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2025-01-17 07:41
各位投资者上午好,我是新闻中文圈的消防领袖组织组长金秋。非常感谢参加我们的现场会议。因为这几天正好是永辉他们在上海金山万达的调改门店开业,因为这个是上海的第一家调改门店。 而且上海它作为头部一线城市所以说整个市场竞争才是非常细节的基本上国内做得好的或者头部的一些品质性的零售公司在上海是肯定有过去的兵家必争之地所以说供给是非常充裕的各类的零售业台基本上在上海都需要实施所以说上海的经营情况也是代表着 在一线城市它的一个经营的模型和态势首先我们看到的就是金山万达它在上海的区域整体来说还是相对来说比较远要一个多小时,相当于一个万小时时间相对来说面积会远一些那么从全省来说多个方面一方面就是从原先的它们的客流包括日销还是相对不错的 一般日销可能只有十到二十万金山万达这边是能有两倍左右两到三倍的日销的数量基础相对来说是会稍微高一些 第二就是他们也强调了这个选举和周边的一些需求包括人口的结构就是整体来说还是相对来说居民区人口是量比较大第三个就是地方政府的一些支持包括地方政府的这种从包括他们的审批以及宣传就是关于媒体的一些宣传 等等方面很支持金山万达这边呢也是比较支持的那么做了包括租金上的一些减免那么租金上的减免呢其实它是从一 ...
申万宏源· 2025-01-16 11:59
Investment Rating - Maintain "Overweight" rating [1][6] Core Views - The company is undergoing strategic and operational transformation, which is expected to bring long-term performance improvement despite short-term challenges [6] - Store optimization and transformation are progressing rapidly, with significant improvements in customer traffic and sales in optimized stores [6] - The company plans to continue store optimization and strategic transformation in 2025, aiming to optimize over 100 stores and enhance commercial cooperation with MINISO [6] - Despite short-term pressure on performance, the long-term outlook is positive due to improved customer traffic, sales, and supply chain efficiency [6] Financial Summary - 2024 estimated operating revenue: 67,308 million RMB, a year-on-year decrease of 14.4% [5][6] - 2025 estimated operating revenue: 74,922 million RMB, a year-on-year increase of 11.3% [5][6] - 2026 estimated operating revenue: 84,645 million RMB, a year-on-year increase of 13.0% [5][6] - 2024 estimated net profit attributable to the parent company: -1,404 million RMB [5][6] - 2025 estimated net profit attributable to the parent company: 84 million RMB [5][6] - 2026 estimated net profit attributable to the parent company: 582 million RMB [5][6] Store Optimization Progress - Closed over 200 underperforming stores in 2024, reducing the total number of stores from 1,000 at the end of 2023 to 773 by January 15, 2025 [6] - Completed optimization of 31 stores, with 39 optimized stores operating nationwide by January 15, 2025 [6] - Optimized stores have shown significant improvements, with daily sales exceeding 1 million RMB in the first 1-3 days after opening [6] - Plans to optimize over 100 stores in 2025, with further optimization plans to be announced in the first half of the year [6] Market Performance - Closing price on January 16, 2025: 5.80 RMB [1] - Price-to-book ratio: 9.1 [1] - Market capitalization: 52,635 million RMB [1] - Stock performance over the past year: -50% to 150% compared to the CSI 300 index [3]
永辉超市(601933) - 2024 Q4 - 年度业绩预告
2025-01-14 10:22
证券代码:601933 证券简称:永辉超市 公告编号: 2025-002 永辉超市股份有限公司 2024 年年度业绩预亏公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 1、本期业绩预告适用情形:净利润为负值。 2、永辉超市股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")预计 2024 年归属于上市 公司股东的净利润-14.0 亿元。 一、本期业绩预告情况 (一)业绩预告期间 2024 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 12 月 31 日。 (二)业绩预告情况 经公司财务部门初步测算,公司 2024 年年度业绩预告情况如下: 1、 归属于上市公司股东的净利润-14.0 亿元。 2、 归属于上市公司股东扣除非经常性损益后的净利润-22.1 亿元。 (三)本次业绩预告未经注册会计师审计。 二、上年同期经营业绩和财务状况 (一)利润总额:-13.6 亿元。归属于上市公司股东的净利润:-13.3 亿元; 归属于上市公司股东扣除非经常性损益后的净利润:-19.8 亿元。 (二)每股收益:-0.15 元。 3、公司预计 2024 年 ...
华福证券· 2025-01-03 09:17
公 华福证券 司 研 究 永辉超市(601933.SH) 穿越零售风暴,打造顾客至上的新体验 投资要点: 国内生鲜龙头超市,实现全渠道布局 公 司 首 次 覆 盖 永辉超市是一家全国性的生鲜龙头超市,现已逐渐实现线上线下全渠道融 合。公司成立于 2001 年,2010 年在 A 股上市,其主营业务为通过线下门 店端+线上出售精选商品,主要产品为生鲜及加工、食品用品等。以"绿色、 人文、科技"为经营理念,为满足用户需求,提供安全、健康、高性价比 的生鲜产品。永辉超市拥有丰富的线下门店资源,是公司的核心经营壁垒 之一。永辉超市门店覆盖了全国主要省份和地区。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日, 永辉超市进入全国 29 个省份,已开业的门店数量达 943 家,已签约未开业 门店达 86 家,储备面积 65.53 万平方米。 逆境中探索出路,战略转型取得阶段性进展 2024 年以来,业绩下滑、陷入经营困境的永辉超市通过胖东来帮扶和自身 学习胖东来两种模式,在全国多地对门店进行调改,包括调整商品结构、 卖场布局、提升服务及员工待遇等,调改后的门店在品质、销售额和客流 上均有较大提高。2024 年 9 月 23 日,名创 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:46
据永辉超市官方消息,12月27日至29日,永辉超市南沙万达店开业3日累计销售额达650万元,客流爆发 率达316%,日均销售额超210万元,日均销售额为调改前的6倍。 据悉,接下来,广州还将有更多的永辉"学习胖东来"自主调改店开业。 证券时报e公司讯,12月27日,永辉超市广州首家"学习胖东来"自主调改店在南沙万达广场开业。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-28 09:33
12月28日上午,永辉超市(601933)位于成都郫都区爱琴海购物公园的门店重新开业回归,这家门店是永 辉超市在四川"学习胖东来"的第二家自主调改店。今日9点半开门前夕,永辉超市爱琴海门店前人潮涌 动,入场所排队列甚至夸张到超过600米,足足走了20来分钟,场外人潮才逐步进入超市内。 记者在现场了解到,永辉超市爱琴海店取消了卖场的强制动线,不再通过依靠货架堆头和物料的陈列引 导客户的购物动线;同时,摒弃了传统商超"货架陈列+商品堆头"的原有布局规划,取而代之的是横平 竖直、更为大胆开放的布局结构,不仅拓宽了货架之间的通道宽度,还清晰标注了不同货架的类别,方 便顾客轻松找到需要的产品。 在超市现场,一位顾客对记者表示,永辉调改后变化挺大,首先是店员的精神面貌和以前完全不同,大 家都笑脸相迎,让人购物心情愉快很多。永辉调改店熟食、烘焙产品种类更多,更加舍得投入试吃产 品,店员更加主动邀请试吃,且量大管够。这位顾客感慨称,20多年前逛超市新鲜感和兴奋劲又回来 了。 春节前四川将有4家调改门店 实际上,胖东来是对员工的一种人性管理,能激发人性的最大化。他进一步指出,胖东来股东结构非常 单一,企业可以把自己赚的95%利 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-27 04:52
Store Layout and Product Adjustments - The store layout has been revamped with widened main and secondary shopping aisles, lowered shelf heights, and the removal of forced routes, enhancing customer convenience [13] - The store has expanded the operating areas for prepared foods, bakery, and daily necessities, and increased the number of checkout counters [9] - The store has introduced a dual-entry and exit checkout system, allowing for more flexible shopping [13] - The store has added external rental areas for medical, dining, and beauty services, creating a 15-minute convenience service circle around the supermarket [13] Product Optimization and Branding - The store has optimized its product structure, with a commonality rate of nearly 80% compared to Pang Donglai stores [16] - The store has introduced nearly 5,000 new SKUs, with a new product introduction rate of nearly 60%, and increased the proportion of imported goods from 7% to 21.3% [7] - The store has focused on local customer preferences in its fresh produce selection, retaining 802 items after eliminating 571 low-quality, outdated, and redundant products [7] - The store has achieved a 90% replacement rate for processed goods, with a complete upgrade of bakery products [7] - The store has set up dedicated sections for Pang Donglai and Yonghui's own brands, with Yonghui's bakery brand "YH Bakery" and "Yonghui Premium" juice becoming bestsellers in some locations [12] Employee Welfare and Training - The store has increased employee salaries, with a starting monthly wage of 6,000 yuan, and reduced working hours to an average of 8 hours per day [9] - The store has provided additional paid leave and conducted 168 training sessions to enhance employee skills and motivation [9][15] - Employees have been sent to Pang Donglai stores in Zhengzhou for on-site learning to absorb best practices in culture and management [4] Customer Experience and Services - The store has implemented detailed customer service enhancements, including providing magnifying glasses and blood pressure monitors for special groups, pet storage areas, and rest areas with microwaves, drinking water, ice packs, tissues, and straws [3] - The store offers free fish cleaning, cutting, and washing services in the seafood section [2] - The store has added a seafood processing kitchen to meet customers' on-site cooking needs [3] - The store has integrated digital features such as contactless transactions and self-checkout to enhance the shopping experience [14] Digital Integration and Omnichannel Strategy - The store has achieved deep integration of physical retail and digital economy, enabling customers to purchase store products online through "cloud shopping" [14] - The store has implemented a store-warehouse integration model, allowing for seamless online and offline shopping experiences [14] Strategic Transformation and Industry Alignment - The company's transformation aligns with the "Retail Industry Innovation and Enhancement Project Implementation Plan" issued by the Ministry of Commerce, focusing on scenario transformation, quality supply, digital empowerment, diversified innovation, and supply chain enhancement [11] - The company aims to expand its transformation scope, focusing on quality innovation, service innovation, and scenario innovation to transition towards a quality retail model [11] Store Performance and Customer Reception - The store's fruit and vegetable section, which has the highest daily turnover, was crowded with customers on the opening day [1] - The bakery section was also packed with customers, with all bread products being sold out on the same day [5] - The seafood section, featuring popular items like king crab and Australian lobster, was a highlight of the store [2]
2024-12-26 16:42
3、依照监管要求和保密原则未经合法授权严禁录音、记录、转发感谢您的理解和配合若本次交流内容不慎流出或涉嫌违反上述条件的我们将保留追究法律责任的权利再次感谢您对这张证券的理解和配合谢谢 呃租金的下降是有关的另外一个就是和整个商业这边因为经营不善推出整个门店的弊见啊整个行业出清是有关的所以带来整个租金费用率的租金的整个的成本下降那这个我们认为的话其实行业内的租金的下降带来就是整体的取消成本的一个下跌那取消成本这边的话其实可以看到 本身来讲的话就是成本端的话就是施加给整个的制造业或者说是整个的快递或者说是那对于整个的线上体验的服务或者说是整个成本来讲的话其实是越来越高的 所以永辉这一次的话 我们其实我们可以看到做胖改的一些动作 这一次的话其实也是符合整个产业趋势然后包括在这个过程当中的话 赛道当中的Costco啊 山姆啊 包括中国的就是德国的阿尔迪 然后还有像荷马NB 那在这个大的一个整个的一个背景下来讲的话其实我们比较看好永辉啊就是在这里面调改需求侧的一个周期那需求侧周期来讲的话就是消费者对于品质评价的一个追求以及中国的整个的线下的相对的商业的一个落后商业的落后而供应链来讲的话其实过去都是大家都是低租模式就是相当 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-13 01:32
证券时报网讯,Wind统计显示,12月12日有1836只个股获融资净买入,净买入金额在5000万元以上的 有76股。 其中,12股获融资净买入额超2亿元。 永辉超市获融资净买入额居首,净买入4.37亿元;融资净买入金额居前的还有视觉中国、东方财富、中 信证券、同花顺、巨轮智能、宁德时代、金山办公、罗博特科、胜利精密、先锋精科、国联证券,净买 入额均超2亿元。 校对:刘榕枝 ...
收购永辉超市有新进展 名创优品账面浮盈87亿元
证券时报网· 2024-12-08 17:30
《新财富》杂志研究员 鲍有斌 广东省市场监督管理局12月3日公示信息显示,名创优品旗下广东骏才国际商贸有限公司收购永辉超市 股份有限公司股权案,在经营者集中案件审查中获无条件批准。这意味着,"十元店"起家的名创优品斥 资62.7亿元收购"生鲜超市第一股"永辉超市29.4%股权一案,又有了新进展。 自9月23日永辉超市公告这一交易至12月6日,永辉超市股价累计上涨146.49%,以此测算,名创优品账 面浮盈可达87亿元,净赚1.4倍。12月出版的《新财富》杂志以《"十元店"抄底"巨无霸" 零售革命风云 再起》为题,对这起交易进行了详细分析。 永辉超市成立于2001年,其创业之初,抓住"农改超"的历史机遇,以生鲜零售起家,迅速将市场从福建 拓展至全国,并吸引香港牛奶公司、京东、腾讯的大手笔投资,全国门店超过千家,零售额超过千亿 元,市值超过千亿元,一时风头无两。 2016年,新零售潮起,零售业的内涵被从技术变革、消费体验、泛零售等角度反复定义,叮咚买菜、朴 朴超市等采取前置仓模式的生鲜电商开始突围,美团、拼多多以更具性价比的农产品蚕食市场,线下生 鲜超市受到极大冲击。永辉超市为发力新零售,推出超级物种,以"零售+ ...