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深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月14日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-14 11:36
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 编号:2023-21 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □其他 ( ) 参与单位名称及 人员姓名(排名 不分先后) 财通证券、南方基金 时间 2023 年 9 月 14 日 地点 深南电路股份有限公司会议室 上市公司接待人 员姓名 战略发展部总监、证券事务代表:谢丹;投资者关系经理:郭家旭 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司目前 PCB 业务产品下游应用分布情况。 公司在 PCB 业务方面专业从事高中端 PCB 产品的设计、研发及制造等相关工作, 产品下游应用以通信设备为核心,重点布局数据中心(含服务器)、汽车电子等领域, 并长期深耕工控医疗等领域。 Q2、请介绍公司 PCB 业务在通信领域拓展情况。 公司 PCB 业务长期深耕通信领域,覆盖各类无线侧及有线侧通信 PCB 产品。2023 年上半年,国内通信市场需求未出现明显改善,海外通信市场需求受到局部地区 5G 建 设项目进展延缓影响,公司通信领域订单规模同比略有下降。在市场环境带来的挑战下, 公司凭借 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月13日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-13 10:22
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 编号:2023-20 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □其他 ( ) 参与单位名称及 人员姓名(排名 不分先后) 东方财富证券、兴业证券、国金证券、中金公司、东方证券、长城证券自营、西藏东 财基金、明亚基金、恒盈资产、淡水泉 时间 2023 年 9 月 13 日 地点 深南电路股份有限公司会议室 上市公司接待人 员姓名 战略发展部总监、证券事务代表:谢丹;投资者关系经理:郭家旭 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司封装基板业务在下游市场拓展情况。 公司封装基板业务产品覆盖种类广泛多样,包括模组类封装基板、存储类封装基板、 应用处理器芯片封装基板等,主要应用于移动智能终端、服务器/存储等领域,覆盖了包 括半导体垂直整合制造商、半导体设计商及半导体封测商等主要客户群,并与多家全球 领先厂商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,在部分细分市场上拥有领先的竞争优势。目前, 公司已成为内资最大的封装基板供应商、国内领先的处理器芯片封装基板供应商。 2023 年上半年,受全球半导 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月8日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-08 10:28
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 深南电路股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-19 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 √其他 ( 券商策略会 ) 海通证券、山西证券、国都证券、华夏基金、华泰柏瑞基金、兴业基金、汇丰晋信基 金、圆信永丰基金、上银基金、中海基金、华富基金、嘉实基金、国海富兰克林基金、 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 易方达基金、海富通基金、鑫元基金、长安基金、朱雀基金、诺德基金、兴银理财、芃 石投资、凯斯博投资、才华资本、海通资管、道明资管、玖稳资产、才华资本、富兰克 林华美投信、Power Pacific Co., Ltd、Foresight Fund、Neuberger Berman、Value Partners Group 时间 2023 年 9 月 8 日 地点 海通证券策略会(上海) 上市公司接待 人员姓名 副总经理、董事会秘书:张丽君 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司 2023 年半年度经营业绩情况。 2023 年上半年,在外部环境复 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月7日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-07 12:17
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 深南电路股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-18 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 √其他 ( 券商策略会 ) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 开源证券、财通证券、幸福人寿资管、中粮资本、明泽投资、盈峰资本、宏鼎财富、朱 雀基金、易方达基金、太平资产 时间 2023 年 9 月 7 日 地点 开源证券策略会(上海)、财通证券调研(上海) 上市公司接待 人员姓名 副总经理、董事会秘书:张丽君 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司 2023 年半年度经营业绩情况。 2023 年上半年,在外部环境复杂多变的情况下,整个电子信息产业受经济环境影响 较为显著,行业整体需求有所承压。公司报告期内实现营业总收入 60.34 亿元,同比下滑 13.45%,归母净利润 4.74 亿元,同比下降 37.02%。上述变动主要受公司 PCB 及封装基 板业务下游市场需求同比下行,叠加公司新项目建设、新工厂产能爬坡等因素共同影响。 分业务来看,报告期内公司 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月6日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-06 12:18
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 编号:2023-17 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □其他 ( ) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 招商基金 时间 2023 年 9 月 6 日 地点 深南电路股份有限公司会议室 上市公司接待 人员姓名 投资者关系经理:郭家旭 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司目前 PCB 业务产品下游应用分布情况。 公司在 PCB 业务方面专业从事高中端 PCB 产品的设计、研发及制造等相关工作,产 品下游应用以通信设备为核心,重点布局数据中心(含服务器)、汽车电子等领域,并长 期深耕工控医疗等领域。 Q2、请介绍公司是否涉及 HDI 方面业务。 HDI 作为一种 PCB 制造工艺技术,可实现板件的高密度布线。公司 PCB 业务具备 HDI 工艺能力,主要应用于通信、数据中心、工控医疗、汽车电子等下游领域的部分中高 端产品。 Q3、请介绍公司 PCB 业务在通信领域拓展情况。 公司 PCB 业务长期深耕通信领域,覆盖各类无线侧及有线侧通信 PCB 产品 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年9月5日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-05 12:58
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 深南电路股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-16 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 √其他 ( 券商策略会 ) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 招商证券、招商证券资管、易方达基金、华夏基金、宏利基金、诚旸投资、国寿资产、 创金合信基金、华商基金、工银瑞信基金、大家资产等 时间 2023 年 9 月 5 日 地点 招商证券策略会(北京) 上市公司接待 人员姓名 副总经理、董事会秘书:张丽君 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司 2023 年半年度经营业绩情况。 2023 年上半年,在外部环境复杂多变的情况下,整个电子信息产业受经济环境影响 较为显著,行业整体需求有所承压。公司报告期内实现营业总收入 60.34 亿元,同比下滑 13.45%,归母净利润 4.74 亿元,同比下降 37.02%。上述变动主要受公司 PCB 及封装基 板业务下游市场需求同比下行,叠加公司新项目建设、新工厂产能爬坡等因素共同影响。 分业务来看,报告期内公司 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年8月28日-8月30日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-08-30 11:16
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 深南电路股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-15 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 √其他 ( 券商策略会 ) 浙商证券、财通证券、UBS 瑞银证券、德邦证券、兴业基金、兴全基金、信达澳亚基 金、景顺长城基金、盈峰资本、GIC、UG Investment、HSBC Global Asset Mgmt (UK)、Rosefinch Fund、Brilliance Asset Mgmt、Golden Nest Capital Mgmt、Grand 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) Alliance Asset Mgmt、Luven Capital Mgmt Ltd、Luxence Capital Ltd、Pleiad Investment Advisors、Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Mgmt、APG Asset Mgmt、 Point72、AllianceBernstein LP、T. Rowe Price Associates Inc、I ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023年8月23日-8月25日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-08-26 10:46
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 深南电路股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-14 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □其他 ( ) 易方达基金、华夏基金、南方基金、汇添富基金、鹏华基金、嘉实基金、招商基金、国 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 泰基金、中信保诚基金、中银基金、长信基金、国寿资管、中邮人寿、泰康资管、 GIC、淡水泉、华芯投资、山东国投、中航产业投资、中信证券、中银证券、国金证 券、安信证券、华安证券、浙商证券、西南证券、东方财富证券、野村证券、高盛等 时间 2023 年 8 月 23 日晚间;2023 年 8 月 24 日 - 8 月 25 日 地点 电话及网络会议;深南电路股份有限公司会议室 副总经理、董事会秘书:张丽君;副总经理、财务负责人:楼志勇;战略发展部总监、证 上市公司接待 人员姓名 券事务代表:谢丹;投资者关系经理:郭家旭 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司 2023 年半年度经营业绩情况。 2023 年上半年,在外部环境复杂多变的 ...
深南电路(002916) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-23 16:00
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first half of 2023 reached RMB 6.5 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of 12%[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 8% year-on-year to RMB 750 million[2] - Revenue for the reporting period was RMB 6,033,778,519.58, a decrease of 13.45% compared to the same period last year[14] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 473,932,042.81, a decrease of 37.02% compared to the same period last year[14] - Shennan Circuits achieved total operating revenue of 6.034 billion yuan in H1 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 13.45%, with net profit attributable to shareholders dropping 37.02% to 474 million yuan[31] - Total revenue for the first half of 2023 was 6,033,778,519.58 yuan, a decrease from 6,971,616,823.46 yuan in the same period last year[127] - Operating revenue for the first half of 2023 was 2,832,175,605.32 yuan, a decrease compared to 3,203,177,685.51 yuan in the same period last year[130] - Operating profit for the first half of 2023 was 448,718,205.05 yuan, down from 819,461,697.65 yuan in the same period last year[128] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders was 473,932,042.81 yuan, compared to 752,470,663.16 yuan in the same period last year[128] - Comprehensive income for the first half of 2023 was RMB 385,721,524.55, a decrease from RMB 441,070,261.78 in the same period last year[132] - Total comprehensive income for the period amounted to RMB 1,086,435.69 thousand[138] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's owners was RMB 475,018,478.50[138] - Comprehensive income for the period was RMB 753,494,000[140] - Total revenue for the first half of 2023 reached 663.16 million, with a net profit of 167.54 million[141] - Comprehensive income for the period amounted to 385,721,524.55, contributing to the overall equity growth[143] - Comprehensive income for the period was RMB 441,070,260[145] Profitability and Margins - The company's gross margin improved to 25.5%, up from 24.8% in the same period last year[2] - PCB business revenue declined 12.43% to 3.882 billion yuan, accounting for 64.33% of total revenue, with a gross margin of 25.85%, down 1.49 percentage points[32] - PCB business revenue increased by 20.33% to 850 million yuan, accounting for 14.10% of total revenue, with a gross margin of 15.80%[35] - Substrate business revenue decreased by 39.90% to 821 million yuan, accounting for 13.61% of total revenue, with a gross margin of 18.80%[34] - Revenue from the printed circuit board segment decreased by 12.43% to RMB 3,881,582,638.92, with a gross margin of 25.85%[47] - Revenue from the electronic assembly segment increased by 20.33% to RMB 850,482,987.89, with a gross margin of 15.80%[47] - Revenue from the packaging substrate segment decreased significantly by 39.90% to RMB 821,217,786.89, with a gross margin of 18.80%[47] Capital Expenditure and Investments - Capital expenditure for the first half of 2023 amounted to RMB 1.2 billion, primarily allocated to capacity expansion and technology upgrades[2] - The company plans to invest RMB 2.5 billion in the second half of 2023 for the construction of the Wuxi Substrate Phase II project[6] - The company's investment in the high-end flip-chip IC substrate manufacturing project reached 1,789,592,229.86 yuan, with a project progress of 88.76%[53] - The Guangzhou Guangxin packaging substrate investment project had a cumulative investment of 1,853,016,581.42 yuan, with a project progress of 30.16%[53] - The company's total investment during the reporting period was 1,232,199,910.88 yuan, a decrease of 30.21% compared to the same period last year[52] - The high-end flip-chip IC substrate manufacturing project has a total investment commitment of 1,800 million yuan, with 1,108.24 million yuan invested by the end of the reporting period, achieving 61.57% of the planned investment[61] - Total funds raised through non-public stock issuance in 2022 amounted to 2,529.66 million yuan, with 1,840.21 million yuan already utilized, leaving 731.26 million yuan unused[59] - In the first half of 2023, the company used 235.99 million yuan of the raised funds, with a cumulative usage of 1,840.21 million yuan by June 30, 2023[60] R&D and Innovation - The company's R&D expenditure for the first half of 2023 was RMB 450 million, accounting for 6.9% of total revenue[2] - The company successfully launched 15 new products in the first half of 2023, contributing to 18% of total revenue[2] - R&D investment accounted for 6.24% of revenue, an increase of 0.49 percentage points year-on-year[37] - 55 new patents were authorized and 5 new PCT patents were applied for[37] - FC-CSP product sample capabilities in MSAP and ETS processes have reached industry-leading levels[34] - FC-BGA mid-range products have completed client certification, and high-end product R&D is in the mid-to-late stages[34] - The company has 832 authorized patents, including 446 invention patents, and has applied for 95 international PCT patents[39] - The company's backplane samples can reach up to 120 layers, with mass production capabilities of up to 68 layers[39] - R&D expenses for the first half of 2023 were 376,719,495.77 yuan, a decrease from 401,092,046.95 yuan in the same period last year[128] Market and Industry Trends - Global PCB industry output value is expected to decrease by 9.3% in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.8% from 2022 to 2027[20] - Substrate for packaging output value is expected to decrease by 17.1% in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 5.1% from 2022 to 2027[21] - Global packaging substrate industry is expected to maintain rapid growth driven by 5G, AI, cloud computing, autonomous driving, and IoT applications[22] - PCB industry growth is driven by wireless communication, servers, data storage, new energy, smart driving, and consumer electronics, with high-end PCB products like high-layer, high-frequency, and HDI boards showing strong demand[22] - The company faces risks from macroeconomic fluctuations, with potential impacts on the PCB industry due to global economic slowdown[67] - The company is mitigating risks from US-China trade friction by maintaining close communication with overseas customers and monitoring geopolitical changes[68] - The company is addressing raw material supply and price fluctuation risks by optimizing supply chain management and increasing inventory of key materials[73] Subsidiaries and Business Segments - The subsidiary Wuxi Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. reported a net profit of 507.94 million yuan in the reporting period[65] - The subsidiary Nantong Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. reported a net profit of 660.63 million yuan in the reporting period[65] - The subsidiary Tianxin Interconnect Technology Co., Ltd. reported a net profit of 265.25 million yuan in the reporting period[65] - The subsidiary Guangzhou Guangxin Substrate Co., Ltd. reported a net loss of 748.94 million yuan in the reporting period[65] - Total assets of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. reached RMB 46,328.342 million, with net assets of RMB 20,362.813 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Nantong Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. reported total assets of RMB 398,427.20 million and net assets of RMB 232,134.77 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Tianxin Interconnect Technology Co., Ltd. had total assets of RMB 42,494.08 million and net assets of RMB 19,129.49 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Guangzhou Guangxin Packaging Substrate Co., Ltd. recorded total assets of RMB 266,125.03 million and net assets of RMB 101,440.18 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - The company operates through 10 subsidiaries, including Shennan Circuits USA, Inc. and Glaretec GmbH[149] - The company's main business activities include the R&D, production, and sales of printed circuit boards, packaging substrates, and electronic assembly products[150] Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company invested over 30 million yuan in pollution prevention facilities and operating costs during the reporting period, with all pollutant emissions meeting 100% compliance standards[84] - The company paid 102,000 yuan in environmental protection taxes during the reporting period[85] - The company's wastewater treatment system ensures that chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions are less than 33mg/L, with total emissions below 21.369 tons, well within the annual limit of 60.225 tons[82] - Total copper emissions in wastewater are controlled to less than 0.05mg/L, with total emissions below 0.032 tons[82] - Sulfuric acid mist emissions are maintained at 5.035mg/m³, with total emissions of 9.92 tons, complying with the national standards[82] - Nitrogen oxide emissions are controlled at 0.909mg/m³, with total emissions of 1.374 tons, meeting the national standards[82] - The company's environmental monitoring system includes hourly checks for wastewater and semi-annual checks for exhaust gases, conducted by both in-house labs and third-party certified units[86] - No environmental penalties were imposed on the company or its subsidiaries during the reporting period[87] - The company implemented photovoltaic transformation, heat recovery, and energy-saving projects in Shenzhen, Wuxi, and Nantong parks, achieving significant environmental benefits[88] - The company was awarded the title of "Green and Low-Carbon Pioneer Enterprise" in Shenzhen in 2023[88] Shareholder and Corporate Governance - The company held its 2023 First Extraordinary General Meeting with a 70.70% investor participation rate on January 16, 2023[74] - The 2022 Annual General Meeting had a 68.04% investor participation rate on April 6, 2023[74] - 135 incentive objects were eligible to unlock 1,469,013 restricted shares on January 31, 2023[77] - The company's restricted shares decreased by 1,124,542, resulting in a post-change total of 3,631,519 shares, accounting for 0.71% of the total shares[109] - The company's unrestricted shares increased by 1,124,542, resulting in a post-change total of 509,246,016 shares, accounting for 99.29% of the total shares[109] - The company's total shares remained unchanged at 512,877,535, with no new shares issued or converted[109] - The company unlocked 1,469,013 restricted shares for 135 incentive objects, which became tradable on January 31, 2023[110] - The total number of restricted shares at the end of the period is 3,631,519 shares, with a net decrease of 1,124,542 shares compared to the beginning of the period[113] - AVIC International Holdings Limited holds 63.97% of the company's shares, totaling 328,068,670 shares[115] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited increased its holdings by 1,750,609 shares, reaching a total of 15,999,989 shares, representing 3.12% of the company[115] - China Life Insurance Company Limited - Traditional - General Insurance Product - 005L - CT001 Shanghai increased its holdings by 3,419,664 shares, totaling 4,986,060 shares, representing 0.97% of the company[115] - AVIC Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. holds 1,393,792 restricted shares, representing 0.27% of the company[115] - The total number of restricted shares released during the period is 1,469,013 shares[113] - The number of shareholders with voting rights restored at the end of the reporting period is 67,881[114] - The company's top 10 shareholders do not have any share pledges, marks, or freezes[116] - The company's top 10 shareholders did not engage in any repurchase agreements during the reporting period[116] - The company's top 10 shareholders are not aware of any other relationships or acting in concert as stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies"[115] Financial Position and Assets - The company's total assets as of June 30, 2023, stood at RMB 18.5 billion, an increase of 5% compared to the end of 2022[2] - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 20,357,577,727.02, a decrease of 1.81% compared to the end of the previous year[14] - Total assets as of June 30, 2023, were 13,982,901,931.39 yuan, compared to 14,300,425,216.25 yuan at the beginning of the year[126] - Total liabilities as of June 30, 2023, were 4,114,956,417.59 yuan, down from 4,341,476,510.67 yuan at the beginning of the year[127] - Total equity as of June 30, 2023, was 9,867,945,513.80 yuan, compared to 9,958,948,705.58 yuan at the beginning of the year[127] - Long-term loans increased to 1,899,255,785.09 yuan as of June 30, 2023, from 1,174,624,053.70 yuan at the beginning of the year[125] - Accounts receivable increased to 2,887,211,437.90 yuan as of June 30, 2023, from 2,626,918,808.31 yuan at the beginning of the year[126] - Inventory decreased to 838,535,140.29 yuan as of June 30, 2023, from 940,459,211.41 yuan at the beginning of the year[126] - Long-term equity investments increased to 5,990,502,137.55 yuan as of June 30, 2023, from 5,046,080,618.63 yuan at the beginning of the year[126] - Fixed assets decreased to 1,659,318,189.48 yuan as of June 30, 2023, from 1,939,353,703.90 yuan at the beginning of the year[126] - Total assets decreased from RMB 20.73 billion as of January 1, 2023, to RMB 20.36 billion as of June 30, 2023[123][124] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased significantly from RMB 1.91 billion to RMB 516.31 million[123] - Trade receivables increased from RMB 2.77 billion to RMB 2.94 billion[123] - Inventory increased from RMB 2.34 billion to RMB 2.55 billion[123] - Fixed assets increased from RMB 9.14 billion to RMB 9.47 billion[124] - Construction in progress increased from RMB 1.52 billion to RMB 1.84 billion[124] - Short-term borrowings stood at RMB 499.27 million as of June 30, 2023[124] - Trade payables increased from RMB 1.64 billion to RMB 1.85 billion[124] - Employee benefits payable decreased from RMB 461.56 million to RMB 332.30 million[124] - Other payables decreased from RMB 1.70 billion to RMB 1.33 billion[124] - The company's monetary funds decreased by 6.69% to RMB 516,310,700.89, accounting for 2.54% of total assets[48] - Long-term loans increased by 3.66% to RMB 1,899,255,785.09, primarily due to increased borrowing from financial institutions[49] - The company's financial assets at the beginning of the period were 332,513,820.11 yuan, with a fair value change of 1,826,042.58 yuan during the period, and the ending balance was 761,964,421.75 yuan[50] - The company's restricted assets include land and factory buildings with a book value of 320,184,310.44 yuan and 149,733,675.00 yuan, respectively[51] - The company's restricted monetary funds amounted to 1,389,832.26 yuan, which is the land reclamation guarantee deposit[51] - The company's financial liabilities at the beginning of the period were 643,000.00 yuan, with a fair value change of -3,244,000.00 yuan, and the ending balance was 3,887,000.00 yuan[50] - The company's derivative investments accounted for 0.56% of the company's net assets at the end of the reporting period[56] - The company's forward foreign exchange contracts resulted in a loss of 1,615.98 million yuan, including a fair value change loss of 324.40 million yuan[56] - The company's total assets at the end of the period stood at 9,867,945,513.80, indicating strong financial health[144] - The company's total equity at the end of the period was RMB 9,375,527,675.90, an increase of RMB 2,526,595,829.16 from the beginning of the period[145][146] - Owner's equity at the beginning of the period was RMB 12,251,659,553.96[137] - Net profit attributable
深南电路(002916) - 2023年7月20日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-07-21 10:16
证券代码:002916 证券简称:深南电路 编号:2023-13 √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □现场参观 投资者关系 活动类别 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □其他 ( ) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 (排名不分先 后) 高盛、招商证券、中信证券、中银证券、华夏久盈、光证资管、泰康资产、泉果基金、 创金合信基金、九泰基金、国泰基金、富国基金、景林资产、淳厚基金等 时间 2023 年 7 月 20 日 地点 电话会议;深南电路股份有限公司会议室 上市公司接待 人员姓名 证券事务代表:谢丹;投资者关系经理:郭家旭 投资者关系 活动主要内容 介绍 交流主要内容: Q1、请介绍公司各主营业务主要涉及的下游领域。 公司拥有 PCB、电子装联、封装基板三项主营业务。公司 PCB 业务产品下游以通信 设备为核心,重点布局数据中心、汽车电子等领域,并长期深耕工控、医疗等领域;电子 装联业务属于 PCB 制造业务的下游环节,公司主要聚焦通信、数据中心、工控医疗、汽 车电子等领域;封装基板业务产品覆盖种类广泛多样,包括模组类封装基板、存储类封装 基板、应用处理器芯片封装基板等,主要应用于移动智能终端、服务器 ...