成本有望降至20万元以内 今年人形机器人产业化将提速
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 23:57
证券时报e公司讯,最近,国内业界宣布开启人形机器人的正式量产。 记者探访了人形机器人超级工厂发现,机器人许多关键零部件的上游精密加工环节都与国内新能源汽车 行业有所交叉。 业内人士介绍,2025年人形机器人产业化将提速,成本有望降至20万元以内。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,川润股份今日跌停,全天换手率22.13%,成交额8.59亿元,振幅10.05%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入12.12万元,营业部席位合计净买入6454.07万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日跌幅偏离值达-7.45%上榜,机构专用席位净买入12.12万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.46亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.55亿 元,卖出成交额为9071.53万元,合计净买入6466.19万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
Stock Performance - The stock of Chuanhuan Technology rose by 3.53% today with a turnover rate of 39.57% and a trading volume of 1.931 billion yuan [1] - The stock's amplitude was 13.06% [1] Institutional Trading Activity - Institutional investors net sold 72.0261 million yuan [1] - The net buying from brokerage seats was 4.778 million yuan [1] Exchange Data - The stock was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange due to a daily turnover rate of 39.57% [2] - The top five buying and selling brokerage seats had a total transaction volume of 348 million yuan [2] - The buying volume was 140 million yuan while the selling volume was 208 million yuan [2] - The net selling volume was 67.2481 million yuan [2]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,威士顿今日下跌11.06%,全天换手率47.85%,成交额12.36亿元,振幅9.01%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入45.22万元,营业部席位合计净卖出1598.15万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达47.85%上榜,机构专用席位净买入45.22万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.58亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.21亿 元,卖出成交额为1.37亿元,合计净卖出1552.93万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,兆日科技今日上涨0.72%,全天换手率31.06%,成交额19.43亿元,振幅11.50%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入1235.11万元,营业部席位合计净买入1153.48万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达31.06%上榜,机构专用席位净买入1235.11万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.55亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.39亿 元,卖出成交额为1.16亿元,合计净买入2388.59万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,中恒电气今日下跌6.17%,全天换手率29.98%,成交额19.68亿元,振幅20.19%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入988.63万元,营业部席位合计净卖出6996.55万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日振幅值达20.19%上榜,机构专用席位净买入988.63万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交3.18亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.29亿 元,卖出成交额为1.89亿元,合计净卖出6007.92万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,神剑股份今日涨停,全天换手率21.46%,成交额9.37亿元,振幅2.64%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净卖出6636.61万元,营业部席位合计净买入1.28亿元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交3.59亿元,其中,买入成交额为2.11亿 元,卖出成交额为1.49亿元,合计净买入6208.60万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日涨幅偏离值达12.55%上榜,机构专用席位净卖出6636.61万元。 ...
环球印务:布局创新升级 子公司新材料项目投产
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 08:51
Industry Trends - The printing industry is undergoing a critical transformation towards high-quality development, with a focus on environmental protection and sustainability [1] - Since 2020, the EU, US, and China have implemented plastic restriction policies, leading to the gradual replacement of plastic packaging with pulp molding due to its environmental benefits and cost competitiveness [1] - In 2022, China's food plastic packaging market size was 3856 billion yuan, indicating significant potential for pulp molding penetration [1] - Fluorine-free plastic replacement coatings are becoming a superior alternative to traditional fluorine-containing waterproof and oil-proof agents, as they effectively block moisture and oil penetration while avoiding the risk of fluorine intake [1] Market Data - The annual consumption of water-based fluorine-free plastic replacement coating products is approximately 198 million tons, with a market size of about 528 billion yuan [2] - The annual consumption of plastic replacement coating paper is about 2615 million tons, with a market size of approximately 3138 billion yuan [2] - The annual consumption of aluminum-free soft packaging coating paper is around 891 million tons, with a market size of about 2024 billion yuan [2] - The market growth is primarily driven by the demand for waterproof and oil-proof outer boxes for cold chain applications such as pre-made dishes and frozen meat, especially in the Americas and Australia where coating paper is the only available option due to legislation [2] - The overall market size is expected to exceed 5000 billion yuan [2] Company Development - Jin Yin Lian (Tianjin) New Material Technology Co, Ltd, a subsidiary of Global Printing, held a factory opening ceremony and open day event at its new 17000 square meter facility in Tianjin [3] - The new factory features a 100000-class clean workshop and equipment for green and environmentally friendly plastic replacement coated paper products, focusing on the research, development, and sales of eco-friendly materials as well as paper cutting services [3] - The company's clients span various sectors including pharmaceutical packaging, food packaging, books, and educational materials [3] Future Plans - Jin Yin Lian (Tianjin) New Material Technology Co, Ltd plans to focus on six major projects: an engineering technology center with inspection and testing capabilities, a color technology center integrating X-Rite authorized maintenance and color collaborative innovation, an upgraded ink color matching center with computer color matching and automatic ink supply systems, a CDI flexographic plate-making center, an automated production, storage, and packaging line for water-based plastic replacement varnish, and the development of fluorine-free plastic replacement technology and its derivative paper products [4] - These projects are expected to inject new momentum into the company's innovation and upgrading, leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly technological development [4]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 08:13
康力电梯(002367)拟出售盘活部分不动产的动作,引发外界的关注。 康力电梯董秘吴贤表示,出售部分不动产是公司优化资产结构的需要,而非简单甩卖。"最终能否处置 成功,仍要看市场是否有合适的价格机会。闲置房产的处置,地产上游供应链的很多公司都有类似的资 产处置行为,归拢闲置资产对管理层进行一次性授权,是为了更加便捷的进行零星资产的出售。实际出 售过程中的决策,公司有一套完整的决策流程。"这也反映了公司在当前时机对降本增效的经营方向是 坚定的,"在适当的时机谋求将闲置资产出售,释放更多的资金和资源,是民营企业正常且灵活的经营 行为。" 2024年对于很多电梯企业来说,都是难熬的一年。在房地产行业转变发展模式的背景下,电梯行业整体 依然面临着市场竞争加剧、营业收入增长压力、盈利规模缩减等一系列问题。近年制造业的市场供需平 衡持续调整,全行业对降本增效的关注度日益提升。 校对:苏焕文 12月26日晚间,康力电梯公告称,为进一步盘活现有资产,优化资产结构,提高资产运营效率,公司拟 出售盘活部分不动产。值得注意的是,这是公司积极应对下游房地产市场深远调整背景下,及时调整策 略,力争跨越行业内卷,增强企业抗风险能力和市场 ...