浙江出版传媒股份有限公司关于使用闲置自有资金 进行现金管理到期赎回并继续进行现金管理的公告
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 17:45
● 现金管理到期赎回情况:浙江出版传媒股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")近期到期赎回部分自有资金 现金管理产品本金人民币90,000万元,获得收益人民币1,695.22万元。 ● 特别风险提示:公司及子公司购买的理财产品均为安全性高、流动性强的理财产品,总体风险可控。 但金融市场受宏观经济、财政及货币政策的影响较大,不排除公司理财产品可能受到市场波动的影响。 二、自有资金现金管理基本情况 (二)现金管理的金额 (四)现金管理产品基本情况 重要内容提示: ● 履行的审议程序:公司于2024年4月24日召开第二届董事会第十五次会议,审议通过了《关于2024年 度使用闲置自有资金进行现金管理的议案》,同意公司及子公司2024年度自有资金现金管理授权额度不 超过人民币520,000万元,授权有效期自公司第二届董事会第十五次会议审议通过之日起12个月。在上 述额度内,资金可循环滚动使用。 公司于2024年5月27日、2024年9月11日分别向农业银行杭州中山支行、江苏银行杭州滨江支行购买 了"农银理财农银同心·大有优选配置2024年第3期私募理财产品(优享)""苏银理财恒源季开放5号"现 金管理产品,共使用自有资金人民币 ...
仁和药业股份有限公司 关于变更签字注册会计师的公告
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 17:45
仁和药业股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")于2024年4月24日召开公司第九届董事会第十八次会议、第九 届监事会第十二次会议,审议通过了《关于变更会计师事务所暨聘请2024年度审计机构的议案》,同意 聘请北京大华国际会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)为公司2024年度财务及内控审计机构。该议案已经公司 2023年度股东大会审议通过。具体内容详见公司于2024年4月26日在《证券日报》《证券时报》《中国 证券报》及巨潮资讯网(上披露的《公司关于变更会计师事务所暨聘请2024年度 审计机构的公告》(公告编号:2024-012)。 一、注册会计师变更情况 二、本次变更人员基本信息 签字注册会计师:王继文,1994年6月成为中国注册会计师,1998年开始从事上市公司审计,2024年11 月开始在北京德皓国际会计师事务所执业,2024年拟开始为公司提供审计服务,近三年签署上市公司审 计报告数量3家。 1、诚信记录:项目合伙人、签字注册会计师近三年未因执业行为受到刑事处罚,未因执业行为受到中 国证监会及其派出机构、行业主管部门的行政处罚、监督管理措施,未因执业行为受到证券交易所、行 业协会等自 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 16:23
2024年12月30日,民生证券向国联证券签发了《民生证券股份有限公司股权证》并已将国联证券登记在 其股东名册,国联证券自当日起成为民生证券的股东,持有民生证券112.89亿股股份,占总股本比例为 99.26%。 券中社12月31日讯,国联证券公告称,其购买民生证券99.26%股份的交易,涉及标的资产的过户手续 已经办理完毕。 校对:冉燕青 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 16:22
券中社12月31日讯,根据港交所披露易信息,Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd.(平安资管)于12月 24日在场内增持350万股邮储银行H股股份,耗资约1640万港元。 值得一提的是,除邮储银行外,平安资管年内还连续增持工商银行H股,累计增持规模近18亿股,并举 牌建设银行H股。 此番增持后,平安资管以"投资经理"身份合计持有9.9425亿股邮储银行H股股份,占该行H股总数的 5.00%,占该行总股本的1%以上。 校对:冉燕青 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 09:24
Market Performance - The Tonghuashun Fruit Index concept rose by 0.85%, ranking second among concept sectors in terms of gains [2] - Within the sector, 13 stocks advanced, with JCET Group, Crystal Optech, and Universal Scientific Industrial leading the gains at 6.23%, 3.77%, and 2.98% respectively [2] - Stocks that declined included Sinosteel New Materials, Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing, and Wingtech Technology, with drops of 3.70%, 2.58%, and 1.40% respectively [2] Capital Inflows - The Tonghuashun Fruit Index concept sector saw a net capital inflow of 623 million yuan today [1] - Among the stocks, 10 received net capital inflows, with 7 stocks having inflows exceeding 10 million yuan [1] - JCET Group led with a net capital inflow of 727 million yuan, followed by BOE Technology, Crystal Optech, and Dongshan Precision with inflows of 174 million yuan, 159 million yuan, and 28.72 million yuan respectively [1] Capital Inflow Ratios - JCET Group, Crystal Optech, and BOE Technology had the highest capital inflow ratios at 11.43%, 7.37%, and 4.91% respectively [1]
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 09:24
Market Performance - The Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.21% on December 30 [2] - Among the Shenwan industries, 6 industries saw gains, with banking and coal leading at 1.23% and 1.21% respectively [2] - Non-bank financial industry ranked third in today's gains, rising by 1.04% [3] Capital Flows - Main capital outflow from the two markets totaled 33.996 billion yuan for the day [1] - 6 industries saw net capital inflows, with transportation leading at 1.144 billion yuan despite a 0.10% decline [1] - Banking industry saw a 1.23% increase with net capital inflow of 316 million yuan [1] - Non-bank financial industry had net capital inflow of 166 million yuan [3] Industry Performance - Transportation industry declined by 0.10% but had the largest capital inflow [1] - Banking industry performed well with 1.23% increase and significant capital inflow [1][2] - Non-bank financial industry showed strong performance with 1.04% increase and 166 million yuan capital inflow [3] - Electronics industry had the largest capital outflow at 4.85 billion yuan [3] - Communication industry followed with 3.733 billion yuan capital outflow [3] Stock Performance - In non-bank financial industry, 55 out of 85 stocks rose, with 2 hitting the daily limit [3] - 29 stocks in non-bank financial industry had net capital inflows, with 6 exceeding 50 million yuan [3] - East Money led with 823 million yuan capital inflow, followed by CITIC Securities and Huaxin Securities with 158 million and 107 million yuan respectively [3] - 7 stocks in non-bank financial industry had capital outflows exceeding 50 million yuan, led by Guolian Securities, Ping An, and Pacific with 301 million, 85.02 million, and 82.60 million yuan respectively [3] Sector Performance - Transportation sector had the largest capital inflow despite slight decline [1] - Banking sector showed strong performance with both price increase and capital inflow [1][2] - Non-bank financial sector demonstrated solid performance with price increase and capital inflow [3] - Electronics, communication, machinery, computer, and automotive sectors experienced significant capital outflows [3]
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 09:22
上交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日振幅值达19.54%上榜,营业部席位合计净买入7575.66万元。 证券时报网讯,友好集团(600778)今日涨停,全天换手率20.79%,成交额4.85亿元,振幅19.54%。 龙虎榜数据显示,营业部席位合计净买入7575.66万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 09:22
证券时报网讯,比依股份(603215)今日下跌2.25%,全天换手率27.38%,成交额3.31亿元,振幅3.35%。 龙虎榜数据显示,营业部席位合计净买入647.66万元。 上交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达27.38%上榜,营业部席位合计净买入647.66万元。 ...