证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:30
证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,贵阳双龙碧水源水务有限公司成立,法定代表人为崔在 兴,注册资本4399.51万元,经营范围包含:水污染治理;环境保护专用设备制造;水环境污染防治服 务等。 企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由碧水源等共同持股。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:27
Company Updates - Kweichow Moutai launched the Year of the Snake commemorative product, priced at 2499 yuan per bottle, marking the completion of a full zodiac cycle for its commemorative series [1] - The company plans to repurchase 3.3862 million shares with a maximum amount of 6 billion yuan, the largest repurchase plan in the A-share food and beverage industry since July 2022 [5] - Moutai has already repurchased 209,000 shares for nearly 30 million yuan as of January 3 [5] - The repurchase price ceiling is set at 1771.9 yuan per share, representing a premium of over 20% to the current stock price [5] - Moutai's overseas business revenue proportion ranks first in the industry, with plans to become an international company by 2035 [7] Financial Performance - Moutai's 2024 net profit is expected to reach approximately 85.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 14.67% [3] - The company's net profit growth rate in 2024 is expected to decline by more than 4 percentage points compared to 2023's 19.16% growth [3] - Moutai's stock price fell 4.13% from December 30, 2024 to January 7, outperforming the broader liquor index which fell 6.85% during the same period [2] - Since December 2024, Moutai's decline has been less than half of the nearly 9% drop in the liquor index [2] Industry Trends - Nearly 80% of liquor companies may face performance pressure in 2024 [4] - Many well-known liquor companies are expected to see single-digit net profit growth in 2024, such as Shanxi Fenjiu (19.5%) and Luzhou Laojiao (8.26%) [4] - Some companies like Jinguizi Liquor may continue to experience losses in 2024 [4] - The current price-to-earnings ratio of the liquor industry is below 19 times, significantly lower than the 10-year median of nearly 30 times [2] - The industry is transitioning from quantity expansion to quality development, with leading companies implementing measures to control volume and stabilize prices [7] Market Outlook - The liquor industry is expected to enter a stage of supply-demand balance, with companies focusing more on product quality [7] - Industry demand is predicted to gradually improve in 2025 under policy stimulus, with sales volume expected to recover moderately [8] - Price risks have been largely released and are expected to stabilize [8] - The industry is currently in a bottoming-out phase, with expectations of gradual improvement after Q2 2025 [8] - The sector remains at a low valuation level, with room for improvement in dividend payout ratios [8]
17家公司获基金调研 纳思达最受关注
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:12
证券时报网讯,1月7日有30家公司被机构调研,按调研机构类型看,基金参与17家公司的调研活动。 其中,纳思达最受关注,参与调研的基金达20家;其次是实丰文化、长青股份等,分别获10家、5家基 金调研。 校对:彭其华 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:06
Stock Performance - The stock of Zhongheng Electric has hit the daily limit up again, recording 7 limit-ups within 12 trading days, with a cumulative increase of 90.10% and a cumulative turnover rate of 278.51% [1] - As of 13:53, the stock's trading volume for the day was 181 million shares, with a trading value of 2.688 billion yuan and a turnover rate of 32.49% [1] Market Capitalization and Trading Data - The latest A-share total market capitalization reached 8.656 billion yuan, with an A-share circulating market capitalization of 8.572 billion yuan [2] - The stock has been listed on the Dragon and Tiger List 7 times due to a cumulative deviation of 20% in three trading days, a daily turnover rate of 20%, a daily deviation of 7%, and a daily amplitude of 15% [2] - Among the top trading departments, institutional net purchases amounted to 80.6193 million yuan, while the total net purchases by brokerage seats reached 225 million yuan [2]
中铁装配最新股东户数环比下降7.10% 筹码趋向集中
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:06
具体到各交易日,4次上涨,8次下跌。 证券时报网讯,中铁装配1月8日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至12月31日公司股东户数为27926户,较 上期(12月20日)减少2135户,环比降幅为7.10%。 证券时报•数据宝统计,截至发稿,中铁装配最新股价为16.32元,下跌1.09%,本期筹码集中以来股价 累计下跌12.26%。 ...
洲明科技:牵头行业首个多功能路灯现场组装调试国际标准 填补行业空白
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 06:05
证券时报e公司讯,近日,由洲明科技牵头主导的行业首个多功能路灯现场组装调试国际标准——《多 功能路灯功能模块现场组装调试规范》正式发布。 该规范填补了相关领域的空白,为智慧路灯的现场组装调试提供了科学、规范、高效的操作指南,同时 标志着智慧路灯行业在标准化发展领域取得重大突破。 据悉,洲明携手华为共同发布"多元一体智慧站点联合方案",致力以多元融合、群智协同打造新型智慧 城市神经元。 洲明通过多杆合一、统一运维及模块标准化的技术优势,可为智慧城市建设提供高效支持。 ...
东兴期货昆明营业部收警示函 为东兴证券全资子公司
中国经济网· 2025-01-08 06:05
Regulatory Actions - The Yunnan Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a warning letter to the Kunming branch of Dongxing Futures due to five identified issues in their operations [1] - The branch failed to extract client device information (e g, phone number or unique device identifier) and effectively monitor client trading behavior through the Dongxing Futures mobile app [1][3] - Inadequate client follow-up and insufficient handling of anti-money laundering warning clues were observed [4] - The investor suitability management system had delayed information entry and updates [5] - Non-standardized language was used in suitability follow-ups [6] - Internal management deficiencies were noted, including issues with equipment management, client data management, and inaccurate public information [7][8] Legal Framework - The violations were related to Article 56 of the "Futures Company Supervision and Administration Measures" (CSRC Order No 155) and Article 13 of the "Securities and Futures Investor Suitability Management Measures" (CSRC Order No 202) [1][8] - The regulatory actions were based on Article 109 of the "Futures Company Supervision and Administration Measures" and Article 37 of the "Securities and Futures Investor Suitability Management Measures" [9] Company Structure - As of June 30, 2024, Dongxing Futures had a registered capital of RMB 518 million and was wholly owned by Dongxing Securities (601198 SH) [2] Regulatory Requirements - Futures companies are required to establish and effectively implement risk management, internal control, and futures margin deposit systems to ensure client asset and transaction safety [2] - Operating institutions must inform investors of significant changes in their provided information that may affect classification and maintain an updated investor assessment database [2]
国光电器:目前在和各方就回购延期进行沟通协商 初步达成一致意见
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 05:35
同时公司在其中承担的回购义务比例相对较小,该事宜对公司的经营未产生实质性影响。 证券时报e公司讯,国光电器1月7日在电话会议上表示,公司目前在和各方就回购延期进行沟通协商, 初步达成一致意见,后续将积极推动相关工作。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-08 05:17
证券时报e公司讯,据中国移动消息,1月8日12时,经过一线人员的连夜抢修,拉孜县扎西宗乡最后1个 退服移动基站完成抢通工作。 至此,受本次地震影响的定日县、拉孜县、定结县所有退服基站均已抢通,标志着地震灾区所有中国移 动通信基站全部恢复通信。 ...