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华创证券· 2025-02-08 07:05 证券研究报告|医药生物|2025年2月8日 华创医药投资观点&研究专题周周谈 · 第112期 药明系JPM更新 本周专题联系人:万梦蝶 华创医药团队: 首席分析师 郑辰 联席首席分析师 刘浩 医疗器械组组长 李婵娟 中药和流通组组长 高初蕾 分析师 万梦蝶 分析师 王宏雨 分析师 朱珂琛 执业编号:S0360520110002 邮箱 执业编号:S0360520120002 邮箱 执业编号:S0360520110004 邮箱 执业编号:S0360524070002 邮箱 执业编号:S0360523080008 邮箱 执业编号:S0360523080006 邮箱 执业编号:S0360524070007 邮箱 本报告由华创证券有限责任公司编制 卖的出价或询价。本报告所载信息均为个人观点,并不构成对所涉及证券的个人投 ...
华创证券· 2025-02-08 04:30
证 券 研 究 报 告 保险行业周报(20250205-20250207) 10 家保险公司试点投资黄金,多元化投资缓 推荐(维持) 解"资产荒"压力 本周行情复盘:本周保险指数上涨 0.10%,跑输大盘 1.88pct。保险个股表现分 化,财险+1.87%,太平+1.56%,新华+1.43%,太保+0.22%,平安+0.06%,国 寿-0.22%,友邦-1.21%,人保-2.09%。10 年期国债收益率 1.60%,较节前-3bps。 本周动态: (1)金融监管总局印发《关于开展保险资金投资黄金业务试点的通知》(以下 简称《通知》),自《通知》发布之日起开展保险资金投资黄金业务试点。在试 点内容方面,《通知》界定了试点投资黄金的业务范围和投资方式,并确定了 10 家试点保险公司。在试点要求方面,《通知》对试点保险公司投资黄金的事 前事中管理进行了规范。在监督管理方面,《通知》明确了试点业务的定期报 告、临时报告机制以及相关监督管理要求。 保险资金试点投资黄金业务点评: 《通知》明确试点投资黄金范围:在上海黄金交易所主板上市或交易的黄金现 货实盘合约、黄金现货延期交收合约、上海金集中定价合约、黄金询价即期合 ...
华创证券· 2025-02-07 10:20
证 券 研 究 报 告 AI is real,AI 产业链继续加码投资。谷歌、微软、亚马逊、Meta 和台积电等 科技龙头企业,纷纷表示 AI 对其业务增长有积极推动作用,AI is real。北美 科技巨头纷纷表示要继续加码资本开支用于 AI 基础设施投资。 AI 自研大势所趋,相关产业链有望迎来快速增长。北美科技巨头纷纷加码 AI 基础设施,面临着资本开支快速增长带来的财务压力,但又表示当前不投 AI 算力的风险大于过度投资 AI 算力的风险,北美巨头如不采取措施可能陷于两 难境地,AI 自研芯片或有望成为破局之道。 AI 掀起新一轮终端创新,推动端侧芯片升级迭代。混合 AI 大势所趋,AI 手 机、AI PC 和 AI 眼镜等 AI 终端设备层出不穷,AI 终端设备有望迎来快速增 长,带动端侧芯片升级迭代,以满足日趋复杂的 AI 功能,届时相关公司有望 深度受益。 ❖ 上证科创板人工智能是"纯粹"的 AI 指数 上证科创板人工智能汇集科创板 AI 企业。指数从科创板中选取 30 家市值较 大且业务涉及为人工智能提供基础资源、技术以及应用支持的上市公司作为样 本,覆盖了 AI 产业链的上中下游,较好地反映 ...
华创证券· 2025-02-07 06:00
Group 1: DeepSeek Concept Overview - The DeepSeek concept has significantly impacted the A-share market, with computer and media sectors being the most represented[2] - Since the launch of the DeepSeek theme on January 24, the DeepSeek concept index has risen by 39%, compared to a 2.3% increase in the overall A-share market[2] - Among 90 related concept stocks, 47 are in the computer sector, followed by 16 in media, 9 in communication, and 6 in electronics[2] Group 2: Industry and ETF Composition - In the Shenwan first-level industries, the DeepSeek concept stocks have the highest weights in computer (30.5%), communication (25.1%), and media (23.3%)[3] - Within the Shenwan second-level industries, communication services (62.6%), software development (44.4%), and gaming (41.4%) show the highest DeepSeek weights[3] - In major broad-based ETFs, the DeepSeek concept weight is highest in the Sci-Tech 50 (19.8%), followed by the Sci-Tech Innovation 50 (11.1%) and the Shanghai Composite 180 (8.1%)[3] Group 3: Thematic and Industry ETFs - Among technology-related thematic and industry ETFs, 24 ETFs have DeepSeek concept stock weights exceeding 20%[4] - The highest DeepSeek weights in thematic ETFs include CSI Xinchuan (48.1%), CSI Software (47.5%), and CSI Telecom (47.2%)[4] - Other notable ETFs with high DeepSeek weights include the Software Index (44%), Cloud Computing (42.9%), and Animation Games (42%)[4] Group 4: Risk Considerations - Risks include potential macroeconomic recovery falling short of expectations and the possibility that current screening criteria may become ineffective in a new market environment[5] - The report does not constitute investment advice regarding the individual stocks mentioned[5]
华创证券· 2025-02-07 03:35
1)白酒:去库存筑底期,底部配置茅五等龙头,春节前后重视大众酒结构性 机会。中长期视角布局茅台、五粮液等优质龙头,持续推荐老窖、汾酒。短 期聚焦大众价格带结构性机会,推荐春节动销反馈较好的区域龙头古井(估 值超跌具备性价比,管理层执行为强,业绩确定性高)、今世缘(开系势能延 续,战略灵活务实,业绩确定性高)。 食品饮料 2025 年 02 月 04 日 证 券 研 究 报 告 食品饮料行业调研报告 氛围好转,需求平稳 推荐(维持) ——2025 年大众品春节旺季反馈 ❑ 投资建议:珍惜龙头确定性配置窗口,精选困境反转高弹性品种。 华创证券研究所 证券分析师:欧阳予 邮箱 执业编号:S0360520070001 证券分析师:范子盼 邮箱 执业编号:S0360520090001 证券分析师:彭俊霖 邮箱 执业编号:S0360521080003 证券分析师:严晓思 邮箱 执业编号:S0360524070015 证券分析师:董广阳 电话:021-20572598 ...
华创证券· 2025-02-07 03:35
对我国出口的拖累或在 0.5-1.4 个百分点左右(《解开三螺旋——宏观 2025 年 度策略报告》)。但考虑到本次特朗普对墨西哥也加征了关税,间接出口抵消效 应或有所削弱,导致对实际出口冲击大于预估,落于偏右区间的概率或更高。 证 券 研 究 报 告 【宏观专题】 特朗普关税的七大估算 国内春节假期期间,特朗普的关税政策在拉扯反复中落地。本篇报告聚焦七大 核心问题,给投资者提供思考特朗普关税政策影响的参考视角。 ❖ 一、关税对中美通胀的影响? 对美:鉴于目前美国中长期通胀预期依然平稳并未脱锚,我们仅考虑短期内关 税导致的通胀变化。大致估算特朗普关税政策对美国短期通胀的提升幅度约 为 0.3-0.8 个百分点,中值约 0.6 个百分点。 对我国:假设关税成本完全由我国出口商承担的极端情景下,10%的额外关税 对我国 PPI 的拖累约 0.1-0.2 个百分点(仅考虑我国出口商以价换量的情况, 不考虑特朗普政策导致国际大宗品价格波动带来的影响)。 ❖ 二、关税对我国经济基本面的影响? 关税对我国整体 GDP 的拖累或在 0.1-0.3 个百分点之间。两个思路。1)从中 国出口占 GDP 比重的角度考虑;2)从历 ...
华创证券· 2025-02-04 10:00
证 券 研 究 报 告 【每周经济观察】 美国消费仍偏强——海外周报第 76 期 ❖ 核心观点:过去一周来看,美国多个数据不及预期,背后均指向四季度制造业 偏弱,包括四季度实际 GDP 环比折年、12 月成屋签约销售环比、12 月耐用品 订单环比。但是,12 月新屋销售和个人支出环比超预期。 欧元区:四季度实际 GDP 同比不及预期,但 1 月经济景气超预期修复,或指 向经济的边际回暖。12 月失业率如期回升。 日本:消费或仍偏弱(1 月消费者信心指数意外走跌、12 月零售销售环比不及 预期),通胀如期回升(1 月东京核心 CPI 同比升至 2.5%,前值 2.4%),工业 产出边际修复(12 月同比-1.1%,前值-2.7%)。 ❖ 未来一周重要经济数据及事件:关注 2 月 7 日美国公布 1 月非农就业报告,2 月 5 日将公布小非农(ADP 就业数据) 2、地产:美国按揭贷款利率微幅下行,房贷申请数量微幅下滑 美国抵押贷款利率微幅下行。1 月 30 日,美国 30 年期抵押贷款利率 6.95%, 前一周为 6.96%,前两周为 7.04%。抵押贷款申请数量微幅下行。1 月 24 日当 周,美国 MBA ...
华创证券· 2025-01-27 06:00
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Recommended" rating for the refrigerant sector, expecting it to outperform the benchmark index by over 5% in the next 3-6 months [8][79]. Core Insights - The refrigerant sector is anticipated to continue its strong performance in 2025, driven by favorable supply-demand dynamics and price elasticity that the market has yet to fully recognize [15][9]. - The report highlights that the supply constraints are tightening, with a shift towards a more concentrated market due to strong policy enforcement [15][9]. - The performance of refrigerant companies is expected to improve as non-refrigerant business segments recover, providing additional earnings flexibility [15][9]. Industry Overview - The total market capitalization of the refrigerant sector is approximately 149 billion yuan, with 8 listed companies [3]. - The expected production of household air conditioners in 2025 is projected to reach 201 million units, a year-on-year increase of 19.5% [9][20]. - The main refrigerants, R32 and R22, have reached historical price highs, with R32 priced at 43,000 yuan/ton and R22 at 33,000 yuan/ton as of December 31, 2024, reflecting increases of 153% and 69% respectively since the beginning of the year [16][17]. Supply and Demand Dynamics - The report indicates that the supply of refrigerants is expected to improve in 2025 due to clearer quota policies and the anticipated demand from the continued implementation of the "old-for-new" appliance replacement policy [9][11]. - The production quota for R22 in 2025 is set to decrease by 3.14 million tons, a reduction of 17% compared to 2024, which is expected to drive prices significantly higher [11][50]. - The report emphasizes that the demand for R22, primarily used in the after-sales market for household air conditioning, remains relatively inelastic, suggesting that price increases will be well-received [11][50]. Price Trends and Profitability - The report forecasts that the price of R32 and R22 will continue to rise in 2025, with R32's price ceiling potentially linked to the cost of fourth-generation refrigerants, which are currently priced above 200,000 yuan/ton [10][43]. - The profitability of major companies in the refrigerant sector is expected to improve, with projected P/E ratios for leading firms such as Juhua and Dongyue at 12.8 and 11.2 respectively [7][55]. - The report notes that the long-term price elasticity of refrigerants remains underestimated, with significant potential for price increases as supply constraints tighten [10][15]. Key Companies to Watch - Juhua Co., Ltd. is identified as a leading player in the refrigerant market, holding the largest production quota and expected to benefit the most from price increases [57]. - Dongyue Group is highlighted for its strong position in the second-generation refrigerant market, with significant quota holdings that position it well for future price elasticity [59]. - Sanmei Co., Ltd. is noted for its focus on refrigerants, with a simple product structure that allows for significant profit contribution from price increases [61].
华创证券· 2025-01-27 04:00
Investment Rating - The report maintains a recommendation for the airline sector, indicating a significant reduction in losses for major airlines and a turnaround for Huaxia Airlines [1][6][8]. Core Insights - Four airlines have released their 2024 performance forecasts, with major airlines significantly reducing losses and Huaxia Airlines turning a profit [1][6][8]. - The expected net profit for 2024 (midpoint) is as follows: Eastern Airlines (-3.8 billion), Southern Airlines (-1.56 billion), Air China (-0.2 billion), and Huaxia Airlines (0.24 billion) [9][11]. - In Q4 2024, the expected net profit (midpoint) is: Eastern Airlines (-3.66 billion), Southern Airlines (-3.53 billion), Air China (-1.56 billion), and Huaxia Airlines (-0.07 billion) [11][19]. - Passenger turnover for major airlines has exceeded the same period in 2019 [1][22]. Financial Data - For 2024, the expected net profit (midpoint) for major airlines is: Eastern Airlines (-38.0 billion), Southern Airlines (-15.6 billion), Air China (-2.0 billion), and Huaxia Airlines (2.4 billion) [9][10]. - The expected net profit excluding non-recurring items (midpoint) for 2024 is: Eastern Airlines (-47.0 billion), Southern Airlines (-38.7 billion), Air China (-23.0 billion), and Huaxia Airlines (1.0 billion) [9][10]. - In Q4 2024, the expected net profit excluding non-recurring items (midpoint) is: Eastern Airlines (-41.6 billion), Southern Airlines (-32.9 billion), Air China (-27.3 billion), and Huaxia Airlines (-1.9 billion) [11][19]. Operational Data - In 2024, ASK (Available Seat Kilometers) growth compared to 2019 is: Eastern Airlines (9.9%), Air China (7.1%), Southern Airlines (5.4%) [22]. - RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometers) growth compared to 2019 is: Eastern Airlines (11.0%), Southern Airlines (7.4%), Air China (5.0%) [22]. - Passenger load factors for 2024 are: Southern Airlines (84.4%, +6.3% YoY), Eastern Airlines (82.8%, +8.4% YoY), Air China (79.8%, +6.6% YoY) [22]. Cost Data - The average domestic aviation kerosene price for 2024 is expected to be 6316 RMB/ton, a decrease of 7.4% YoY [26]. - In Q4 2024, the average domestic aviation kerosene price is expected to be 5735 RMB/ton, a decrease of 24.6% YoY [26]. - The RMB is expected to depreciate by 1.5% in 2024 and by 2.6% in Q4 2024 [27]. Market Review - The transportation sector declined by 1.0%, underperforming the CSI 300 index by 1.6 percentage points [87]. - The report highlights that the airline sector is expected to benefit from domestic demand and low-altitude economy trends [1][40].
华创证券· 2025-01-26 08:00
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Recommended" rating for the banking sector, indicating a positive outlook for medium to long-term investments in bank stocks due to the influx of long-term capital into the market [1][6]. Core Insights - The report emphasizes that the entry of medium to long-term capital into the market will support bank stocks with low volatility and high dividends. This is a continuation of policy measures aimed at stabilizing the stock market, particularly following the implementation of a plan by six ministries to facilitate the entry of long-term funds [5][6]. - The report highlights the expected increase in long-term capital investment in A-shares, estimating that insurance funds could add between 400 billion to 500 billion yuan in 2025 [5][6]. - The banking sector is seen as a favorable investment target due to its stable high dividend characteristics, which are attractive to long-term investors like social security funds [5][6]. Industry Overview - The banking sector consists of 42 listed companies with a total market capitalization of approximately 1.15 trillion yuan, representing 13.04% of the overall market [2]. - The report notes that the banking index has shown a slight increase of 0.04% over the week, underperforming compared to the broader market indices [5][6]. Market Performance - The report provides a comparative performance analysis, showing that the banking sector has achieved an absolute performance of 5.0% over the past month and 17.7% over the past year, while relative performance has been 2.8% and 24.4% respectively [3][5]. - Specific banks such as Changsha Bank and China Everbright Bank have shown significant weekly gains of 7.39% and 7.15% respectively, while Suzhou Bank has experienced a decline of 3.46% [5][6]. Investment Recommendations - The report suggests focusing on banks with high dividend yields and strong asset quality, recommending state-owned banks and high-quality regional banks like Jiangsu Bank and Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank [5][6]. - It also highlights banks with a high proportion of retail assets, such as China Merchants Bank and Postal Savings Bank, as having greater potential for valuation recovery in the context of economic recovery [5][6]. - Additionally, the report identifies regional banks like Chongqing Bank and Changsha Bank as beneficiaries of local economic development and debt restructuring, suggesting they are worth monitoring [5][6]. Key Company Analysis - The report includes earnings forecasts and valuations for key banks, with recommendations for several banks based on their projected earnings growth and current valuations. For instance, Ningbo Bank is projected to have a net profit growth of 5.9% in 2024, with a target price of 29.96 yuan [7][22]. - Other banks such as Jiangsu Bank and Changshu Bank are also highlighted for their strong growth potential and favorable market conditions, with target prices set at 10.22 yuan and 8.00 yuan respectively [7][22].