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近一周机构调研超150家上市公司 迈瑞医疗获353家机构调研
财联社· 2025-01-04 05:46
财联社1月4日电,据统计,近一周机构调研个股数量有150多只,迈瑞医疗成为调研机构数量最多的股 票。 迈瑞医疗机构关注度高居第一,合计353家机构调研了该公司,其中包括117家海外机构、69家基金公 司、27家证券公司、55家私募、25家险资等。 炬芯科技、万业企业、中矿资源、宇瞳光学等个股也出现在百家机构调研表中。 ...
迈瑞医疗(300760) - 2024年10月31日-12月30日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-12-31 02:09
Market Competition and Growth - The global medical device market competition is stable, with only a few companies entering the top 20 list by seizing new clinical solutions or regional market opportunities [4] - The company has grown into a global top-tier brand in the ultrasound field after 20 years of development, with the release of high-end ultrasound products like Resona A20 and Nuewa A20 [4] - The company is exploring AI models in ultrasound imaging to accelerate clinical application and promote high-quality, standardized diagnostic technology [4] - The global chemical发光 market exceeds $20 billion, and the company plans to double its project portfolio by 2028 through continuous R&D investment [10] Financial Performance and Market Share - In the 2024 interprovincial联盟集中采购, the company's意向采购量占比 for tumor markers and thyroid function tests reached 14.2% and 13.2%, respectively, significantly higher than its 2023 domestic market share of 8-9% [9] - The domestic chemical发光 market is valued at 30-40 billion yuan, with imported brands still holding over 60% market share [10] - The company expects to install over 150 sets of "full laboratory大型自动化流水线" domestically in 2024, mostly in三级 hospitals, with further growth anticipated in 2025 [10] - Internationally, the company shipped 3 sets of "full laboratory大型自动化流水线" in 2024, becoming the first domestic IVD company to achieve large-scale流水线 installations overseas [10] Technological Innovation - The company launched the "启元"重症医疗大模型 on December 14, 2024, the first clinically落地重症医疗大模型 globally [10] - The启元大模型 can integrate patient conditions within 5 seconds, predict trends, generate clinical思维导向病历文档 in 1 minute, and provide重症知识查询 with 95% accuracy [10] - The启元大模型 aims to improve诊疗精准度与质量, reduce operational costs, and enhance hospital management efficiency [10] - The company plans to replicate the success of the重症大模型 in ultrasound imaging,体外诊断, and other clinical fields, developing more modules and functions [18] Future Growth Prospects - The international market, particularly developing countries, is expected to continue rapid growth in 2025, with发展中国家市场市占率仅为高个位数,远低于国内市场 [18] - Domestic market growth is expected to recover in 2025 due to factors like医疗行业整顿常态化, increased地方政府专项债发行, and the推进 of DRG [18] - The company will continue to increase分红力度 to better回报股东 [18] Investor Relations - The investor relations活动 involved 353 institutions and 594 participants, with events held in Beijing and Shenzhen from October 31 to December 30, 2024 [9] - Key接待人员 included董事会秘书李文楣 and投资者关系团队钱宇浩、杨惠茹 [9]
财联社· 2024-12-15 14:39
Core Viewpoints - The launch of the "Qiyuan Critical Care Model" by Mindray Medical marks a significant milestone in the application of AI in the medical field, particularly in critical care, demonstrating immense technical feasibility and clinical value [1][10] - The model addresses critical clinical pain points by integrating IoT, cloud computing, big data, and AI technologies to enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency in intensive care units (ICUs) [1][3][4] - Mindray Medical, in collaboration with Tencent, has developed a robust AI ecosystem, leveraging its extensive product line and global presence to advance medical AI applications [6][7] Clinical Applications and Features - The Qiyuan Critical Care Model offers four core functionalities: condition inquiry, suggestion generation, medical record writing, and critical care knowledge query, significantly reducing the workload of medical staff and improving treatment efficiency [4][5][6] - The model can integrate patient data within 5 seconds, generate clinical records in 1 minute, and provide critical care knowledge queries with 95% accuracy, enhancing the quality and precision of clinical care [1][4][6] - It automates medical documentation, increasing efficiency by over 30 times, and provides personalized treatment suggestions based on comprehensive patient data analysis [5][6] Technological Foundation and Collaboration - The model is built on Tencent's self-developed Hunyuan large model, which boasts trillions of parameters and over 7 trillion tokens, ensuring strong Chinese language understanding, logical reasoning, and task execution capabilities [7] - Mindray Medical and Tencent have collaborated for nearly a decade in AI, combining their expertise in critical care and AI tools to create a high-quality critical care database and refine the model's clinical logic [7][8] - The model incorporates multimodal data and clinical insights, ensuring accurate and clinically relevant decision-making support [7][8] Industry Impact and Future Prospects - The Qiyuan Critical Care Model represents a transformative step in medical AI, optimizing clinical workflows, improving resource allocation, and fostering a more efficient and compassionate healthcare environment [10][11] - The model's success in critical care is expected to be replicated in other clinical areas such as ultrasound imaging and in vitro diagnostics, further driving innovation in the medical industry [12] - Mindray Medical emphasizes the importance of collaboration in advancing AI in healthcare, calling for more hospitals and experts to join in building a new ecosystem for intelligent medical care [12] Regulatory and Industry Context - The launch aligns with China's national guidelines for AI applications in healthcare, as outlined in the "Reference Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence Application Scenarios in the Health Industry," which aim to promote AI innovation in medical services, public health, and medical research [11] - The integration of advanced technologies like the Qiyuan Critical Care Model is reshaping the medical system, improving service quality, reducing operational costs, and enhancing hospital management [11]
21世纪新健康研究院· 2024-12-13 06:39
问一下咱们公司目前不同产品线的一个招标的恢复情况然后还有这个国内库存的一个消化情况谢谢钱总国内库存目前整体也就比正常情况高了一个多月左右水平吧就没有说这个特别高这个肯定不像外界所传的样子渠道上本来就正常情况大概有 两三个月左右的这个库存如果之前库存都没有的话我们很容易丢单你有一些单子他交付要求比较高取到一点库存都没有的话这个单子我们可能拿不到这种肯定是不能接受的嘛所以正常情况取到一直会有两三个月左右的这个库存水平现在也就比那个水平高到一个多月了而且这个不是我们现在不是取到不愿意找我们拿货是我们不愿意想取到罚款 因为我们一直对于中端渠道的库存有很严格的这个管理措施只要到了一定程度就不发之前927都发了这一个多月的货纯粹就是为了设备更新做准备的所有人都在为这个做准备GPS那公司也在为这个做准备就是怕万一一定来量大这个生产安排不及时会导致丢单的情况出现但现在大家其实都没有什么指望了嘛就你们应该也能看得到GPS他们的那个 记录了那些业绩说明会他的那个纪要所以他都是公开的他们现在也基本上对这一块是不怎么指望的明白那从我们公司国内的这个不同产品线来看现在哪个业务线会招标恢复相对更好些整体看来应该是金额越大的恢复的越好 好 ...
国信证券· 2024-11-13 07:11
证券研究报告 | 2024年11月13日 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明及其项下所有内容 核心观点 公司研究·财报点评 医药生物·医疗器械 证券分析师:张佳博 证券分析师:张超 021-60375487 0755-81982940 zhangjiabo@guosen.com.cnzhangchao4@guosen.com.cn S0980523050001 S0980522080001 基础数据 投资评级 优于大市(维持) 合理估值 - 收盘价 287.12 元 总市值/流通市值 348116/348116 百万元 52 周最高价/最低价 351.60/221.66 元 近 3 个月日均成交额 2203.27 百万元 市场走势 业绩表现受行业政策扰动,派发二次中期现金分红。2024 年前三季度公司实现 营收 294.85 亿(+7.99%),归母净利 106.37 亿(+8.16%),剔除汇兑损益影响 后增速为 11.00%。单三季度实现营收 89.54 亿(+1.43%),归母净利 30.76 亿 元(-9.31%),因医疗领域整顿和设备更新项目等因素导致医院采购推迟,同时 医院建设资金紧张和非刚性需求低迷, ...
海外机构调研股名单 迈瑞医疗最受关注
证券时报网· 2024-11-12 08:12
根据调研日期截止日统计,近10日(10月30日至11月12日),海外机构对210家上市公司进行调研,其 中,迈瑞医疗最受关注,被95家海外机构密集调研。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,近10日共有718家公司获机构调研,调研机构类型显示,证券公司调研达 684家,占比最多;基金公司调研567家,位列其后;海外机构共对210家上市公司进行走访。 海外机构调研榜单中,迈瑞医疗参与调研的海外机构达到95家,最受关注;其次是联影医疗,参与调研 的海外机构共有59家。 从股价表现看,获海外机构调研股近10日平均上涨9.38%。其中,股价上涨的有海航控股、漱玉平民 等,表现最好的是海航控股,累计涨幅为59.84%。股价下跌的有22只,跌幅最大的是石头科技,累计 跌幅为17.38%。(数据宝) 近10日海外机构调研股 ...
长江证券· 2024-11-12 01:49
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 公司研究丨点评报告丨迈瑞医疗(300760.SZ) [Table_Title] 业绩符合预期,海外业务增长亮眼 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 业绩符合预期,海外市场持续发力。公司 2024 年前三季度营业收入 294.8 亿元,同比增长 | | | 8.0% ,其中第三季度营业收入 89.5 亿元,同比增长 1.4% ;归母净利润 30.8 亿元,同比下滑 9 ...
兴业证券· 2024-11-10 05:33
公 司 点 评 报 告 #assAuthor# 公 司 研 究 | --- | --- | |-------------------------|---------------------------------------| | | | | 日期 | 2024-11-05 | | 收盘价(元) | 278.91 | | 总股本(百万股) | 1,212.44 | | 流通股本(百万股) | 1,212.44 | | 净资产(百万元) | 37,093.90 | | 总资产(百万元) | 57,601.49 | | 每股净资产(元) 来源: | 30.59 ,兴业证券经济与金融研究院整理 | #分析师: emailAuthor# 孙媛媛 sunyuanyuan@xyzq.com.cn S0190515090001 黄翰漾 huanghanyang@xyzq.com.cn S0190519020002 东楠 dongnan@xyzq.com.cn S0190521030001 #相关报告 relatedReport# 《【 兴 证 医 药 】 迈 瑞 医 疗 (300760.SZ)2024年中报点评: 业绩增长 ...
太平洋· 2024-11-08 05:56
公 司 研 究 2024 年 11 月 07 日 公司点评 买入/维持 迈瑞医疗(300760) 昨收盘:274.60 迈瑞医疗点评报告:国际业务保持高速增长,看好后续国内业务 增长提速 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
财信证券· 2024-11-08 05:55
证券研究报告 2024 年 11 月 07 日 评级 买入 | --- | --- | |-----------------------|---------------| | 评级变动 交易数据 | 维持 | | 当前价格(元) | 274.60 | | 52 周价格区间(元) | 222.34-324.50 | | 总市值(百万) | 332936.50 | | 流通市值(百万) | 332936.20 | | 总股本(万股) | 121244.20 | | 流通股(万股) | 121244.10 | | | | 涨跌幅比较 -27% -17% -7% 3% 13% 23% 2023-11 2024-02 2024-05 2024-08 2024-11 迈瑞医疗 医疗器械 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------|-------|-------| | % | 1M | 3M | 12M | | 迈瑞医疗 | -6.32 | 7.09 | 0.67 | | 医疗器械 | -4.51 | 12.26 | -6.96 | 龙靖宁 分析师 执业证书编号:S05305 ...