Baolong Automotive(603197)
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东吴证券· 2024-11-01 18:00
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·汽车零部件 保隆科技(603197) 2024 年三季报点评:空悬业务拓展顺利,业 绩环比拐点出现 2024 年 10 月 31 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|---------|--------|--------|--------|--------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 4778 | 5897 | 7310 | 9504 | 11519 | | 同比( % ) | 22.58 | 23.44 | 23.95 | 30.01 | 21.20 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 214.13 | 378.83 | 426.76 | 588.99 | 776.56 | | 同比( % ) | (20.22) | 76.92 | 12.65 | 38.02 | 31.84 | | EPS- 最新摊薄(元 / 股) | 1.01 ...
西南证券· 2024-11-01 14:15
[ T able_StockInfo] 2024 年 10 月 30 日 证券研究报告•2024 年三季报点评 买入 (维持) 当前价:38.79 元 保隆科技(603197)汽车 目标价:——元(6 个月) Q3 业绩符合预期,净利润环比显著回升 [Table_Summary 事件:公司发布] 2024年三季报,24Q1-3实现营收 50.26亿元,同比+21%;归 母净利润 2.49亿元,同比-26.6%;毛利率 26.2%,同比-1.7pp,净利率 5.3%, 同比-2.9pp。24Q3实现营收 18.43亿元,同比+19.8%,环比+8.3%;归母净利 润 1 亿元,同比-35.2%,环比+24.9%。 净利率环比回升,费用率持续下降。随着公司各项费用下降,净利率环比持续 回升,24Q3 实现毛利率 24.6%,同比-3.6pp,环比-0.5pp,净利率 5.8%,同 比-3.9pp,环比+0.6pp,费用率 17.8%,同比+0.1pp,环比-1.7pp,环比持续下 降,其中销售/管理/研发/财务费用率环比分别下降-0.6/-0.6/-0.3/-0.2pp。展望 Q4,随着客户销量不断增长,股权激励 ...
东海证券· 2024-11-01 08:00
公 司 研 究 汽 车 公 司 简 评 证券研究报告 HTTP://WWW.LONGONE.COM.CN 请务必仔细阅读正文后的所有说明和声明 | --- | --- | |---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | 数据日期 Table_cominfo] | 2024/10/31 | | 收盘价 | 38.32 | | 总股本 ( 万股 ) | 21,208 | | 流通 A 股 /B 股 ( 万股 ) | 21,122/0 | | 资产负债率 (%) | 64.44% | | 市净率 ( 倍 ) | 2.37 | | 净资产收益率 ( 加权 ) | 8.24 | | 12 个月内最高 / 最低价 | 67.18/26.82 | [Table_Reportdate] 2024年11月1日 [Table_invest] 买入(维持) 报告原因:业绩点评 [证券分析师 Table_Authors] 黄涵虚 S0630522060001 [Table_QuotePic] -73% -57% -42% -27 ...
国元证券· 2024-11-01 08:00
Investment Rating - Buy | Maintain [2] Core Views - The company's Q3 2024 revenue continued to grow significantly, reaching RMB 1.843 billion (yoy +19.75%, qoq +8.34%), driven by the rapid expansion of emerging businesses such as air suspension and sensors, while maintaining its core businesses like TPMS, valve stems, and automotive metal pipes [2] - Despite the revenue growth, profitability was under short-term pressure, with Q3 2024 gross margin at 24.60% (yoy -3.55pcts, qoq -0.48pcts) and net margin at 5.78% (yoy -3.93pcts, qoq +0.54pcts). The decline in profitability was attributed to higher equity incentive expenses and lower investment income compared to the same period last year [2] - The company has secured multiple air suspension projects, including 23 air spring damper assembly projects, 5 suspension controller projects, and 48 air tank projects, indicating strong growth potential in this segment [3] - The company plans to raise up to RMB 1.39 billion to expand its air suspension system manufacturing capacity, which is expected to further accelerate the growth of its air suspension business [3] Financial Performance Summary - Q3 2024 revenue: RMB 1.843 billion (yoy +19.75%, qoq +8.34%) [2] - Q3 2024 net profit attributable to shareholders: RMB 100 million (yoy -35.21%, qoq +24.87%) [2] - Q1-Q3 2024 revenue: RMB 5.026 billion (yoy +20.96%) [2] - Q1-Q3 2024 net profit attributable to shareholders: RMB 249 million (yoy -26.62%) [2] Future Projections - Expected revenue for 2024-2026: RMB 7.145 billion, RMB 8.636 billion, and RMB 10.635 billion, respectively [4] - Expected net profit attributable to shareholders for 2024-2026: RMB 397 million, RMB 512 million, and RMB 676 million, respectively [4] - Expected EPS for 2024-2026: RMB 1.87, RMB 2.41, and RMB 3.19, respectively [4] - Expected PE ratios for 2024-2026: 21.32x, 16.54x, and 12.52x, respectively [4] Business Highlights - The company has secured 10 OEMs for 23 air spring damper assembly projects, 2 OEMs for 5 suspension controller projects, and 17 OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers for 48 air tank projects, indicating strong market demand for its air suspension products [3] - The company's air suspension business is expected to benefit from the rapid penetration of air suspension systems in new energy vehicles, with capacity expansion plans in place to meet growing demand [3] Financial Ratios and Metrics - Q3 2024 sales/management/R&D/financial expense ratios: 3.09%/5.91%/7.92%/0.87% (yoy +1.01/-0.32/+0.45/-1.02pcts, qoq -0.61/-0.61/-0.31/-0.25pcts) [2] - Expected gross margin for 2024-2026: 26.09%, 26.29%, and 26.24%, respectively [10] - Expected net margin for 2024-2026: 5.56%, 5.93%, and 6.36%, respectively [10] - Expected ROE for 2024-2026: 12.22%, 12.91%, and 13.95%, respectively [10]
申万宏源· 2024-11-01 06:41
上 市 公 司 汽车 证 券 研 究 报 告 2024 年 10 月 31 日 保隆科技 (603197) ——24Q3 业绩符合预期,关注业绩拐点出现 | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|-------------------------------| | 市场数据: | 2024 年 10 月 31 日 | | 收盘价(元) | 38.32 | | 一年内最高/最低(元) | 67.18/26.82 | | 市净率 | 2.6 | | 息率(分红/股价) | 2.22 | | 流通 A 股市值(百万元) | 8,094 | | 上证指数/深证成指 | 3,279.82/10,591.22 | | --- | --- | |------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | | | 基础数据 : | 2024 年 09 月 30 日 | | | | | 每股净资产(元) | 14.60 | | | | | 资产负债率 % | 64.44 | | 总股本/流通 A 股(百万 ...
中泰证券· 2024-11-01 06:41
保隆科技(603197.SH) 汽车零部件 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 31 日 业绩环比持续改善,盈利拐点明确 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
华泰证券· 2024-10-31 07:55
证券研究报告 资料未添:Wind 保隆科技 (603197 CH) Q3 盈利回升,空悬业务向海外迈进 | --- | --- | |---------------------------------|------------| | | | | 华春研究 | 李报点评 | | 2024 年 10 月 31 日 \| 中国内地 | 汽车零部件 | 保隆科技发布三季报:Q3 公司营收稳健增长,实现营收 18.43 亿元 (yoy+19.75%,qoq+8.34%),期间费用管控环比优化,Q3归母净利 1.00 亿元(yoy-35.21%, qoq+24.87%), 符合我们此前业绩预期 (0.9-1.1 亿元)。 2024 年 Q1-Q3 实现营收 50.26 亿元(yoy+20.96%), 归母净利 2.49 亿元 (yoy-26.62%),扣非净利 2.10 亿元(yoy-24.29%)。公司不断夯实空悬领 先优势,在手订单有望加速释放。维持"增持"评级。 Q3 营收稳健增长,空悬产品打入海外客户供应链 公司 Q3 营收同环比均稳健增长,或系空悬业务搭载理想、奇瑞等新车型特 续爬坡,传统业务随行业产销复苏实现 ...
保隆科技:系列点评五:24Q3业绩符合预期 转债获批助力空悬成长
民生证券· 2024-10-31 06:39
保隆科技(603197.SH)系列点评五 [盈利预测与财务指标 Table_Forcast] 24Q3 业绩符合预期 转债获批助力空悬成长 2024 年 10 月 31 日 ➢ 事件概述:公司发布 2024 年第三季度报告,2024 年前三季度营收 50.26 亿元,同比+20.96%,归母净利 2.49 亿元,同比-26.62%,扣非后归母净利 2.10 亿元,同比-24.29%;其中 2024Q3 营收 18.43 亿元,同比+19.75%,环比 +8.34%;归母净利 1.00 亿元,同比-35.21%,环比+24.87%;扣非后归母净利 0.91 亿元,同比-30.60%,环比+71.19%。 ➢ 24Q3 业绩符合预期 稳健盈利能力显现。1)收入端:2024Q3 营收 18.43 亿元,同比+19.75%,环比+8.34%,营收同环比均实现增长,系重点客户理想 销量增长所致:2024Q3 理想汽车实现交付 15.28 万辆,同比+45.40%,环比 +40.75%;2)利润端:2024Q3 归母净利 1.00 亿元,同比-35.21%,环比 +24.87%;扣非 0.91 亿元,同比-30.60%, ...
华金证券· 2024-10-31 00:03
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民生证券· 2024-10-30 14:43
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