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2024-04-25 00:59
本次会议紧面向开源证券的专业投资机构 各位投资者大家下午好我是开源证券能源开采的首席张旭成 今天我们请到了公司的证券部的领导梁总来为我们分享一下公司的年报跟一级报的情况今天我们的会议就直接提问的方式来回答大家关注的一些问题各位投资者如果有问题的话也根据我们会议助理播报的提问方式进行提问梁总那我先问几个问题 杨总我先问第一个问题就是想问一下咱们一级报的情况一级报同比跌幅还是比较大的这里面看到了一个情况就是咱们的产销量下滑比较多具体原因可以帮我们分享一下吗这个还是因为去年9月份咱们出了一起安全事故之后 对带来的一系列的影响包括我们从去年四季度开始我们的产销量基本上去年四季度和今年的一季度产销量基本上是持平的但是和同比相比较而言下降的幅度都比较大 就是因为这个事故带来的后续的影响包括目前到目前为止我们事故矿井它现在的产量已才恢复到事故之前的三分之二的这么一个水平恢复到事故之前的三分之二的这么一个水平 那么其他的矿井由于面临这种安全环境的这种变化和安全监管频度、密度的加大也或多或少受到了一定的影响综合表现上就在我们的商品媒的这两个季度的产销量上就体现出来了 但是尤其是在去年的四季度实际导致的结果一个是体现在产销量上还 ...
2024-04-24 13:27
本电话会议仅面向信达证券签署服务协议的签约客户或收邀客户在任何情况下本电话会议的信息或所表述的意见不构成对任何人的投资建议也没有考虑到客户特殊的投资目标财务状况或需求会议中如设计第三方专家发言其内容仅代表专家个人观点根据监管规定未经信达证券说明授权严禁任何机构或 各位投资者上午好我是信达证券的刘波盘墙股份作为西南地区的类交易龙头整体的煤炭主业这两年表现出了非常突出的成长性 包括近些年公司也继续持续推进中高火属一体化发展给公司的未来业绩带来了比较突出的成长性我们也持续看好公司未来的发展潜力今天呢我们也特别有幸邀请到了公司的证人证券事务代表董贯副主任梁东平梁总为大家讲解一下公司近期的一些发展状况首先呢我代表投资者请教一下梁总一些问题梁总好 嗯你好大家好我先来请教您一下这个最近关于消费市场的一些价格方面的情况首先是我们看到近两周呢其实从铁水日产数据来看的话整体上环比有小幅的抬升啊但是呢虽然同比处于历史的同期地位啊但是呢啊完毕的话还是有些编制改善的公司如何看待当前十点这个下游的这个钢铁的需求啊包括对之后的煤价是如何判断的表总嗯 对于需求还是立足于我们公司所处的区域而言这么来说吧我们只要能够生产出商品出来销售是不存在问 ...
中泰证券· 2024-04-24 07:00
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
2024-04-23 13:58
本电话会议仅面向信达证券签署服务协议的签约客户或收邀客户在任何情况下本电话会议的信息或所表述的意见不构成对任何人的投资建议也没有考虑到客户特殊的投资目标财务状况或需求会议中如设计第三方专家发言其内容仅代表专家个人观点根据监管规定未经信达证券说明授权严禁任何机构或 各位投资者上午好我是信达证券的刘波盘墙股份作为西南地区的类交易龙头整体的煤炭主业这两年表现出了非常突出的成长性 包括近些年公司也继续持续推进中高火属一体化发展给公司的未来业绩带来了比较突出的成长性我们也持续看好公司未来的发展潜力今天呢我们也特别有幸邀请到了公司的证人证券事务代表董贯副主任梁东平梁总为大家讲解一下公司近期的一些发展状况首先呢我代表投资者请教一下梁总一些问题梁总好 嗯你好大家好我先来请教您一下这个最近关于消费市场的一些价格方面的情况首先是我们看到近两周呢其实从铁水日产数据来看的话整体上环比有小幅的抬升啊但是呢虽然同比处于历史的同期地位啊但是呢啊完毕的话还是有些编制改善的公司如何看待当前十点这个下游的这个钢铁的需求啊包括对之后的煤价是如何判断的表总嗯 对于需求还是立足于我们公司所处的区域而言这么来说吧我们只要能够生产出商品出来销售是不存在问 ...
信达证券· 2024-04-23 13:00
杨山矿(120 万吨/年)兼并重组技改项目进展顺利,马依西一井二采区 (120 万吨/年)建设有序推进,杨山煤矿露天开采项目(100 万吨/年) 于 2023 年 12 月开始建设,马依东一井项目(240 万吨/年)前期工作 正在加快推进,争取早日具备开工条件。此外,盘江股份将作为现贵州 能源集团煤炭、电力业务整合的唯一平台,资产注入空间较大,2021 年 6 月,控股股东发布《关于实际控制人避免同业竞争承诺的公告》,集团 承诺在承诺出具之日起五年内将满足资产注入条件的煤炭业务资产通 过股权转让、资产出售或其他合法方式注入盘江股份。到"十四五"末, 公司煤炭产能力争达到 2520 万吨/年,在炼焦煤板块整体新增资源、矿 井较少的大背景下格外珍贵。 ➢ 当前安全事故影响或逐步消除,2024 年业绩有望企稳回升。2023 年 9 月 24 日上午,贵州盘江精煤股份有限公司所属山脚树煤矿(产能 310 万吨/年,主产 1/3 焦煤、肥煤、气肥煤)发生一起事故,造成 16 人遇 难。事故后,事故矿井及公司其他矿井均停止作业。2023 年 10 月 7 日,除事故煤矿继续停产外,其余煤矿已经有序复产。2024 年 1 ...
民生证券· 2024-04-23 07:06
盘江股份(600395.SH)2023 年年报及 2024 年一季报点评 23 年业绩承压,逐步形成煤电新能源一体化格局 2024 年 04 月 23 日 ➢ 事件:2024 年 4 月 22 日,公司公布 2023 年年度报告及 2024 年一季报, 2023 年公司营业收入 94 亿元,同比下降 20.60%,归母净利润 7.32 亿元,同 比下降 66.62%。2024 年一季度,公司营业收入 19.49 亿元,同比下降 31.91%, 归母净利润 2132.5 万元,同比下降 93.92%。 ➢ 2023 年产销下滑,价格下降影响利润。2023 年,公司完成煤炭产量 1126.94 万吨,同比下降 3.6%;商品煤销量 1153.36 万吨,同比下降 9.61%。2023 年 公司煤炭综合售价 782.16 元/吨,同比下降 13.61%;吨煤成本 563.6 元/吨,同 比增长 3.87%,吨煤毛利 218.56 元/吨,同比下降 39.75%;毛利率为 27.94%, 较 2022 年下降 12.13 个百分点。 ➢ 2024 年产量增长明显,期待业绩释放。公司 2024 年经营计划为生产原煤 1 ...
盘江股份(600395) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-22 09:46
Financial Performance - Revenue for 2023 was 9,403,366,126.51 RMB, a decrease of 20.60% compared to 2022[18] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was 732,488,482.93 RMB, a decrease of 66.62% compared to 2022[18] - Basic earnings per share decreased by 69.196% to 0.341 RMB in 2023[18] - Weighted average return on equity (ROE) decreased by 15.836 percentage points to 6.389% in 2023[18] - Operating cash flow decreased by 59.09% to 1,446,037,784.22 RMB in 2023[18] - The company achieved operating revenue of 2.86 billion RMB in Q1 2023, 2.43 billion RMB in Q2, 2.32 billion RMB in Q3, and 1.78 billion RMB in Q4[42] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was 350.47 million RMB in Q1, 268.81 million RMB in Q2, 153.55 million RMB in Q3, and -40.34 million RMB in Q4[42] - Operating cash flow was 601.32 million RMB in Q1, 194.67 million RMB in Q2, 436.41 million RMB in Q3, and 213.63 million RMB in Q4[42] - The company's annual revenue decreased by 20.60% to 9.403 billion yuan, with a reduction of 2.439 billion yuan compared to the previous year[62] - The company produced 15.30 million tons of raw coal and sold 11.53 million tons of commercial coal in 2023, generating revenue of 94.03 billion yuan and a net profit of 732.49 million yuan[86] - Operating revenue in 2023 was 94.03 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.60% compared to the same period last year, while operating costs decreased by 5.47%[87] - Total operating revenue for 2023 was 9,202,768,790.89 yuan, a decrease of 21.26% year-over-year[118] - The company's revenue decreased by 21.91% to 9.02 billion yuan, and gross profit decreased by 45.54% to 2.52 billion yuan in 2023[186] - The company's gross margin decreased by 12.13 percentage points to 27.94% in 2023[186] Dividend Distribution - Cash dividend distribution proposed at 2.80 RMB per 10 shares, totaling 601,055,000 RMB, representing 82.06% of 2023 net profit[4] Asset and Liability Changes - Total assets increased by 17.36% to 35,259,119,613.92 RMB at the end of 2023[18] - Other equity instrument investments increased by 131,695,784.64 RMB to 597,438,958.64 RMB at the end of 2023[25] - Net cash flow from investment activities in 2023 was -6,742.47 million yuan, a decrease of 1,781.18 million yuan (35.90%) compared to the same period last year, mainly due to increased cash payments for fixed assets and reduced cash management product investments[65] - Asset impairment losses in 2023 were 175.94 million yuan, an increase of 174.60 million yuan (12,984.39%) compared to the same period last year, primarily due to a 175.61 million yuan impairment provision for construction in progress at Shouqian Company[66] - Other income in 2023 was 160.63 million yuan, a decrease of 45.65 million yuan (22.13%) compared to the same period last year, mainly due to a reduction in coal reward funds from Guizhou Province[66] - Investment income in 2023 was 172.14 million yuan, a decrease of 41.48 million yuan (19.42%) compared to the same period last year, mainly due to reduced equity method investment income[66] - The company's monetary funds decreased by 2.20 billion yuan, a drop of 48.10%, mainly due to reduced coal sales revenue[132] - Fixed assets increased by 2.02 billion yuan, a rise of 29.12%, due to the transfer of construction in progress and equipment purchases[134] - Long-term loans increased by 4.43 billion yuan, a surge of 133.89%, as the company accelerated the integration of coal power and new energy projects[136] - Total assets increased by 5.21 billion yuan, a growth of 17.36%, while total liabilities rose by 5.28 billion yuan, an increase of 30.25%[138] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 48.10% to 2,372,514,226.83 yuan, accounting for 6.73% of total assets[149] - Notes receivable decreased by 68.63% to 908,555,228.44 yuan, accounting for 2.58% of total assets[149] - Construction in progress increased by 64.62% to 12,013,806,745.74 yuan, accounting for 34.06% of total assets, due to accelerated coal-power-new energy integration projects[149][154] - Long-term loans increased by 133.89% to 7,738,736,070.99 yuan, accounting for 21.94% of total assets[149] - Contract liabilities decreased by 46.92% to 171,087,836.19 yuan, accounting for 0.49% of total assets, due to lower coal sales prices and volumes[149][155] - Taxes payable decreased by 52.07% to 87,851,597.66 yuan, accounting for 0.39% of total assets, due to lower coal sales revenue and total profits[149][155] - The company's capital-debt ratio increased by 15.83 percentage points to 45.21%, mainly due to increased project loans for coal-power-new energy integration projects[159] - Other equity instrument investments increased by 28.28% to 597,438,958.64 yuan, mainly due to the rise in the stock price of Huachuang Yunxin[149][153] - Total assets increased by 17.36% to 35,259,119,613.92 yuan[149] Coal Production and Sales - The company added 2.1 million tons/year of coal production capacity with the successful commissioning of Mayixi No. 1 Mine (1.2 million tons/year) and Fa'er No. 2 Mine West Shaft Phase I (900,000 tons/year)[27] - The company's first open-pit mining project, Yangshan Coal Mine (1 million tons/year), received approval from the provincial energy bureau[27] - The company's coal production in Guizhou Province reached 153 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%[52] - The average sales price of refined coal decreased by 324.01 yuan per ton, resulting in a revenue reduction of 1.315 billion yuan[62] - The sales volume of self-produced commercial coal decreased by 518,400 tons, leading to a revenue reduction of 545.5179 million yuan[62] - The company produced 15.30 million tons of raw coal and sold 11.53 million tons of commercial coal in 2023, generating revenue of 94.03 billion yuan and a net profit of 732.49 million yuan[86] - The company's coal production decreased by 3.60% to 11.27 million tons, and coal sales decreased by 9.61% to 11.53 million tons in 2023[186] - The company added 2.1 million tons of coal production capacity through the successful operation of new mining areas in 2023[188] Energy and New Energy Projects - The company is accelerating the development of its power industry, with the Panjiang Xinguang 2×660 MW ultra-supercritical coal-fired power project progressing smoothly[27] - The company's Guansu County Panjiang 1 million kW photovoltaic base project is under construction, aiming for full grid connection by the end of April[27] - The company is focusing on coal-electricity-new energy integrated development and deepening corporate governance reforms[26] - The company's photovoltaic power generation projects are expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 970,000 tons annually[48] - The company's new energy power generation projects have achieved a grid-connected capacity of over 1 million kilowatts, with planned new energy power generation capacity exceeding 1.5 million kilowatts[57] - The company is accelerating the integration of coal and new energy, promoting the complementary development of traditional and new energy sources, and building a comprehensive energy base[85] - The company is accelerating the construction of photovoltaic and coal-fired power generation projects, including the Panjiang Puding 2×660 MW coal-fired power project[188] - Guanling New Energy Company built a total installed capacity of 870MWp, with 420MWp connected to the grid by the end of 2023[198] Research and Development - R&D expenses in 2023 were 216.69 million yuan, an increase of 16.99% compared to the same period last year, reflecting increased investment in technological innovation[87] - The company implemented 67 R&D projects, obtained 109 patents, and built a 5G wireless communication system for mines, advancing intelligent mining technology[75] - The company completed the automation upgrade of auxiliary transportation systems in all production mines, achieving 100% mechanization in coal mining and over 85% in tunneling[75] - R&D expenses increased by 16.99% to 216.69 million yuan in 2023, driven by the company's intensified focus on technological innovation[90] - R&D expenses increased by 31.47 million yuan to 216.69 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.99%, driven by the company's focus on technological innovation[128] - The company's R&D investment totaled 216.69 million yuan, accounting for 2.30% of total revenue, with no capitalised R&D investment[130] Subsidiary Performance - Guizhou Panjiang New Energy Power (Panzhou) Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of 29.46 million yuan and net profit of 6.78 million yuan in 2023[178] - Guizhou Panjiang Mine Machinery Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of 714.63 million yuan and net profit of 85.44 million yuan in 2023[177] - Guizhou Energy Group Finance Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of 87.35 million yuan and net profit of 39.05 million yuan in 2023[180] - Guizhou Panjiang Hengpu Coal Industry Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 875.21 million yuan and a paid-in capital of 828.58 million yuan[175] - Panjiang New Energy (Puding) Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 40 million yuan and a paid-in capital of 10 million yuan, focusing on photovoltaic and wind power projects[179] - Panjiang Xinguang Power Generation Company achieved revenue of RMB 26.83 million and net profit of RMB 1.99 million in 2023[197] - Panjiang Puding Power Generation Company completed an investment of RMB 856.42 million by the end of 2023[197] - Guotou Panjiang Power Generation Company achieved revenue of RMB 1.04 billion and net profit of RMB 81.55 million in 2023[199] - Panjiang Xiyi Coal Mine Company achieved revenue of RMB 38.57 million and a net loss of RMB 235.98 million in 2023[195] - Shouqian Resources Development Company achieved revenue of RMB 237.93 million and a net loss of RMB 200.35 million in 2023[195] Cost and Expense Management - The company's management expenses decreased by 29.18% to 1.110 billion yuan, with a reduction of 457.4584 million yuan compared to the previous year[63] - Total operating costs for coal, power, and machinery businesses decreased by 5.32% to 7.06 billion yuan in 2023[101] - Power business costs increased by 27.03% to 53.87 million yuan, mainly due to higher material costs and depreciation expenses[102] - Machinery business costs decreased by 8.59% to 444.06 million yuan, primarily due to reduced material expenses[102] - Management expenses decreased by 29.18% to 1.11 billion yuan in 2023, mainly due to reduced capitalized construction costs[106] - Coal business operating costs decreased by 5.29% year-over-year, saving 36,657.25 million yuan[122] - Employee compensation costs increased by 15.63% year-over-year, totaling 3,032,336,859.86 yuan[120] - Electricity costs increased by 11.91% year-over-year, reaching 427,365,891.10 yuan[120] - Depreciation costs increased by 46.42% year-over-year, totaling 278,911,976.32 yuan[120] - Land collapse fees decreased by 82.61% year-over-year, saving 18,889.69 million yuan[122] - Purchased coal costs decreased by 65.23% year-over-year, saving 72,787.86 million yuan[122] Safety and Environmental Initiatives - The company is actively addressing the adverse impact of safety accidents and reversing the passive situation in safety work[26] - The company's coal gangue utilization rate has steadily increased, with 100% recovery of coal slurry and 81.7% utilization rate of gas[48] - The company has built 20 intelligent mining faces, continuously improving the level of mechanization, automation, and intelligence in mining operations[56] Customer and Sales Analysis - Top 5 customers accounted for 63.50% of total sales revenue, with the largest customer contributing 32.72%[104] - The company's top five customers accounted for sales of 5.97 billion yuan, representing 63.50% of total annual sales, with related party sales of 1.57 billion yuan, accounting for 16.69% of total sales[125] - Sales revenue decreased across all regions, with the largest drop in Sichuan region at 1.06 billion yuan[97] Financing and Cash Flow - Net cash flow from financing activities increased by 34.25% to 4.16 billion yuan, driven by increased borrowing and reduced debt repayment[116] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 59.09% to 1.45 billion yuan in 2023, primarily due to a decline in coal sales prices and increased employee payments[90] - The company's financial expenses increased by 13.02 million yuan to 169.96 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.29%, mainly due to the formal production of the Mayixi No. 1 mine[144] - Non-operating income surged by 36.46 million yuan to 39.93 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1,049.84%, primarily due to compensation received for the Panan Company's old house base well area[145] Investments and Subsidiaries - Hengpu Company invested RMB 696.88 million for a 90% stake in coal production and sales[189] - Xinguang Company invested RMB 1.423 billion for a 100% stake in power production and sales[189] - Guanling New Energy Company invested RMB 258.4 million for an 85% stake in photovoltaic and wind power generation[189] - Panzhou New Energy Company invested RMB 75 million for a 100% stake in photovoltaic and wind power generation[189] Coal Resources and Reserves - The company's total coal resources amount to 8,051,228,000 tons, with recoverable reserves of 3,931,344,000 tons[165] Gas Extraction - Annual gas extraction volume reached 306 million cubic meters, a year-on-year increase of 22%[47]
盘江股份(600395) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-22 09:42
600395 盘江股份 2024 年第一季度报告 证券代码:600395 证券简称:盘江股份 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者 重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 1 / 20 600395 盘江股份 2024 年第一季度报告 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|----------|----------------------- ...
信达证券· 2024-03-06 16:00
[Table_Title] 盘江股份:事故影响或基本消除&电力业绩逐步释放,西 请阅读最后一页免责声明及信息披露 1 公司研究 ➢ 盈利预测及评级:公司作为西南地区焦煤龙头,煤炭主业成长性优异, 拟建、在建煤炭产能超 700 万吨/年,资产注入空间较大,有望快速成 长。此外,公司电力业务快速推进,风光火储一体发展,盘江新光燃煤 发电项目和盘江普定燃煤发电项目均有望在 2024 年贡献业绩。盘州、 关岭新能源发电项目已实现部分容量并网发电,2024 年有望增加并网 发电容量,煤电及新能源发电业务均有望在 2024 年集中释放业绩。叠 加当前公司安全事故影响或基本消除,2024 年业绩有望企稳回升。综合 以上,我们看好焦煤行业基本面和公司煤炭+风光火储一体化发展能源 下公司未来持续发展潜力,公司业绩改善可期。 ➢ 风险因素:国内宏观经济增长放缓;安全生产风险;在建项目进展不及 预期;产量出现波动的风险。 资料来源:Wind,信达证券研发中心预测 注:股价为 2024 年 3 月 6 日收盘价; 1、 煤炭产能规模不断提升,西南焦煤龙头快速成长 拟建、在建矿井规模超 7 ...
盘江股份(600395) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-27 16:00
证券代码:600395 证券简称:盘江股份 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 600395 盘江股份 2023 年第三季度报告 2023 年第三季度报告 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 单位:元 币种:人民币 一、 主要财务数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------|-------------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------|-------------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 本报告期比上年同期 增减变动幅度 (%) | 年初至报告期末 | 年初至报告期末比上年 同期增减变动幅度 ...