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赛诺医疗(688108) - 2024年8月20日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-08-26 07:37
证券代码:688108 证券简称:赛诺医疗 赛诺医疗科学技术股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-004 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 活动类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 其他 (2024 年半年报线上业绩交流会) 广发证券(罗稼荣、王稼宸)、东吴证券(刘若彤)、华泰证券(杨昌源)、 光大证券(吴佳青)、国信证券(沈鹭)、西南证券(陈辰、萧向)、国泰 君安证券(谈嘉程、蔡晨)、国盛证券(王震、杨芳)、平安证券(叶寅、 倪亦道、裴晓鹏)、华源证券(林海霖)、东北证券(叶菁)、中信建投证 券(郑涛)、中信证券(顾资然)、中金(高远)、东方证券(陆佳晶、翟 淑星)、华创证券(陈俊威)、华安证券(赵诚、李婵)、太平洋证券(李 啸岩、谭紫媚)、中邮证券(陈峻)、中天国富证券(关雪莹)、招商证券 (郭子娴)、浙商证券(孙芊荟)、民生证券(袁维超)、东海基金(吴倩 羽)、东海资管(姚文)、方正资管(栾小宇)、国寿安保基金(韩涵)、 参与单位名称 国投瑞银基金(刘泽序)、荷荷私募基金(唐巍)、湖南迪策鸿杉私募基 及人员姓名 金(张擎柱)、华福医药(黄冠群)、汇丰 ...
广发证券· 2024-08-23 09:12
[Table_Title] 赛诺医疗(688108.SH) 公司业绩扭亏为盈,后续管线持续推进 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 公司 24H1 业绩符合预期。公司发布 24 年半年报,24 年上半年公司 实现营收 2.14 亿元(YOY+32.49%);归母净利润为 0.08 亿元,同 比扭亏;毛利率 59.2%(YOY-1.46pp),系产品单位成本下降幅度大 于单价下降幅度。根据 wind,公司 24 年 2 季度实现营收 1.23 亿元 (YOY+39.17%);归母净利润 0.05 亿元,同比扭亏。 公司两大赛道稳步发展。根据公司 24 年中报,24 年上半年冠脉端收 入同比增速 70.77%,系公司两款进入集采范围的冠脉支架和冠脉球 囊产品销量大幅增长;神经介入端收入同比增速 2.74%,系神介球囊 产品单价及销量下降并叠加颅内支架等新品销量增长所致。 公司费率整体下降。根据 wind,公司 24 年上半年研发费用率 31.95% (YOY-0.55pp),系营业收入大幅增长,同时合并新增 Elum 公司相 关研发项目和部分研发项目进入关键里程碑;销售费用率 17.32% (YOY-2. ...
太平洋· 2024-08-23 03:00
2024 年 08 月 21 日 公司点评 买入/维持 赛诺医疗(688108) 昨收盘:7.58 赛诺医疗点评报告:冠脉集采迅速放量,业绩持续恢复 ◼ 走势比较 (20%) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 23/8/2123/11/224/1/1424/3/2724/6/824/8/20 赛诺医疗 沪深300 ◼ 股票数据 总股本/流通(亿股) 4.13/4.13 总市值/流通(亿元) 31.34/31.34 12 个月内最高/最低价 (元) 14.85/7.44 相关研究报告 <<赛诺医疗深度报告:集采助力冠脉 支架业绩回升,神经介入开启新发展 曲线>>--2024-07-01 证券分析师:谭紫媚 电话:0755-83688830 分析师登记编号:S1190520090001 事件: 8 月 20 日,公司公布 2024 半年度报告,2024 年上半年实 现营业收入 2.14 亿元,同比增长 32.49%;归母净利润 0.08 亿元,同 比增长 125.88%,实现扭亏为盈;扣非归母净利润-0.13 亿元,同比扭 亏 0.22 亿元。 其中,2024 年 ...
东吴证券· 2024-08-22 17:30
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·医疗器械 赛诺医疗(688108) 2024 年中报点评:冠脉集采续约维持较高放 量,颅内自膨支架成长空间足【勘误版】 2024 年 08 月 22 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|----------|---------|--------|--------|----------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 192.85 | 343.26 | 493.01 | 810.97 | 1,156.25 | | 同比( % ) | (0.77) | 77.99 | 43.63 | 64.49 | 42.58 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | (162.38) | (39.63) | 16.31 | 91.00 | 218.58 | | 同比( % ) | (24.18) | 75.59 | 141.15 | 457.99 | 140.2 ...
东吴证券· 2024-08-21 18:30
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·医疗器械 赛诺医疗(688108) 2024 年中报点评:冠脉集采续约维持较高放 量,颅内自膨支架成长空间足 2024 年 08 月 21 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|----------|----------|--------|--------|----------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 192.85 | 343.26 | 493.01 | 810.97 | 1,156.25 | | 同比( % ) | (0.77) | 77.99 | 43.63 | 64.49 | 42.58 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | (162.38) | (39.63) | 16.31 | 91.00 | 218.58 | | 同比( % ) | (24.18) | 75.59 | 141.15 | 457.99 | 140.20 | ...
赛诺医疗 2024 半年报点评:冠脉业务强劲增长,神介新品研发顺利
国泰君安· 2024-08-21 09:11
国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 | --- | |-------| | | | | | | 公 司 更 新 报 告 证 券 研 究 报 告 ——赛诺医疗 2024 半年报点评 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.08.21 冠脉业务强劲增长,神介新品研发顺利 赛诺医疗(688108) [Table_Industry] 医药/必需消费 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-----------------------------------|-----------------------|-------| | | | | | | | [table_Authors] 丁丹 ( 分析师 ) | 谈嘉程 ( 分析师 ) | | | | 0755-23976735 | 021-38038429 | | | | | | | | 登记编号 | S0880514030001 | S0880523070 ...
-· 2024-08-20 15:04
年终报业绩电话会您成功加入会议感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后 感谢大家参加本次会议会议即将开始请稍后大家欢参加广发医药在农医疗2024年中报业绩调汇目前所有参会者均处于静状态下面播报免责声明声明播报完毕后主持人可直接开始发言 免责声明本次电话会议内容仅供广发证券客户参考在任何情况下本次电话会议内容不构成对任何人的投资建议除非法律法规有明确规定在任何情况下广发证券不对应使用本次电话会议内容而引致的任何损失承担任何责任相关人员不应以本次电话会议内容取代其独立判断或仅根据本次电话会议内容作出决策 未经广发胜券事先书面许可任何机构或个人不得以任何形式复制、刊登、传播和引用本次电话会议 ...
赛诺医疗(688108) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-19 12:50
Company Information - The company's registered address is No. 5, Fourth Avenue, Tianjin Development Zone, TEDA Biomedical Research Building, Block B, 2nd Floor[9] - The company's legal representative is Sun Jianhua[9] - The company's website is[9] - The company's stock is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR Market under the ticker symbol 688108[13] - The company's stock abbreviation is Sino Medical[13] - The company's board secretary is Huang Kai, and the securities affairs representative is Zhang Xidan[10] - The company's contact email for investor relations is[10] - The company's contact phone number is 010-82163261[10] - The company's contact fax number is 010-82162787[10] - The company's office address is No. 5, Fourth Avenue, Tianjin Development Zone, TEDA Biomedical Research Building, Block A, 3rd Floor[9] Financial Performance - Revenue for the reporting period reached RMB 213,692,262.55, a year-on-year increase of 32.49%[14] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 7,662,008.81, a year-on-year increase of 125.88%[16] - Revenue from coronary intervention business increased by 70.77% year-on-year, driven by the second round of national centralized procurement of coronary stents[16] - Revenue from neurointervention business increased by 2.74% year-on-year, influenced by price and sales volume changes in neurointervention balloon products[16] - R&D investment accounted for 43.16% of revenue, a decrease of 6.69 percentage points year-on-year[17] - Net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 13,002,580.28, a year-on-year decrease of 16.72%[16] - Total assets increased by 11.04% compared to the end of the previous year, reaching RMB 1,316,769,024.79[14] - Non-recurring gains and losses amounted to RMB 20,255,319.85, including government subsidies of RMB 5,817,325.90[18][19] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 0.02, a year-on-year increase of 128.57%[17] - Weighted average return on equity was 0.92%, an increase of 4.46 percentage points year-on-year[17] Product Portfolio - The company's main products include coronary stents, coronary balloons, neuro stents, and neuro balloons, with several products leading both domestically and internationally[25] - The company's HT Supreme coronary drug-eluting stent system is the first healing-oriented coronary drug stent system globally and the first in China to undergo pre-market clinical studies in China, the US, Japan, and Europe[25] - The company's Neuro RX intracranial balloon dilatation catheter is the first in China to adopt rapid exchange technology and has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration[25] - The company's NOVA intracranial drug-eluting stent system is the first globally for treating intracranial arterial stenosis and the first healing-oriented intracranial stent[25] - The company's products have been used in nearly 2 million cases and are available in over 3,000 hospitals in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and South America[24] Global Operations - The company has established subsidiaries in Beijing, Suzhou, Hong Kong, the US, Japan, the Netherlands, and France, with an international-level R&D, production, and operation system[24] - The company focuses on cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and structural heart disease intervention treatment fields[24] - The company's products are registered in multiple countries and regions, including China, Thailand, Brazil, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Europe, Singapore, Turkey, India, the UK, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Egypt, Belarus, and Mexico[26] - The company's NC Thonic® non-compliant PTCA balloon dilatation catheter is used for post-PCI stent expansion and is registered in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Taiwan, and Singapore[26] - The company's BuMA biodegradable drug-coated coronary stent system is registered in China, Thailand, Brazil, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Europe, Singapore, and Turkey[26] R&D and Innovation - The company's core technology in vascular drug-eluting implant design, based on the "healing window period" theory, has been applied to products like the BuMA series drug-eluting stents, NOVA intracranial stents, and HT series drug-eluting stent systems[31] - The company has developed a timed drug release technology and LPN spray process platform, which synchronizes drug release with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation cycles[32] - The company has a complete vascular and non-vascular stent design and manufacturing platform, covering all processes from design to loading[33] - The company has established a comprehensive balloon catheter and delivery system process platform, crucial for clinical performance[33] - The company is developing a new generation of magnesium alloy biodegradable stents with a wall thickness controlled below 120 microns, ensuring mechanical support for 3 to 6 months and complete degradation within 1 year[33] - The company's interventional mitral valve replacement system uses nickel-titanium memory alloy and bovine pericardium, with a positioning device for precise placement[33] - The company has built an automated and intelligent manufacturing platform, including automated image collection, defect recognition, and material transfer[34] - The company has a full set of imported tube extrusion equipment, capable of producing single-layer, double-layer, and multi-cavity tubes for various product performance needs[34] - The company has a complete catheter design and precision processing platform, equipped with various catheter braiding machines to respond to clinical demands[34] Financial Details - Total R&D investment (including capitalized and expensed) reached 92.2267 million yuan, accounting for 43.16% of total revenue[35] - The company has 22 products in the coronary, neuro, and structural heart disease intervention fields, with 50 registrations obtained in 21 countries and regions globally[36] - 7 new invention patents were applied for, and 9 were granted in the first half of the year, bringing the total number of invention patents to 150 globally[36] - The company's clinical research results were published in 2 international core journals, with a cumulative total of 36 papers published (22 in international core journals)[36] - The company's neurovascular subsidiary, Sinomed Neurovita, obtained a medical device registration certificate for its delivery catheter, and the balloon guide catheter received registration acceptance[38] - The company's intracranial self-expanding drug stent received innovative device approval and completed registration acceptance, being the world's first of its kind[39] - The company is developing a globally patented retractable, self-locking interventional mitral valve replacement technology, with multiple patents granted worldwide[40] - Capitalized R&D investment decreased by 14.36% to 23.9618 million yuan, mainly due to reduced clinical trial and material costs as some projects reached key milestones[42] - The BuMA Supreme biodegradable drug-coated coronary stent system - PIONEER II project has received market approval, with a cumulative investment of 71.9712 million yuan[43] - Precision tube extrusion technology has achieved a production capacity of millions, accelerating the development of self-developed products and ensuring the supply of mass-produced products[44] - The non-compliant balloon dilatation catheter (II) has obtained registration certification, with future growth estimated to maintain a compound growth rate of around 15%[44] - The semi-compliant balloon dilatation catheter has obtained registration certification, with future growth estimated to maintain a compound growth rate of around 15%[44] - The HT Supreme II has obtained registration certification, with future growth estimated to maintain a compound growth rate of around 15%[44] - The extension catheter has obtained registration certification, with PCI surgeries in China growing at an annual rate of 10% to 20%, and the number of PCI surgeries expected to reach 250 by 2025[44] - The Accufit interventional mitral valve replacement system has entered the long-term animal experiment stage, with a market potential of over 10 million severe MR patients in China[45] - The intracranial aspiration catheter has submitted design optimization and registration changes, with a market share of 70-80% in thrombectomy surgeries[45] - The Nova drug-eluting stent system is in the clinical enrollment stage, with a potential market of 70-80 thousand ischemic stroke patients annually in China[45] - The intracranial drug balloon system is undergoing product design optimization, with a potential market for small vessels and in-stent restenosis cases[46] - The intracranial self-expanding drug stent system has received innovative approval and registration application acceptance, with a potential market of 70-80 thousand ischemic stroke patients annually in China[46] Risks and Challenges - The company faces risks of new product R&D failure or delayed registration, which could impact revenue and profitability[60] - Potential loss of key scientific and technical talent could adversely affect the company's continuous operation[61] - The company's products are subject to risks from centralized procurement policies, which may lead to fluctuations in sales volume and pricing[63] - Intense competition in the cardiovascular and neurovascular intervention markets could weaken the company's market position and profitability[64] - Uncertainty in the launch of new products due to strict regulatory oversight could delay commercialization and impact revenue[65] - Risks associated with the supply of critical raw materials, which could disrupt production if supply is interrupted[66] - The company's neurovascular intervention products face risks of R&D failure or inability to achieve expected sales targets[67] - The company's performance turned from profit to loss in 2024 due to the impact of centralized procurement and high R&D expenses[69] Shareholder and Equity Information - The company's total shares increased from 410,000,000 to 413,456,000 due to the issuance of 3,456,000 new shares[140] - The company completed the registration of 3,456,000 unrestricted shares from the second vesting period of the 2022 restricted stock incentive plan, which became tradable on June 27, 2024[141] - As of the reporting period, the total number of ordinary shareholders was 10,834[141] - Shareholder Guo Yanchao holds a total of 22,649,343 shares, including 12,399,343 shares through a regular securities account and 10,250,000 shares through a margin account[142] - Shareholder Huang Songlang holds a total of 10,050,000 shares, all through a margin account[142] - Shareholder Wang Ning holds a total of 4,979,733 shares, all through a margin account[142] - Tianjin Weixin Sunshine Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. holds 71,859,417 shares, representing 17.38% of the total shares[143] - The China Bank Co., Ltd. - Guotai Jiangyuan Advantage Select Flexible Allocation Mixed Securities Investment Fund holds 12,628,045 shares, representing 3.05% of the total shares[143] - Tianjin Sunshine Guangye Enterprise Management Partnership holds 10,628,155 shares, representing 2.57% of the total shares[143] - The total number of shares held by the top 10 shareholders is 162,958,708, accounting for 39.41% of the total shares[149] - The largest shareholder, Tianjin Weixin Sunshine Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., holds 71,859,417 shares, representing 17.38% of the total shares[149] - The second-largest shareholder, Guo Yanchao, holds 22,649,343 shares, accounting for 5.48% of the total shares[149] - The third-largest shareholder, China Bank Co., Ltd. - Guotai Jiangyuan Advantage Select Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, holds 12,628,045 shares, representing 3.05% of the total shares[149] - The fourth-largest shareholder, Tianjin Sunshine Guangye Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), holds 10,628,155 shares, accounting for 2.57% of the total shares[149] - The fifth-largest shareholder, Huang Songlang, holds 10,050,000 shares, representing 2.43% of the total shares[149] - The sixth-largest shareholder, Tianjin Sunshine Deye Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), holds 8,208,381 shares, accounting for 1.99% of the total shares[149] - The seventh-largest shareholder, China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - Guotai Medical and Health Stock Securities Investment Fund, holds 7,909,831 shares, representing 1.91% of the total shares[149] - The eighth-largest shareholder, China Bank Co., Ltd. - Guotai Zhiyuan Advantage Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, holds 7,642,724 shares, accounting for 1.85% of the total shares[149] - The ninth-largest shareholder, Tianjin Sunshine Yongye Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), holds 6,403,079 shares, representing 1.55% of the total shares[149] - The company completed the transfer of 20,500,000 shares at a price of 9.784 yuan per share to Guo Yanchao, with the transfer registered on January 19, 2024[152] Cash Flow and Financial Position - The company's monetary funds increased to 232,967,228.24 yuan as of June 30, 2024, up from 188,640,045.22 yuan at the end of 2023[156] - Accounts receivable rose to 23,309,703.48 yuan as of June 30, 2024, compared to 8,936,220.19 yuan at the end of 2023[156] - Inventory increased to 123,823,611.18 yuan as of June 30, 2024, from 118,220,173.59 yuan at the end of 2023[156] - Total assets grew to 1,316,769,024.79 yuan as of June 30, 2024, up from 1,185,821,379.98 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - Short-term borrowings increased to 63,055,736.10 yuan as of June 30, 2024, compared to 53,554,648.62 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - Accounts payable decreased to 23,217,668.84 yuan as of June 30, 2024, from 28,170,465.48 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - Long-term loans increased to 59,300,000.00 yuan as of June 30, 2024, up from 50,300,000.00 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - The company's total liabilities increased to 171,422,574.73 yuan as of June 30, 2024, compared to 151,272,495.57 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - The company's total non-current liabilities increased to 171,407,337.86 yuan as of June 30, 2024, up from 130,220,448.24 yuan at the end of 2023[157] - Total revenue for the first half of 2024 reached 213,692,262.55 RMB, an increase from 161,285,944.35 RMB in the same period of 2023[162] - Total operating costs for the first half of 2024 were 238,544,415.05 RMB, compared to 203,874,673.63 RMB in the first half of 2023[162] - Total assets as of June 30, 2024, amounted to 1,451,911,970.97 RMB, up from 1,339,305,239.98 RMB at the end of 2023[161] - Total liabilities as of June 30, 2024, were 310,167,325.59 RMB, compared to 240,066,782.01 RMB at the end of 2023[161] - Total equity as of June 30, 2024, stood at 1,141,744,645.38 RMB, up from 1,099,238,457.97 RMB at the end of 2023[161] - Long-term equity investments increased to 638,971,339.75 RMB as of June 30, 2024, from 457,149,318.53 RMB at the end of 2023[160] - Development expenditure rose to 287,523,300.75 RMB as of June 30, 2024, compared to 273,538,721.28 RMB at the end of 2023[160] - Total non-current liabilities as of June 30, 2024, were 176,552,239.37 RMB, up from 137,843,698.94 RMB at the end of 2023[161] - Total current liabilities as of June 30, 2024, were 133,615,086.22 RMB, compared to 102,223,083.07 RMB at the end of 2023[160] - Total owner's equity as of June 30, 2024, was 913,769,096.29 RMB, up from 861,649,791.13 RMB at the end of 2023[158] - Sales expenses increased to 37,006,450.01 RMB, up from 31,514,848.96 RMB in the previous period[163] - R&D expenses rose to 68,264,921.24 RMB, compared to 52,417,509.01 RMB in the prior period[163] - Net profit for the period was 9,774,478.68 RMB, a significant improvement from a net loss of -32,195,883.38 RMB in the previous year[163] - Revenue for the parent company increased to 162,087,758.30 RMB, up from 112,694,732.52 RMB in the same period last year[165] - Parent company's net profit reached 19,791,804.69 RMB, compared to a net loss of -7,699,793.59 RMB in the previous year[166] - Basic earnings per share for the parent company improved to 0.05 RMB, up from -0.02 RMB in the prior period[166] - Total comprehensive income for the parent company was 19,791,804.69 RMB, compared to -7,699,793.59 RMB in the previous year[166] - Interest expenses for the parent company increased to 2,423,568.33 RMB, up from 1,130,151.28 RMB in the prior period[165] - Other income for the parent company decreased to 2,716,338.29 RMB, down from 4,423,801.37 RMB in the previous year[165] - Credit impairment loss for the parent company was -1,911
-· 2024-08-15 01:28
各位投资人早上好 欢迎介入动物医药诸葛广团队的系列培训 我是医药研究员刘乐童那我来介绍下塞诺伊了这家器械公司公司主营业务呢 是做神经介入及灌卖介入的器械产品的主要的看点呢 第一个就是它有两款这个颅内支架的单品将于今年年底到明年年初获批上市 他们的销售峰值分别是十几亿元这样的一个量级那第二点就是公司的外卖产品系列这边有这个新一代的改良外卖支架产品以及公司独家技术的一款全能新品都是光脚进入了国家集采并且在进入集采后带来了快速放量也将有助助力公司的业绩在今年实现扭亏为盈 同时呢HT系列的这个贯卖产品有望于今年年底是拿到FDA的获批并且在海外上市之后带来贯卖业务板块的一个新的增量展开来说公司在这个神经介入板块布局也是较早的这两年是进入了产品的收获期神经介入的医疗器械市场整体的市场空间增速较快 市场规模近150亿元过去的复合增速是20亿%公司在缺血出血和通路的这三大领域都是有所布局的产品界较为丰富大家现在最为关注的两款产品第一个这个是鲁内自捧药物支架是用于缺血型脑突冻的也就是鲁内动脉中央硬化狭窄这个市场潜力还是较大的然而市场 格局还是较好的当前目前的这个竞争产品只有三款分别是这个威创和史赛克的两款裸支架以及赛诺他自己在 ...
-· 2024-08-14 14:34
医药研制员刘若彤,我来介绍一下塞诺沃医疗这家器械公司。公司的主营业务是做神经介入及怪脉介入的器械产品。主要的看点第一个就是它有两款颅内支架的单品将于今年年底到明年年初货批上市。他们的销售峰值分别是十几亿元这样的一个量级。 那第二点就是公司的外卖产品系列这边有这个新一代的改良外卖支架产品以及公司独家技术的一款球囊新品都是光脚进入了国家集采并且在进入集采后带来了快速放量也将助力公司的业绩在今年实现扭亏为盈同时呢HT系列的这个外卖产品有望于今年年底是拿到FDA的获批并且在海外上市之后带来外卖业务板块的一个新的增量 展开来说,公司在这个神经介入板块布局也是较早的,这两年是进入了产品的收获期。神经介入的医疗器械市场整体的市场空间增速较快,市场规模近150亿元,过去的复合增速是20亿。 公司在缺血出血和通路的这三大领域都是有所布局的产品线较为丰富大家现在最为关注的两款产品第一个是鲁内自捧药物支架是用于切血型脑搓针的也就是鲁内动脉中央硬化狭窄这个市场潜力还是较大的然而市场格局还是较好的当前目前的竞争产品只有三款分别是威创和史赛克的两款裸支架以及赛诺他自己在21年上市的nova药物支架 那自朋支架这款产品呢从产品的便携性和操 ...