YIDU TECH(02158)

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华安证券· 2024-05-21 05:56
医渡科技210521华安原文 2024年05月21日13:32 发言人100:00 各位投资人上午好啊,欢迎参加本次华安证券和路演中联合举办的这个夏季线上策略会。本次会议是上 市公司好,上市公司的各位投资人,上午也非常荣幸请到公司领导王总这边线上跟我们一起。本场交流 分为公司介绍,还有QQ两个部分。首先有请王总对整个公司的情况进行一个简单的介绍,有请王总。 发言人200:32 好的,感谢华安还有陆远中今天组织的这个交流会。然后也很荣幸跟大家今天百忙之中,来进行一个关 于一度科技的近期的介绍。因为我们其实在四月底,其实已经一度科技这边进入了静默期,所以今天的 话我们所有的交流的话,都是基于我们静默期之前的这个已有的公开信息。 发言人201:02 发言人2 02:17 可能各位投资人的话可能也关注到,我们在过去的从年初开始,过去几个月的话不管是公司的高层管理 的票。比如说像,我们的高管在一月份,也是,通过自己的资金,然后,工资来用来增持公司的这个股 票。然后根据公开的这个公告来看的话,就是我们的老股东文莱的主权基金BIA也是直接是增持公司的 这个股票,超过5%,也做了公开的披露。那另外的话,一度本身的话,我们也是 ...
医渡科技(02158) - 2024 - 中期财报
2023-12-28 08:32
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | 医渡科技 U YIDUTECH | | | | | | | | | | Yidu Tech Inc. | | | | Stock code 股份代號: 2158 2023/24 INTERIM REPORT 中 期 報 告 p 一步 > 111-2-17 0 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | 公司資料 | | | 2 | | | | | 核心財務及營運數據 | | | 4 | | | | | 財務摘要 | | | 6 | | | | | 業務回顧 | | | 7 | | | | | 管理層討論及分析 | | | 16 | | | | | 企業管治及其他資料 | | | 23 ...
医渡科技(02158) - 2024 Q2 - 业绩电话会
2023-12-20 12:00
各位投资人大家晚上好首先感谢那个富途平台还有进门采金这次的 這個直播支持然後首先介紹一下哈就是我是一度科技的資深總監然後也是愛爾的負責人王小娟然後呢今天呢很高興呢就是在這個這個時間還比較晚了哈那但是也是很感謝大家今天抽出這個 這個時間來聽我們這樣的一個業績分享那首先介紹一下一度科技這邊的話呢呃我們是這個331的財年所以的話呃今天我們分享的資料呢也是基於我們剛剛呃針對於我們接著930的24財年上半年的呃一個業績的一個呃路演資料 那首先呢也聲明一下就是說我們在今天的這個分享中呢會涉及到一些非會計準則調整後的這個數字的分析所以的話如果說有什麼這個進一步的這個就是數據上的還有就是一些這個財務信息的話呢還是以我們的這個就是半年的這個業績公告為準這是 那以下的話呢我們今天會分成四個部分來跟大家進行我們的一個中期業績的一個分享那麼在此之前的話呢也簡單介紹一下一睹科技一睹科技的話呢我們是成立於2014年那也是作為港股首家AI的上市公司在21年的1月份在香港的主板上市因此的話公司其實具備非常強的AI屬性同時的話呢 也具备大数据技术还有就是我们的云计算然后以及的医学这块的这个研究那首先的话呢可以来看一下我们的这个业绩概览 那也就 ...
医渡科技(02158) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2023-11-29 09:56
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何 聲明,並明確表示概不就因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因依賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 Yidu Tech Inc. 醫渡科技有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:2158) 截至2023年9月30日止六個月的中期業績公告 醫渡科技有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公司及綜合聯屬實體統稱「本集團」)董事(「董 事」)會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈本集團截至2023年9月30日止六個月(「報告期間」)的未經審 計合併中期業績連同截至2022年9月30日止六個月的比較數字。該等業績已經本公司審 核委員會審閱。 於本公告中,「我們」指本公司,如文意另有要求,則指本集團。 財務摘要 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|----------| | ...
医渡科技(02158) - 2023 - 年度财报
2023-07-27 11:10
Financial Performance - Revenue for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, was RMB 804.7 million, a decrease of 35.0% year-over-year, primarily due to delays in project bidding, on-site implementation, and customer acceptance caused by the prolonged impact of COVID-19[18] - The company's annual loss decreased to RMB 632.4 million, down 17.5% year-over-year, with adjusted net loss narrowing to RMB 448.7 million, a 22.2% decrease[18] - Adjusted net loss decreased by 22.2% year-on-year, and net cash outflow from operating activities decreased by 41.9% year-on-year[10] - Revenue decreased by 35.0% from RMB 1,237.2 million in FY2022 to RMB 804.7 million in FY2023, primarily due to declines in the Big Data Platform and Solutions segment and Life Science Solutions segment[37] - Big Data Platform and Solutions revenue decreased by 50.1% from RMB 444.9 million in FY2022 to RMB 221.9 million in FY2023, mainly due to delays in customer bidding, on-site implementation, and acceptance caused by the prolonged impact of COVID-19[37] - Life Science Solutions revenue decreased by 29.6% from RMB 359.4 million in FY2022 to RMB 252.9 million in FY2023, primarily due to delays in on-site implementation and delivery caused by COVID-19[37] - Health Management Platform and Solutions revenue decreased by 22.4% from RMB 424.9 million in FY2022 to RMB 329.9 million in FY2023, mainly due to product structure adjustments[37] - Gross margin improved from 32.3% in FY2022 to 34.1% in FY2023, with the Health Management Platform and Solutions segment showing a significant increase from 27.7% to 40.7% due to product structure adjustments[40] - R&D expenses decreased by 7.1% from RMB 368.7 million in FY2022 to RMB 342.5 million in FY2023, but R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue increased from 29.8% to 42.6%[43] - Operating loss decreased by 17.9% from RMB 767.4 million in FY2022 to RMB 630.0 million in FY2023[44] - Annual loss decreased by 17.5% from RMB 766.4 million in FY2022 to RMB 632.4 million in FY2023[46] - Adjusted net loss for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, was RMB 448.7 million, compared to RMB 577.0 million in the previous fiscal year[47][48] - Cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, margin bank deposits, restricted bank balances, and deposits totaled RMB 3,522.0 million as of March 31, 2023, down from RMB 3,732.1 million in the previous year[50] - The company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Marvelous Panda Inc., invested $40.0 million in the YD Capital I L.P. fund, representing 40% of the fund's commitments, with RMB 557,748.0 already contributed as of March 31, 2023[51] - The company sold 20% of its issued shares in EVYD Technology Limited for $55.0 million, increasing its "other reserves" by RMB 316.6 million and "non-controlling interests" by RMB 59.9 million[52] - The company's investment commitments as of March 31, 2023, were RMB 284.0 million, primarily related to the remaining capital contributions to the YD Capital I L.P. fund[57] - Total payroll costs for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, were RMB 777.7 million, down from RMB 982.5 million in the previous fiscal year[59] - The company recorded a foreign exchange loss of RMB 84.6 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, compared to RMB 6.6 million in the previous fiscal year[55] Business Segments and Solutions - The company's life science solutions segment covers 16 out of the top 20 global MNC clients, with 17 out of the top 20 revenue-generating clients being listed companies[6] - The company's public health solutions can cover all 40 infectious diseases defined by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention[6] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product, based on its self-developed technology, has been approved by the US FDA and the Hainan Provincial Drug Administration[6] - The company's big data platform and solutions segment launched a new generation of hospital scenario intelligent solutions, upgrading the full-disease database platform and the YiduEywa 2.0 data center[6] - The company's network covers over 800 hospitals and 1,500 healthcare institutions, with 26 billion+ medical records processed and analyzed[7] - The company's knowledge graph covers over 90,000 medical topics and 10,000+ diseases, with disease models established in over 70 disease areas[7] - The company's epidemic response and prediction algorithms have been validated in 23 provinces and cities[7] - YiduCore has processed over 3.4 billion medical records covering more than 800 million patients, with a hospital network covering over 1,500 hospitals[13] - The company's knowledge graph covers over 10,000 diseases, and its specialized disease database spans more than 70 disease areas[13] - The company has served a cumulative total of 204 real-world research projects as of March 31, 2023[14] - The company's self-developed epidemic judgment algorithm has been validated in 23 provinces and cities across China[15] - The company's YiduEywa2.0, a next-generation data intelligence platform, has been deployed in leading hospitals in Central and Southern China[11] - The company's real-world research platform for a high-lipidemia project saved approximately 10% of research costs and reduced the project timeline to 2 years[15] - The company's public health intelligent monitoring and early warning solution covers all 40 infectious diseases defined by the China CDC[15] - The company's health management platform had 20 million active users who completed at least one transaction as of March 31, 2023[20] - YiduCore's medical knowledge graph covers over 90,000 medical topics and more than 10,000 diseases, supporting mapping for nearly 10 medical standard terminologies[21] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product received FDA approval and was also approved by the Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration in China[16] - The company served 4 provinces and 12 cities in China's urban insurance programs, with over 90% of users located in the top 15 GDP-ranked provincial regions as of March 31, 2023[16] - The company provided solutions to 88 top-tier research hospitals and 34 regulatory agencies and policymakers in China as of March 31, 2023[20] - YiduCore has established disease models in over 70 disease areas and can accurately identify more than 15,000 medical semantic fields[21] - The company's big data platform and solutions segment revenue was RMB 221.9 million, a 50.1% decrease compared to the previous fiscal year due to COVID-19-related delays in project bidding, implementation, and customer acceptance[24] - The company increased its total number of top-tier research hospital clients by 6 to 88 and added 8 regulatory and policymaker clients, bringing the total to 34 as of March 31, 2023[24] - The company launched YiduEywa2.0, a next-generation data center platform, to support hospital digital transformation and research output acceleration[25] - The company secured a contract exceeding RMB 10 million for a multi-center clinical research support platform at a top-tier hospital in Central China[25] - The company collaborated on the release of China's first standardized dataset for liver cirrhosis, improving data quality and integration of clinical resources[22] - The company published 15 disease-specific standardized datasets in collaboration with experts and authoritative institutions as of March 31, 2023[22] - The company's epidemic response and prediction algorithms have been validated in 23 provinces and cities across China[22] - The company's Life Science Solutions segment revenue was RMB 252.9 million, a year-on-year decrease of 29.6% as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company has conducted 255 clinical studies, including 204 prospective and retrospective real-world studies, as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company's intelligent clinical trial management services cover 174 clinical trial institutions as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company has 167 active clients, including 154 core pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device clients as of March 31, 2023[31] - The revenue retention rate of the company's top 10 clients is 94.1% as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company organized 18 live-streaming events, attracting over 4,000 clinical researchers, as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company's Life Science Solutions team has an average of 8 years of experience across clinical research, data science, and AI as of March 31, 2023[32] - The company developed a digital solution for the COVID-19 drug Xiannuoxin®, accelerating its market launch[29] - The company won the "Best Partner" award for its role in the development of Xiannuoxin®[29] - The company's real-world evidence services helped a multinational client's drug for eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) gain inclusion in China's national medical insurance catalog[30] - Health management platform and solutions revenue decreased by 22.4% YoY to RMB 329.9 million due to product structure adjustments[33] - The company's "Huiminbao" business has expanded to 4 provinces and 12 cities, covering over 90% of users in China's top 15 GDP-ranked provincial regions[33] - The 2023 "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" saw a 14% YoY increase in participants, reaching 3.5 million, while "Jiangsu Yihui Insurance No. 1" grew 58% YoY to 5.08 million participants[33] - Over 85% of beneficiaries in the "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" utilized fast claim services, significantly reducing claim processing time[34] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product received FDA approval and was also approved by the Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration in China[34] - Active users on the health management platform reached 20 million by March 31, 2023[34] - The company plans to expand its regional coverage and enhance product offerings in the health management sector[36] - The company aims to strengthen its "YiduCore" technology to improve product iteration efficiency and deepen disease research[35] - The company will focus on increasing high-quality customer penetration and repurchase rates across business segments[35] - The company is exploring international market opportunities and strategic partnerships to enrich its ecosystem[35] Technology and Innovation - The company's adjusted net loss is defined as the annual loss plus (i) share-based compensation expenses and (ii) net foreign exchange losses[5] - The company's knowledge graph covers over 90,000 medical topics and 10,000+ diseases, with disease models established in over 70 disease areas[7] - The company's epidemic response and prediction algorithms have been validated in 23 provinces and cities[7] - Over half of the company's employees have medical backgrounds, and nearly one-third have AI/data technology experience[8] - The company's order backlog as of March 31, 2023, was RMB 916.5 million, a year-on-year increase of 45.8%[10] - YiduCore has processed over 3.4 billion medical records covering more than 800 million patients, with a hospital network covering over 1,500 hospitals[13] - The company's knowledge graph covers over 10,000 diseases, and its specialized disease database spans more than 70 disease areas[13] - The company has served a cumulative total of 204 real-world research projects as of March 31, 2023[14] - The company's self-developed epidemic judgment algorithm has been validated in 23 provinces and cities across China[15] - The company has obtained over 800 patents and was awarded the title of "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" in 2022[12] - The company's YiduEywa2.0, a next-generation data intelligence platform, has been deployed in leading hospitals in Central and Southern China[11] - The company's real-world research platform for a high-lipidemia project saved approximately 10% of research costs and reduced the project timeline to 2 years[15] - The company's public health intelligent monitoring and early warning solution covers all 40 infectious diseases defined by the China CDC[15] - YiduCore has processed and analyzed over 800 million patients' 3.4 billion medical records, covering more than 1,500 hospitals as of March 31, 2023[20] - YiduCore's medical knowledge graph covers over 90,000 medical topics and more than 10,000 diseases, supporting mapping for nearly 10 medical standard terminologies[21] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product received FDA approval and was also approved by the Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration in China[16] - The company served 4 provinces and 12 cities in China's urban insurance programs, with over 90% of users located in the top 15 GDP-ranked provincial regions as of March 31, 2023[16] - The company provided solutions to 88 top-tier research hospitals and 34 regulatory agencies and policymakers in China as of March 31, 2023[20] - YiduCore has established disease models in over 70 disease areas and can accurately identify more than 15,000 medical semantic fields[21] - The company's cash outflow from operating activities narrowed by 41.9% year-over-year[20] - The company's big data platform and solutions segment revenue was RMB 221.9 million, a 50.1% decrease compared to the previous fiscal year due to COVID-19-related delays in project bidding, implementation, and customer acceptance[24] - The company increased its total number of top-tier research hospital clients by 6 to 88 and added 8 regulatory and policymaker clients, bringing the total to 34 as of March 31, 2023[24] - The company launched YiduEywa2.0, a next-generation data center platform, to support hospital digital transformation and research output acceleration[25] - The company secured a contract exceeding RMB 10 million for a multi-center clinical research support platform at a top-tier hospital in Central China[25] - The company collaborated on the release of China's first standardized dataset for liver cirrhosis, improving data quality and integration of clinical resources[22] - The company published 15 disease-specific standardized datasets in collaboration with experts and authoritative institutions as of March 31, 2023[22] - The company's epidemic response and prediction algorithms have been validated in 23 provinces and cities across China[22] - The company won first prize in the Beijing Healthcare Data Innovation Application Competition, showcasing its AI capabilities[23] - The company was recognized as a "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" in 2022, highlighting its innovation and IP management strengths[23] - The company participated in building Wuhan's public health emergency command system, recognized as a replicable digital health demonstration case[26] - The company's Life Science Solutions segment revenue was RMB 252.9 million, a year-on-year decrease of 29.6% as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company has conducted 255 clinical studies, including 204 prospective and retrospective real-world studies, as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company's intelligent clinical trial management services cover 174 clinical trial institutions as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company has 167 active clients, including 154 core pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device clients as of March 31, 2023[31] - The revenue retention rate of the company's top 10 clients is 94.1% as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company organized 18 live-streaming events, attracting over 4,000 clinical researchers, as of March 31, 2023[31] - The company's Life Science Solutions team has an average of 8 years of experience across clinical research, data science, and AI as of March 31, 2023[32] - The company developed a digital solution for the COVID-19 drug Xiannuoxin®, accelerating its market launch[29] - The company won the "Best Partner" award for its role in the development of Xiannuoxin®[29] - The company's real-world evidence services helped a multinational client's drug for eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) gain inclusion in China's national medical insurance catalog[30] - Health management platform and solutions revenue decreased by 22.4% YoY to RMB 329.9 million due to product structure adjustments[33] - The company's "Huiminbao" business has expanded to 4 provinces and 12 cities, covering over 90% of users in China's top 15 GDP-ranked provincial regions[33] - The 2023 "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" saw a 14% YoY increase in participants, reaching 3.5 million, while "Jiangsu Yihui Insurance No. 1" grew 58% YoY to 5.08 million participants[33] - Over 85% of beneficiaries in the "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" utilized fast claim services, significantly reducing claim processing time[34] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product received FDA approval and was also approved by the Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration in China[34] - Active users on the health management platform reached 20 million by March 31, 2023[34] - The company plans to expand its regional coverage and enhance product offerings in the health management sector[36] - The company aims to strengthen its "YiduCore" technology to improve product iteration efficiency and deepen disease research[35] - The company will focus on increasing high-quality customer penetration and repurchase rates across business segments[35] - The company is exploring international market opportunities and strategic partnerships to enrich its ecosystem[35] - Revenue decreased by 35.0% from RMB 1,237.2 million in FY2022 to RMB 804.7 million in FY2023, primarily due to declines in the Big Data Platform and Solutions segment and Life Science Solutions segment[37] - Big Data Platform and Solutions revenue decreased by 50.1% from RMB 444.9 million
医渡科技(02158) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2023-06-30 11:59
Financial Performance - Total revenue for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, was RMB 804.7 million, a decrease of 35.0% year-over-year[6] - Revenue decreased by 35.0% from RMB 1,237.2 million in FY2022 to RMB 804.7 million in FY2023, primarily due to declines in the Big Data Platform and Solutions segment and Life Science Solutions segment[22] - Revenue from customer contracts decreased to RMB 804.7 million in 2023 from RMB 1,237.2 million in 2022, a decline of 35%[54] - Gross profit dropped to RMB 274.5 million in 2023 from RMB 399.4 million in 2022, reflecting a 31% decrease[54] - Gross margin improved from 32.3% in FY2022 to 34.1% in FY2023, with the Health Management Platform and Solutions segment showing a significant increase from 27.7% to 40.7% due to product structure adjustments[25] - Annual loss decreased to RMB 632.4 million, down 17.5% year-over-year[6] - Adjusted net loss decreased to RMB 448.7 million, down 22.2% year-over-year[6] - Adjusted net loss for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, was RMB 448.7 million, compared to RMB 577.0 million in the previous fiscal year[32] - Operating loss decreased by 17.9% from RMB 767.4 million in FY2022 to RMB 630.0 million in FY2023[29] - Operating loss improved slightly to RMB 630.0 million in 2023 from RMB 767.4 million in 2022[54] - Net loss for the year was RMB 632.4 million in 2023, compared to RMB 766.4 million in 2022[54] - Net cash outflow from operating activities narrowed by 41.9% year-over-year[6] - Cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, margin bank deposits, restricted bank balances, and deposits totaled RMB 3,522.0 million as of March 31, 2023, down from RMB 3,732.1 million in the previous year[35] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased significantly to RMB 1,172.8 million in 2023 from RMB 3,408.5 million in 2022[56] - Foreign exchange loss for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, was RMB 84.6 million, compared to RMB 6.6 million in the previous fiscal year[39] - Total assets increased to RMB 4,911.5 million in 2023 from RMB 4,722.8 million in 2022[56] - Total equity increased to 4,156,151 thousand RMB from 4,007,466 thousand RMB, reflecting growth in other reserves and non-controlling interests[58] - Non-current liabilities decreased to 84,351 thousand RMB from 103,761 thousand RMB, primarily due to a reduction in lease liabilities[59] - The company did not recommend the distribution of a final dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023[53] YiduCore and Data Analytics - YiduCore has processed and analyzed over 3.4 billion medical records from more than 800 million patients as of March 31, 2023[5] - YiduCore's medical knowledge graph covers over 90,000 medical topics and more than 10,000 diseases as of March 31, 2023[7] - YiduCore has established disease models in over 70 disease areas as of March 31, 2023[7] - YiduCore supports over 1,500 hospitals and has authorized the processing of medical records from more than 800 million patients[7] - The company published 15 disease standard datasets in collaboration with experts and authoritative institutions, supporting multi-center research in related disease areas[8] Business Segments Performance - The company's big data platform and solutions segment generated revenue of RMB 221.9 million, a decrease of 50.1% compared to the previous fiscal year due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic[10] - Big Data Platform and Solutions revenue decreased by 50.1% from RMB 444.9 million in FY2022 to RMB 221.9 million in FY2023, mainly due to delays in customer bidding, on-site implementation, and acceptance caused by the long-term impact of COVID-19[22] - The company's Life Science Solutions segment revenue was RMB 252.9 million as of March 31, 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 29.6%[16] - Life Science Solutions revenue decreased by 29.6% from RMB 359.4 million in FY2022 to RMB 252.9 million in FY2023, primarily due to delays in on-site implementation and delivery caused by COVID-19[22] - Health management platform and solutions segment revenue was RMB 329.9 million, a year-on-year decrease of 22.4%, primarily due to product structure adjustments[18] - Health Management Platform and Solutions revenue decreased by 22.4% from RMB 424.9 million in FY2022 to RMB 329.9 million in FY2023, mainly due to product structure adjustments[22] - Customer contract revenue for the Big Data Platform and Solutions segment was 221,863 thousand RMB, with a gross profit of 95,866 thousand RMB[66] - The Life Science Solutions segment generated 252,884 thousand RMB in customer contract revenue, with a gross profit of 44,237 thousand RMB[66] - The Health Management Platform and Solutions segment reported 329,953 thousand RMB in customer contract revenue, achieving a gross profit of 134,427 thousand RMB[66] - Total customer contract revenue for the year was 804,700 thousand RMB, with a gross profit of 274,530 thousand RMB[66] Client and User Base - The company serves 167 life science clients and has 20 million active users on its health management platform[5] - The company provided solutions to 88 top-tier research hospitals and 34 regulatory agencies and policymakers in China[5] - The company increased its total number of top-tier research hospital clients by 6 to 88 and added 8 regulatory and policymaker clients, bringing the total to 34[10] - The company has 167 active clients, including 154 core pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device clients, as of March 31, 2023[16] - The revenue retention rate of the company's top 10 clients was 94.1% during the reporting period[16] - As of March 31, 2023, the health management platform had 20 million active users who completed at least one transaction[19] Research and Development - The company launched the next-generation hospital scenario intelligent solution, including a full-disease database platform and the YiduEywa2.0 data center, aimed at enhancing hospital digital transformation[10] - The company secured a contract worth over RMB 10 million for a multi-center clinical research support platform project with a top-tier hospital in Central China[11] - The company supported the construction of a large clinical research cohort and multi-center cohort studies for a national medical center project, leveraging AI and advanced algorithms[11] - The company deepened its research capabilities in ophthalmology by undertaking the construction of an ophthalmic disease database for a top-tier hospital in Southwest China[11] - The company expanded its research into neurological and orthopedic diseases by winning multiple specialized disease database projects with top-tier hospitals[11] - The company's participation in the Wuhan Public Health Emergency Command System was recognized as a replicable digital health demonstration case by the National Health Commission[11] - The company's collaboration on the Hematological Disease Big Data Platform with the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences was listed as a digital health typical case[11] - The company has conducted 255 clinical studies, including 204 prospective and retrospective real-world studies, as of March 31, 2023[16] - The company's intelligent clinical trial management services cover 174 clinical trial institutions as of March 31, 2023[16] - The company developed a digital collaboration platform and remote intelligent clinical trial platform (DCT) to address low recruitment rates and high drug development costs[14] - The company assisted in the development of the anti-COVID-19 drug Xiannuoxin® using DCT digital solutions, accelerating its market launch[14] - The company's real-world evidence services helped a multinational pharmaceutical client include a rare disease drug in China's national medical insurance catalog[15] - R&D expenses decreased by 7.1% from RMB 368.7 million in FY2022 to RMB 342.5 million in FY2023, but R&D expense as a percentage of revenue increased from 29.8% to 42.6%[28] Health Management and Insurance - The company's "Huimin Insurance" business has expanded to 4 provinces and 12 cities, covering over 90% of users in China's top 15 GDP-ranked provincial regions[18] - The 2023 "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" program saw a 14% increase in participants, reaching approximately 3.5 million people[18] - The 2023 "Jiangsu Medical Insurance No. 1" program experienced a 58% growth in participants, totaling around 5.08 million people[18] - Over 85% of beneficiaries in the "Beijing Universal Health Insurance" program utilized the fast claim service, significantly reducing claim processing time[19] - The company's diabetes digital therapy product received FDA approval and was also approved by the Hainan Provincial Drug Administration in China[19] Strategic Initiatives and Future Plans - The company plans to expand its regional coverage and enhance product functionality, reliability, and usability through technological advancements[21] - The company aims to increase active users through diversified channels and expand its health management product portfolio to meet diverse medical needs[21] - The company is focusing on international market opportunities and strategic partnerships to enrich its ecosystem[21] - The company invested USD 40.0 million in YD Capital I L.P., representing 40% of the fund's commitments, with RMB 557,748.0 already contributed as of March 31, 2023[36] - The company sold 20% of its issued shares in EVYD Technology Limited for USD 55.0 million, increasing its "other reserves" by RMB 316.6 million and "non-controlling interests" by RMB 59.9 million[37] - Investment commitments as of March 31, 2023, were RMB 284.0 million, primarily related to the remaining capital contribution to YD Capital I L.P.[41] - The company utilized RMB 1,115 million of the net proceeds from the global offering as of March 31, 2023[53] - 35% of the net proceeds (RMB 1,339 million) were allocated to strengthening core capabilities, with RMB 254 million utilized and RMB 1,085 million remaining[52] - 35% of the net proceeds (RMB 1,339 million) were allocated to business expansion, with RMB 725 million utilized and RMB 614 million remaining[52] Employee and Operational Costs - Total employee count as of March 31, 2023, was 1,020, with 53.5% having medical backgrounds and 30.1% having AI and technology expertise[43] - Total payroll costs for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, were RMB 777.7 million, down from RMB 982.5 million in the previous fiscal year[43] - Employee benefits expenses decreased to 777,702 thousand RMB from 982,500 thousand RMB, reflecting cost optimization efforts[70] - Outsourcing service fees reduced to 184,059 thousand RMB from 225,955 thousand RMB, indicating efficiency improvements[70] - Sales and service costs, sales and marketing expenses, administrative expenses, and R&D expenses totaled 1,376,315 thousand RMB, down from 1,957,380 thousand RMB[71] - Current tax expenses were 2,529 thousand RMB, while deferred tax expenses were 893 thousand RMB, resulting in a total tax expense of 3,422 thousand RMB[72]