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国星光电(002449) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-24 16:00
STAFF 日常 之 SILA 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告 2023 年 8 月 25 日 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告全文 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容 的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并承担 个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人王佳、主管会计工作负责人李蒲林及会计机构负责人(会计主 管人员)杨礼红声明:保证本半年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 所有董事均已出席了审议本次半年报的董事会会议。 本报告中涉及的未来计划、经营目标等前瞻性陈述,不构成公司对投资 者的实质承诺,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 公司面临的风险与应对措施详见本报告第三节"管理层讨论与分析"之 十"公司面临的风险和应对措施"。敬请广大投资者关注,并注意投资风险。 公司计划不派发现金红利,不送红股,不以公积金转增股本。 2 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告全文 | | | | 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 | | --- | | 第二节 公司简介和主要财务指标 . | | 第三节 管理层讨 ...
国星光电(002449) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-28 16:00
佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 证券代码:002449 证券简称:国星光电 公告编号:2023-028 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误 导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、 误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 3.第一季度报告是否经审计 □是 否 一、主要财务数据 追溯调整或重述原因 □会计政策变更 □会计差错更正 同一控制下企业合并 □其他原因 | | 本报告期 | 上年同期 | | 本报告期比上年同期 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | 增减(%) | | | | 调整前 | 调整后 | 调整后 | | 营业收入(元) | 796,592,084.50 | 722,049,554.97 | 763,916,409 ...
国星光电(002449) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-06 16:00
Dividend Distribution - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 0.6 yuan per 10 shares, with a total base of 618,477,169 shares[1] - The company distributed a cash dividend of 0.5 yuan per share, totaling 30,923,858.45 yuan, based on the 2021 year-end total share capital of 618,477,169 shares[133] LED Market and Technology Trends - The LED packaging market in China is expected to further expand due to advancements in Mini/Micro LED technology and increased production capacity[17] - Government policies are expected to support the development of Mini/Micro LED technology, potentially expanding the market size[18] - The LED packaging industry is experiencing increased concentration, with emerging markets showing promising growth potential[40] - Mini LED applications are expanding, and the automotive LED business is growing positively, driven by the demand for new energy vehicles[41] - The company is focusing on Mini/Micro-LED new display technologies and smart lighting, which are key growth areas in the LED industry[40] - Micro LED is identified as a key development direction for the LED industry, with potential applications in large displays, wearable devices, and head-mounted devices[83] Financial Performance - Revenue in 2022 decreased by 11.49% to 3,579,885,727.44 yuan compared to the adjusted revenue of 4,044,638,683.41 yuan in 2021[35] - Net profit attributable to shareholders decreased by 48.22% to 121,339,776.82 yuan in 2022 compared to the adjusted net profit of 234,332,049.97 yuan in 2021[35] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 44.91% to 391,449,155.58 yuan in 2022 compared to the adjusted 710,512,416.91 yuan in 2021[35] - Basic earnings per share decreased by 48.22% to 0.1962 yuan in 2022 compared to the adjusted 0.3789 yuan in 2021[35] - Weighted average return on equity decreased by 3.06% to 3.05% in 2022 compared to the adjusted 6.11% in 2021[36] - Total assets increased by 0.33% to 6,579,814,806.63 yuan at the end of 2022 compared to the adjusted 6,558,324,456.33 yuan at the end of 2021[36] - Total operating revenue for 2022 was 3,579,885,727.44 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 11.49%[105] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 121,339,776.82 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 48.22%[105] - Earnings per share were 0.1962 yuan per share, with a weighted average return on equity of 3.05%[105] - Total assets as of December 31, 2022, were 6,579,814,806.63 yuan, with shareholders' equity of 3,753,497,564.55 yuan[105] Non-Recurring Gains and Losses - Non-recurring gains and losses for 2022 totaled 72,334,751.66 yuan, including gains from asset disposals and government subsidies[13] - The company's non-recurring gains and losses for 2022 included 12,935,605.25 yuan from the net profit of subsidiaries acquired under the same control[13] - The company reported a non-recurring gain of 294,743.88 yuan from foreign exchange transactions related to forward exchange contracts[13] - The company's non-recurring gains and losses for 2022 included 7,668,976.99 yuan from other non-operating income and expenses[13] - The company's non-recurring gains and losses for 2022 were reduced by an income tax impact of 5,126,071.76 yuan[13] Government Subsidies and Support - The company received government subsidies amounting to 55,721,827.21 yuan in 2022, primarily related to normal business operations[13] - Other income was RMB 65.22 million, accounting for 50.05% of total profit, mainly from government subsidies[69] Product Portfolio and Applications - The company's main business is the R&D, production, and sales of LED devices and components, with emerging cultivation of third-generation compound semiconductor packaging and testing products[19] - The company's products are widely used in consumer electronics, home appliances, computers, communications, display and lighting products, general lighting, automotive lighting, sterilization and purification, and plant lighting[19] - The company has added MOS/Si/IC products from its subsidiary, Fenghua Core Electronics, to its product portfolio[21] - The company's "Ultra-High Definition Display LED Devices" have maintained the top global market share in their category from 2019 to 2021[25] - The company's products include SOP, SOT/SOD, DFN/QFN, TO series, and third-generation semiconductor products such as NSiC and NSGaN series[21] - The company's third-generation semiconductor products are widely used in new energy vehicle charging, fast charging for mobile phones, and consumer electronics[21] - The company's LED driver power products are used in applications such as chargers and switching power supplies, improving system efficiency and power density[21] - Mini LED series products are widely used in broadcasting, security, cinema, rental, and engineering, offering micro-distance high-definition and excellent performance with integrated matrix packaging for convenience, high efficiency, and high reliability[44] - REESTAR LED series is designed for high-end fixed installation, rental, and landmark projects, known for its high reliability, ultimate performance, and customized services[44] Production and Procurement Models - The company's production model is flexible and diversified, including production-sales integration, customized production for special products, and customized production for major clients[24] - The company's procurement model includes cost control plans for production materials, strategic negotiations with core suppliers, and competitive bidding for large-scale purchases[23] - The company's procurement process includes tracking orders, receiving goods, inventory management, and payment processing[22] Sales and Market Performance - The company's sales model is primarily direct sales, covering domestic and international business sectors, with a focus on adjusting sales strategies and product layouts based on market and customer demand changes[45] - Despite a decline in overall market demand due to factors like transportation restrictions, weak consumption, and the Russia-Ukraine war, the company maintained its leading position in the ultra-high-definition display device market with stable core product gross margins[46] - LED display market demand weakened in 2022, leading to a decline in production and operational pressure for companies[83] - Domestic revenue accounted for 2,507,352,719.09 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 15.83%, while international revenue was 746,505,348.92 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.62%[116] - Total revenue in 2022 decreased by 11.49% to 3,579,885,727.44 RMB compared to 4,044,638,683.41 RMB in 2021[119] - Revenue from the electronic components manufacturing sector decreased by 16.45% to 2,867,182,998.18 RMB, accounting for 80.09% of total revenue[119] - Revenue from the trade sector increased by 16.09% to 635,203,753.89 RMB, accounting for 17.74% of total revenue[119] - Revenue from LED packaging and component products decreased by 15.47% to 2,608,087,271.27 RMB, accounting for 72.85% of total revenue[119] - Domestic revenue decreased by 16.47% to 2,783,451,746.74 RMB, while international revenue increased by 11.80% to 796,433,980.70 RMB[119] - Sales volume of electronic components increased by 12.76% to 21,582,719 units, while inventory decreased by 17.61% to 2,908,800 units[117] - The top five customers accounted for 17.06% of total sales, with the top customer contributing 6.09% of total sales[121] - The top five suppliers accounted for 25.61% of total procurement, with the top supplier contributing 9.42% of total procurement[122] R&D and Innovation - The company is developing high-power near-ultraviolet LED chips, devices, and modules, aiming to improve product quality and market share[52] - The company is researching Micro-LED display and ultra-high brightness micro-display technology, focusing on transfer and micro-packaging technologies to enhance display quality and brightness[56] - The company is developing ultra-thin, short-distance, and high-brightness integrated micro-display devices, aiming to fill domestic technology gaps and enhance international competitiveness[56] - The company is focusing on automotive LED packaging, developing high-lumen composite reflective LED chips and high-density matrix packaging to promote the development of the semiconductor lighting industry[56] - The company is developing low-copper quantum dot backlight technology to reduce cadmium content in quantum dot backlight films to meet EU RoHS standards, aiming to improve product quality and market share[59] - The company is establishing a pilot production line for low-environmental-pollution quantum dot backlight technology, leveraging its advantages in the LED industry[59] - The company is focusing on Micro-LED micro-nano display technology research, addressing industry common technical challenges and promoting high-quality development in the Greater Bay Area[59] - The company is researching third-generation semiconductor power devices and module packaging technology, aiming to develop high-quality SiC power modules for applications in new energy vehicles, energy grids, and industrial motors[59] - The company is enhancing the reliability of CHIP LED devices, optimizing performance for waterproofing, anti-static, and thermal shock resistance, targeting the smart home appliance market[59] - The company is strengthening its internal R&D capabilities to advance CHIP LED device technology and expand its product portfolio for high-end customized digital modules[59] - The company is integrating quantum dot materials and backlight technology to promote the development of the quantum dot backlight and display industry[59] - The company is leveraging the Greater Bay Area's resources to focus on the research and development of new photoelectric materials and micro-nano devices[59] - The company is addressing the lag in third-generation semiconductor power device development in China by innovating packaging technologies for high-power modules[59] - The company is developing high-reliability CHIP LED digital display modules for complex usage environments, aiming to tap into the vast potential of the home appliance display market[59] - R&D personnel increased by 13.65% to 558 in 2022, with a slight increase in the proportion of R&D personnel to 13.53%[64] - R&D investment decreased by 16.23% to RMB 214.96 million, accounting for 6.00% of operating revenue[64] - Capitalized R&D investment decreased by 48.87% to RMB 43.63 million, accounting for 20.29% of total R&D investment[64] - The company has established 16 R&D platforms, including a postdoctoral research workstation and a national-local joint engineering laboratory for semiconductor lighting materials and devices[95] - Successfully undertook nearly 30 national-level research projects and over 100 provincial and municipal-level research projects[95] - Developed a 3.5-inch P0.3 Micro LED full-color display, overcoming challenges in mass transfer and mass bonding[94] - Achieved a yield rate of over 99% for the TO-247 production line and over 98% for the GaN DFN 5*6/8*8 production line[94] - Launched the IMD-M04, the highest packaging density Mini LED direct display product globally[94] Cash Flow and Financial Activities - The company's operating cash flow for 2022 was 391.45 million yuan, while the net profit was 121.27 million yuan, resulting in a difference of 270.18 million yuan[62] - The company's operating cash inflow in 2022 was 4.07 billion yuan, a decrease of 4.49% compared to the previous year[62] - The company's operating cash outflow in 2022 was 3.68 billion yuan, an increase of 3.59% compared to the previous year[62] - The company's net cash flow from investing activities in 2022 was -420.80 million yuan, a decrease of 40.39% compared to the previous year[62] - The company's net cash flow from financing activities in 2022 was 430.71 million yuan, an increase of 526.76% compared to the previous year[62] - The company's net increase in cash and cash equivalents in 2022 was 411.13 million yuan, an increase of 33.61% compared to the previous year[62] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 44.91% due to lower sales collections and increased payment of bills[65] - Net cash flow from financing activities increased by 526.76% due to bank loans obtained during the reporting period[65] Asset and Liability Management - The company's cash position increased significantly by 5.93% to 1,444,714,649.54 yuan at the end of 2022, mainly due to new special loans[49] - The company's accounts receivable decreased by 6.90% to 652,281,571.44 yuan at the end of 2022, primarily due to reduced revenue and lower bill collections[49] - The company's deferred tax liabilities increased by 7,118,700 yuan at the end of 2022, reducing net profit but not affecting operating cash flow[49] - The company's inventory decreased by 16,807,400 yuan at the end of 2022, positively impacting operating cash flow[49] - Accounts receivable decreased by 8.02% to 527,919,696.05 yuan, compared to 590,952,297.22 yuan in the previous period[50] - Inventory increased slightly by 0.11% to 931,167,971.45 yuan, compared to 920,918,586.76 yuan in the previous period[50] - Fixed assets decreased by 1.53% to 2,098,546,365.07 yuan, compared to 2,191,647,326.60 yuan in the previous period[50] - Construction in progress increased by 1.36% to 447,194,804.02 yuan, compared to 356,968,768.05 yuan in the previous period[50] - Trade notes payable decreased significantly by 7.21% to 776,944,204.25 yuan, compared to 1,247,131,988.05 yuan in the previous period[50] - Long-term loans increased by 8.59% to 565,018,902.96 yuan, primarily due to new loans during the reporting period[50] Subsidiaries and Acquisitions - The company acquired 99.87695% equity of Guangdong Fenghua Xindian Technology Co., Ltd., which is a merger under the same control[37] - The company completed the acquisition of 99.87695% equity of Fenghua Xindian Technology Co., Ltd., which was included in the consolidated financial statements starting November 2022[47] - The company acquired Guangdong Fenghua Core Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. for RMB 268,819,300, holding 99.88% of the shares, resulting in an investment gain of RMB 11,714,234.50[74] - Subsidiary Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of RMB 364,540,698.50, a year-on-year increase of 38.73%, with a net loss of RMB 19,454,708.21, a reduction of 46.28% compared to the previous year[78] - Subsidiary Guangdong New Power Electronics Import & Export Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of RMB 635,235,044.90, a year-on-year increase of 16.09%, with a net profit of RMB 2,587,906.29, a decrease of 49.71% compared to the previous year[82] - Subsidiary Guangdong Fenghua Core Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. achieved revenue of RMB 144,666,455.77, a year-on-year decrease of 39.04%, with a net profit of RMB 11,714,234.50, a decrease of 63.15% compared to the previous year[82] Environmental and Energy Management - The company has obtained environmental impact assessment approval documents for all construction projects in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China[151] - The company's headquarters obtained fixed pollution source discharge registration on January 19, 2020, with a validity period of 5 years[152] - Guoxing Semiconductor obtained a "Pollutant Discharge Permit" on November 21, 2022, valid from January 2, 2023, to January 1, 2028[152] - Fenghua Core Electronics obtained fixed pollution source discharge registration on February 27, 2020, valid until February 26, 2025[152] - The company strictly complies with various environmental protection laws and regulations, including the Environmental Protection Law, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law, and Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law[151] - The company regularly organizes emergency drills for sudden environmental incidents in accordance with the Emergency Management Measures for Sudden Environmental Events[151] - The company regularly commissions third-party monitoring to ensure that all pollutants meet discharge standards, in accordance with the Environmental Monitoring Management Measures[151] - The company has completed environmental protection acceptance applications for multiple projects, including the Semiconductor Lighting Materials and Devices National Local Joint Engineering Laboratory Project[149] - The company has received environmental impact assessment approvals for various projects, such as the LED Backlight Technical Transformation Project and the Power-type LED and LED Light Source Module Technical Transformation Project[149] - The company has obtained environmental protection acceptance approvals for projects like the New Surface Mount Light Emitting Diode Technical Transformation Project and the Small Pitch LED and Outdoor Surface Mount LED Display Device Expansion Project[149] - The company's wastewater treatment facility achieved COD emissions of 0.84 t/a, with a discharge concentration of 14 mg/L, meeting the Guangdong Provincial Water Pollutant Discharge Standards[153] - Total VOCs emissions from the company's exhaust gas treatment were 0.212616 t/a, with a discharge concentration of 1.03725 mg/m³, complying with the Guangdong Provincial Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds[153] - The company's noise emissions during the day and night were 60 dB(A) and 50 dB(A) respectively, meeting the national Industrial Enterprise Noise Emission Standards[153] - The company
国星光电(002449) - 2014年7月2日投资者关系活动记录表
2022-12-08 05:28
证券代码:002449 证券简称:国星光电 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|---------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | | | 编号: 20140702 | | 投资者关系活动 | √特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | 类别 | □ 媒体采访 | □ 业绩说明会 | | | □ 新闻发布会 | □ 路演活动 | | | □ 现场参观 | | | | □ 其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | 参与单位名称及 人员姓名 | 1 、民生证券 石山虎 2 、申银万国证券 徐进 | | | 时间 2014 | 年 7 月 2 日 | | | 地点 公司 | 208 会议室 | | | 上市公司接待人 | 董事会秘书刘迪 | | | 员姓名 | 1 、请简单介绍下公司全产业链的情况。 | | | | | 刘迪答:(1)上游由公司控 ...
国星光电(002449) - 2015年11月5日投资者关系活动记录表
2022-12-08 01:31
证券代码:002449 证券简称:国星光电 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:20151105 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------|------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | √特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | 类别 | □ 媒体采访 | □ 业绩说明会 | | | □ 新闻发布会 | □ 路演活动 | | | □ 现场参观 | | | | □ 其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | 参与单位名称及 | 1 、华创证券:张劲骐 | | | 人员姓名 | 2 、广证恒生:吕志鹏 | | | 时间 2015 | 年 11 月 05 日 | | | 地点 公司会议室 | | | | 上市公司接待人 | | | | | 董事会秘书刘艾璨子 | | | 员姓名 | | | | | 1 、请简要介绍下公司业务基本情况。 | | | | | 刘艾璨子答:国星光电 ...
国星光电(002449) - 2015年4月23日投资者关系活动记录表
2022-12-07 09:34
编号:20150423 证券代码:002449 证券简称:国星光电 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 投资者关系活动 | √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | 类别 | □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 | | | | □新闻发布会 | □路演活动 | | | □现场参观 | | | | □其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | 参与单位名称及 人员姓名 | 华泰证券 张騄 | | | 时间 2015 | 年 4 月 23 日 | | | 地点 公司 | 106 会议室 | | | 上市公司接待人 | 董事会秘书 刘迪 | | | 员姓名 | 证券事务代表 刘艾璨子 | | | | 1 、请简要介绍下公司业务基本情况。 | | | | | 刘迪答:国星光电目前初步实现垂直一体化整合,上游外延芯 | | | | ...