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财联社· 2025-01-05 10:18
①微软将在人工智能数据中心投入800亿美元,机构建议重视AIDC智算中心产业链,这家公司已有部分 液冷散热产品应用于数据中心; ②2025全国网上年货节将于1月7日启动,机构预计零食送礼需求有望 良好增长,这家公司是我国最具影响力、产品品类最齐全的小品类休闲食品企业之一; ③这家公司携 往美国CES展会的产品包括AI眼镜、AR眼镜等。 【大头条】 一、数据中心|微软将在人工智能数据中心投入800亿美元,机构建议重视AIDC智算中心产业链,这家 公司已有部分液冷散热产品应用于数据中心 据媒体报道,微软在周五的一篇博客文章中表示,微软2025财年将在AI数据中心方面投入800亿美元。 微软副董事长兼总裁布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)写道,在微软的800亿美元支出中,超过一半将用于 美国。微软2025财年将于今年6月结束。 点评:大模型的发展离不开巨量的算力投入,预计未来互联网行业或将产生新一轮IDC建设浪潮。开源 证券认为,随着国内生成式AI快速发展,以及字节、阿里等互联网巨头加大AI投入,有望带来大量智算 需求,或将带动柴油发电机、服务器电源、UPS、制冷设备等IDC上游产业链价格提升,同时卡位核心 地 ...
国星光电龙虎榜复盘:机构多次参与 活跃游资高位追买
证券时报网· 2025-01-04 03:10
证券时报e公司讯,AI眼镜概念股国星光电近日连续大涨,最近11个交易日累计大涨逾63%。 复盘其龙虎榜可以发布,机构多次参与,而活跃游资在高位追买。 国星光电2024年12月19日开始涨停,其前几个涨停的参与资金主要是券商营业部;2024年12月26日国星 光电大跌8%当日,龙虎榜买一、买二、买三均是机构,合计买入1.77亿元,卖出3045万元。 2024年12月30日,国星光电股价冲高回落,当日两家机构分别现身龙虎榜买一、买三;合计买入1.66亿 元,卖出近1亿元。 随后的2024年12月31日及2025年1月2日机构则以卖出为主,合计净卖出逾1.5亿元。 活跃游资方面,中国银河证券大连黄河路证券营业部2025年1月2日为国星光电龙虎榜买一,买入 6986.74万元,且1月3日未现身其龙虎榜。 1月3日,中信证券西安朱雀大街证券营业部买入国星光电7984万元;国盛证券佛山分公司买入国星光电 2亿元,无卖出。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:34
证券时报•数据宝统计,两融数据来看,该股最新(12月30日)两融余额为3.89亿元,其中,融资余额 3.88亿元,较前一个交易日减少2182.56万元,环比下降5.32%,近9日累计增加2693.29万元,环比增长 7.46%。 公司12月27日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至最新(12月20日)股东户数为55717户。 近日该股表现 国星光电再度涨停,9个交易日内录得6个涨停,累计涨幅为58.29%,累计换手率为261.24%。截至 10:21,该股今日成交量1.64亿股,成交金额21.94亿元,换手率26.53%。最新A股总市值达85.66亿元, A股流通市值85.38亿元。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%、日跌幅偏离值达7%、日换手率 达20%、日涨幅偏离值达7%、日振幅值达15%上榜龙虎榜7次,买卖居前营业部中,机构净买入1.39亿 元,深股通累计净买入1881.61万元,营业部席位合计净买入2926.66万元。 10月25日公司发布的三季报数据显示,前三季度公司共实现营业总收入26.88亿元,同比增长1.38%,实 现净利润0.67亿元,同比下降17.67%。(数据宝) ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-27 08:37
证券时报网讯,国星光电今日涨停,全天换手率39.74%,成交额29.35亿元,振幅10.04%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净卖出6004.40万元,营业部席位合计净买入1.40亿元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日涨幅偏离值达9.80%、日换手率达39.62%上榜,机构专用席位净卖 出6004.40万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交5.92亿元,其中,买入成交额为3.36亿 元,卖出成交额为2.56亿元,合计净买入8001.57万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-26 08:39
证券时报网讯,国星光电今日下跌8.07%,全天换手率37.40%,成交额26.16亿元,振幅9.33%。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交5.65亿元,其中,买入成交额为2.67亿 元,卖出成交额为2.98亿元,合计净卖出3100.56万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达37.28%、日跌幅偏离值达-8.92%上榜,机构专用席位净买 入1.47亿元。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入1.47亿元,营业部席位合计净卖出1.78亿元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-25 06:24
AI眼镜概念25日盘中走势活跃,截至发稿,创维数字、雷柏科技、国星光电涨停,佳禾智能涨超8%, 博士眼镜涨超3%。值得注意的是,国星光电近5个交易日已斩获4个涨停板。 据XR研究院信息,"闪极AI拍拍镜A1"从主芯片到触控、语音芯片,再到存储、扬声器、麦克风、电 池,几乎所有核心部件均来自中国本土供应商(核心部件国产化率高达九成以上)。其中,主芯片采用 紫光展锐W517,触控芯片为海栎创CST812T,低功耗语音芯片由国芯微GX8002提供。存储方面,佰维 存储提供2G+32G组合。在音频方面,艾为电子AAP8负责扬声器功放,歌尔股份提供一颗麦克风,扬 声器则为瑞声科技的0920。云端AI服务方面,A1将接入讯飞星火、云天励飞、Kimi、Minimax、通义千 问、智谱、豆包、商汤、文心一言等国内10余家主流大模型厂商。基于各家大模型的优势特长,将不同 的用户需求进行灵活分发至相应模型平台,实现对用户需求的快速、高效、敏捷响应。闪极"拍拍镜 A1"的问世,标志着国内厂商在AI眼镜技术上取得重要突破,不仅能够保证产品性能,更能将成本控制 在更低水平,从而让更多消费者体验到智能穿戴的便利,相关厂商将持续受益眼镜终 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-24 01:41
证券时报•数据宝统计,两融数据来看,该股最新(12月23日)两融余额为3.50亿元,其中,融资余额 3.49亿元,较前一个交易日减少276.17万元,环比下降0.78%,近4日累计减少1180.81万元,环比下降 3.27%。 证券时报网讯,国星光电盘中涨停,已连收4个涨停板,截至9:30,该股报12.82元,换手率6.93%,成 交量4272.44万股,成交金额5.39亿元,涨停板封单金额为3.49亿元。 最新A股总市值达79.29亿元,A股流通市值79.03亿元。 连续涨停期间,该股累计上涨46.51%,累计换手率为45.49%。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%、日涨幅偏离值达7%上榜龙虎榜2 次,买卖居前营业部中,深股通累计净卖出1364.64万元,营业部席位合计净买入802.62万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-23 01:32
连续涨停期间,该股累计上涨33.14%,累计换手率为23.44%。 证券时报•数据宝统计,两融数据来看,该股最新(12月20日)两融余额为3.53亿元,其中,融资余额 3.52亿元,较前一个交易日增加827.30万元,环比增长2.41%,近3日累计减少904.64万元,环比下降 2.50%。 证券时报网讯,国星光电盘中涨停,已连收3个涨停板,截至9:27,该股报11.65元,换手率0.67%,成 交量416.00万股,成交金额4846.40万元,涨停板封单金额为4.50亿元。 最新A股总市值达72.05亿元,A股流通市值71.82亿元。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%上榜龙虎榜1次,买卖居前营业部 中,深股通累计净卖出1364.64万元,营业部席位合计净买入5356.18万元。 ...
国星光电(002449) - 2024年11月5日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-11-06 00:38
编号:20241105 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 投资者关系 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 活动类别 □现场参观 ☑其他(广晟控股集团控股上市公司 2024 年投资者集体交流会) 活动参与人 | --- | --- | |------------------|-------| | | | | 全景网全程直播。 | | 员(排名不 分先后) 时间 2024 年 11 月 5 日(星期二)下午 14:30-17:00 地点 现场会议地址:深圳证券交易所上市大厅 网络地址:"全景•路演天下"网站 股票代码:002449 股票简称:国星光电 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|--------| | | | | | 形式 | 现场交流、视频直播、网络文字互动 | | | | 董事长 | 雷自合 | | | 董事、总裁 刘正东 | | | | 副总裁兼财务负责人 李军政 | | | ...
国星光电(002449) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-24 11:37
Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for the third quarter was RMB 834.55 million, a decrease of 6.53% year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for the third quarter was RMB 10.46 million, a decrease of 61.55% year-over-year[2] - Net profit for the quarter was RMB 69.56 million, a decrease from RMB 81.02 million in the same period last year[11] - Total operating revenue increased to 2,688,255,834.65 from 2,651,624,091.07, a growth of 1.4%[10] - Sales revenue from goods and services was RMB 2.71 billion, compared to RMB 2.54 billion in the previous year[13] - Net profit attributable to shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses decreased by 31.51% to 35,450,395.69 RMB, mainly due to a decrease in net profit and an increase in non-recurring gains and losses[5] Cash Flow and Financial Position - Operating cash flow for the first three quarters was RMB 195.37 million, a decrease of 34.37% year-over-year[2] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 34.37% to 195,373,625.62 RMB, mainly due to increased daily operating expenses[5] - Net cash flow from investing activities increased by 41.07% to -139,254,818.21 RMB, mainly due to the maturity of structured deposits[5] - Net cash flow from financing activities increased by 159.35% to 52,003,098.75 RMB, mainly due to an increase in bank loans[5] - Operating cash flow for the period was RMB 195.37 million, down from RMB 297.69 million in the same period last year[13] - Total cash inflows from operating activities were RMB 2.84 billion, up from RMB 2.65 billion in the previous year[13] - Cash paid for goods and services was RMB 2.12 billion, compared to RMB 1.89 billion in the previous year[13] - Disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets resulted in a net cash inflow of 565,930.00[14] - Total cash inflow from investment activities was 434,593,323.96, a significant increase from 174,684,657.05 in the previous period[14] - Cash outflow for investment activities totaled 573,848,142.17, up from 411,001,362.45[14] - Net cash flow from investment activities was -139,254,818.21, an improvement from -236,316,705.40[14] - Cash inflow from financing activities reached 160,359,439.44, compared to 40,461,306.66 previously[14] - Net cash flow from financing activities was 52,003,098.75, a positive shift from -87,614,357.56[14] - The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was 112,274,374.53, reversing a previous decrease of -23,333,187.75[14] - Ending cash and cash equivalents balance stood at 1,251,003,441.87, up from 1,188,907,162.43[14] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of September 30, 2024, were RMB 6.44 billion, a decrease of 1.27% compared to the end of the previous year[2] - Other non-current assets increased by 89.79% to RMB 29.66 million due to prepayments for machinery and equipment[4] - Short-term borrowings decreased by 97.15% to RMB 1.90 million due to the termination of discounted receivables with recourse[4] - Total current assets slightly increased to 4,002,317,487.20 from 3,967,291,374.52, a growth of 0.9%[9] - Total non-current assets decreased to 2,441,423,882.50 from 2,559,121,730.06, a decline of 4.6%[9] - Total assets decreased to 6,443,741,369.70 from 6,526,413,104.58, a decline of 1.3%[9] - Total current liabilities decreased to 2,225,912,279.55 from 2,340,584,273.66, a decline of 4.9%[10] - Total non-current liabilities slightly decreased to 379,733,946.80 from 382,388,851.56, a decline of 0.7%[10] - Total liabilities decreased to 2,605,646,226.35 from 2,722,973,125.22, a decline of 4.3%[10] Investment and Income - Investment income for the first three quarters was RMB 5.83 million, an increase of 58.33% year-over-year[4] - Fair value change income decreased by 214.15% to -634,116.52 RMB, mainly due to the expiration of financial products and reduced investment income[5] - Interest income rose to RMB 25.81 million, up from RMB 24.07 million in the previous year[11] Expenses and Costs - Total operating costs increased to 2,657,594,053.66 from 2,577,735,310.98, a growth of 3.1%[10] - R&D expenses increased to RMB 144.80 million, up from RMB 128.81 million in the previous year[11] - Income tax expense was RMB 4.75 million, compared to RMB 6.08 million in the previous year[11] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 45,031[6] - Foshan Sigma Venture Capital Co., Ltd. holds 12.90% of the shares, totaling 79,753,050 shares[6] - Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. holds 8.58% of the shares, totaling 53,066,845 shares[6] Other Financial Metrics - Government subsidies received during the third quarter amounted to RMB 6.38 million[3] - Minority shareholders' equity increased by 506.00% to RMB 216,269.32 due to the recovery of settlement funds by a subsidiary[4] - Safety production reserves increased by 325.64% to RMB 6.25 million due to new regulations on safety fees[4] - Credit impairment loss increased by 96.84% to -3,311,753.96 RMB, primarily due to an increase in accounts receivable and bad debt provisions[5] - Accounts receivable increased to 635,596,233.15 from 510,176,924.57, a growth of 24.6%[9] - Inventory rose to 968,667,178.98 from 947,816,381.18, an increase of 2.2%[9] - Monetary funds at the end of the period amounted to 1,432,783,369.31 RMB, an increase from the beginning of the period[8] - Total comprehensive income for the period was RMB 69.56 million, down from RMB 81.02 million in the same period last year[12] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 0.1079, compared to RMB 0.1310 in the previous year[12] - The company's third quarter report was unaudited[14]