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安图生物(603658) - 安图生物关于参加河南辖区上市公司2023年投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2023-05-12 08:47
证券代码:603658 证券简称:安图生物 公告编号:2023-030 郑州安图生物工程股份有限公司 关于参加河南辖区上市公司 2023 年投资者网上集体 接待日活动的公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 为进一步加强与投资者的互动交流,郑州安图生物工程股份有限公司(以下 简称"公司")定于2023年5月18日(周四)16:00-17:20 参加在全景网举办的 "真 诚沟通 传递价值" 河南辖区上市公司2023年投资者网上集体接待日活动,本次 活动将采用 网络远 程的方式举 行,投 资者可登录 "全 景 • 路演天下 " (参与本次互动交流。 出席本次网上集体接待日活动的人员为公司副总经理兼董事会秘书房瑞宽 先生(如有特殊情况,参会人员将可能进行调整),届时将通过网络在线问答互 动的形式,与投资者就其关注的问题进行交流。欢迎广大投资者积极参与。 特此公告。 郑州安图生物工程股份有限公司董事会 2023年5月12日 ...
安图生物(603658) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-20 16:00
2023 年第一季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:603658 证券简称:安图生物 郑州安图生物工程股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 本报告期比上年同期增 减变动幅度 (%) | | 营业收入 | 1,036,466,641.85 | 0.52 | | 归属于上 ...
安图生物(603658) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-20 16:00
Dividend and Share Repurchase - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 8 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 464,809,076.80 (including tax), with an additional RMB 243,300,008.68 from share repurchases, making the total cash dividend RMB 708,109,085.48, representing 60.66% of the net profit attributable to shareholders[3] - The company's total share capital is 581,011,346 shares, excluding shares in the repurchase account[3] - The company's cash dividend and share repurchase combined amount to RMB 708,109,085.48, which is 60.66% of the net profit attributable to shareholders[3] - The company's board of directors has approved the 2022 profit distribution plan, which includes a cash dividend and share repurchase[3] - Cash dividend amount (including tax) is RMB 464,809,076.80, accounting for 39.81% of the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company[158] - Total dividend amount (including tax) is RMB 708,109,085.48, accounting for 60.66% of the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company[158] Subsidiaries and Business Operations - The company's subsidiaries include Autobio Technology, Autobio Instruments, and Autobio Shanghai, among others[8] - The company's subsidiaries are involved in various aspects of the biomedical and diagnostic industries, including molecular diagnostics and medical technology[8] - The company's subsidiaries are geographically diverse, with operations in cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Beijing[8] - The company's main business involves the production and sale of in vitro diagnostic reagents and instruments[10] - The company's main business is in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, specifically in the in-vitro diagnostic product manufacturing sector, focusing on the development, production, and integration of diagnostic reagents and instruments[40] - The company's product portfolio includes immunoassay reagents, microbial detection reagents, molecular diagnostic reagents, biochemical reagents, and related instruments[41] - The company has six core production lines, including immunoassay reagent production, microbial detection reagent production, biochemical reagent production, molecular diagnostic reagent production, POCT detection production, and instrument production[48] - The company's domestic sales are primarily conducted through a "distribution-based, direct sales-supplemented" model, with most sales achieved through distributors and a smaller portion directly to hospitals,体检 centers, and第三方检测机构[50] - The company's international sales have expanded to regions including the Middle East, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Africa, with a focus on building local经销商 networks and providing professional training and technical support[51] Financial Performance - Revenue for 2022 reached 4,441,627,359.40 RMB, a 17.94% increase compared to 2021[18] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in 2022 was 1,167,437,129.39 RMB, up 19.90% year-over-year[18] - Operating cash flow for 2022 was 1,558,422,046.45 RMB, a 6.65% increase from 2021[18] - Total assets at the end of 2022 were 10,472,319,073.02 RMB, a 13.43% increase compared to the end of 2021[20] - Basic earnings per share for 2022 were 2.00 RMB, a 20.48% increase from 2021[21] - Weighted average return on equity (ROE) for 2022 was 15.57%, an increase of 1.34 percentage points from 2021[21] - Q4 2022 revenue was 1,160,146,358.97 RMB, with a net profit attributable to shareholders of 268,550,961.27 RMB[23] - Revenue for 2022 reached 4.442 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.94%[29] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 1.167 billion yuan, up 19.90% year-on-year[29] - Revenue for 2022 reached 4,441,627,359.40 RMB, a year-on-year increase of 17.94%[73][74] - Operating costs increased to 1,783,656,976.34 RMB, up 16.91% compared to the previous year[73][74] - R&D expenses grew by 18.20% to 568,476,026.60 RMB, reflecting increased investment in innovation[73][84] - Net cash flow from operating activities was 1,558,422,046.45 RMB, a 6.65% increase year-on-year[73] - Net cash flow from investing activities decreased by 91.59% to -978,664,819.27 RMB, mainly due to increased purchase of financial products[73] - Revenue from the in-vitro diagnostics sector grew by 18.44% to 4,365,865,645.71 RMB, with a gross margin of 60.71%[75] - Domestic revenue accounted for 4,235,856,555.90 RMB, a 17.56% increase, while overseas revenue surged by 56.76% to 130,009,089.81 RMB[77] - Sales through the distribution channel increased by 19.75% to 3,344,463,927.93 RMB, representing 64.06% of total sales[77] - Production of molecular diagnostic reagents surged by 174.71% to 898,340,000 units, with sales increasing by 266.39%[78] - Direct costs for the in-vitro diagnostics sector rose by 22.16% to 1,255,836,260.67 RMB, accounting for 73.21% of total costs[81] - Total R&D investment for the period was 571,694,787.59 RMB, accounting for 12.87% of total revenue, with 0.56% of R&D expenses capitalized[85] - Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 6.65% to 1,558,422,046.45 RMB, while net cash flow from investing activities decreased by 91.59% to -978,664,819.27 RMB due to increased purchase of financial products[88] - Monetary funds increased by 47.86% to 1,137,621,764.53 RMB, accounting for 10.86% of total assets, primarily due to cash reserves for operational needs[89] - Long-term equity investments increased by 523.68% to 10,755,004.86 RMB, mainly due to increased investment in a joint venture medical laboratory company[90] - Overseas assets amounted to 17,427,278.86 RMB, accounting for 0.17% of total assets[91] - Accounts payable increased by 32.72% to 296,297,340.11 RMB, primarily due to increased engineering payables[90] - Employee compensation payable increased by 42.48% to 192,537,690.02 RMB, mainly due to year-end performance bonus accruals[90] R&D and Innovation - R&D investment in 2022 was 571.6948 million yuan, accounting for 12.87% of revenue[29] - The company obtained 1,154 patents, including 51 international patents, and 651 product registration (filing) certificates[29] - Launched the Autolas X-1 Series automated testing equipment and the Autolumo A6000 series high-throughput chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer[29] - Developed a respiratory pathogen nucleic acid detection solution capable of detecting 11 pathogens, including COVID-19[30] - Established a complete coagulation testing platform through strategic partnerships with domestic and international IVD companies[31] - The AutoiLab intelligent laboratory solution has been implemented in 29 medical institutions nationwide[32] - The company's reference laboratories in Zhengzhou and Beijing have been recognized by CNAS and JCTLM[31] - The company has a high-quality R&D team with 1,721 R&D personnel, accounting for 31.26% of the total workforce, and 90.94% of them hold bachelor's degrees or higher[52] - R&D investment in 2022 was RMB 571.69 million, accounting for 12.87% of the revenue, with consistent high investment in R&D over the past three years (11.63% in 2020, 12.90% in 2021)[52] - The company holds 1,154 patents, including 51 international patents, and has obtained 651 product registration (filing) certificates and 444 EU CE certifications[53] - Core raw materials such as antigens and antibodies are largely self-sufficient, ensuring supply stability and security[54] - The company has established multiple technology development platforms, including immunoassay, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, and biochemistry, supported by national and provincial research centers[55] - The company has obtained 651 product registration (filing) certificates and 444 EU CE certifications, covering a wide range of diagnostic fields[56] - The company's immunoassay products hold 242 registration (filing) certificates and 186 EU CE certifications, with a strong presence in both infectious and non-infectious disease diagnostics[58] - The microbiology product line includes 135 registered products and 71 EU CE certifications, with a significant market share in microbial culture monitoring[60] - The biochemistry product line comprises 189 registered/filed products, with 118 EU CE certifications, covering 12 major categories of clinical biochemistry testing[61] - The company developed a molecular diagnostic solution with 60+ projects and an automated RT-PCR system, obtaining 18 registrations and 46 CE certifications[62] - The company has accumulated 55 medical device registrations for quality control products and holds 90 national secondary standard material certificates[63] - The company launched multiple automated magnetic particle chemiluminescence immunoassay systems, with 126 supporting reagents already registered[100] - The company plans to increase R&D investment and achieve breakthroughs in patented technologies during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period[112] - The company aims to expand into the precision testing field and integrate advanced manufacturing with high-end services[112] Market and Industry Trends - The global in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market was approximately $127 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $140 billion by 2027[34] - The IVD market is dominated by North America, Europe, and Japan, accounting for 44%, 20%, and 9% of the market share respectively[34] - Roche Diagnostics reported revenue of CHF 17.73 billion (approximately RMB 132.3 billion), a 2.5% year-over-year increase, driven by strong growth in immunodiagnostics[34] - Abbott Diagnostics reported revenue of $16.584 billion (approximately RMB 115.47 billion), a 6% year-over-year increase[34] - Danaher Diagnostics reported revenue of $10.849 billion (approximately RMB 75.54 billion), a 10.2% year-over-year increase[34] - Siemens Healthineers Diagnostics reported annual revenue of $6.399 billion, an 11.9% year-over-year increase[34] - The IVD market saw 47 M&A transactions in 2022, with three deals exceeding $1 billion, including Thermo Fisher's acquisition of The Binding Site Group for £2.25 billion ($2.68 billion)[35] - China's IVD industry is experiencing rapid growth, with significant advancements in molecular diagnostics and clinical mass spectrometry, driven by government policies and technological upgrades[38] - The Chinese government is actively promoting centralized procurement policies for IVD reagents, with a focus on cost control and market competition improvement[39] - The in vitro diagnostics industry in China is transitioning from the introduction phase to the growth phase, with domestic products reaching international leading levels in traditional testing fields[108] - Molecular diagnostics is the fastest-growing segment in the in vitro diagnostics industry, with applications expanding from infectious disease diagnosis to precision medicine and public health[109] - Mass spectrometry technology is emerging as the next blue ocean in the in vitro diagnostics field, with a potential market size of billions[110] Risk Factors and Management - The company's financial report includes detailed risk factors and management discussions, highlighting potential risks and mitigation strategies[5] - The company faces risks related to changes in national industry policies and regulatory requirements[114] - The company faces market risks due to intense competition in the in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry, with international companies dominating the high-end market in China[116] - The IVD industry in China is transitioning from a cultivation phase to a rapid growth phase, attracting more competitors and increasing market competition[116] - The company is focusing on maintaining its technological, market, brand, and customer trust advantages to cope with industry competition[116] - The company is at risk of technological obsolescence in the IVD industry, particularly in the chemiluminescence field, which is a mainstream clinical immunodiagnostic technology[116] - The company plans to increase investment in R&D for new products and technologies to keep up with industry trends and avoid falling behind in the market[116] - The company adheres to legal and compliant operations, continuously improving its management systems to adapt to new policies and reduce operational risks[115] - The company has a robust corporate governance structure, with clear responsibilities for the board of directors, supervisory board, and management to ensure the maximization of shareholder interests[118] - The company's controlling shareholder, Antu Industrial, maintains independence in personnel, finance, assets, and business operations, complying with regulatory requirements for listed companies[119] - The company held its 2021 annual general meeting on May 17, 2022, where 12 proposals were approved, including the 2021 financial report and the 2022 financial budget[121] - The company's board of directors, supervisory board, and senior management have clear roles and responsibilities, ensuring stable and healthy development[118] - The company has strengthened its internal control and risk management system in 2022, conducting special audits on key business modules and internal control execution[160] - The company upgraded and improved its financial management system (Cloud Cangqiong System) to enhance financial early warning capabilities and strengthen financial data analysis[162] Environmental and Social Responsibility - Environmental protection funds invested during the reporting period amounted to RMB 806.30 million[164] - Total wastewater discharge in 2022 was 133,068.3 tons, with COD daily average discharge concentration of 26.29mg/L and total COD discharge of 3.513 tons[166] - Medical waste in 2022 was fully handled by Zhengzhou Hanyang Tianchen Hazardous Waste Disposal Co., Ltd[166] - The average emission concentration of kitchen oil fume and non-methane total hydrocarbons were 0.35mg/m³ and 4.41mg/m³ respectively, with no concentration exceeding the standard[166] - The average emission concentration of hydrogen chloride, methanol, non-methane total hydrocarbons, and sulfuric acid mist in R&D waste gas were 2.38mg/m³, not detected, 0.28mg/m³, and 4.99mg/m³ respectively[167] - The maximum concentration of hydrogen chloride, methanol, sulfuric acid mist, and non-methane total hydrocarbons in the factory area were 0.196mg/m³, not detected, 0.071mg/m³, and 1.51mg/m³ respectively, all meeting the standard requirements[167] - The company has constructed a 500m³/d wastewater treatment station to ensure compliance with discharge standards[168] - Installed 3 sets of electrostatic oil fume separators and 1 set of online monitoring equipment for oil fume emissions[169] - Conducted semi-monthly testing of wastewater pollution factors (COD, ammonia nitrogen, pH) and regular third-party monitoring[172] - No environmental penalties were incurred during the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022[173] - Implemented carbon reduction measures including intelligent temperature control for laboratory air supply units and optimization of central air conditioning and water pump operation mechanisms[176] - Total social responsibility investment reached 5.3021 million yuan, including 2.1012 million yuan in funds and 3.2009 million yuan in material donations[178] - Invested 1.5397 million yuan in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization projects, benefiting 330 individuals[179] - Established the "Antu Forward Scholarship" and "Antu Forward Veterans Comfort Fund" as part of educational and veteran support initiatives[180] - Donated 260,000 yuan to the "Emergency Assistance Charity Special Fund for Difficult Groups" in Henan Province[180] - Implemented environmental protection measures including installation of logistics access control systems and electricity monitoring devices for pollution control equipment[175] Corporate Governance and Leadership - Chairman Miao Yongjun holds 123,398,688 shares, a decrease of 145,474 shares compared to the beginning of the year[123] - Vice Chairman Zhang Yaxun holds 53,824,691 shares, with no change in shareholding[123] - General Manager Yang Zengli holds 29,645,403 shares, a decrease of 34,949 shares[123] - Deputy General Manager Wu Xuewei holds 29,645,403 shares, a decrease of 34,949 shares[123] - Executive Deputy General Manager Fu Guangyu holds 12,361,739 shares, a decrease of 14,573 shares[123] - CFO Feng Chaojie holds 9,216,111 shares, a decrease of 10,865 shares[123] - Board Secretary Fang Ruikuan holds 17,291,480 shares, a decrease of 20,385 shares[124] - Total shares held by executives decreased by 320,825 shares due to share lending through Antu Industrial[124] - Total pre-tax compensation for executives in the reporting period was 1,041.01 million yuan[124] - Fu Guangyu, born in 1969, holds a PhD and is a professor-level senior engineer. He has been with the company since 2003, holding various positions including R&D Manager, Deputy General Manager, and currently serves as Director and Executive Vice President[127] - Feng Chaojie, born in 1978, holds a master's degree and is a senior member of ACCA and a certified public accountant in China. She has been with the company since 2003, currently serving as Director, Deputy General Manager, and CFO[127] - Zhang He, born in 1964, holds a PhD and is an associate professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University. She has been an independent director of the company since 2022[127] - Li Zhijun, born in 1962, holds a bachelor's degree and is a senior engineer. He has been an independent director of the company since 2003[127] - Ye Zhongming, born in 1968, holds a master's degree and is a professor and certified public accountant. He has been an independent director of the company since 2018[129] - Han Mingming, born in 1970, holds an associate degree and is an accountant. He has been with the company since