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Wall Street Analysts Think Baidu Inc. (BIDU) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-04 15:32
When deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock, investors often rely on analyst recommendations. Media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts often influence a stock's price, but are they really important?Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about Baidu Inc. (BIDU) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage.Baidu Inc. currently has an average brokerage recommendation ...
Better AI Stock: Alphabet vs. Baidu
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-03 12:39
Alphabet (GOOG -0.97%) (GOOGL -1.09%) and Baidu (BIDU -3.15%) bear many striking similarities. Alphabet's Google owns the world's largest search engine, the third largest cloud infrastructure platform, and its most popular streaming video platform, YouTube. Baidu owns China's leading online search engine, a smaller cloud platform, and iQiyi (IQ -1.64%), one of the country's leading streaming video platforms.Google and Baidu are both ramping up their investments in the artificial intelligence (AI) market to ...
36氪· 2024-01-03 11:23
时隔三年后,百度宣布终止对YY直播的收购。 2024年1月1日晚间,百度在港交所公告称,百度关联方Moon按照此前签署的协议,终止对YY Live的股权收购协议。 百度在公告中指出,双方签订的股份购买协议规定,拟定收购的交割须满足某些前提条件,其中包括获得必要的政府监管部门批准和其他条件,且如果拟定收购未在最终截至日前交割,买方或卖方均有权终止购买协议。而截至2023年12月31日(最终截止日),股份购买协议规定的交割前提条件尚未全部满足。 百度公告 针对百度公告,欢聚集团发声称,“公司正在寻求法律意见,并将考虑其处置的所有选择,以回应该通知,本公司明确保留所有权利。” 双方的这场收购案始于2020年底,那一年百度开始重点发力直播业务,为了进一步加快移动直播生态的建设,年底,百度宣布将以36亿美元现金(根据协议或有对价调整)收购欢聚时代国内视频娱乐直播业务,包括但不限于YY移动应用、YY.com网站和YY PC等。 当时,双方对这场收购都显得信心满满。 李彦宏说,“YY即将为百度带来巨大的协同效应,将从百度的流量和移动生态系统中受益,而百度将获得即时的运营经验和专业知识,可用于基于视频的大规模社交媒体开发。 ...
消息称百度终止收购 YY 或因未获监管许可,将优先考虑投资 AI
IT之家· 2024-01-02 21:55
IT之家 1 月 2 日消息,1 月 1 日,百度宣布通过行使合同权利,终止收购欢聚集团在国内视频娱乐直播业务。 据 21 世纪经济报道,1 月 2 日,有知情人士坦言,这次收购没有完成,双方都清楚原因,主要是没有获得监管许可,并非百度主动放弃 YY。从另一个角度来看,百度对直播领域的投资热情也不复当年,终止收购后有望回笼资金,未来继续围绕 AI 进行投入。“之前双方签署协议的时候,都是奔着向好的方向去努力的,但是计划赶不上变化。出现交割条件没有满足的情况,双方都清楚是哪里没有满足的。”前述知情人士表示。实际上,在近两年多的时间里,百度一直都是代为运营 YY。 2020 年 11 月 17 日,欢聚集团与百度宣布,双方已签署协议,百度将以约 36 亿美元(IT之家备注:当前约 256.32 亿元人民币)现金收购欢聚旗下的 YY 直播,包括但不限于 YY 移动应用、 网站和 YY PC 等。 股份购买协议规定,拟定收购的交割须满足某些前提条件,其中包括获得必要的政府监管部门批准和其他条件,且如果拟定收购未在最终截止日前交割,买方或卖方均有权终止股份购买协议。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,即 ...
2023盘点:AIGC成年度热词 百度万兴科技等AIGC龙头企业备受关注
中金在线· 2024-01-02 13:44
年末岁初,各类年度热词盘点接连出炉,为AIGC再添上一把新火。 中国青少年研究会联合夸克App发布的《2023年轻人搜索关键词报告》显示,AIGC成为2023年度关键词之一,同时AIGC相关创新应用产品尤其受到年轻人欢迎,诸如AIGC工具、AI文生图、AI写作等热词频现。 2023年以来,全球人工智能竞赛号角打响,AIGC技术发展按下加速键,谷歌、微软、Meta、OpenAI等国际巨头,以万兴科技、百度为代表的中国科技公司争相布局,带动AI写作、AI文生图、AI文生视频等数字创意应用取得突破性进展。 伴随底层技术不断演进、大模型持续迭代成熟,一批批优质AI应用似乎正凭借更丰富的创造性、可玩性与工具效率能力向年轻群体加速渗透。 AIGC技术爆发,文生视频等创新应用接连落地 自2022年末ChatGPT能力涌现后,AI产业迅速迈入以大模型为核心技术的AIGC时代。第三方数据显示,截止至2023年7月,国外累计发布大模型138个,国内累计有130个大模型问世,“百模大战”态势席卷全球。 技术底座的聚力进化,赋予AIGC数字创意软件更多想象与落地空间。其中,文生图、文生视频等数字创意应用凭借较低的创作门槛与较强的社交 ...
TechWeb· 2024-01-02 10:51
【TechWeb】2024年1月1日,百度在港交所发布公告,公司的一家关联公司Moon SPV Limited通过行使合同权利,终止了Moon SPV Limited、Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited、JOYY Inc.及其他相关方于2020年11月16日订立并经日后修订或补充的《股份购买协议》。 根据此前签订的《股份购买协议》,Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited同意向JOYY购买,且JOYY同意向Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited出售JOYY在中国的国内视频娱乐直播业务(YY直播)。 不过,股份购买协议规定,拟定收购的交割须满足某些前提条件,其中包括获得必要的政府监管部门批准和其他条件,且如果拟定收购未在最终截止日前交割,买方或卖方均有权终止股份购买协议。 截至2023年12月31日,即最终截止日,股份购买协议规定的交割前提条件尚未全部满足。百度方面表示,Moon会就终止股权收购协议后交易未来安排寻求与欢聚集团进行协商,探讨合理解决方案。 随后,欢聚集团也发布公告,称YY直播向百度的出售流程在2021年2月8日已基本完成,但仍有一些后续事项待处理,而百 ...
Joyy's stock slides 11% after Baidu cancels $3.6 billion all-stock acquisition
Market Watch· 2024-01-02 07:14
Joyy Inc.’s stock YY, +0.81% fell 11% in premarket trade Tuesday, after the Singapore-based live-streaming platform said Baidu Inc. BIDU, +1.08% has cancelled its $3.6 billion bid for the company. Baidu said in a regulatory filing that the closing conditions for the all-stock agreement had yet to be fully satisfied. “The company seeks to discuss with JOYY the next steps following the termination of the share purchase agreement,” the Chinese tech company said. Separately, Joyy said it is seeking legal advic ...
China's Baidu cancels $3.6 bn purchase of livestreaming site
TechXplore· 2024-01-02 04:44
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Baidu said it had not yet received government approval for the purchase of YY Live. Chinese internet giant Baidu has said it was cancelling the planned multi-billion-dollar purchase of livestreaming platform YY Live, partly blaming its inability to get government approval. Baidu, the country's top search engine company, agreed ...
Baidu cancels purchase of Chinese live-streaming business
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-02 04:41
About this content About Leo Grieco Leo joins us with a degree in Media Production from Bournemouth University. His work includes reporting for the UK editorial team and video editing for the broadcast team. He comes with an expertise in video editing and producing. Leo’s specialities include hospitality and leisure, support services, tech and video games. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and online broadcast teams provide fast, accessible, informative and actionable business and fi ...
Baidu: Ernie Bot May Be As Good And Growing As Fast As ChatGPT (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-01 21:28
zorazhuangBaidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) continues to see great progress in emerging business opportunities, most notably GenAI development and deployment. In fact, the company recently disclosed that Ernie Bot, China's equivalent of ChatGPT, has attracted more than 100 million subscribers. Needless to say, that represents an enormous monetization base looking into 2024 and beyond. Meanwhile, market participants price Baidu as a simple advertising business, with shares trading at an EV/EBIT of about 9x. Even accou ...