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神州泰岳(300002) - 2022 Q3 - 季度财报
2022-10-24 16:00
1 北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年第三季度报告 证券代码:300002 证券简称:神州泰岳 公告编号:2022-050 北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误 导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是 否 北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年第三季度报告 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------|----------- ...
神州泰岳(300002) - 2022 Q2 - 季度财报
2022-08-26 16:00
北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告全文 北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告 2022-044 2022 年 8 月 1 北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告全文 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实、准确、 完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人冒大卫先生、主管会计工作负责人戈爱晶女士及会计机构负责人(会计主 管人员)刘晓峰先生声明:保证本半年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 所有董事均已出席了审议本报告的董事会会议。 本报告中所涉及的发展战略、经营计划等前瞻性描述,不构成公司对投资者的实质承 诺,投资者及相关人士均应当对此保持足够的风险认识,并且应当理解计划、预测与承诺 之间的差异。 公司需遵守《深圳证券交易所上市公司自律监管指引第 4 号——创业板行业信息披露》 中的"互联网游戏业务"的披露要求: 游戏产品具有更新快、可模仿性较高、玩家喜好转换快、市场竞争激烈等特点,如果 公司无法持续推出受玩家认可的成功的游戏产品,或新游戏无法按计划推出,从 ...
神州泰岳(300002) - 2022 Q1 - 季度财报
2022-04-27 16:00
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first quarter of 2022 was 990.52 million yuan, a 4.45% increase compared to the same period last year[3] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 63.08 million yuan, a decrease of 18.24% year-on-year[3] - Net profit for the first quarter of 2022 was 54,070,418.24 yuan, down from 75,169,958.90 yuan in the same period last year, a decrease of 28.07%[19] - Operating profit for the first quarter of 2022 was 68,072,085.53 yuan, down from 104,179,241.64 yuan in the same period last year, a decrease of 34.66%[19] - Net profit attributable to parent company owners was RMB 63.08 million, a decrease of 18.2% compared to RMB 77.15 million in the same period last year[20] - Total comprehensive income was RMB 56.61 million, down 30.7% from RMB 81.70 million in the previous year[20] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 0.0322, a decrease of 19.3% from RMB 0.0399 in the prior year[20] - Revenue from sales of goods and services was RMB 1.03 billion, representing a 29.6% increase compared to RMB 798.18 million in the same period last year[22] - Total revenue for the first quarter of 2022 was 990,515,773.19 yuan, compared to 948,327,611.76 yuan in the same period last year, representing a year-over-year increase of 4.45%[17] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Net cash flow from operating activities surged by 333.98% to 342.90 million yuan[3] - Cash flow from operating activities increased significantly to RMB 342.90 million, up 334.0% from RMB 79.01 million in the same period last year[22] - Cash flow from investing activities improved to RMB 43.53 million, compared to a negative RMB 84.22 million in the previous year[23] - Cash flow from financing activities was RMB 78.59 million, a substantial improvement from a negative RMB 2.02 million in the prior year[23] - Total cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period were RMB 1.29 billion, an increase of 55.3% from RMB 827.26 million at the beginning of the period[23] - Cash received from the disposal of fixed assets increased by 1,777.37% to 241,336.11 yuan[8] - Cash received from other operating activities decreased to RMB 25.48 million, down 51.1% from RMB 52.07 million in the previous year[22] - The company's cash and cash equivalents were negatively impacted by exchange rate fluctuations, resulting in a 259.92% decrease[8] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 4.20% to 5.47 billion yuan compared to the end of the previous year[3] - Total assets as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 were 5,468,749,639.91 yuan, up from 5,248,070,407.07 yuan at the beginning of the year, an increase of 4.21%[16] - Total liabilities as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 were 1,042,470,250.27 yuan, up from 914,635,205.70 yuan at the beginning of the year, an increase of 13.98%[17] - Accounts receivable as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 were 513,019,309.67 yuan, down from 747,155,154.40 yuan at the beginning of the year, a decrease of 31.34%[15] - Inventory as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 was 210,249,245.95 yuan, up from 154,771,945.17 yuan at the beginning of the year, an increase of 35.84%[15] - Short-term borrowings rose by 60.09% to 220.05 million yuan due to increased bank loans[8] - Short-term borrowings as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 were 220,052,775.45 yuan, up from 137,451,942.11 yuan at the beginning of the year, an increase of 60.10%[16] - Total equity attributable to the parent company as of the end of the first quarter of 2022 was 4,426,330,589.14 yuan, up from 4,326,427,075.61 yuan at the beginning of the year, an increase of 2.31%[17] Shareholder Information - The company's largest shareholder, Li Li, holds 8.78% of the shares, totaling 172,191,092 shares, with 129,143,319 shares under lock-up[10] - The company's second-largest shareholder, An Mei, holds 3.80% of the shares, totaling 74,613,952 shares, all of which are under lock-up[10] - The company's third-largest shareholder, Wang Ning, holds 3.66% of the shares, totaling 71,789,644 shares, all of which are under lock-up[10] - The company's shareholder, Du Zhijun, holds 0.89% of the shares, totaling 17,393,306 shares, with no shares under lock-up[10] - The company's shareholder, Zheng Zhen, holds 0.82% of the shares, totaling 16,047,867 shares, with no shares under lock-up[10] - The company's shareholder, Liu Zonghui, holds 0.78% of the shares, totaling 15,327,928 shares, with no shares under lock-up[10] - The company's shareholder, Jiang Li, holds 15,300,000 shares, all of which are held through a margin trading account[11] - The company's shareholder, Shanghai Panyao Asset Management, holds 15,200,000 shares, all of which are held through a margin trading account[11] - The company's total restricted shares at the end of the period amounted to 288,604,944 shares, a decrease of 4,067,184 shares from the beginning of the period[12] Research and Development - R&D expenditure increased by 63.91% to 28.63 million yuan due to the addition of new research projects[7] - Research and development expenses for the first quarter of 2022 were 67,637,819.63 yuan, up from 56,679,568.39 yuan in the same period last year, an increase of 19.33%[19] Investments and Partnerships - The company invested an additional RMB 49.5 million in a partnership with Qianhai Zhongchuang Capital Management, increasing its total investment to RMB 123.75 million, representing a 99.00% stake[14] Taxation - Income tax expenses decreased by 47.71% to 15.39 million yuan, benefiting from preferential tax rates[8] Minority Shareholders - The company's minority shareholders' equity decreased by 100.73% due to losses in non-wholly owned subsidiaries[8] Audit Status - The company's first quarter report was not audited[24]