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九龙仓置业(01997) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-09 08:43
龍倉 始制於一八八六年 九龍倉置業地產投資有限公司 ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公可 ) 股份代號:1997 二四年中期報告書 封面圖片︰海港城邀請著名法國藝術家Camille Walala為香港市民及遊客設計香港首 個城市標誌,並命名為「Now You See It Now You Don't」,長期於海運觀點展出。 「HONG KONG」城市標誌以維港的海藍色為主色調,融合了Camille標誌性的鮮豔幾何 圖案,再由多個高高低低的幾何圖案重疊而成,多角度呼應香港城市景觀。設計採用 了擠壓變形(anamorphic)的手法,只有站在特定角度及距離方可看到「HONG KONG」 字眼。 H2遇H1, 請取消H2段前! H2遇H1, 請取消H2段前! 復甦停滯拖低物業估值 H2遇table,請用 02 H2 (Table) 的段落樣式! H2遇table,請用 02 H2 (Table) 的段落樣式! 摘要 • 收入和營業盈利復甦呆滯 • 基礎淨盈利增加2%至港幣三十一億元 • 非現金投資物業重估減值港幣四十四億元導致集團虧損 • 集團資產淨值較五年前低16% • 負債淨額按 ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-06 04:11
Financial Performance - Basic net profit increased by 2% to HKD 3.123 billion (2023: HKD 3.059 billion)[3] - Group recorded a loss of HKD 1.052 billion due to non-cash investment property revaluation impairment of HKD 4.426 billion (2023: HKD 1.133 billion)[3] - Shareholders' loss was HKD 1.052 billion, with basic loss per share of HKD 0.35 (2023: profit of HKD 1.805 billion and earnings per share of HKD 0.59)[16] - Underlying net profit increased by 2% to HKD 3.123 billion (2023: HKD 3.059 billion), with underlying earnings per share of HKD 1.03 (2023: HKD 1.01)[16] - Revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2024, was HKD 6.501 billion, a slight increase from HKD 6.473 billion in the same period in 2023[30] - Operating profit before depreciation, amortization, interest, and taxes was HKD 5.035 billion, down from HKD 5.065 billion in 2023[30] - Net loss for the period was HKD 1.067 billion, compared to a net profit of HKD 1.780 billion in 2023[30] - Group total revenue for 2024 was HKD 6,501 million, compared to HKD 6,473 million in 2023[38] - Operating profit for 2024 was HKD 4,673 million, slightly up from HKD 4,671 million in 2023[38] - Basic loss per share for 2024 was HKD 1,052 million, compared to a profit of HKD 1,805 million in 2023[44] Dividend and Shareholder Information - First interim dividend of HKD 0.64 per share (2023: HKD 0.67 per share) with a total distribution of HKD 1.943 billion (2023: HKD 2.034 billion)[4] - Interim dividend ex-date set for August 23, 2024[50] - Deadline for submitting share transfer documents for the interim dividend is August 26, 2024, at 4:30 PM[50] - Record date and time for the interim dividend is August 26, 2024, at 6:00 PM[50] - Interim dividend payment date is September 10, 2024[50] - Shareholders must submit transfer documents and relevant share certificates to the company's Hong Kong share registrar by August 26, 2024, at 4:30 PM to receive the interim dividend[50] - First interim dividend for 2024 was HKD 0.64 per share, totaling HKD 1,943 million, down from HKD 0.67 per share and HKD 2,034 million in 2023[45] Investment Properties - Investment property revenue increased by 2% to HKD 5.542 billion (2023: HKD 5.455 billion), with operating profit up 1% to HKD 4.718 billion (2023: HKD 4.677 billion)[12] - Investment properties recorded a 2% revaluation impairment, with a net unrealized revaluation impairment of HKD 4.426 billion (2023: HKD 1.133 billion)[13] - Investment properties totaled HKD 223 billion, accounting for 94% of operating assets (2023: HKD 227.6 billion and 93%)[19] - Investment properties in Hong Kong accounted for HKD 583 million of the total capital expenditure[28] - Investment properties revenue increased to HKD 5,542 million in H1 2024, up from HKD 5,455 million in H1 2023[35] Retail and Office Market Performance - Overall retail sales in Q2 experienced a double-digit sharp decline[5] - Harbour City's overall revenue (including hotels) increased by 5%, with operating profit up 3%[6] - Office rental market remains weak with a June-end occupancy rate of 88% and a 5% decline in operating profit[7] - Times Square's shopping mall revenue increased by 4% and operating profit rose by 6%, with an end-period occupancy rate of 94%[9] Hotel Industry Performance - Hotel industry faces challenges with intense competition and pressure on room rates, though Marco Polo hotels maintained stable occupancy rates[8] - Hotel revenue rose to HKD 748 million in H1 2024 compared to HKD 697 million in H1 2023[35] Financial Expenses and Borrowing - Financial expenses amounted to HKD 882 million, including unrealized gains of HKD 189 million from cross-currency and interest rate swaps[15] - Actual borrowing interest rate increased to 5.7% (2023: 4.7%) due to rising Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate[15] - Total interest expense for 2024 was HKD 1,042 million, up from HKD 1,031 million in 2023[41] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets reached HKD 238.9 billion, with 95% located in Hong Kong (2023: HKD 245.3 billion)[18] - Net debt decreased by HKD 1.2 billion to HKD 35.1 billion (2023: HKD 36.3 billion), with net debt to total equity ratio declining to 18.3% (2023: 18.6%)[23][24] - Total assets as of June 30, 2024, were HKD 238.942 billion, down from HKD 245.322 billion at the end of 2023[32] - Total liabilities decreased to HKD 47.370 billion from HKD 49.715 billion at the end of 2023[32] - Net assets stood at HKD 191.572 billion, down from HKD 195.607 billion at the end of 2023[32] Revenue Breakdown - Fixed rental income grew to HKD 4,352 million in H1 2024 from HKD 4,218 million in H1 2023[36] - Variable rental income decreased to HKD 454 million in H1 2024 from HKD 542 million in H1 2023[36] - Management and service income increased to HKD 607 million in H1 2024 from HKD 586 million in H1 2023[36] - Other rental-related income rose to HKD 106 million in H1 2024 from HKD 93 million in H1 2023[36] - Total revenue from operations under HKFRS 15 increased to HKD 1,469 million in H1 2024 from HKD 1,398 million in H1 2023[36] - Hong Kong region revenue for 2024 reached HKD 6,194 million, a slight increase from HKD 6,050 million in 2023[38] Corporate Governance and Board Structure - The company deviated from the Corporate Governance Code by having the same individual serve as both Chairman and CEO, which is deemed appropriate for long-term strategy planning and execution[49] - The Board of Directors consists of 4 executive members and 8 independent non-executive directors[50] Other Financial Information - Total committed and uncommitted credit facilities and issued debt securities amounted to HKD 50 billion, with HKD 36 billion utilized[25] - Operating cash inflow was HKD 4.9 billion (2023: HKD 4.8 billion), mainly from rental income, with net cash inflow from operating activities of HKD 3.3 billion (2023: HKD 3.2 billion)[27] - Total estimated capital expenditure for the coming years is HKD 1.1 billion, with HKD 231 million already committed[28] - Development properties revenue significantly decreased to HKD 8 million in H1 2024 from HKD 22 million in H1 2023[35] - Investment revenue dropped to HKD 140 million in H1 2024 from HKD 244 million in H1 2023[35] - Total depreciation and amortization for 2024 was HKD 120 million, down from HKD 125 million in 2023[39] - Employee costs increased to HKD 533 million in 2024 from HKD 476 million in 2023[39] - Other income net for 2024 was HKD 70 million, a significant improvement from a loss of HKD 282 million in 2023[40] - Tax expense for 2024 was HKD 607 million, down from HKD 627 million in 2023[42] - The company employed approximately 2,900 people as of June 30, 2024[29] - No purchase, sale, or redemption of any listed securities by the company or its subsidiaries during the financial period[50]
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-09 09:18
二○二三年年報 moc.mfxenneg.www 司公限有體媒經財盛智:作製及刷印、計設 目 錄 2 公司資料 3 股東資料 5 企業概覽 7 主席報告書 10 財務撮要 13 業務評議 14 22 海港城 時代廣場 ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-07 04:15
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確 性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或 因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 九 龍 倉 置 業 地 產 投 資 有 限 公 司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:1997 二○二三年全年業績公告 利息成本倍增但核心業務趨穩 摘要  來自核心業務投資物業和酒店的全年收入增加8%,營業盈利增加12%  核心業務全年基礎淨盈利減少3%,皆因借貸成本倍增  因下半年盈利趨穩,二○二三年第二次中期股息與二○二二年持平  投資物業估值總額全年減少 0.4%至港幣二千二百八十億元,佔集團資產 93%,下半年基 本維持不變  負債淨額減少港幣八十八億元,負債比率下降至18.6% ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-11 08:35
二○二三年中期報告書 復甦遠未及新冠疫情前 摘要 (cid:127) 訪港旅客人數和本港零售銷售額仍遠低於疫情前水平 (cid:127) 租金收入有所改善,但因按年攤銷會計而變得不明顯 (cid:127) 酒店復甦較為明顯,但仍欠增長動力 (cid:127) 負 ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-07 04:10
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 九 龍 倉 置 業 地產投資 有限公 司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:1997 截至二○二三年六月三十日止半年度 中期業績公告 復甦遠未及新冠疫情前 摘要 • 訪港旅客人數和本港零售銷售額仍遠低於疫情前水平 • 租金收入有所改善,但因攤銷會計而變得不明顯 • 酒店復甦較為明顯,但仍欠增長動力 • 負債淨額減到四年來最低,將盡量減輕借貸成本增加兩倍的影響 • 投資物業估值之前尚未見底 集團業績 截至二○二三年六月三十日止期間的未經審核集團基礎淨盈利減少 9%至港幣三十億五 千九百萬元(二○二二年:港幣三十三億七千三百萬元),相當於每股港幣 1.01元(二 ○二二年:每股港幣 1.11 元)。 若計入投資物業重估虧損淨額港幣十一億三千三百萬元(二○二二年:港幣五十億三 千九百萬元),股東應佔集團盈利為港幣十八億零五百萬元(二○二二年:虧損港幣十 四億六千八百萬元)。每股基本盈利為港幣 0.5 ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-03 09:17
二○二二年年報 moc.mfxenneg.www 司公限有體媒經財盛智:作製及刷印、計設 目目錄錄 2 公司資料 38 企業可持續發展 3 股東資料 46 財務評議 5 企業概覽 52 企業管治報告 6 主席報告書 74 董事會報告 10 財務撮要 92 獨立核數師報告 12 業務評議 95 綜合損益表 36 獎項及殊榮 96 綜合全面收益表 97 綜合財務狀況表 98 綜合權益變動表 99 綜合現金流量表 14 101 財務報表附註 137 主要會計政策 海港城 156 主要附屬公司 158 主要物業撮要表 160 五年財務摘要 22 時代廣場 ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2021 - 年度财报
2022-03-31 08:44
(於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號: 1997 二○二一年年報 設計·印刷及製作:智盛財經媒體有限公司 liza 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------|-------|----------------| | | | | | | 2 | 公司資料 | 36 | 獎項及殊榮 | | 3 | 股東資料 | 38 | 企業可持續發展 | | 4 | 集團業務架構 | 46 | 財務評議 | | 5 | 企業概覽 | 52 | 企業管治報告 | | 6 | 主席報告書 | 72 | 董事會報告 | | 10 | 財務撮要 | 87 | 獨立核數師報告 | | 12 | 業務評議 | 90 | 綜合損益表 | | | | 91 | 綜合全面收益表 | | 14 | 海港城 | 92 | 綜合財務狀況表 | | | | 93 | 綜合權益變動表 | | 22 | 時代廣場 | 94 | 綜合現金流量表 | | | | 96 | 財務報表附註 | | | | 134 | 主要會計政策 | | 28 | 會德豐大廈 | ...
九龙仓置业(01997) - 2021 - 中期财报
2021-09-08 08:32
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code: 1997 始創於一八八六年 九龍倉置業地產投資有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號: 1997 - 1172 - 11 二○二一年中期報告書 INTERIM REPORT 2021 此中用报告書由 FSC™ 認證的和其他受控來源的材料印製 - 紙漿無氣氛 漂染及不含酸性 - FSC™ 標誌表示產品所含的木科來自營理良好的森林 : 該等森林根據 Forest Stewardship Council® 的规例獲得認可 - ESC F8C® C159165 租金收入依然受壓 摘要 本港零售銷售恢復,惟租金收入依然受壓 ● ● 經濟不明朗及新的工作文化削弱寫字樓需求 仍在實施中的嚴格跨境管制,使酒店業務依然受創 ● 集團業績 截至二〇二一年六月三十日止六個月未經審核集團基礎浮盈利減少15%至港幣三十二億七千二百 萬元(二〇二〇年:港幣三十八億四千四百萬元),相當於每股港幣1.08元(二〇二〇年:港幣1.27 元)。 若計入投資物業重估虧損浮額港幣二億七千八百萬 ...