, which could weaken local government finances and delay project payments, impacting business operations and revenue[33] - Increased competition in the landscaping industry poses a risk as industry consolidation narrows the gap between leading companies[33] - The company's business model involves significant upfront funding for municipal projects, leading to large contract assets and receivables, which are subject to delays due to local government budget constraints[33] - Fluctuations in raw material costs, labor expenses, and machinery rental fees could adversely affect the company's cost control and overall financial performance[33] - The company held its 2023 annual shareholders' meeting on May 20, 2024, with a 53.28% investor participation rate[34] - The company implemented a restricted stock incentive plan in 2023, granting 4.225 million shares to 66 employees at a price of 3.76 yuan per share[35] - The company repurchased and canceled 100,000 restricted shares from 2 employees who left the company, at a repurchase price of 3.70 yuan per share[35] - The company approved the release of 1.85625 million restricted shares for 64 employees on May 13, 2024, as part of the first unlock period of the 2023 incentive plan[35] - The company completed the 2023 profit distribution in the first half of 2024, distributing a cash dividend of RMB 0.40 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 31,182,857.12[36] - In May 2024, 64 incentive participants unlocked 1,856,250 restricted shares under the 2023 restricted stock incentive plan[36] - The company organized various employee welfare activities, including a low-carbon walking event in March 2024 and a DIY soap-making event in June 2024[37] - The company actively participated in social welfare activities, such as tree planting and Earth Day promotions in 2024[37] - The company's actual controllers and major shareholders fulfilled their share lock-up commitments, which expired on May 16, 2024[38] - The company's stock will be locked for 36 months from the date of listing, and any profits from selling shares during this period will be surrendered to the company[40] - Shareholders are restricted from selling more than 1% of the company's total shares via centralized bidding within any 90-day period[41] - Shareholders are restricted from selling more than 2% of the company's total shares via block trading within any 90-day period[41] - For share transfers via agreement, the minimum transfer ratio is 5% of the company's total shares, and the transfer price must comply with block trading regulations[41] - If a shareholder's shareholding falls below 5% after a transfer, both the shareholder and the transferee must comply with relevant regulations for 6 months[41] - Senior management must report their shareholdings and any changes annually, and are limited to transferring no more than 25% of their total shares each year[44] - Senior management are prohibited from transferring shares for 6 months after leaving their positions[44] - The company has committed to a 2-year non-compete period for senior management and key personnel after termination of employment[45] - The non-compete period for certain executives, including Jiang Xiangchun and Li Youyi, will be completed by June 2024[45] - The company's fundraising projects involve self-use properties and will not be used for rental or sale, ensuring no investment in real estate[47] - The company terminated the headquarters office building project on May 26, 2023, and the related commitment has been fulfilled[47] - The controlling shareholder and actual controller, Li Xiaoming, commits not to interfere with the company's management or infringe on the company's interests[47] - Key personnel, including Li Xiaoming, commit to not transferring benefits unfairly or engaging in activities that harm the company's interests[48] - Key personnel commit to linking their compensation system with the company's return-filling measures[48] - Key personnel commit to not using company assets for personal investments or consumption unrelated to their duties[48] - Key personnel, including Jin Xiaochuan and Li Junhao, commit to completing the share increase plan within the specified period and not reducing their holdings during the legal period[49] - Key personnel commit to not engaging in insider trading, sensitive period stock trading, or short-term trading during the share increase period[49] - The company's commitments are being fulfilled on time, with some personnel having already left the company[49] - The company's subsidiary, Huilv Landscape Construction Development Co., Ltd., had a former senior executive, Jiang Xiangchun, who violated his commitment to continue working for three years by resigning in 2022[50] - The company's former CFO, Li Youyi, also violated his three-year commitment by resigning in 2022, which breached the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's listing rules[50] - Shareholder Shenzhen Lingzhe Investment Center (General Partnership) violated its commitment by reducing its holdings of the company's shares by 1,660,111 shares, exceeding the 50% limit within 12 months of the company's re-listing[50] - The company disclosed a construction contract dispute involving its subsidiary, Huilv Landscape Construction Development Co., Ltd., with a total claim amount of 126.015 million yuan, which resulted in a final judgment requiring the defendant to pay 4.493 million yuan in interest and 3.15 million yuan in liquidated damages[51][52] - The company reported no non-operational fund occupation by controlling shareholders or related parties during the reporting period[51] - The company confirmed no illegal external guarantees during the reporting period[51] - The company's semi-annual financial report was not audited[51] - The company reported no bankruptcy reorganization or significant litigation matters during the reporting period[51][53] - The company's controlling shareholder, Li Xiaoming, has a good credit status with no outstanding court judgments or significant debts[54] - The company reported no significant related-party transactions, including asset or equity acquisitions, sales, or joint investments during the reporting period[55][56][57][58][59] - The company has approved a total external guarantee quota of 120,220.00 million yuan, with actual guarantee balances totaling 53,694.32 million yuan[61][62] - The actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) accounts for 35.62% of the company's net assets[62] - The company has engaged in trust financial products with a total entrusted amount of 12,100 million yuan and an outstanding balance of 12,659.36 million yuan[63] - The company plans to acquire 30% equity of Wuhan Junheng Technology Co., Ltd. for no more than 195 million yuan[64] - The company has completed the industrial and commercial registration for the equity transfer of Wuhan Junheng Technology Co., Ltd. on June 17, 2024[65] - The company has fully paid the transfer price according to the equity transfer contract on July 1, 2024[65] - The company plans to establish a subsidiary in Singapore with a total investment of 200 million yuan, with the company holding 70% and Wuhan Junheng holding 30%[65] - The Singapore subsidiary will fully fund the establishment of a subsidiary in Malaysia as an overseas production base for the company's optical communication business[65] - The total number of shares decreased by 100,000 to 779,571,428 shares[67] - The company's controlling shareholder and related parties completed a share purchase plan, acquiring 4,635,950 shares, accounting for 0.5947% of the total shares, with a total investment of 19,373,688 RMB[67] - The company implemented a restricted stock incentive plan in 2023, granting 4.225 million shares initially and reserving 300,000 shares, with a reservation ratio of 6.6298%[68] - 1,856,250 restricted shares were unlocked for 64 incentive recipients, with the shares becoming tradable on May 13, 2024[68] - 623,790 shares were unlocked for two shareholders, representing 0.0804% of the total shares, with the shares becoming tradable on May 20, 2024[68] - The company's controlling shareholder, Li Xiaoming, holds 228,815,120 restricted shares, which will be unlocked on November 17, 2024[69] - The company's restricted shares decreased by 2,480,040 shares, while the locked shares increased by 769,050 shares, resulting in a total of 416,575,150 restricted shares[69] - The company's restricted stock incentive plan unlocked 1,856,250 shares for 64 recipients, with the shares becoming tradable on May 13, 2024[69] - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 24,752[72] - Li Xiaoming, the controlling shareholder, holds 29.35% of the shares, totaling 228,815,120 shares[72] - Ningbo Huining Investment Co., Ltd. holds 18.65% of the shares, totaling 145,354,943 shares[72] - Li Xiaowei holds 5.07% of the shares, totaling 39,497,287 shares, with an increase of 400,000 shares during the reporting period[72] - Shanghai Axing Investment Management Co., Ltd. holds 2.56% of the shares, totaling 19,988,400 shares, with a decrease of 2,296,500 shares during the reporting period[72] - Shanghai Anze Private Fund Management Co., Ltd. holds 0.71% of the shares, totaling 5,511,301 shares[72] - The total monetary funds at the end of the period are RMB 308,014,608.98, a decrease from RMB 311,347,768.62 at the beginning of the period[78] - The total accounts receivable at the end of the period are RMB 561,214,646.94, an increase from RMB 545,071,868.42 at the beginning of the period[78] - The total inventory at the end of the period is RMB 215,184,180.12, an increase from RMB 202,850,855.22 at the beginning of the period[78] - The total current assets at the end of the period are RMB 2,253,687,849.70, an increase from RMB 2,230,924,370.51 at the beginning of the period[78] - Long-term equity investments increased to 207,019,594.28, up from 12,592,368.33[79] - Total assets reached 2,710,621,709.28, compared to 2,490,992,999.01 in the previous period[79] - Short-term borrowings rose significantly to 410,708,387.70 from 157,538,775.81[79] - Long-term receivables stood at 7,066,039.76, unchanged from the previous period[79] - Total liabilities increased to 1,200,161,566.16 from 971,359,613.81[80] - Owner's equity totaled 1,510,460,143.12, slightly down from 1,519,633,385.20[80] - Monetary funds in the parent company's balance sheet surged to 108,258,590.86 from 14,689,430.34[81] - Long-term equity investments in the parent company increased to 1,762,215,343.42 from 1,566,066,920.40[82] - Total assets of the parent company grew to 2,080,601,337.62 from 1,921,529,620.04[82] - Owner's equity of the parent company decreased to 1,855,848,830.80 from 1,890,525,123.22[83] - Total operating revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 268.69 million, a slight increase from RMB 265.28 million in the same period of 2023[84] - Operating profit for the first half of 2024 decreased to RMB 18.75 million, down from RMB 29.95 million in the first half of 2023[84] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders in the first half of 2024 was RMB 12.96 million, compared to RMB 21.23 million in the same period of 2023[85] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) for the first half of 2024 were RMB 0.0166, down from RMB 0.0270 in the first half of 2023[85] - R&D expenses increased to RMB 2.42 million in the first half of 2024, up from RMB 1.41 million in the same period of 2023[84] - Sales expenses surged to RMB 1.38 million in the first half of 2024, compared to RMB 323,422 in the first half of 2023[84
民生证券· 2024-08-12 10:03
盈利预测与财务指标 传统主业聚焦园林领域,保持平稳发展:汇绿生态为控股型企业,传统主业 A 聚焦园林领域。1997年11月在深交所上市,2005年7月因连续亏损退市,在 公司重大资产重组完成后, 2021 年 11 月在深交所重新上市。主营业务为园林工 程施工、园林景观设计及苗木种植及销售、绿化养护等,能够完整的提供从苗木 种植、园林工程设计、施工及后续绿化养护等全产业链服务。营收结构中,园林 工程业务在 2023 年营收占比达 87.31%,是公司收入和利润的主要来源。 近期完成武汉钧恒 30%股权收购,切入 AI 驱动下高成长的光模块赛道:汇 > 绿生态近年来的战略为稳主营+开发新领域,在主营业务稳健的基础上,通过股 权投资获得投资收益的同时,尝试进入新技术新材料等高科技领域,以获得新的 利润增长及发展机会。2024年5月19日,公司签订了《股权转让意向协议》及 《承诺函》,拟以不超过 1.95 亿元的价格收购武汉钧恒科技有限公司 30%的股 权。2024年 6 月 17 日,公司发布公告,表示已正式签署《股权转让合同》,并 已完成股权转让的工商变更登记,自此成为武汉钧恒科技的第一大股东。 武汉钧恒聚焦光 ...
民生证券· 2024-08-12 09:27
汇绿生态(001267.SZ)公司动态报告 [盈利预测与财务指标 Table_Forcast] 切入高成长光模块赛道,未来大有可为 2024 年 08 月 12 日 ➢ 传统主业聚焦园林领域,保持平稳发展:汇绿生态为控股型企业,传统主业 聚焦园林领域。1997 年 11 月在深交所上市,2005 年 7 月因连续亏损退市,在 公司重大资产重组完成后,2021 年 11 月在深交所重新上市。主营业务为园林工 程施工、园林景观设计及苗木种植及销售、绿化养护等,能够完整的提供从苗木 种植、园林工程设计、施工及后续绿化养护等全产业链服务。营收结构中,园林 工程业务在 2023 年营收占比达 87.31%,是公司收入和利润的主要来源。 ➢ 近期完成武汉钧恒 30%股权收购,切入 AI 驱动下高成长的光模块赛道:汇 绿生态近年来的战略为稳主营+开发新领域,在主营业务稳健的基础上,通过股 权投资获得投资收益的同时,尝试进入新技术新材料等高科技领域,以获得新的 利润增长及发展机会。2024 年 5 月 19 日,公司签订了《股权转让意向协议》及 《承诺函》,拟以不超过 1.95 亿元的价格收购武汉钧恒科技有限公司 30%的股 ...
民生证券· 2024-08-12 09:00
汇绿生态(001267.SZ)公司动态报告 [盈利预测与财务指标 Table_Forcast] 切入高成长光模块赛道,未来大有可为 2024 年 08 月 12 日 ➢ 传统主业聚焦园林领域,保持平稳发展:汇绿生态为控股型企业,传统主业 聚焦园林领域。1997 年 11 月在深交所上市,2005 年 7 月因连续亏损退市,在 公司重大资产重组完成后,2021 年 11 月在深交所重新上市。主营业务为园林工 程施工、园林景观设计及苗木种植及销售、绿化养护等,能够完整的提供从苗木 种植、园林工程设计、施工及后续绿化养护等全产业链服务。营收结构中,园林 工程业务在 2023 年营收占比达 87.31%,是公司收入和利润的主要来源。 ➢ 近期完成武汉钧恒 30%股权收购,切入 AI 驱动下高成长的光模块赛道:汇 绿生态近年来的战略为稳主营+开发新领域,在主营业务稳健的基础上,通过股 权投资获得投资收益的同时,尝试进入新技术新材料等高科技领域,以获得新的 利润增长及发展机会。2024 年 5 月 19 日,公司签订了《股权转让意向协议》及 《承诺函》,拟以不超过 1.95 亿元的价格收购武汉钧恒科技有限公司 30%的股 ...