证券时报网· 2025-01-01 14:32
证券时报网讯,中金公司研报指出,预计2025年银行业经营稳定,净息差压力有望减小(全年收窄约 10~15bp),债务处置工作有助于资产负债表修复(净不良生成率平稳),银行营收利润增长继续呈现 稳定性。 向前看,货币政策适度宽松,预计对称降息40—60bp,降准亦有100bp空间。 1)高股息策略仍是2025年银行股交易的主要逻辑,关注股息率的高低以及确定性。 2)关注所在区域经济稳定或存在边际改善预期的标的。 3)H股表现有望好于A股,主要是股息率对于配置资金的吸引力。 4)增量政策效果显现,关注市场化资金需求占比更高的银行。 校对:苏焕文 ...
五粮液表决通过股东回报规划 上市以来累计分红金额将达1041亿元
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 13:40
Company Overview - Wuliangye Group emphasizes the long-term value and continuous concentration development trend of the liquor industry, maintaining development resilience and improving quality despite external uncertainties [1] - The company has consistently increased shareholder returns, with a dividend payout ratio exceeding 50% for 8 consecutive years and cash dividends surpassing 10 billion yuan annually for the past three years [2] - Wuliangye released a shareholder return plan for 2024-2026, committing to a cash dividend ratio of no less than 70% of net profit attributable to the parent company and a total dividend of no less than 20 billion yuan (including tax) annually [3] Strategic Development - Wuliangye has focused on capacity building, technological innovation, digital marketing, brand building, and talent development, leading to comprehensive improvements in enterprise development and strong market performance of its main products [4] - The company has optimized its product portfolio, launching new products such as the 45-degree and 68-degree Wuliangye, the Classic Wuliangye series, and over 10 cultural wines, while also expanding its mid-to-high-end brand offerings [6] - Wuliangye aims to lead industry responsibility by promoting cluster development, revitalizing Sichuan liquor, addressing e-commerce platform challenges, advancing international standards, and fostering healthy competition [7] Financial Performance and Shareholder Returns - Wuliangye completed its 2023 profit distribution, distributing 46.7 yuan per 10 shares, totaling 18.127 billion yuan in cash dividends, with a payout ratio of 60%, both record highs since its listing [15] - The company announced a 2024 interim dividend plan, proposing to distribute 25.76 yuan per 10 shares, totaling 10 billion yuan in cash dividends, representing 40% of the net profit for the first three quarters of 2024 [16] - Since its listing in 1998, Wuliangye has implemented cash dividends 23 times, with cumulative dividends reaching 104.1 billion yuan, 28 times the funds raised from its IPO, and has maintained a dividend payout ratio exceeding 50% for 5 consecutive years [10] Market and Operational Highlights - Wuliangye's core products have solidified their position as the top choice in the 1,000-yuan price range and among high-end strong-flavor liquors [17] - The company's marketing innovations, including banquet activities, QR code red packets, and terminal rankings, have effectively driven sales, while the "95195" customer service hotline has served over 20,000 people [13] - Wuliangye has optimized its channel layout, adding 138 specialty stores, 5 cultural experience stores, 490 He Mei collection stores, and 2 large liquor stores, while also strengthening its presence in the banquet market with nearly 30,000 events, serving over 6 million people [20] Industry Outlook - The liquor industry is undergoing a deep adjustment period, with increased market concentration and structural differentiation, but the underlying logic of meeting people's aspirations for a better life remains unchanged [12] - Wuliangye views 2025 as a critical year for marketing execution improvement, aiming to enhance brand value, product sales, channel optimization, and service capabilities to achieve both brand value and market share growth [14] - Despite challenges, Wuliangye has maintained a stable development trend, achieving record high production of first-grade and special-grade liquor and expanding its dedicated grain base to 1.51 million acres [19]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 13:40
近日,渝三峡A(000565)申报的两项科研成果《高固体环氧防腐涂料》与《可复涂聚硅氧烷涂料》,分 别荣获2024年度重庆市造船工程学会科学技术奖一等奖与二等奖,彰显了公司在技术研发领域的卓越成 就。 而可复涂聚硅氧烷涂料,则因其卓越的超耐候性、出色的耐干湿交替能力和优异的耐盐雾性能,能够展 现出长达15年以上的防腐效果,因此在大型桥梁、船舶及海上平台等面临严峻腐蚀挑战的钢结构防护领 域得到了广泛应用。该项目产品已成功应用于诸如西安地铁10号线泾河大桥、鸿路钢构、西安渭河泾河 公轨合建桥以及钢箱梁外立面等多个重要项目中。(郑渝川) 据介绍,高固体环氧防腐涂料凭借其出色的配套性能、卓越的耐化学介质特性以及施工便捷性,在港口 设施、桥梁构造及管道系统等钢铁底材的防腐涂料市场中占据了极其重要的地位。截至目前,该涂料的 销售量已接近900吨。 此次表彰旨在肯定在配套系统技术研究与制造方面做出杰出贡献的单位和个人,激励广大科技工作者持 续创新,推动船舶和装备制造业的自主创新发展。公司凭借强大的综合实力,成功研发出这两款高性能 涂料,为行业树立了新的标杆。 校对:苏焕文 ...
爱施德发布股价异动公告 荣耀已于近日完成股改
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 13:40
Company Overview - Honor introduced new investors in October 2024 including China Telecom, CICC Capital, Cornerstone Capital, and Shenzhen Special Zone Development Group [1] - Honor completed its shareholding reform on December 28 2024 changing its name to Honor Terminal Co Ltd [11] - Honor plans to initiate an IPO process after the shareholding reform to further its strategic development [5] Financial Performance - Aishida reported Q3 2024 revenue of 18611 billion yuan down 1901% YoY and net profit of 130 million yuan down 3450% YoY [9] - Aishida's total revenue for the first three quarters of 2024 was 57378 billion yuan down 1737% YoY with net profit of 525 million yuan up 157% YoY [9] Market Position - Honor became the third-largest smartphone brand in Hong Kong in H1 2024 with over 540 stores trailing only Samsung and Apple [2] - Honor's digital series products saw customer coverage increase by over 11% YoY in H1 2024 with overall sales showing steady growth [2] Business Operations - Aishida is a national first-tier distributor for Honor Apple Samsung and Meizu with a network covering over 100000 stores across T1-T6 channels [6] - Aishida serves as Honor's authorized service provider in Hong Kong Thailand Vietnam and other regions offering marketing sales logistics and after-sales services [7] - Aishida has branches in 32 provincial regions 5 distribution centers and over 30 regional warehouses with overseas operations in key markets [12] Strategic Investments - Aishida invested 660 million yuan in 2020 as part of a consortium to acquire Honor [10] - Honor's shareholding reform has led to significant stock price movements for related concept stocks including Aishida [3][8] Corporate Governance - Aishida confirmed no undisclosed major issues or changes in its operating environment during the stock price fluctuation period [4] - Honor emphasized its commitment to transparent development and diversified equity structure with the new round of investors [6]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 13:29
目前看,公司海外业务增长较快。 我们在海外的业务,一方面承接从国内转移的订单,另一方面开发当地的市场。 证券时报e公司讯,美盈森(002303)近日接受机构调研时表示,整体上看,国内优秀的包装企业出海, 在产品品质、服务、研发设计等方面,具备较强的竞争优势。 ...
昊华科技:定增完成 募资45亿元已经到账
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 12:27
据悉,昊华科技此次定增将新增注册资本(股本)1.81亿元,增加资本公积43.15亿元。 2024年12月25日,上述募集资金总额扣除承销费(含增值税)后的余款,已划转至昊华科技指定募集资金 专用账户,天健会计师事务所出具了《验资报告》、《验证报告》。 证券时报e公司讯,1月1日,昊华科技(600378)发布公告,该上市公司向特定对象发行1.81亿股,募集资 金总额44.99亿元,募集资金净额为44.97亿元。 目前,昊华科技募集配套资金承销总结及相关文件已经上交所备案通过,公司将依据相关规定尽快办理 此次发行新增股份的登记托管事宜。 ...
梦网科技拟收购碧橙数字 标的曾闯关创业板IPO
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 11:17
据了解,本次交易预计构成重大资产重组。碧橙数字曾闯关创业板IPO,2021年12月获深交所受理,公 司原计划募资7.88亿元,但最终在2022年8月撤回上市。 碧橙数字2022年披露的招股书显示,公司主要从事的电子商务服务包括品牌零售、品牌运营管理、渠道 分销、品牌数字营销等,其中品牌零售业务和品牌运营管理业务是公司的核心业务。 渠道分销业务是指公司基于品牌方或其代理商的分销授权,以买断方式向品牌方或其代理商采购商品并 将其分销给第三方B2C电商平台和其他分销卖家。品牌数字营销业务是指公司针对品牌方的营销需求提 供的营销服务,包括整合营销服务和数字策略服务。 梦网科技表示,公司与杭州碧橙签署了《股份收购意向协议》,约定公司拟通过发行股份及支付现金方 式购买标的公司股份。最终股份转让数量、比例、交易价格、支付方式由交易各方另行签署正式协议确 定。梦网科技自停牌之日起将按照相关规定,积极开展各项工作,履行必要的报批和审议程序,按照承 诺的期限向交易所提交并披露符合相关规定要求的文件。 梦网科技(002123)1月1日晚间公告,公司正在筹划通过发行股份及支付现金方式购买资产事项,交易的 标的公司为杭州碧橙数字技术股 ...
祥源文旅eVTOL首飞成功 推动低空文旅商业化落地
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 11:17
此次首航的成功,标志着丹霞山正式成为全国首个跻身电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)低空经济赛道 的山岳型景区,也意味着祥源文旅开启文旅产业新篇章。 今日上午,随着起飞指令下达,2架eVTOL腾空而起,赤壁丹崖、长老峰、阳元石......,这些丹霞山的 标志性景点,尽收眼底。 据了解,2024年9月,祥源文旅取得丹霞山水上旅游、景区交通板块内的五个特许经营权项目,包括锦 江画廊游船、翔龙湖渡船、景区旅游区间交通、水上丹霞游船和丹霞山索道项目。项目成交后,公司计 划通过丹霞山文旅综合体项目建设,打造文化丹霞、生命丹霞两大主题,开发天上丹霞、水上丹霞、陆 上丹霞和夜游丹霞四条游线。 低空经济正在成为多地政府发展经济的新抓手。据不完全统计,2024年以来,全国已有近30个省份将发 展低空经济写入政府工作报告或出台相关政策。北京、上海、杭州、合肥等城市与企业携手共建低空经 济生态圈,计划到2025年打造涵盖低空飞行路线、低空应用示范区等多个领域上百个示范项目。此外, 深圳、浙江、湖南等还建立了专门的产业基金,为低空经济发展提供资金基础。 将打造更多应用新场景 据了解,祥源文旅主营业务包含景区服务、酒店服务、旅行服务、智慧 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:49
证券时报e公司讯,模塑科技(000700)1月1日晚间公告,今日,公司收到董事长兼总经理曹克波、财务 总监钱建芬、财务经理刘华的通知,其分别收到《不起诉决定书》及《解除取保候审决定书》。 上述事件不会影响公司的正常经营。 目前,曹克波、钱建芬、刘华均在公司正常履职,其后续正常履职不受影响。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:37
就在此前的2024年12月19日,"双创无界·新质生产"黄金珠宝行业知识产权驱动新质生产力发展主题活 动在罗湖区水贝金座举行。活动现场深中华公司发布了全专利覆盖的创新珠宝产品—"懂适戒"产品系 列,以其创新性的"中华戒圈"新工艺产品,成为了全场的焦点,该创新性的可调节戒圈产品新工艺,或 将为珠宝行业带来全新的变革方向。本次专利许可深中华公司旨在借助周六福珠宝等知名珠宝品牌商的 品牌优势与市场渠道,推动新工艺广泛应用,实现知识产权成果的高效转化。同时也彰显知名珠宝品牌 商对深中华公司及该项创新性新工艺市场前景的认可。 校对:苏焕文 日前,深中华A(000017)公布了一则公告。公司全资孙公司深圳鑫森精密制造有限公司(下称"鑫森精 密")拟与深圳市周六福投资有限公司(下称"深圳周六福")签订专利使用许可合同,将《实用新型专 利证书》(证书号第17165569号、17645124号、18632060号、19511377号、20788110号、21771571号、 21772343号)载明的专利以非独占产品销售权方式有偿许可给深圳周六福使用。 创新是企业可持续发展的催化剂,知识产权是对创新成果的保护。知识产权的保护及 ...