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财联社· 2024-12-31 00:15
【个股竞价和连板数据(新版)】 周一市场全天窄幅震荡,三大指数小幅上涨。盘面上,算力概念股开盘表现活跃,零售股维持强势,此 外保险、银行等板块涨幅居前。指数层面,节前最后一个"出金"日,市场延续了上周五下午开始的缩量 表现,但依然维持在1.3万亿左右的合格线上。其实现在市场主要的分歧还是在大小指数分化上,过往 偶尔才有的黄白线分化在这半个月内频繁出现,有点像7月份煤炭股为代表的红利股行情,当时正是在 7月下旬红利股开始走弱后,资金才开始逐渐往题材方向靠拢(代表股是腾达科技),同理如果银行股 走弱的话,相信从这些大票里溢出的资金同样能够养活不少小票,短期来看,1月上旬各大行将陆续开 始分红,比如工商银行的除权除息日为1月7日,可能会成为资金兑现的一个时间点。最后,2016年至 今每年的最后一个交易日,上证指数都是收涨的,其中涨幅最大为2020年的1.72%,涨幅最小则为 2016年的0.24%,至少从概率学的角度看,今天上涨的可能性会更高些。 【龙头板块】上海算力 表示,随着国产AI应用的逐步上线推广,深度赋能各行各业生产力提升,其对数据中心的需求量也会逐 步提高,AI有望为数据中心行业带来明显的需求提振,带动 ...
21世纪新健康研究院· 2024-12-16 07:14
再开始播放声明有请主持人开始发言 谢谢 本次会议为天风证券研究所闭门会议,仅限受邀嘉宾参会,未经天风证券研究所和演讲嘉宾的书面许可。任何机构和个人不得以任何形式将会议内容和相关信息对外公布、转发、转载、传播、复制、编辑、修改等。如有上述违法行为,天风证券研究所保留追究相关法律责任的权利。谢谢。 各位技术投资者大家晚上好欢迎各位领导参加天峰计算机团队组织的汉德信息AI智能体的交流会我是本次会议的主持人天峰计算机首席营销基金今天和我一同主持的还有我们团队的雷剑今天我们也非常荣幸的邀请到了汉德信息的CO及董秘黄董做汉德信息的AI智能体业务开展情况和大型技术的交流今天的会议主要包括两个环节 第一个环节的话我先就整个AI包括周报链的投资的思路包括对于汉德新西的观点做一个分享简短的分享第二个环节的话我们提问的方式我这边请教黄总一些大家比较共识关心的问题三个问题这是主要的两个环节最后的话还是把更多的时间留给现场各位参会的投资者 那就整个AI产业投资的话我们想讲的第一点就是从去年我们最早7月份去看华为链尤其是生腾到去年9月份我们去看HOMO其实整个大的一个思路还是要大的自由可控以华为链为代表那我们团队也是比较早的去推荐了华为 ...
汉得信息(300170) - 汉得信息投资者关系管理信息
2024-10-28 13:38
证券代码:300170 证券简称:汉得信息 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-003 | --- | --- | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
汉得信息:前三季度净利润1.36亿元 同比增长238.03%
财联社· 2024-10-24 08:06
汉得信息:前三季度净利润1.36亿元 同比增长238.03% 财联社10月24日电,汉得信息发布2024年第三季 度报告,前三季度实现营业收入23.53亿元,同比增长4.50%;净利润1.36亿元,同比增长238.03%;基 本每股收益0.14元。 公司表示,净利润增长主要得益于公司自主转型和产品服务能力的提升。 查看公告原文 ...
汉得信息(300170) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-24 08:02
Financial Performance - Revenue for the third quarter was RMB 831.86 million, a 6.67% increase year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 52.37 million, a 450.67% increase year-over-year[2] - Revenue from January to the end of the reporting period reached 2,352.65 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.50%, with a single-quarter revenue of 831.86 million yuan, up 6.67% year-on-year[12] - Gross profit margin for the main business increased to 32.79%, up 2.94 percentage points from 29.85% in the same period last year[12] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 135.79 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 238.03%, with non-GAAP net profit of 113.70 million yuan, up 632.84% year-on-year[16] - Operating cash flow increased by 67.12% year-on-year, with a single-quarter operating cash flow of 103 million yuan, compared to 25.99 million yuan in the same period last year[18] - Total assets increased to 6,148,790,406.67 yuan, up from 5,963,202,414.62 yuan at the beginning of the period[27] - Current assets totaled 3,548,766,229.71 yuan, compared to 3,465,194,996.57 yuan at the beginning of the period[27] - Non-current assets increased to 2,600,024,176.96 yuan, up from 2,498,007,418.05 yuan at the beginning of the period[27] - Total liabilities amounted to 1,133,442,443.69 yuan, compared to 1,109,816,212.00 yuan at the beginning of the period[28] - Total equity rose to 5,015,347,962.98 yuan, up from 4,853,386,202.62 yuan at the beginning of the period[28] - Operating income for the period reached 2,352,648,180.71 yuan, compared to 2,251,360,033.73 yuan in the previous period[29] - Operating costs for the period were 2,200,806,540.32 yuan, compared to 2,194,349,255.78 yuan in the previous period[29] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders increased to 135.79 million yuan, up from 40.17 million yuan in the previous period[30] - Total comprehensive income reached 137.86 million yuan, compared to 45.57 million yuan in the prior period[31] - Basic earnings per share rose to 0.1379 yuan from 0.0432 yuan[31] - Cash received from sales of goods and services increased to 2.28 billion yuan, up from 2.13 billion yuan[32] - Operating cash inflow totaled 2.45 billion yuan, compared to 2.35 billion yuan in the previous period[32] - R&D expenses remained stable at 204.60 million yuan, slightly up from 204.02 million yuan[30] - Financial expenses showed a net benefit of -19.88 million yuan, improving from -12.80 million yuan[30] - Interest income increased to 28.60 million yuan from 28.63 million yuan[30] - Other comprehensive income attributable to parent company shareholders decreased to -2.90 million yuan from 2.32 million yuan[31] - Cash received from tax refunds rose to 3.48 million yuan from 2.41 million yuan[32] - Operating cash flow for the quarter was negative at -22.89 million RMB, an improvement from -69.62 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Investment cash flow was negative at -427.04 million RMB, compared to -184.12 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Financing cash flow was positive at 68.63 million RMB, a decrease from 155.13 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Total cash and cash equivalents decreased by 372.89 million RMB, compared to a decrease of 75.84 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Cash paid for goods and services was 372.81 million RMB, down from 514.56 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Cash paid to employees was 1.67 billion RMB, up from 1.48 billion RMB in the previous period[33] - Cash received from investments was 1.14 billion RMB, significantly higher than 66.85 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Cash paid for investments was 1.40 billion RMB, up from 60.00 million RMB in the previous period[33] - Cash received from financing activities was 576.04 million RMB, down from 752.46 million RMB in the previous period[33] - The company's Q3 report was unaudited[34] Business Segments and Products - The company's HERO product system includes H-ZERO, H-One, and H-Copilot platforms, covering management, data, AI, and PaaS applications[5] - Industrial digitalization, focusing on intelligent manufacturing, digital marketing, and supply chain, is identified as the company's most critical future business[7] - Financial digitalization services cater to large enterprises, offering solutions for financial management, cost control, and risk management[8] - The company's ERP implementation business is expanding with the trend of domestic software adoption and supports Chinese enterprises in global expansion[9] - IT outsourcing services include maintenance support, software outsourcing, and offshore development[10] - Industrial digitalization revenue reached 733.57 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.97%, with a gross profit margin of 40.82%, up 4.36 percentage points from the previous year[14][15] - Financial digitalization revenue was 552.29 million yuan, up 4.79% year-on-year, with a gross profit margin of 32.58%, an increase of 3.60 percentage points[14][15] - The company's self-developed software business (industrial digitalization + financial digitalization) achieved revenue of 1,285.86 million yuan, up 11.41% year-on-year, accounting for 54.66% of total revenue[14] - The company's HZERO platform and H-COPILOT AI platform are key focuses for future development, supporting AI applications in marketing, manufacturing, finance, and supply chain[11] - The company's data management business, based on the H-One platform, is aimed at helping enterprises integrate and utilize internal and external data for value creation[11] Shareholders and Equity - The top 10 shareholders include Fan Jianzhen with 48,082,372 shares (4.81% of total shares) and Chen Diqing with 12,020,637 shares (1.20% of total shares)[20] - The company's top 10 shareholders include institutional investors such as China Merchants Bank and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company, with holdings ranging from 0.44% to 0.99%[20] - The company's restricted shares decreased by 3,628,575 shares during the reporting period, with Chen Diqing holding 36,061,912 restricted shares at the end of the period[23] - The company's top 10 shareholders include individual investors such as Tan Liang (0.47%), Shi Shengli (0.46%), and Cheng Rong (0.44%)[20] - The company's top 10 shareholders include funds such as ChinaAMC CSI 1000 ETF and E Fund CSI 1000 ETF, with holdings of 0.64% and 0.11% respectively[22] - The company's top 10 shareholders include social security fund 17022, holding 23,386,819 shares (2.34% of total shares)[20] - The company's top 10 shareholders include the 2023 employee stock ownership plan, holding 12,000,000 shares (1.20% of total shares)[20] - The company's top 10 shareholders include Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company, holding 9,744,174 shares (0.97% of total shares)[20] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of the end of the reporting period were RMB 6.15 billion, a 3.11% increase from the end of the previous year[2] - Monetary funds decreased to 1,208,087,942.51 yuan, down from 1,539,895,326.17 yuan at the beginning of the period[26] - Accounts receivable increased to 1,351,321,211.39 yuan, up from 1,154,215,932.48 yuan at the beginning of the period[26] - Inventory decreased to 265,320,547.76 yuan, down from 297,209,069.04 yuan at the beginning of the period[26] Dividends and Incentives - The company completed the 2024 semi-annual equity distribution, distributing a total cash dividend of RMB 9,843,160.21 (tax included)[25] - The company adjusted the grant price of the 2024 restricted stock incentive plan and granted reserved restricted stocks to incentive objects[25]
汉得信息(300170) - 2024年8月28日半年度投资者活动关系记录表
2024-08-29 07:28
证券代码:300170 证券简称:汉得信息 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
汉得信息(300170) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-27 08:22
上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 2024 年半年度报告全文 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 2024 年半年度报告 2024-055 2024 年 08 月 1 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 2024 年半年度报告全文 致股东 2024 年已经过半,公司管理层借着编制半年报的契机,对市场预测、经营计划及经营 策略等进行了全面的梳理和阶段性的总结分析,在此向全体股东进行简要的汇报。 2023 年在公司 20 多年的发展进程中,是比较特殊的一年。一方面,公司在历经几年 的转型后,被视为未来新增长曲线的自主产品相关业务的收入占比在 2023 年首次超过传 统业务,这很大程度上意味着转型成功。也是在这一年,公司在 AI 应用、数据要素及出 海等重点领域都取得了比较关键的进展。但另一方面,由于资源配备与市场整体节奏出现 了偏差,公司没能延续 2022 年经营反弹的趋势,2023 年度出现了亏损。 尽快调整并扭转局势,是公司管理层的共识,因此在岁末年初,管理层认真地进行总 结并制定了明确的经营策略,即在坚定不移贯彻重点发展自主产品策略的基础上,将"提 质增效"作为 2024 年的经营核心指导原则,并启动了数项改革措施。公司上 ...
国投证券· 2024-05-12 13:02
行业环境短期变化和公司主动调整造成业绩承压 股价表现 -54% -39% -24% -9% 6% 2023-05 2023-09 2023-12 2024-04 汉得信息 沪深300 马诗文 联系人 SAC 执业证书编号:S1450122050037 汉得信息作为企业数字化综合供应商,主要面向大型企业,提供数字 化软件、解决方案及咨询实施服务。考虑到股权激励所带来的额外费 用,参考股权激励的业绩考核目标,我们预计公司 2024 年-2026 年实 现营业 收 入 33.20/36.55/42.87 亿 元 , 归 母 净 利 润 分 别 为 1.89/2.38/2.73 亿元。维持买入-A 的投资评级,6 个月目标价 7.69 元,相当于 2024 年 40 倍的动态市盈率。 公司快报/汉得信息 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|-------|-------|-- ...
汉得信息(300170) - 汉得信息调研活动信息
2023-10-29 17:00
证券代码:300170 证券简称:汉得信息 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-003 □特定对象调研□分析师会议 投资者关系活 □媒体采访□业绩说明会 动类别 □新闻发布会□路演活动 □现场参观 其他(2023年三季度报告交流) 重庆德睿恒丰资产管理有限公司江昕;中邮人寿保险股份有 限公司张雪峰、朱战宇;中意资产管理有限责任公司沈悦 明;中泰证券股份有限公司刘一哲;中国国际金融股份有限 公司谭哲贤;招商基金管理有限公司杨成;长城财富资产管 理股份有限公司胡纪元;盈峰资本管理有限公司高羽中;翊 安(上海)投资有限公司张益锋;亚太财产保险有限公司张 镭;循远资产管理(上海)有限公司田肖溪;兴合基金管理有 限公司景莹、赵刚;西南证券股份有限公司邓文鑫;伟星资 产管理(上海)有限公司杨克华;同泰基金管理有限公司麦健 沛;首创证券股份有限公司傅梦欣;深圳市兴亿投资管理有 限公司梁悦芹;深圳市明达资产管理有限公司李涛;深圳市 金之灏基金管理有限公司陈飞云;深圳宏鼎财富管理有限公 司李小斌;深圳丞毅投资有限公司胡亚男;上海真滢投资管 理有限公司李莹;上海兆天投资管理有限公司蔡仁飞;上海 ...
汉得信息(300170) - 2023年8月29日投资者活动关系记录表
2023-08-31 11:42
证券代码:300170 证券简称:汉得信息 上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-002 □特定对象调研□分析师会议 投资者 关系活 □媒体采访□业绩说明会 动类别 □新闻发布会□路演活动 □现场参观 其他(2023 年半年度报告交流) | --- | |------------------------------------------------------| | 安信证券股份有限公司杨楠、马诗文、易羽心、范根根;中 | | 金证券韩蕊、谭哲贤、罗文萱、赵千帆、刘一哲;北京沣沛 | | 投资管理有限公司孙冠球;北京泰德圣私募基金管理有限公 | | 司徐正敏;博道基金高笑潇;东北证券韩瑶、俊如;东吴证 | | 券王熠晗、王世杰;多鑫投资成佩剑;富安达基金管理有限 | | 公司沈洋;国泰君安证券杨昀凡、李博伦、徐巍、蔡浩磊国 | | 元证券耿军军;湖南轻盐创业投资管理有限公司韩捷;华安 | | 基金管理有限公司陈瑜;华安证券傅晓烺;汇添富基金管理 | | 股份有限公司李泽昱;混沌投资徐中杰;嘉实基金管理有限 | | 公司李大炎;建信保险资产管理有限公司杨晨;开源证券李 | | 海 ...